Better to be murdered by an NRA gun nut, not an illegal alien

Judging from the RWers reaction to the murder in SF, it seems that they would be "happier" if murders were committed by legal US citizen NRA members who exercise their second amendment rights and use a weapon to kill other people.

It seems the RWers are very angry that the murder in SF was committed by an illegal alien. I didn't know that there are "good murderers" and "bad murderers" in this world.

RWers ignore NRA gun nuts committing murders. They only get extremely agitated when the murderer is in the US illegally.

So you think all those killers shooting people in Chicago are members of the NRA?

No. The shooters in Chicago are mostly minorities.

But there's a difference between me and the cons. Cons feel the pain only when the victims are white and the shooters are minorities. They are perfectly at ease when the victims are minorities and shooters are white cops.

I feel the pain no matter who the victims and criminals are. I feel the pain when the victim is white female or a black young man. It's the same to me. But not to cons. Cons always defend and rally behind white cops.

I on the other hand will never defend the scumbag gang members or the illegal aliens who commit murders. And I certainly as hell won't create a crowd funding campaign to save a murderer's life or his conviction. Unlike cons who raise money to defend George Zimmerman or the cop who shot the black man in the back, I believe the justice should be color blind.

Racism has a funny way to surface itself online. By raising money for murderers and white cops and George Zimmerman, cons show where their loyalties are.

But I digress: As I said to you, cons are OK with legal US citizens murdering other people. Cons feel the pain when the victims are white and murderers have darker skin or maybe the murderers are illegal aliens.
Judging from the RWers reaction to the murder in SF, it seems that they would be "happier" if murders were committed by legal US citizen NRA members who exercise their second amendment rights and use a weapon to kill other people.

It seems the RWers are very angry that the murder in SF was committed by an illegal alien. I didn't know that there are "good murderers" and "bad murderers" in this world.

RWers ignore NRA gun nuts committing murders. They only get extremely agitated when the murderer is in the US illegally.

So you think all those killers shooting people in Chicago are members of the NRA?

No. The shooters in Chicago are mostly minorities.

But there's a difference between me and the cons. Cons feel the pain only when the victims are white and the shooters are minorities. They are perfectly at ease when the victims are minorities and shooters are white cops.

I feel the pain no matter who the victims and criminals are. I feel the pain when the victim is white female or a black young man. It's the same to me. But not to cons. Cons always defend and rally behind white cops.

I on the other hand will never defend the scumbag gang members or the illegal aliens who commit murders. And I certainly as hell won't create a crowd funding campaign to save a murderer's life or his conviction. Unlike cons who raise money to defend George Zimmerman or the cop who shot the black man in the back, I believe the justice should be color blind.

Racism has a funny way to surface itself online. By raising money for murderers and white cops and George Zimmerman, cons show where their loyalties are.

But I digress: As I said to you, cons are OK with legal US citizens murdering other people. Cons feel the pain when the victims are white and murderers have darker skin or maybe the murderers are illegal aliens.

Then why single out NRA members?

BTW I am not have never been and will never be a member of the NRA and yet I think the second amendment should be protected
But I digress: As I said to you, cons are OK with legal US citizens murdering other people. Cons feel the pain when the victims are white and murderers have darker skin or maybe the murderers are illegal aliens.
Further proof that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
RWers ignore NRA gun nuts committing murders. They only get extremely agitated when the murderer is in the US illegally.

They only have "discussions" when the perp is a minority.

They'll also give you an unlimited number of excuses why its ok to ignore white on white murders. The one excuse they never say is that they just want to play up minority murders to stoke the fear.

No, they'll say they do it because something about Obama or Minorities in general.
Judging from the RWers reaction to the murder in SF, it seems that they would be "happier" if murders were committed by legal US citizen NRA members who exercise their second amendment rights and use a weapon to kill other people.

It seems the RWers are very angry that the murder in SF was committed by an illegal alien. I didn't know that there are "good murderers" and "bad murderers" in this world.

RWers ignore NRA gun nuts committing murders. They only get extremely agitated when the murderer is in the US illegally.

So you think all those killers shooting people in Chicago are members of the NRA?

No. The shooters in Chicago are mostly minorities.

But there's a difference between me and the cons. Cons feel the pain only when the victims are white and the shooters are minorities. They are perfectly at ease when the victims are minorities and shooters are white cops.

I feel the pain no matter who the victims and criminals are. I feel the pain when the victim is white female or a black young man. It's the same to me. But not to cons. Cons always defend and rally behind white cops.

I on the other hand will never defend the scumbag gang members or the illegal aliens who commit murders. And I certainly as hell won't create a crowd funding campaign to save a murderer's life or his conviction. Unlike cons who raise money to defend George Zimmerman or the cop who shot the black man in the back, I believe the justice should be color blind.

Racism has a funny way to surface itself online. By raising money for murderers and white cops and George Zimmerman, cons show where their loyalties are.

But I digress: As I said to you, cons are OK with legal US citizens murdering other people. Cons feel the pain when the victims are white and murderers have darker skin or maybe the murderers are illegal aliens.

Then why single out NRA members?

BTW I am not have never been and will never be a member of the NRA and yet I think the second amendment should be protected

Second amendment should be protected. I am not disputing that. What I was saying was when George Zimmerman murdered Treyvon Martin, Cons raied close to half a million dollars for his defense.

I wonder how cons will feel if we raise money for black murderers who murder white females. Assume the black murderer is a US citizen and he felth threatened by the white female reaching into her pocketbook to retrieve her cell phone. The black guy thought she is about to pull out a weapon and shoot him. So the black dude decided to murder her without taking a chance to find out what it is she's about to retrieve from her handbag.

Would you raise money for this black guy who felt threatened and murdered the white female?

Oh wait: Cons raised money for the white cop who shot the black dude in the back 10 times, knowing full well and having seen the video that the black guy was running away from the cop. No doubt the white cop will be convicted.

But the story is not about the white cop or black victims. The focus of this story was that there are white people in America, cons to be specific or perhaps NRA members or southern confederates, who after seeing the video set up a fund raising campaign to try to save this murderer white cop.

That's the point.
Second amendment should be protected. I am not disputing that. What I was saying was when George Zimmerman murdered Treyvon Martin, Cons raied close to half a million dollars for his defense.
This is a lie; Zimmerman did not murder anyone.
That you are forced to lie to make a point only confirms what we already know.
Second amendment should be protected. I am not disputing that. What I was saying was when George Zimmerman murdered Treyvon Martin, Cons raied close to half a million dollars for his defense.
This is a lie; Zimmerman did not murder anyone.
That you are forced to lie to make a point only confirms what we already know.

Yes I agree, he did not murder anyone. Just as the cop who shot that black man running away from him is not a murderer yet. And neither is Dylan Roof at the moment. You are absolutely correct. I agree with you.

So I supposed you'd have had no trouble if I had sent money to OJ Simpson's defense team either. OJ never murdered anyone back then.

And of course no one is murdered in Chicago either. Only a fraction of deaths are investigated and convictions are secured. So using your logic I must assume there are very few murders in Chicago because most murders go unsolved. And thus there is no murderer in Chicago either.

So the last weekend when 56 people got killed, there were no murders in Chicago. No one has been convicted yet there and chances are only a few of them will be solved.

So we agree, there was no murder in SF either because no one has been convicted yet. Right?
Second amendment should be protected. I am not disputing that. What I was saying was when George Zimmerman murdered Treyvon Martin, Cons raied close to half a million dollars for his defense.
This is a lie; Zimmerman did not murder anyone.
That you are forced to lie to make a point only confirms what we already know.
Yes I agree, he did not murder anyone
So.. you admit that you lied when you said "What I was saying was when George Zimmerman murdered Treyvon Martin...".
That you are forced to lie to make a point continues to confirm what we already know
Second amendment should be protected. I am not disputing that. What I was saying was when George Zimmerman murdered Treyvon Martin, Cons raied close to half a million dollars for his defense.
This is a lie; Zimmerman did not murder anyone.
That you are forced to lie to make a point only confirms what we already know.
Yes I agree, he did not murder anyone
So.. you admit that you lied when you said "What I was saying was when George Zimmerman murdered Treyvon Martin...".
That you are forced to lie to make a point continues to confirm what we already know

Actually, you should really worry about "Saddam had WMDs" and "Romney in s landslide" lies more than what I said. Happy hunting and shooting to you.
We object to any murder that can easily had been avoided due to government policies. We release too many thugs from prisons, we don't lock up deranged mentally ill, and we allow criminal illegal aliens into our country. All because of bleeding heart liberal policies in our justice system.

Oh right, it's liberals' fault. I understand you'd rather blame liberals for the crimes committed by the weapons mongering, NRA supporting gun fanatics in the US. Somehow it's always the fault of the leftists for denanding that we regulate guns in our cities.

If according to you there should be no illegal immigrants in the US, then I demand that there should be no gun murders in the US either. When you stop the gun related murders in the US, then I will agree to your demands to having 0 illegal immigrants in the US.

Go ahead and prevent 100% of preventable murders first, then we will go ahead and offer you 100% illegl-free United States.

Is this a deal?
why dont we be honest here.
the majority of gun crimes in this country are committed by those that would most likely vote democrat, they for the most part are too stupid to even spell NRA let alone know what it is. They are not gun fanatics, they are criminals. These liberal animals are the reason the NRA supporters are fighting to own guns. The liberals however see a major industry (crime) being affected if people can shoot back legally.
Gun crimes are also more likely to be committed in a democrat run city.
take responsibility for what your anti American party has created.
Second amendment should be protected. I am not disputing that. What I was saying was when George Zimmerman murdered Treyvon Martin, Cons raied close to half a million dollars for his defense.
This is a lie; Zimmerman did not murder anyone.
That you are forced to lie to make a point only confirms what we already know.
Yes I agree, he did not murder anyone
So.. you admit that you lied when you said "What I was saying was when George Zimmerman murdered Treyvon Martin...".
That you are forced to lie to make a point continues to confirm what we already know
Actually, you should really worry about "Saddam had WMDs" and "Romney in s landslide" lies more than what I said. Happy hunting and shooting to you.
What does it say about people, such as yourself, who know they must lie to make a point?
We object to any murder that can easily had been avoided due to government policies. We release too many thugs from prisons, we don't lock up deranged mentally ill, and we allow criminal illegal aliens into our country. All because of bleeding heart liberal policies in our justice system.

Oh right, it's liberals' fault. I understand you'd rather blame liberals for the crimes committed by the weapons mongering, NRA supporting gun fanatics in the US. Somehow it's always the fault of the leftists for denanding that we regulate guns in our cities.

If according to you there should be no illegal immigrants in the US, then I demand that there should be no gun murders in the US either. When you stop the gun related murders in the US, then I will agree to your demands to having 0 illegal immigrants in the US.

Go ahead and prevent 100% of preventable murders first, then we will go ahead and offer you 100% illegl-free United States.

Is this a deal?
why dont we be honest here.
the majority of gun crimes in this country are committed by those that would most likely vote democrat, they for the most part are too stupid to even spell NRA let alone know what it is. They are not gun fanatics, they are criminals. These liberal animals are the reason the NRA supporters are fighting to own guns. The liberals however see a major industry (crime) being affected if people can shoot back legally.
Gun crimes are also more likely to be committed in a democrat run city.
take responsibility for what your anti American party has created.

Actually murderers have no politics but some do. When you murder someone. it's a crime of passion in most cases or just a dumb stupid act or perhaps an act of rage. So your theory that murders are committed by liberals is not only ludicrous, it's a bold faced lie.

On the one hand cons say libs hate guns, but then they say liberals commit murders. So make up your mind. If liberals wanted to commit murders, then they would have demanded more weapons be available to them all the time.

Try and convince yourself (this should be easy) that Dylan Roof was liberal. He was white, hated blacks, loved confederate flag, blamed minorities, was a fan of right wing hate group and so on. Hey this lie should be very easy for a typical con to believe. Any con who watches Fox news and also believed that Saddam had WMDs shold have no problem believing in other forms of lies too.
Second amendment should be protected. I am not disputing that. What I was saying was when George Zimmerman murdered Treyvon Martin, Cons raied close to half a million dollars for his defense.
This is a lie; Zimmerman did not murder anyone.
That you are forced to lie to make a point only confirms what we already know.
Yes I agree, he did not murder anyone
So.. you admit that you lied when you said "What I was saying was when George Zimmerman murdered Treyvon Martin...".
That you are forced to lie to make a point continues to confirm what we already know
Actually, you should really worry about "Saddam had WMDs" and "Romney in s landslide" lies more than what I said. Happy hunting and shooting to you.
What does it say about people, such as yourself, who know they must lie to make a point?

My friend, you should stick to watching Fox news. If you want to know the truth, the only source of truth in America is Fox. All liberal TV networks are liars. Fox is the no. 1 truth teller in this world. And remember, the earth is flat and is only 6,000 years old. And Jesus rose from the dead. And believe it or not, Romney was supposed to win in a landlside and Obama was a one termer. Yep, thank you for your time.
Actually murderers have no politics but some do. When you murder someone. it's a crime of passion in most cases or just a dumb stupid act or perhaps an act of rage. So your theory that murders are committed by liberals is not only ludicrous, it's a bold faced lie.
A bold faced lie...Like when you claimed Zimmerman murdered Martin?
This is a lie; Zimmerman did not murder anyone.
That you are forced to lie to make a point only confirms what we already know.
Yes I agree, he did not murder anyone
So.. you admit that you lied when you said "What I was saying was when George Zimmerman murdered Treyvon Martin...".
That you are forced to lie to make a point continues to confirm what we already know
Actually, you should really worry about "Saddam had WMDs" and "Romney in s landslide" lies more than what I said. Happy hunting and shooting to you.
What does it say about people, such as yourself, who know they must lie to make a point?
My friend, you should stick to watching Fox news....
Sorry... didn't see your response.
What does it say about people, such as yourself, who know they must lie to make a point?
Last edited:
Judging from the RWers reaction to the murder in SF, it seems that they would be "happier" if murders were committed by legal US citizen NRA members who exercise their second amendment rights and use a weapon to kill other people.

It seems the RWers are very angry that the murder in SF was committed by an illegal alien. I didn't know that there are "good murderers" and "bad murderers" in this world.

RWers ignore NRA gun nuts committing murders. They only get extremely agitated when the murderer is in the US illegally.

So typical of the left.

This is how it works. This person has no right to be here in the U.S., they are breaking our laws just by being here. Because of that, it makes it even more frustrating when something like this happens knowing that if our government would only protect our borders a person like this would never have been here in the first place to kill someone.
Judging from the RWers reaction to the murder in SF, it seems that they would be "happier" if murders were committed by legal US citizen NRA members who exercise their second amendment rights and use a weapon to kill other people.

It seems the RWers are very angry that the murder in SF was committed by an illegal alien. I didn't know that there are "good murderers" and "bad murderers" in this world.

RWers ignore NRA gun nuts committing murders. They only get extremely agitated when the murderer is in the US illegally.

So typical of the left.

This is how it works. This person has no right to be here in the U.S., they are breaking our laws just by being here. Because of that, it makes it even more frustrating when something like this happens knowing that if our government would only protect our borders a person like this would never have been here in the first place to kill someone.

Well, then what about a white anglo Christian US citizen who (lo and behold) breaks the law by murdering someone?

You are agreeing with me and you proved my point. You do feel the pain a lot more when someone is here illegally and commits a murder. You feel much more at ease if the murderer is a US citizen.

So again, do you feel a little better when the murderers are US citizens as opposed to illegal aliens? Obviously you guys have been harping on this point that "the murderer was here illegally" a lot more than there shouldn't be guns so easily available.

Your focus is totally on the issue of someone's citizenship as opposed to gun proliferation in America. Once again, you don't need to answer me. I know that most right wingers and gun nuts in America feel a lot lot lot better when they find out that the killer was one of them and not some darker skinned alien who shouldn't be here.
Judging from the RWers reaction to the murder in SF, it seems that they would be "happier" if murders were committed by legal US citizen NRA members who exercise their second amendment rights and use a weapon to kill other people.

It seems the RWers are very angry that the murder in SF was committed by an illegal alien. I didn't know that there are "good murderers" and "bad murderers" in this world.

RWers ignore NRA gun nuts committing murders. They only get extremely agitated when the murderer is in the US illegally.

So typical of the left.

This is how it works. This person has no right to be here in the U.S., they are breaking our laws just by being here. Because of that, it makes it even more frustrating when something like this happens knowing that if our government would only protect our borders a person like this would never have been here in the first place to kill someone.

Well, then what about a white anglo Christian US citizen who (lo and behold) breaks the law by murdering someone?

You are agreeing with me and you proved my point. You do feel the pain a lot more when someone is here illegally and commits a murder. You feel much more at ease if the murderer is a US citizen.

So again, do you feel a little better when the murderers are US citizens as opposed to illegal aliens? Obviously you guys have been harping on this point that "the murderer was here illegally" a lot more than there shouldn't be guns so easily available.

Your focus is totally on the issue of someone's citizenship as opposed to gun proliferation in America. Once again, you don't need to answer me. I know that most right wingers and gun nuts in America feel a lot lot lot better when they find out that the killer was one of them and not some darker skinned alien who shouldn't be here.
More nonsense from an anti- gun loon that can only ague from emotion, ignorance and or dishonesty.
Yes I agree, he did not murder anyone
So.. you admit that you lied when you said "What I was saying was when George Zimmerman murdered Treyvon Martin...".
That you are forced to lie to make a point continues to confirm what we already know
Actually, you should really worry about "Saddam had WMDs" and "Romney in s landslide" lies more than what I said. Happy hunting and shooting to you.
What does it say about people, such as yourself, who know they must lie to make a point?
My friend, you should stick to watching Fox news....
Sorry... didn't see your response.
What does it say about people, such as yourself, who know they must lie to make a point?

You tell me what does it say about people who send donations to the white cops who shoot unarmed black citizens in the back ten times as they are running away?
So.. you admit that you lied when you said "What I was saying was when George Zimmerman murdered Treyvon Martin...".
That you are forced to lie to make a point continues to confirm what we already know
Actually, you should really worry about "Saddam had WMDs" and "Romney in s landslide" lies more than what I said. Happy hunting and shooting to you.
What does it say about people, such as yourself, who know they must lie to make a point?
My friend, you should stick to watching Fox news....
Sorry... didn't see your response.
What does it say about people, such as yourself, who know they must lie to make a point?
You tell me what does it say about people...
Sorry... didn't see your response.
What does it say about people, such as yourself, who know they must lie to make a point?

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