Between The Democrats, Obama And Black Lives Matter


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Race relations are heading back to the 19th Century.

'Tis a pity, because we were all making good progress at licking the problem.
No we were not we were ignoring it.
Right, because that first black president, and attorney general, were really just uncle Toms, actually doing the bidding of whitey, and not the worst type of America hating democratic fascists who idolized Fidel, and Che, and hated whitey, including that first black presidents whitey mother..... How about that noose around Bubba's fictional neck??? See how it works, ignorant blacks are easily dominated by rich whitey kids into thinking "RACISM" and then do the bidding of those rich whitey kids, burning down their own black neighborhoods, while those very same rich whitey kids get an A+ in political science from their A-list college and then go on to lucrative careers in the bureaucracy! Black Lies Matter, and mostly its rich whitey kids telling them...... :fu:

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