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Beto O'Rourke lied during debate, he said he did not try to flee from drunk driving accident.

I was pointing out that you were using the same type of contextual conflation... when you are defending the so-called "witness" against Kavanaugh..
"Not unlike how a single witness has made comments about a potential justice, and most of us have dismissed that single witness for lack of evidence."

I am pointing out how consistent you are in your Anti-Trump, Anti-GOP, Anti-American stance as you again defend Beto and you have NO idea who he is or what he is like.
Yet you are making this opposition supportive statement about Kavanaugh's supposedly victim.

Mu stance on Beto and Kavanaugh are 100% consistent, just the opposite of you. Both of them have a single witness saying they did something that each say they did not do. Now, in your world Beto is 100% guilty because of that single witness while Kavanaugh is innocent because a single witness cannot be trusted. See, you use party affiliation to determine your truth and justice, while I take it out of the equation.

Everyone here knows my view on Trump, yet I have supported Kavanaugh from even before Trump choose him (I said before the pick I hoped he was the choice) and I have supported through this whole thing with Ford, never once wavering on my views of what Ford is doing.

I get why my actions are so out in left field for you, you cannot grasp the very concept of removing politics when determining the truth, you cannot imagine living life not being a mindless party sheep..and as such someone like me does not even compute in your tiny little mind.

But you know traitorgator... I totally expect that from someone who SAYS they were in the military for 20 years YET consistently berate the military for their efforts in Iraq/Afghanistan and blame the CIC for a decision that as I've consistently pointed out was bashed by the biased MSM.

I have never berated the military for their efforts in Iraq/Afghanistan, you are a lying bastard. We kicked their ass in both places just like the military was trained to do. Our job in the military is to destroy countries, not rebuild them. And yes, I blame the man that made the decision. You claim to be some sort of business owner yet you think the person making the decision carries not blame. One more bit of evidence you could not possibly run your own business.

I do not care if the MSM bashed it or not, I do not base my judgement by what the MSM does. The MSM bashed Bush and the support Ford over Kavanaugh, I bash Bush yet fully support Kavanaugh. Once again the difference between you and I, politics is not involved in my quest for truth.

You consistently support the biased MSM's very poor reporting especially against Trump and people like me that fundamentally don't like Trump's characteristics but recognize success of what he is doing! You seemingly can't look beyond your petty peeves about him and look at a bigger picture.

I give Trump the credit he is due, when he does something well I am more than happy to point it out.

By the way, I back up what I say so here is something for you...

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Your contention regarding Iraq/Afghanistan is a "poor decision" by Bush.
Now explain to me how come the CIC after Bush who you evidently believe could do no wrong directly strictly for political correctness this ROE?
A laminated card ROE with the following text was distributed to all U.S. Army and Marine personnel in Iraq.
Policies about limiting civilian casualties have soldiers complaining they can't effectively fight;
one showed author Michael Hastings a card with regulations including:
"Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force."
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests.
“Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.
In Afghanistan, a New General -- But An Old Strategy

Now this was a CIC decision that created more problems in Iraq/Afghanistan for the military but I'm sure you agreed with Obama on this decision.

As far as the decision to Liberate Iraq which you find fault with was totally misrepresented by the MSM and I'm NOT surprised someone of your caliber can't see it.
There are several examples of HOW JUST like Vietnam the traitorous MSM LIKE you present images and stories slanted to their agenda and not the truth.
I imagine you believed the MSM that the US military lost in Vietnam just as today YOU think the US Military lost in Iraq and are losing in Afghanistan ...all because of decisions by
the President.
So argue with success in Iraq please where the per capita GDP under Saddam in 2003 was $637 yet in 2017 with a GDP per person $17,000?
The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency

And you fault GWB decision to keep 4 million Iraqi children from starving as they would have if Saddam was still in power today.
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports

And you fault GWB decision to STOP this:
"Following the end of the Gulf War in 1991, the marsh dwellers were important elements in the uprising against Saddam Hussein’s regime.
To end the rebellion, the regime implemented an intensive system of drainage and water diversion structures that desiccated over 90% of the marshes.
The reed beds were also burned and poison introduced to the waters. It is estimated that more than 500,000 were displaced, 95,000 of them to Iran, 300,000 internally displaced,
and the remainder to other countries. By January 2003, the majority of the marshes were wastelands.
Today: "After a decade of decline in which the fabled Marshlands of Mesopotamia all but vanished almost 40 per cent have now recovered to their former 1970s extent."
Iraq's marshlands: Resurrecting Eden

These are THREE benefits from the BAD decision you stated that GWB made in the "Liberation of Iraq".
Iraqis are better off in 2018 versus in 2003. Millions of Iraqi children are now alive that would have starved. An entire environment has been restored that would have be destroyed,
ALL because of the "BAD" decision according to YOU and your "military" genius!
Rut Roh - Bad news for Goober Cruz
New day, new poll: This time it’s good news for Beto O’Rourke, bad news for Ted Cruz
By the way, Daily Wire is MAYBE one notch above Gateway Pundit and TruePundit ;)

These are THREE benefits from the BAD decision you stated that GWB made in the "Liberation of Iraq".
Iraqis are better off in 2018 versus in 2003. Millions of Iraqi children are now alive that would have starved. An entire environment has been restored that would have be destroyed,
ALL because of the "BAD" decision according to YOU and your "military" genius!

are you some kind of fucking retard?

Iraqis have had to live through 15 years of civil war, a MILLION of them have died in that time period.

And the ONLY reason why they were in danger of starving is because we we starving them.

Jesus fucking Christ, this is why I don't vote Republican anymore. The amount of effort that goes into defending evil and stupidity isn't worth it.

So, now you are trying to be just like them? If you are just like them, does that not make you them?

Comrade gator, you of the Bolshevik party hold that a person is guilty until proven innocent, that even the most vague and unformed allegation, with no evidence at all that anything even happened is proof of guilt.

Yet at the same time you hold that incidents where there is a police report and witnesses must be disregarded?

How many different standards do you hold?

Oh is it really just one standard; you'll say or do anything to promote the agenda of your party?
Your contention regarding Iraq/Afghanistan is a "poor decision" by Bush.
Now explain to me how come the CIC after Bush who you evidently believe could do no wrong directly strictly for political correctness this ROE?
A laminated card ROE with the following text was distributed to all U.S. Army and Marine personnel in Iraq.
Policies about limiting civilian casualties have soldiers complaining they can't effectively fight;
one showed author Michael Hastings a card with regulations including:
"Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force."
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests.
“Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.
In Afghanistan, a New General -- But An Old Strategy

Now this was a CIC decision that created more problems in Iraq/Afghanistan for the military but I'm sure you agreed with Obama on this decision.

Once again, your little partisan sheep brain is your downfall. In your little fucked up world there is only R and D, nothing else matters. In your world if one does not like Bush II then they must support Obama. Your mind is incapable of grasping the fact that there are a few of us that do not like either one. Bush II and Obama are 1 and 1a for the worst president ever.

I have been on this forum for a year and a half and I would challenge you to ever find a post from me praising or agreeing with Obama. I have hundreds of post bashing ObamaCare and then your fucked up ignores them all and lies about my view of Obama.

Yes, Obama made things worse, but that still does not remove the blame from the decider. If you burn your house down and I come along and throw some more gasoline on it, you are still responsible for your house burning down.

If the Decider had not decided to invade a sovereign nation that was no threat to us, then Obama could not have fucked it up even worse.

As far as the decision to Liberate Iraq which you find fault with was totally misrepresented by the MSM and I'm NOT surprised someone of your caliber can't see it.
There are several examples of HOW JUST like Vietnam the traitorous MSM LIKE you present images and stories slanted to their agenda and not the truth.
I imagine you believed the MSM that the US military lost in Vietnam just as today YOU think the US Military lost in Iraq and are losing in Afghanistan ...all because of decisions by the President.

The US military has never lost a war, not Vietnam, not Iraq and not Afghanistan. We kicked ass in all of those, and then in all of those the politicians whose ass you lick daily snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. You are so fucking partisan that you cannot see these things, in your world a guy with an (R) by his name walks on the water while changing it to wine.

So argue with success in Iraq please where the per capita GDP under Saddam in 2003 was $637 yet in 2017 with a GDP per person $17,000?
The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency

I do not give a fuck about the GDP in Iraq. I do not care if the GDP went up to 1 million per person. It is not the job of the military to sacrifice their lives for the GDP of other countries. That GDP rise was not worth 4000 plus dead American and more than 30,000 wounded and more than 100,000 with PTSD. The fact that you think the GDP of Iraq was worth that cost makes you a fucking piece of shit.

Think about this shit head, the cost of the Iraq war is 2.4 trillion and counting. We could have given every adult in Iraq over $100,000 to start their new lives and still spent less than we did on the war, without the 4000 dead US service members you do not give a shit about.

And you fault GWB decision to keep 4 million Iraqi children from starving as they would have if Saddam was still in power today.
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports

So, we place sanctions that kill kids, according to you, and then you think the solution is to sacrifice 4000 American lives to save those children, that according to you we are killing. Only a partisan sheep could come up with this sort of fucked up logic.

And you fault GWB decision to STOP this:
"Following the end of the Gulf War in 1991, the marsh dwellers were important elements in the uprising against Saddam Hussein’s regime.
To end the rebellion, the regime implemented an intensive system of drainage and water diversion structures that desiccated over 90% of the marshes.
The reed beds were also burned and poison introduced to the waters. It is estimated that more than 500,000 were displaced, 95,000 of them to Iran, 300,000 internally displaced, and the remainder to other countries. By January 2003, the majority of the marshes were wastelands.
Today: "After a decade of decline in which the fabled Marshlands of Mesopotamia all but vanished almost 40 per cent have now recovered to their former 1970s extent."
Iraq's marshlands: Resurrecting Eden

So, now you find the marshland in Iraq more important than the lives of 4000 US service members, and more important than the body parts of more than 30,000 US service members and the brains of more than 100,000 US service members.

You are just about the lowest piece of shit I have dealt with on this forum, and that is saying a lot.

So, now you are trying to be just like them? If you are just like them, does that not make you them?

Comrade gator, you of the Bolshevik party hold that a person is guilty until proven innocent, that even the most vague and unformed allegation, with no evidence at all that anything even happened is proof of guilt.

Yet at the same time you hold that incidents where there is a police report and witnesses must be disregarded?

How many different standards do you hold?

Oh is it really just one standard; you'll say or do anything to promote the agenda of your party?

Find me one example of me holding someone guilty till prove innocent...just one.

Try this, go read my post about Kavanaugh and see what my view on such things are.

I guess I should take it as a compliment that my consistency on this board is so great that people like you have to make up things about me just so you have something to attack me on.

I call that winning!
An actual police report at the time and place of the crime...

Yes, because we all know the police always tell the truth.

A police report is just that, a report. it is not proof of guilt at all. It has nothing to do with if the police tell the truth or not. This move by the left to attack the average police officer is fucked up and you shitheads need to find a new target to attack.
He lied about a crime he actually committed......how do we know he lied? The police report taken at the actual time and place of the accident.....you know, at the time and place the crime actually happened.....states he tried to flee the scene of the accident.....

An actual police report at the time and place of the crime...

WATCH: Beto O'Rourke Pins Himself In Corner Over Drunk Driving Claim

Actually, the police report does not say the he tried to flee the scene, it says that a single witness claims he tried to flee the scene. Not unlike how a single witness has made comments about a potential justice, and most of us have dismissed that single witness for lack of evidence.
In other words, he tried to flee the scene. The guy is a Dim. His word isn't worth jack shit.

Well of course you think so, you think that a single eyewitness is 100% proof of guilt for anyone that does not walk in goose step with your political views.

This guy has every bit as much creditably as you do. You do not care about justice, you do not care about truth, you care about politics and nothing else.
You're wrong. He's a Dim politician. You can't possibly have lower credibility than that.

A blindly loyal partisan sheep on an internet forum has equal credibility, and you are nothing if not a blindly loyal partisan sheep

Actually, the police report does not say the he tried to flee the scene, it says that a single witness claims he tried to flee the scene. Not unlike how a single witness has made comments about a potential justice, and most of us have dismissed that single witness for lack of evidence.
In other words, he tried to flee the scene. The guy is a Dim. His word isn't worth jack shit.

Well of course you think so, you think that a single eyewitness is 100% proof of guilt for anyone that does not walk in goose step with your political views.

This guy has every bit as much creditably as you do. You do not care about justice, you do not care about truth, you care about politics and nothing else.
You're wrong. He's a Dim politician. You can't possibly have lower credibility than that.

A blindly loyal partisan sheep on an internet forum has equal credibility, and you are nothing if not a blindly loyal partisan sheep


You are too stupid to understand irony, so quit embarrassing yourself more.
He lied about a crime he actually committed......how do we know he lied? The police report taken at the actual time and place of the accident.....you know, at the time and place the crime actually happened.....states he tried to flee the scene of the accident.....

An actual police report at the time and place of the crime...

WATCH: Beto O'Rourke Pins Himself In Corner Over Drunk Driving Claim
So? dOnald tRump lies during breakfast.

When are you gonna start to hold him accountable?

As soon as the American people can keep their doctors....and as soon as they send help to the Bhengazi embassy....
Insurance companies took your Dr choice away dlfrom.you, not the ACA. And don't get me started on the whole BENGHAZI!! Thing.

To bad you’re wrong again.
Doctor choices weren’t an issue until aca
And second I prefer to hear from those that were there above anyone else on Benghazi
Benghazi and Mogadishu haven’t occurred under trump. It’s a dem thingy
In other words, he tried to flee the scene. The guy is a Dim. His word isn't worth jack shit.

Well of course you think so, you think that a single eyewitness is 100% proof of guilt for anyone that does not walk in goose step with your political views.

This guy has every bit as much creditably as you do. You do not care about justice, you do not care about truth, you care about politics and nothing else.
You're wrong. He's a Dim politician. You can't possibly have lower credibility than that.

A blindly loyal partisan sheep on an internet forum has equal credibility, and you are nothing if not a blindly loyal partisan sheep


You are too stupid to understand irony, so quit embarrassing yourself more.
So sez the guy that could hook a sand wedge
Well of course you think so, you think that a single eyewitness is 100% proof of guilt for anyone that does not walk in goose step with your political views.

This guy has every bit as much creditably as you do. You do not care about justice, you do not care about truth, you care about politics and nothing else.
You're wrong. He's a Dim politician. You can't possibly have lower credibility than that.

A blindly loyal partisan sheep on an internet forum has equal credibility, and you are nothing if not a blindly loyal partisan sheep


You are too stupid to understand irony, so quit embarrassing yourself more.
So sez the guy that could hook a sand wedge

Actually I slice far more than I hook.

So, now you are trying to be just like them? If you are just like them, does that not make you them?

Comrade gator, you of the Bolshevik party hold that a person is guilty until proven innocent, that even the most vague and unformed allegation, with no evidence at all that anything even happened is proof of guilt.

Yet at the same time you hold that incidents where there is a police report and witnesses must be disregarded?

How many different standards do you hold?

Oh is it really just one standard; you'll say or do anything to promote the agenda of your party?

Find me one example of me holding someone guilty till prove innocent...just one.

Try this, go read my post about Kavanaugh and see what my view on such things are.

I guess I should take it as a compliment that my consistency on this board is so great that people like you have to make up things about me just so you have something to attack me on.

I call that winning!

GWB you find guilty because in your really uninformed illiterate brain you believed all the MSM garbage about GWB.
Now I'm very disappointed with GWB after his presidency with his stupidity regarding Trump and what Trump is doing along with his ass kissing of Obama/ Clintons!
To me he has totally gone to the dark side and I've defended him WHILE those same ass holes ...Obama, et.al. and idiots like you degraded him.

SO I'm disappointed with GWB after the presidency but I'll never alter the facts that GWB faced issues NO OTHER president ever faced such as these
and YOU can't dispute these are the FACTS!
These are the facts please dispute they happened!

A police report is just that, a report. it is not proof of guilt at all. It has nothing to do with if the police tell the truth or not. This move by the left to attack the average police officer is fucked up and you shitheads need to find a new target to attack.

Yeah... the official police reports on LaQuan McDonald said he was only shot once, and he was charging officers when he was shot.

The videotapes they managed to not destroy show him walking away from officers and being shot 16 times, most of them when he was on the ground.

Nobody is attacking the average police officer. We are attacking racist, corrupt and lying cops who for some reason that completely boggles the imagination, still have jobs.
He lied about a crime he actually committed......how do we know he lied? The police report taken at the actual time and place of the accident.....you know, at the time and place the crime actually happened.....states he tried to flee the scene of the accident.....

An actual police report at the time and place of the crime...

WATCH: Beto O'Rourke Pins Himself In Corner Over Drunk Driving Claim
So? dOnald tRump lies during breakfast.

When are you gonna start to hold him accountable?

As soon as the American people can keep their doctors....and as soon as they send help to the Bhengazi embassy....
Insurance companies took your Dr choice away dlfrom.you, not the ACA. And don't get me started on the whole BENGHAZI!! Thing.

To bad you’re wrong again.
Doctor choices weren’t an issue until aca
And second I prefer to hear from those that were there above anyone else on Benghazi
Benghazi and Mogadishu haven’t occurred under trump. It’s a dem thingy
Sorry, but that's not true. Doctors in or out of insurance company networks has always been an issue. The ACA didn't cause that.

Also, that gun-humping nut-job brought up BENGHAZI, not me.
He lied about a crime he actually committed......how do we know he lied? The police report taken at the actual time and place of the accident.....you know, at the time and place the crime actually happened.....states he tried to flee the scene of the accident.....

An actual police report at the time and place of the crime...

WATCH: Beto O'Rourke Pins Himself In Corner Over Drunk Driving Claim

Actually, the police report does not say the he tried to flee the scene, it says that a single witness claims he tried to flee the scene. Not unlike how a single witness has made comments about a potential justice, and most of us have dismissed that single witness for lack of evidence.
Well I still give that witness more credibility since it’s a contemporaneous witness, whose statement was received by law enforcement. But you make a point, it’s just a witness. Do you know how Bobby orourke pleaded? No contest, or guilty?

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