Beto the fake Mexican throws his sombreo into the ring

The drunk-driving fake Mexican who's pretending to be a dirt-poor working stiff, has just announced that he'll be taking on the Magnificent Donald J. Trump, greatest President in the world. The Democrat party continues to scrape the bottom of the scum-filled pond, and this is the latest amoeba they've come up with.

Screw you, Bobby O'Dork. I'm happy that you'll lose.

BREAKING: @BetoORourke announces he’s running for President #Election2020 #fox44tx @KWKTFOX44


I love your avatar......

O'dork is one Spazed Tard............

That's why so many Tards like him.
This dude is the worse "fake Mexican" I've ever seen. I don't know of a nerdier, whiter family.

This guy is everything Trump is not. Nice, reasonable, handsome, smart, likeable. He should do pretty good against the Trumpbots and their 24/7 ugliness.

But he's a CUCK. He's Obama in whiteface.

What I want is irrelevant. Beto is a candidate to be feared by republicans for his potential appeal to moderates of both parties..
La Cucaracha! Won't win!
LMFAO! This is shaping up to be one hilarious presidential election....don't run out of popcorn!

The last one had the front-runner stealing debate questions from CNN in the primary only to lose to a reality tv star.
his greatest accomplishment is "I lost to Ted Cruz"...he's coming out as a rock star and he's gonna fizzle out!
Piers Morgan (Yeah, that Piers Morgan) reamed the fake mexican a little earlier today. He called him a "deluded loser running on a ticket of lies, hypocrisy and the vote-destroying message that all Americans are about to die."

PIERS MORGAN: Beto O’Rourke is loser running on lies and a slogan that Americans are about to die | Daily Mail Online

"But today, Beto O’Rourke announced he is running for President.
And he did so in rather unconventional fashion – by announcing the end of the world is fast upon us.

As US presidential campaign messages go, it at least had the benefit of being uniquely depressing.

O’Rourke didn’t quite scream ‘WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!’ but he might as well have done.

In direct contrast to Donald Trump’s upbeat winning 2016 slogan of ‘Make America Great Again’, O’Rourke thinks he can win in 2020 by telling 320 million Americans they’re all doomed.

‘We face catastrophe and crisis on this planet,’ he declared, asserting that climate change will unleash ‘massive migration of tens or hundreds of millions of people from countries that are literally uninhabitable or under water.’

He’s not even promising to stop it.

‘Life is going to be a lot tougher for the generations that follow us,’ he said, ‘no matter what we do.’

How many Democrats are now running for President? 30? 40? And the vast majority of them have nothing on their resume to justify a run at this time!

Obama showed the way. He proved that a Democrat could get elected despite having no qualifications.
LMFAO! This is shaping up to be one hilarious presidential election....don't run out of popcorn!

yeah; kinda reminds me of those 16 jackass Rethuglicants from the 2016 primary .......... a bunch of dumb ass losers & the GOP picked the worst turd in the fucking punch bowl ....... and that smelly punch bowl turd won .........
LMFAO! This is shaping up to be one hilarious presidential election....don't run out of popcorn!

yeah; kinda reminds me of those 16 jackass Rethuglicants from the 2016 primary .......... a bunch of dumb ass losers & the GOP picked the worst turd in the fucking punch bowl ....... and that smelly punch bowl turd won .........
Thou pragging hell-hated murderous coward
Changes the Democratic Party outlook for Texas. He's wildly popular down there. Beto in Texas should be big delegate haul for them. The California primary is the same day; that should go to Harris. With proportional rewarding of delegates, the Democrats, (of course) make things incredibly complicated and divisive. They may go into their 3rd straight DNC with two candidates (or more) who can claim the nomination.


Best sarcastic post this month!

At least we hope you're just being sarcastic.. if you're not that's some severe brain damage you got there.

Beto's running messes up the math for his opponents though

rotflmao really??? You think the meth smoking skateboarder and drag queen vote is that big a 'game changer' here, eh? sound pretty stupid. Were you attempting to sound idiotic or is it something you can't help.

A Democrat in Texas finished 2% behind Cruz in 2018... His name was Beto. He's wildly popular down there. Running against the likes of Warren, Klobuchar, Sherrod Brown, and Harris, he will do very well on Super Tuesday. But then again this is a somewhat sophisticated look at primary politics; sophistication isn't your strong suit.

We don't count criminal illegal alien votes, which are probably about 15% to 30% of the vote, especially around San Antonio, the Valley, El Paso, and the rest of the 'blue' regions, so make that losing by 17%-32%, against one of the most unpopular Republicans in Texas. 'You're claim of being 'sophisticated n stuff' is very entertaining, though. lol
lol at the left wing morons who think those 'Super Delegates' who determine who wins the nomination for Prez will choose this hop head crank over their own Biden or some other DNC insider. They truly are retarded if they think the DNC is going to nominate anybody outside The Club. This is makes their babbling lunatic ravings over Roberto Francisco even more hilarious.

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