Better Late Than Never


Sep 23, 2010
Megyn Kelly Issues On-Air Correction For Fox News Report About EPA Drones (VIDEO)

Megyn Kelly issued an on-air correction Monday for an earlier report that claimed the Environmental Protection Agency was using unmanned drones to spy on farmers.

"We identified and discussed the aircraft as being unmanned drones," she said on "America Live." “In fact, the EPA is flying these missions and taking pictures from manned aircraft. We apologize for the confusion."​

Megyn Kelly Issues On-Air Correction For Fox News Report About EPA Drones (VIDEO)

From now on whenever I refer to the EPA I will try to remember to write it this way —— EPA/UN, or UN/EPA, or EPA acting for the United Nations, and every variation I can think of that ties the EPA to the United Nations. Had I started years ago all of the people who read my messages might have sent the relationship to the media by now.
Congress is looking at Lisa Jackson’s super-secret way of doing business:

What is EPA Chief Lisa Jackson hiding?
By: Audrey Hudson
12/26/2012 01:20 PM

What is EPA Chief Lisa Jackson hiding? - Conservative News

On the face of it the Jackson story is just one more stench escaping from Hussein’s sewer. A closer look says otherwise. John Kerry, one the dirtiest lying sneaks ever to serve in Congress, is up to his eyeballs in environmental garbage, yet no one is connecting his authority as secretary of state to Lisa Jackson and the UN/EPA. Silvio Canto, Jr. hits on Kerry but not Jackson:

Yes, it is now confirmed: the president does not understand Latin America. He has just nominated Sen Kerry to be our next Secretary of State. We will probably spend the next four years hearing about climate change rather more than trade with Latin America.

December 26, 2012
Kerry nomination proves Obama doesn't understand Latin America
Silvio Canto, Jr.

Blog: Kerry nomination proves Obama doesn't understand Latin America

Two filthy sneaks like Kerry and Jackson secretly working for the United Nations will be in positions to do irreversible harm. Kerry’s fellow senators and the media are just as sneaky because they are making light of Kerry’s confirmation. To hear them tell it Kerry is just not bad enough to abandon “The Old Boy” rule. Or maybe they haven’t got the guts to face him in the Senate if they refuse to confirm him. He will still be a senator if he doesn’t get the job; so everybody who votes against him will have face him down in the years ahead.

Finally, the historical record contains an embarrassment of crazy Roman emperors, priests of every persuasion, and European kings, while none of them could have been sicker than John Kerry.

The truth is that history’s lunatics ran the institution because they did not have to hide their insanity from the media —— indeed, there was no media. America has a constitutionally-protected media and Kerry’s lunacy is a better kept secret than was Nero’s in his time. Read this article to get an inkling of just how decayed Kerry’s mind really is:

Kerry as Secretary of State: Global warming first, world hunger, disease, nuclear arms second
Monday, December 24, 2012 - Climatism: A Mad, Mad, Mad World by Steve Goreham

Kerry as Secretary of State: Global warming first, world hunger, disease, nuclear arms second | Washington Times Communities
Have you read anything the environmental damage done by US corporations in South America, or is your head still in the sand on this issue?
Have you read anything the environmental damage done by US corporations in South America, or is your head still in the sand on this issue?

To Moonglow: Had you read the linked articles you would have seen this:

However, most of Latin America is living in the 21st century signing free trade agreements and developing a middle class. They want to do business with the US and anybody else (like Canada) who will buy their resources. The countries of Latin America are not afraid of Marines landing on their shores but rather a continuation of the president's indifference toward the region. They don't want "Yankee go home" but instead "Yankee do business with us!"

Blog: Kerry nomination proves Obama doesn't understand Latin America

Latin American countries want to improve living standards for their peoples through business. Kerry will work to establish a global government by using environmental scare tactics.

Believe what you will about manmade global warming but here’s the bottom line: THE ENVIRONMENT IN LATIN AMERICA IS NONE OF YOUR, OR KERRY’S, GODDAMNED BUSINESS.
Quite on the contrary, the environmental damage done by chemicals introduced into the environment by other nations is everybody on this planets business. These chemicals do not recognize borders. They do not cease to do damage just because they have left the nation of origin.

Over 25% of the mercury in the atmosphere over Oregon is generated in coal burning plants in China. Agricultural chemicals that wash into an ocean in Brazil end up in the food chain that ends in the fish on your plate in a restuarant in the US.

Not only is it our business, we should make very punitive tariffs on nations that knowingly degrade the environement.
Old Rocks;6555656

Quite on the contrary, the environmental damage done by chemicals introduced into the environment by other nations is everybody on this planets business.

To Old Rocks: First and foremost environmental freakazoids do not speak for everybody on the planet. They speak for a tiny minority of pseudo-scientists looking for tenure at the public trough, sharpshooters after tax dollars, fools, and pathetic little moralists trying to feel good about themselves without actually contributing anything of value.

When you start saying individual liberty is the business of everybody on the planet, I’ll give you permission to speak for me.

Old Rocks;6555656

These chemicals do not recognize borders. They do not cease to do damage just because they have left the nation of origin.

To Old Rocks: Get with the program. Manmade climate change has replaced air pollution in the Hustlers Guidebook to the Public Trough.

Manmade global warming is a fraud; so there is no reason to extract carbon dioxide —— a gas. On the other hand scrubber technology removes solids from emissions. Global government advocates, i.e., the United Nations is not needed ——nor do they want —— to improve scrubber technology. That’s why climate change hustlers like Al Gore never talk about improving scrubber technology? The big money is in global warming scare tactics designed to give the country more green-energy rip-offs like these:

So far, 34 companies that were offered federal support from taxpayers are faltering — either having gone bankrupt or laying off workers or heading for bankruptcy. This list includes only those companies that received federal money from the Obama Administration’s Department of Energy and other agencies. The amount of money indicated does not reflect how much was actually received or spent but how much was offered. The amount also does not include other state, local, and federal tax credits and subsidies, which push the amount of money these companies have received from taxpayers even higher.

The complete list of faltering or bankrupt green-energy companies:

1. Evergreen Solar ($25 million)*

2. SpectraWatt ($500,000)*

3.Solyndra ($535 million)*

4. Beacon Power ($43 million)*

5. Nevada Geothermal ($98.5 million)

6. SunPower ($1.2 billion)

7. First Solar ($1.46 billion)

8. Babcock and Brown ($178 million)

9. EnerDel’s subsidiary Ener1 ($118.5 million)*

10. Amonix ($5.9 million)

11. Fisker Automotive ($529 million)

12. Abound Solar ($400 million)*

13. A123 Systems ($279 million)*

14. Willard and Kelsey Solar Group ($700,981)*

15. Johnson Controls ($299 million)

16. Brightsource ($1.6 billion)

17. ECOtality ($126.2 million)

18. Raser Technologies ($33 million)*

19. Energy Conversion Devices ($13.3 million)*

20. Mountain Plaza, Inc. ($2 million)*

21. Olsen’s Crop Service and Olsen’s Mills Acquisition Company ($10 million)*

22. Range Fuels ($80 million)*

23. Thompson River Power ($6.5 million)*

24. Stirling Energy Systems ($7 million)*

25. Azure Dynamics ($5.4 million)*

26. GreenVolts ($500,000)

27. Vestas ($50 million)

28. LG Chem’s subsidiary Compact Power ($151 million)

29. Nordic Windpower ($16 million)*

30. Navistar ($39 million)

31. Satcon ($3 million)*

32. Konarka Technologies Inc. ($20 million)*

33. Mascoma Corp. ($100 million)

President Obama’s Taxpayer-Backed Green Energy Failures
Ashe Schow
October 18, 2012 at 8:25 am

The Complete List of Obama's Taxpayer-Backed Green Energy Failures

Old Rocks;6555656

Over 25% of the mercury in the atmosphere over Oregon is generated in coal burning plants in China.

To Old Rocks: Again with air pollution! If it bothers you so much what do you going to do about it when Chinese Communists tell you to piss-off? which is exactly what they said recently:

China says its emissions will keep rising until its per capita GDP is around five times its current rate, further dampening hopes that the world's largest polluter will agree in principle to ambitious binding emission reduction targets at this month's Doha Climate Change Summit.

China defends carbon emissions growth
Thursday 22 November 2012 07.52 EST

China defends carbon emissions growth | Environment |

Old Rocks;6555656

Agricultural chemicals that wash into an ocean in Brazil end up in the food chain that ends in the fish on your plate in a restuarant in the US.

To Old Rocks: The “mercury in fish” scare tactic has been around for decades. There wasn’t enough money in it to attract big times hustlers so for the most part it died on the vine.

In any event, environmental busybodies are always telling everybody else what is good for them; so I’ll return the compliment. Don’t eat fish.

Incidentally, I see an awful of fish being sold in supermarkets. I have not read anything about a bunch of fish-eaters dying or even getting sick. I personally eat smoked salmon until it’s coming out of my ears; shrimp a few times a week; lobster once or so a month, and a tuna fish sandwich or salad at least once a week. No ill effects to date. I’ll start worrying when a goldfish arouses me sexually.

Old Rocks;6555656

Not only is it our business, we should make very punitive tariffs on nations that knowingly degrade the environement.

To Old Rocks: Our & We?

Since you are not speaking for me I assume you mean your fellow environmental freakazoids.

I find it most telling that people like you get upset over China’s environmental policies, but never about communism. I’m okay with a trade war for economic reasons, but not for environmental crapola. And I sure as hell won’t help fruitcakes fight a shooting war over the environment when they won’t help me fight communism, or help me fight for individual liberties.
LOL. Well Flanders, we just won another election. And with what is happening in our nation and around the world, we will more than likely win another in 2014. One can only make so many really stupid statements before the public catches on.

And stringent tariffs would instantly get China's attention.
Santa Claus came late this year:

. . . EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson claims that a recent decision by the Justice Department to release thousands of those emails next month contributed to her resigning Thursday.

Jackson, in a brief written statement, said Thursday she is leaving the EPA after four years on the job, for "new challenges, time with my family and new opportunities to make a difference."

Jackson came from that first generation of pure parasites who gained media respectability for no other reason than being a parasite; so I can guess where she will go to make a difference —— another parasite job either in government or in the academy. All of the really accomplished parasites bounce back and forth between the government and the academy anyway. She might even land in the United Nations. After all, the UN is the EPA’s parent company. Wherever she alights, I doubt if she can do more harm than she did at the UN/EPA.

Jackson’s departure from the EPA/UN is Santa’s present to all sovereignty-loving Americans, while it is a lump of coal to the America-hating United Nations. Pun intended:

. . . the administration's alleged "war on coal," likely contributed to Jackson's announcement Thursday.


She played a role in pushing for a delay in the Canada-to-Texas Keystone XL pipeline. All along, Republicans in Congress repeatedly tried to block EPA regulations on coal and other industries.

Incidentally, being an equal opportunity parasite Jackson went to Tulane University on a scholarship from Shell Oil. Do you think that might have had something to with the EPA/UN’s war against the American coal industry?

Of course, community organizer Hussein is the one true God to all parasites. His knack for dredging up slime to populate his entire administration is surely supernatural. It will be interesting to see who he gets to replace Jackson. Of course, her successor will have to first get the UN’s stamp of approval.

Attorney claims EPA chief resigned over alias email accounts
By Judson Berger Published December 27, 2012

Attorney claims EPA chief resigned over alias email accounts | Fox News
Probably looking at Bob Perciasepe (current interim director and officially the deputy director of EPA) or Gina McCarthy (current Assistant Administrator for EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation). Additional info about Bob can be found here (, about Gina can be found here (Meet Romney's).

Given the conservative nature of the Obama administration, I look for little beyond capitulation to the energy sector and little more than the lip service it has demonstrated as its stock in trade over the last 4 years.
Megyn Kelly Issues On-Air Correction For Fox News Report About EPA Drones (VIDEO)

Megyn Kelly issued an on-air correction Monday for an earlier report that claimed the Environmental Protection Agency was using unmanned drones to spy on farmers.

"We identified and discussed the aircraft as being unmanned drones," she said on "America Live." “In fact, the EPA is flying these missions and taking pictures from manned aircraft. We apologize for the confusion."​

Megyn Kelly Issues On-Air Correction For Fox News Report About EPA Drones (VIDEO)

From now on whenever I refer to the EPA I will try to remember to write it this way —— EPA/UN, or UN/EPA, or EPA acting for the United Nations, and every variation I can think of that ties the EPA to the United Nations. Had I started years ago all of the people who read my messages might have sent the relationship to the media by now.

The EPA is a name only organization. This nonsense of acting like the EPA is real strict is ridiculous. There is a toxic waste site in America for every 300 Americans. What do you people want, a toxic waste site for every 100 or 1 American? Do you want your home to become one? Tell the hand in the mirror and see if it slaps you back!
Have you read anything the environmental damage done by US corporations in South America, or is your head still in the sand on this issue?

Of course I have. Why do you think they all move to Third World countries.

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