Better for Women

Morning-after pill 'should be sold off the shelf'

Women and girls should be able to get hold of emergency contraception more easily without the need for a consultation with a pharmacist, say women's health experts.

A report by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists recommends the morning-after pill "should be sold straight off the shelf", like condoms.

There are too many barriers to health services for women in the UK, it says.

And their needs should be a priority.

Excellent suggestion.I would hope that our new government adopts this, I cant really see why they would not. What happens in the States ?


The recommendations made by the Royal College make complete sense. The tools for living an independent life free from government control should be readily available.

But there is a virulent strain of misogyny that exists in the U.S. in general, which also is spread by the primitive religious cults that are allowed to exist here. There is a widespread hatred for female sexuality and there has been a growing movement to force women and girls to speak to cult representatives about their sexual and reproductive lives, even if they don't wish to, and to put as many roadblocks in place as the cults can think up.

You will note that all of this "concern" for the lasting medical effects of taking drugs like the morning-after pill never extends to people, male and female, taking other medications for other reasons, whether prescribed or over-the-counter.

The morning after pill is available over the counter in the United States, and it has side effects as do all medications do. If you are a complete moron, you should not ask what the side effects are. I ask about all side effects of any drug I take, my parents and even my dog. It’s called being smart. My wife searched the side effects of her to take. The fact that you think it only extends to those taking birth control is moronic at best. If you don’t, then you are one dumb person.
Well, maybe if a woman doesn't want to get pregnant, she might:
  • Not fuck somebody that she doesn't want to have a baby with,
  • Take birth control pills,
  • Get a diaphragm, or
  • Compel him to use a condom.
But if all that doesn't work, take a morning-after pill. Are they completely safe? Will they fuck up her ability to have kids later?

Isn't it "funny" that there are more unwanted babies born now than there were before the invention of BC pills and before abortions were readily available?

What does that tell you?

You have no proof that is the case. Pretty much everyone on this board was an "unwanted baby".

I was unwanted----but the back alley abortionist refused to do it
Some of us (mostly leftists) made themselves unwanted, after birth
Morning-after pill 'should be sold off the shelf'

Women and girls should be able to get hold of emergency contraception more easily without the need for a consultation with a pharmacist, say women's health experts.

A report by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists recommends the morning-after pill "should be sold straight off the shelf", like condoms.

There are too many barriers to health services for women in the UK, it says.

And their needs should be a priority.

Excellent suggestion.I would hope that our new government adopts this, I cant really see why they would not. What happens in the States ?


The recommendations made by the Royal College make complete sense. The tools for living an independent life free from government control should be readily available.

But there is a virulent strain of misogyny that exists in the U.S. in general, which also is spread by the primitive religious cults that are allowed to exist here. There is a widespread hatred for female sexuality and there has been a growing movement to force women and girls to speak to cult representatives about their sexual and reproductive lives, even if they don't wish to, and to put as many roadblocks in place as the cults can think up.

You will note that all of this "concern" for the lasting medical effects of taking drugs like the morning-after pill never extends to people, male and female, taking other medications for other reasons, whether prescribed or over-the-counter.

The morning after pill is available over the counter in the United States, and it has side effects as do all medications do. If you are a complete moron, you should not ask what the side effects are. I ask about all side effects of any drug I take, my parents and even my dog. It’s called being smart. My wife searched the side effects of her to take. The fact that you think it only extends to those taking birth control is moronic at best. If you don’t, then you are one dumb person.

Most people at least read the box under "contraindications" of the medicines they take, be it aspirin, heartburn relief, antihistamines, whatever, and the pamphlets that come with prescription medications. My all-time favorite was the caution on a box of tablets for the relief of menstrual pain that this medication should not be used by anyone with an enlarged prostate.

My point was that all of this shrieking hysteria about potential side effects seems to be limited to those products intended for use by women for conditions relating to their sexual and reproductive lives. Some people are actually trying to say that one dose of a hormone will cause permanent damage. There is so much phony "medical advice" aimed at women these days, disseminated by five guys in the back of Charlie's garage, but this is how it is today in our primitive land.

The recommendation discussed in this article merely is that morning-after pills should be on the same shelf as condoms. This is simple enough. Odds are that the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has sufficient experience in the field to offer reliable advice, as does the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
Morning-after pill 'should be sold off the shelf'

Women and girls should be able to get hold of emergency contraception more easily without the need for a consultation with a pharmacist, say women's health experts.

A report by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists recommends the morning-after pill "should be sold straight off the shelf", like condoms.

There are too many barriers to health services for women in the UK, it says.

And their needs should be a priority.

Excellent suggestion.I would hope that our new government adopts this, I cant really see why they would not. What happens in the States ?


The recommendations made by the Royal College make complete sense. The tools for living an independent life free from government control should be readily available.

But there is a virulent strain of misogyny that exists in the U.S. in general, which also is spread by the primitive religious cults that are allowed to exist here. There is a widespread hatred for female sexuality and there has been a growing movement to force women and girls to speak to cult representatives about their sexual and reproductive lives, even if they don't wish to, and to put as many roadblocks in place as the cults can think up.

You will note that all of this "concern" for the lasting medical effects of taking drugs like the morning-after pill never extends to people, male and female, taking other medications for other reasons, whether prescribed or over-the-counter.

The morning after pill is available over the counter in the United States, and it has side effects as do all medications do. If you are a complete moron, you should not ask what the side effects are. I ask about all side effects of any drug I take, my parents and even my dog. It’s called being smart. My wife searched the side effects of her to take. The fact that you think it only extends to those taking birth control is moronic at best. If you don’t, then you are one dumb person.

Most people at least read the box under "contraindications" of the medicines they take, be it aspirin, heartburn relief, antihistamines, whatever, and the pamphlets that come with prescription medications. My all-time favorite was the caution on a box of tablets for the relief of menstrual pain that this medication should not be used by anyone with an enlarged prostate.

My point was that all of this shrieking hysteria about potential side effects seems to be limited to those products intended for use by women for conditions relating to their sexual and reproductive lives. Some people are actually trying to say that one dose of a hormone will cause permanent damage. There is so much phony "medical advice" aimed at women these days, disseminated by five guys in the back of Charlie's garage, but this is how it is today in our primitive land.

The recommendation discussed in this article merely is that morning-after pills should be on the same shelf as condoms. This is simple enough. Odds are that the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has sufficient experience in the field to offer reliable advice, as does the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

long ago-----an idiot neighbor with a three year old daughter decided
to regale the ladies gaggle on the lawn with her TREATMENT OF HER
DAUGHTER's "eczema"-----because "the doctors do not know
what they are doing"------SHE BRILLIANTLY kept the kid smeared up with CORTIZONE crème all over the kid----------and also said----""she seems
to be becoming very hairy" -----I kept quiet because the bitch had been aggressively
nasty towards me-----lots it was cowardly of me
Well, maybe if a woman doesn't want to get pregnant, she might:
  • Not fuck somebody that she doesn't want to have a baby with,
  • Take birth control pills,
  • Get a diaphragm, or
  • Compel him to use a condom.
But if all that doesn't work, take a morning-after pill. Are they completely safe? Will they fuck up her ability to have kids later?

Isn't it "funny" that there are more unwanted babies born now than there were before the invention of BC pills and before abortions were readily available?

What does that tell you?

You have no proof that is the case. Pretty much everyone on this board was an "unwanted baby".
Unplanned idiot

If our mothers didn't want us they would have aborted us

Pretty much everyone on this board resulted from
an unplanned pregnancy that didn't end with abortion
Morning-after pill 'should be sold off the shelf'

Women and girls should be able to get hold of emergency contraception more easily without the need for a consultation with a pharmacist, say women's health experts.

A report by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists recommends the morning-after pill "should be sold straight off the shelf", like condoms.

There are too many barriers to health services for women in the UK, it says.

And their needs should be a priority.

Excellent suggestion.I would hope that our new government adopts this, I cant really see why they would not. What happens in the States ?


The recommendations made by the Royal College make complete sense. The tools for living an independent life free from government control should be readily available.

But there is a virulent strain of misogyny that exists in the U.S. in general, which also is spread by the primitive religious cults that are allowed to exist here. There is a widespread hatred for female sexuality and there has been a growing movement to force women and girls to speak to cult representatives about their sexual and reproductive lives, even if they don't wish to, and to put as many roadblocks in place as the cults can think up.

You will note that all of this "concern" for the lasting medical effects of taking drugs like the morning-after pill never extends to people, male and female, taking other medications for other reasons, whether prescribed or over-the-counter.

The morning after pill is available over the counter in the United States, and it has side effects as do all medications do. If you are a complete moron, you should not ask what the side effects are. I ask about all side effects of any drug I take, my parents and even my dog. It’s called being smart. My wife searched the side effects of her to take. The fact that you think it only extends to those taking birth control is moronic at best. If you don’t, then you are one dumb person.

the laws restricting OTC medications were MADE FOR IDIOTS-----moron.
There is so much phony "medical advice" aimed at women these days, disseminated by five guys in the back of Charlie's garage, but this is how it is today in our primitive land.

In other words, nothing 'better' is going to happen for women, unless women themselves stand up as a whole and demand it....

There is so much phony "medical advice" aimed at women these days, disseminated by five guys in the back of Charlie's garage, but this is how it is today in our primitive land.

In other words, nothing 'better' is going to happen for women, unless women themselves stand up as a whole and demand it....


better? OTC MORNING AFTER PILLS?------I shudder at the thought-----I picture neurotic moms feeding them to their daughters on a regular basis
There is so much phony "medical advice" aimed at women these days, disseminated by five guys in the back of Charlie's garage, but this is how it is today in our primitive land.

In other words, nothing 'better' is going to happen for women, unless women themselves stand up as a whole and demand it....


Women are nothing if not diverse, and that includes their attitudes toward reproduction. That entails a downside in the form of them never, ever standing up "as a whole" (just as men don't). And even if they were standing up as a whole, there would still be retarded legislatures who have nothing better on their plate than to dictate to women according to their medieval, retarded prejudices.

What you are doing, in effect, is to blame women for how they are being treated, when the blame rests solely with those in positions of power who cannot find it in themselves to pay decent respect to science, and to follow valid scientific advice.
What you are doing, in effect, is to blame women for how they are being treated, when the blame rests solely with those in positions of power who cannot find it in themselves to pay decent respect to science, and to follow valid scientific advice.

It was unintended Olde one....

What you are doing, in effect, is to blame women for how they are being treated, when the blame rests solely with those in positions of power who cannot find it in themselves to pay decent respect to science, and to follow valid scientific advice.

It was unintended Olde one....


I thought so, Sparky. Since you'd be one of very few gifted with the integrity required to reverse themselves, I also thought it worth to point out the flaw in your argument.
I hate the call venmo me 80 for the pill! But to bad I didn’t pull out!

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