Beto the fake Mexican throws his sombreo into the ring

We need a national coalition of people who say it’s ‘both and,’ not ‘either/or

We don’t have to pick

Beto is that bridge!

Dude. I'm not going to slam you because you're gay or anything, but Beto is a bridge to "nowhere." He is 90% fluff and 10% substance. The only reason for his fleeting popularity is that he's telling the brain-dead millennial idiots exactly what they want to hear.

Come on man. You're smarter than that.
does this mean our bromance is over?! :(

Not entirely. We might "rekindle" it if you should happen to say something nice about President Trump.

That CNN is still defending the debunked, discredited, dirty dossier against our beloved president says everything you need to know about this basement-dwelling network. It’s a bad tabloid operation, not a journalism outfit.
The drunk-driving fake Mexican who's pretending to be a dirt-poor working stiff, has just announced that he'll be taking on the Magnificent Donald J. Trump, greatest President in the world. The Democrat party continues to scrape the bottom of the scum-filled pond, and this is the latest amoeba they've come up with.

Screw you, Bobby O'Dork. I'm happy that you'll lose.

BREAKING: @BetoORourke announces he’s running for President #Election2020 #fox44tx @KWKTFOX44

This is the sort of rightwing bigotry and hate that warrants voting Trump out of office next year.
The drunk-driving fake Mexican who's pretending to be a dirt-poor working stiff, has just announced that he'll be taking on the Magnificent Donald J. Trump, greatest President in the world. The Democrat party continues to scrape the bottom of the scum-filled pond, and this is the latest amoeba they've come up with.

Screw you, Bobby O'Dork. I'm happy that you'll lose.

BREAKING: @BetoORourke announces he’s running for President #Election2020 #fox44tx @KWKTFOX44

This is the sort of rightwing bigotry and hate that warrants voting Trump out of office next year.

Nothing else you've come up with has been very successful at removing him from office so by all means, go ahead and try.


Can't believe Beto said Climate change is the greatest danger when he accepted more money from fossil fuel companies than anyone else in Congress except Ted Cruz. I'm happy he's caught up but I feel like he's just copying Bernie.
The drunk-driving fake Mexican who's pretending to be a dirt-poor working stiff, has just announced that he'll be taking on the Magnificent Donald J. Trump, greatest President in the world. The Democrat party continues to scrape the bottom of the scum-filled pond, and this is the latest amoeba they've come up with.

Screw you, Bobby O'Dork. I'm happy that you'll lose.

BREAKING: @BetoORourke announces he’s running for President #Election2020 #fox44tx @KWKTFOX44

This is the sort of rightwing bigotry and hate that warrants voting Trump out of office next year.
Beto was afraid to walk into a bar in Kansas (Trump country) where there are no democrats and he was very warmly welcomed and he bought everyone a drink.

if Beto promises to have a drink with me, i will campaign for him
"i can't tell you how many times i asked God what to do" - Beto

"he won't answer you" - Oprah

Beto is Catholic like JFK, looks like JFK, charismatic like JFK, unifies us like JFK!
Beto was caught flip flopping on Medicare For All by reporters. this lack of specifics could sink his campaign. he's also not drawing big crowds. i retract what i said earlier.

Beto O'Rourke's Passionate Iowa Tour Is Short on Specifics - The Atlantic

"There were no lines around the block, like there have been for Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and Bernie Sanders. The crowds for O’Rourke could be measured by the dozens, not the hundreds, about the same number of voters who showed up for Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio when they came to Iowa a few weeks ago to tease runs of their own—but he had a clump of reporters and photographers tracking him that Bennet, de Blasio, and most of the others in the race could only dream of."
It'll be fascinating to see if and how Beto addresses the White Male Privilege stuff that has already begun.

Obviously it will only get worse.

Biden, too.
He’ll probably hack the newspapers and change the headlines, after he runs over a couple kids with his car, intentionally.

It'll be fascinating to see if and how Beto addresses the White Male Privilege stuff that has already begun.

Obviously it will only get worse.

Biden, too.
Did you know that Beto's band was called Wyld Stallyns?
This guy is everything Trump is not. Nice, reasonable, handsome, smart, likeable. He should do pretty good against the Trumpbots and their 24/7 ugliness.

But he's a CUCK. He's Obama in whiteface.

What I want is irrelevant. Beto is a candidate to be feared by republicans for his potential appeal to moderates of both parties..
oh please, when Trump gets nasty with Beto what is Beto gonna do? He's too soft and he's only gonna amplify part of what got him elected, the whole toughness factor, sounds silly but plenty of his supporters like how Trump is seen as tough. Beto not only lacks substance to get to the left of the party which is fickle and would probably go third party again. Beto is just a pretty boy with celebrity backing which like Clinton will get him painted as a fan of coastal elites . Beto is a candidate who is too much of a nice guy, not progressive and he has a white privilege problem. He never had to fight in his life and lived a relatively comfy life, Beto doesn't have it in him to go toe to toe with Trump especially during debates.
the irish hispanic wannabe. when one doesn't like his own race.
This guy is everything Trump is not. Nice, reasonable, handsome, smart, likeable. He should do pretty good against the Trumpbots and their 24/7 ugliness.

But he's a CUCK. He's Obama in whiteface.

What I want is irrelevant. Beto is a candidate to be feared by republicans for his potential appeal to moderates of both parties..
I think Beto has an identity issue, he’s kind of floating around, he doesn’t really have a vision. I don’t even know what his platforms are!
"Toughest Q for Beto at this event so far is what accomplishments he can point to: After running down some bipartisan bills, he talks about how his Senate campaign drove up turnout."

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