Beto the fake Mexican throws his sombreo into the ring

Changes the Democratic Party outlook for Texas. He's wildly popular down there. Beto in Texas should be big delegate haul for them. The California primary is the same day; that should go to Harris. With proportional rewarding of delegates, the Democrats, (of course) make things incredibly complicated and divisive. They may go into their 3rd straight DNC with two candidates (or more) who can claim the nomination.


Best sarcastic post this month!

At least we hope you're just being sarcastic.. if you're not that's some severe brain damage you got there.

Beto's running messes up the math for his opponents though

rotflmao really??? You think the meth smoking skateboarder and drag queen vote is that big a 'game changer' here, eh? sound pretty stupid. Were you attempting to sound idiotic or is it something you can't help.

A Democrat in Texas finished 2% behind Cruz in 2018... His name was Beto. He's wildly popular down there. Running against the likes of Warren, Klobuchar, Sherrod Brown, and Harris, he will do very well on Super Tuesday. But then again this is a somewhat sophisticated look at primary politics; sophistication isn't your strong suit.

We don't count criminal illegal alien votes, which are probably about 15% to 30% of the vote, especially around San Antonio, the Valley, El Paso, and the rest of the 'blue' regions, so make that losing by 17%-32%, against one of the most unpopular Republicans in Texas. 'You're claim of being 'sophisticated n stuff' is very entertaining, though. lol

If illegal aliens are voting in Texas, you should blame the governor of Texas dumb fuck.
lol at the left wing morons who think those 'Super Delegates' who determine who wins the nomination for Prez will choose this hop head crank over their own Biden or some other DNC insider. They truly are retarded if they think the DNC is going to nominate anybody outside The Club. This is makes their babbling lunatic ravings over Roberto Francisco even more hilarious.

They chose Obama over HRC, dumb fuck.
As far as encountering Canadian Geese. One reason birds of prey seek them as a last resort, they hit hard with those wings and have tremendous endurance. Back in the day
I had to scramble their eggs for common sense population reduction. They would swat the hockey stick or whatever I held to keep them at bay with significant force.
Is he still driving drunk and attempting hit-and-runs when he gets caught?
Beto will run against a wall and a comprehensive immigration policy

He will assume some of the goals from the Green New Deal
He will run on healthcare
He will run against the Trump legacy

Then he will lose. Fading into the oblivion of obscurity, he will be remembered only as a footnote in American political history. An "also-ran."

There is no way in hell any Democrat is going to win by running on the idiotic ideas of making our borders less secure, offering amnesty to illegals, increasing consumer energy costs, bankrupting this country from "free" healthcare", or any of the other hare-brained ideas the Democrats have come up with.

Let's face it: The Democrat Party has no agenda other than to weaken this country. They have no solutions, no ideas, no plans, and no agenda except for blowing smoke up people's asses, making them think they're going to get something for free.

Yes the Dems have an agenda
Pro environment, strong healthcare plan, comprehensive immigration plan, re establish our alliances , repair the damages Trump has done

Dems need to rebuild the Blue Wall and go after Trump in Texas, Arizona and Georgia
This guy is everything Trump is not. Nice, reasonable, handsome, smart, likeable. He should do pretty good against the Trumpbots and their 24/7 ugliness.
I wonder what his arrest record looks like. :eusa_whistle:

Something like this, I would suppose...





Better do more than rehashing a 20 year old DWI
Beto will run against a wall and a comprehensive immigration policy

He will assume some of the goals from the Green New Deal
He will run on healthcare
He will run against the Trump legacy

Trump has only been in office a little over 2 years. 2 years does not a legacy make. You haven't seen anything, yet!
(I know, sewer tender, that his 2 years seems like 8 years to you, already....).
2 years is more than enough of the Trump legacy

2018 election proved that
Run Beto Run, or better Skateboard Away!

The more clowns in the Dems' circus tent, the higher Trump's odds of winning in 2020!
Regardless of the Dem candidate, they start the race with a lead in electoral votes and 51 percent of the vote

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