Beto @ SXSW: “I’ll let you in on a secret. Republicans like to get high just as much as Democrats like it!", common ground on a "Divisive" issue!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
How do u legalize marihuana if you’re Governor with a Republican legislature, Beto Was basically asked

that's when he gave the money quote of the night!

yes. it will
Not necessarily. Here’s a dose of hope and sanity…

“After a change in the Virginia state House of Delegates, a bill to establish a commercial marijuana market in Virginia died in Subcommittee. This is a tremendous victory for public health and a setback to the marijuana industry and its investors, including the Big Tobacco giant Altria. AALM and a coalition of anti-drug public safety-minded groups worked diligently to educate the legislators on the harms and failures of marijuana legalization.

"When legislatures have accurate information about today's marijuana and aren't tainted by drug dealer money, they will nearly always make the correct choice for the health and safety of their citizens"
-Carla Lowe President AALM

'In South Dakota, the House State Affairs Committee defeated a Senate-passed marijuana legalization bill and advanced separate legislation gutting "medical" marijuana provisions and maintaining safeguards to public health and safety in the state. Governor Noem has made her opposition to expanding marijuana use in the state clearly in the past. Good leaders make laws to protect public health and safety and oppose drug dealer efforts."
-Scott Chipman VP AALM

AALM applauds and congratulates those who provided critical information as well as the legislators who voted based on their concerns for the health and safety of Virginia's citizens.

We know marijuana drug dealers and their lobbyists will be back every year in an attempt to fool legislators and the public into supporting their addiction-for-profit industry. We need everyone's help to get educated and educate the public and legislators about the harms and failures of marijuana legalization
Does he think this will get him votes?
Answering a question factually and honestly?

Not yours certainly but you weren't going to vote for him anyway.


Maybe check the vote totals on Florida's ballot initiative.

71% of all voters approved the measure.

Given that the democrats make up about 1/3 of voters...That's a shitload of GOP dopers.
Not necessarily. Here’s a dose of hope and sanity…

“After a change in the Virginia state House of Delegates, a bill to establish a commercial marijuana market in Virginia died in Subcommittee. This is a tremendous victory for public health and a setback to the marijuana industry and its investors, including the Big Tobacco giant Altria. AALM and a coalition of anti-drug public safety-minded groups worked diligently to educate the legislators on the harms and failures of marijuana legalization.

"When legislatures have accurate information about today's marijuana and aren't tainted by drug dealer money, they will nearly always make the correct choice for the health and safety of their citizens"
-Carla Lowe President AALM

'In South Dakota, the House State Affairs Committee defeated a Senate-passed marijuana legalization bill and advanced separate legislation gutting "medical" marijuana provisions and maintaining safeguards to public health and safety in the state. Governor Noem has made her opposition to expanding marijuana use in the state clearly in the past. Good leaders make laws to protect public health and safety and oppose drug dealer efforts."
-Scott Chipman VP AALM

AALM applauds and congratulates those who provided critical information as well as the legislators who voted based on their concerns for the health and safety of Virginia's citizens.

We know marijuana drug dealers and their lobbyists will be back every year in an attempt to fool legislators and the public into supporting their addiction-for-profit industry. We need everyone's help to get educated and educate the public and legislators about the harms and failures of marijuana legalization
How many ballot initiatives have failed recently on this subject?

Maybe you should smell the pot in the air?
Answering a question factually and honestly?

Not yours certainly but you weren't going to vote for him anyway.


Maybe check the vote totals on Florida's ballot initiative.

71% of all voters approved the measure.

Given that the democrats make up about 1/3 of voters...That's a shitload of GOP dopers.
With bongs in their homess.
its only a matter of time.....back in 94 california was the first for medical look and see how many states its legal in and how many have medical pot....

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