Beto the fake Mexican throws his sombreo into the ring

"Can anyone explain what policies ROBERT is wanting to implement or remove. Still no idea what his platform is based on other than pandering to people who just like him because he is "fresh" and a Democrat"
Changes the Democratic Party outlook for Texas. He's wildly popular down there. Beto in Texas should be big delegate haul for them. The California primary is the same day; that should go to Harris. With proportional rewarding of delegates, the Democrats, (of course) make things incredibly complicated and divisive. They may go into their 3rd straight DNC with two candidates (or more) who can claim the nomination.


Best sarcastic post this month!

At least we hope you're just being sarcastic.. if you're not that's some severe brain damage you got there.

Beto's running messes up the math for his opponents though

rotflmao really??? You think the meth smoking skateboarder and drag queen vote is that big a 'game changer' here, eh? sound pretty stupid. Were you attempting to sound idiotic or is it something you can't help.

A Democrat in Texas finished 2% behind Cruz in 2018... His name was Beto. He's wildly popular down there. Running against the likes of Warren, Klobuchar, Sherrod Brown, and Harris, he will do very well on Super Tuesday. But then again this is a somewhat sophisticated look at primary politics; sophistication isn't your strong suit.
Nobody remembers second place.
What was his name again? Drumpf?
What was his name again? Drumpf?

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