Beware Of Liberal Election Internet Tactic: Thread Titles That Are A 100% Lie

In other words the Labor Participation Rate...which shows up in U-6, not at its worst since 1978.
The Labor Force Participation Rate does not show up in the U-6. No idea how you could say that. Do you have any idea what goes into the U-6 and why no economist who actually deals with these numbers would ever refer to it as an unemployment rate?
There are strict rules on USMB that you are not allowed to post anything that is not true

We need to crack down on anyone who uses a deceptive thread title, user name or an Avatar that is not really you
You mean like an obvious left-wing fanatic using a name like "rightwinger"?

Sounds like a good idea to me.

What kind of "cracking down" did you have in mind for such perpetrators?

(***Full disclosure: I'm not actually an acorn, I'm a human. Mea culpa!)

What kind of "cracking down" did you have in mind for such perpetrators?

I'm thinking of reporting people to the Internet Police
like all internet police they slap your hand then head on to the next one

You wish

The Internet Police are like Nazi Storm Troopers. You will disappear in the middle of the night and nobody will ever hear from you again
do you know how many times each and every day I'm reported by these ass clowns???? I hate to tell you and I'm still here ... if they aren't reporting me, they jump on a misspelled word or a grammar error ... or telling me I post like a 3rd grader ... like thats going to work ... I even had some post a picture of a house with address and phone numbers where they were thinking it was me, which by the way I'm not listed ... I did feel sorry for the guy that was getting phone calls or cops coming to their door .... I have been sigh up to soooooooo many porn sites that I get 30 to 40 emails from them a day.... thanks to these. how did psychochick say it. moral repub-lie-cans doing their dirty tricks... you see I don't care how dirty they get I'm here and hear to stay
In other words the Labor Participation Rate...which shows up in U-6, not at its worst since 1978.
The Labor Force Participation Rate does not show up in the U-6. No idea how you could say that. Do you have any idea what goes into the U-6 and why no economist who actually deals with these numbers would ever refer to it as an unemployment rate?
thats psychochick showing us her intellect again
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In other words the Labor Participation Rate...which shows up in U-6, not at its worst since 1978.
The Labor Force Participation Rate does not show up in the U-6. No idea how you could say that. Do you have any idea what goes into the U-6 and why no economist who actually deals with these numbers would ever refer to it as an unemployment rate?
But she's an economic genius! She said so herself!
In other words the Labor Participation Rate...which shows up in U-6, not at its worst since 1978.
The Labor Force Participation Rate does not show up in the U-6. No idea how you could say that. Do you have any idea what goes into the U-6 and why no economist who actually deals with these numbers would ever refer to it as an unemployment rate?
But she's an economic genius! She said so herself!
WOW !!!!!! who would have thunk it .... psychochick admitting to anything
There are strict rules on USMB that you are not allowed to post anything that is not true

We need to crack down on anyone who uses a deceptive thread title, user name or an Avatar that is not really you

My avatar looks nothing like me. Batman said so.
Looks just like you

Back on subject, democrats do indeed seem to be unable to handle the truth. Maybe that's why Obama's ratings are so low.

Obama has the highest ratings of any branch of government. The public is rightfully outraged at all government with most of their wrath directed at Congress

Thats like first place at the special olympics.
Advertisers use a very basic subliminal psychology to make you buy products. It's by putting a message in your face over and over.

Democrats have been using the internet to spin lies for two elections now.

You can see Candy Man and others use them here.

Type a completely false statement in a title and let the dissenters reply away. Truth and debate don't matter, but replies to the thread serve the goal; bump the lie over and over so undecided voters see the lie over and over. Most people don't read threads, but they see the titles every day.

You don't believe me? Just read how Candy states her FALSE thread title that Obama dropped gas prices, then admits he didn't, then repeats the lie, then admits he didn't, then repeats the lie, back and forth, while the real goal has nothing to do with honest debate. The goal is only to bump the LIE, lol.

Dotcommie has done the same in her threads.

The key is to respond to the lie, but not IN their threads. :) Resist the urge to reply to the outright lie in THEIR threads; reply in other threads. Let their FRAUDULENT threads die of lack of oxygen.

You know when you've come across this special type thread when the OP admits it over and over RIGHT IN THE THREAD. LOL


Now flame away dumb ass liberals....I look forward to you bumping MY thread title! Wahahahahahahahaa

This is why I point out these Misleading titles from the left wing sites as much as I can
Advertisers use a very basic subliminal psychology to make you buy products. It's by putting a message in your face over and over.

Democrats have been using the internet to spin lies for two elections now.

You can see Candy Man and others use them here.

Type a completely false statement in a title and let the dissenters reply away. Truth and debate don't matter, but replies to the thread serve the goal; bump the lie over and over so undecided voters see the lie over and over. Most people don't read threads, but they see the titles every day.

You don't believe me? Just read how Candy states her FALSE thread title that Obama dropped gas prices, then admits he didn't, then repeats the lie, then admits he didn't, then repeats the lie, back and forth, while the real goal has nothing to do with honest debate. The goal is only to bump the LIE, lol.

Dotcommie has done the same in her threads.

The key is to respond to the lie, but not IN their threads. :) Resist the urge to reply to the outright lie in THEIR threads; reply in other threads. Let their FRAUDULENT threads die of lack of oxygen.

You know when you've come across this special type thread when the OP admits it over and over RIGHT IN THE THREAD. LOL


Now flame away dumb ass liberals....I look forward to you bumping MY thread title! Wahahahahahahahaa

This is why I point out these Misleading titles from the left wing sites as much as I can

We are all grateful to you Stephanie

Keep up the good work
There are strict rules on USMB that you are not allowed to post anything that is not true

We need to crack down on anyone who uses a deceptive thread title, user name or an Avatar that is not really you

My avatar looks nothing like me. Batman said so.
Looks just like you

Back on subject, democrats do indeed seem to be unable to handle the truth. Maybe that's why Obama's ratings are so low.

Obama has the highest ratings of any branch of government. The public is rightfully outraged at all government with most of their wrath directed at Congress

The president is always more popular than Congress, and when his numbers go south, so do the numbers of his party. What you need to look at are the numbers of individual Congressmen with their constituents. This election wasn't supposed to be about Obama, but he says all his policies are on the ballot, so I would expect his party to be hurt by his poor polling. Of course, they are trying to stay as far away from him as possible.
Obama did drop the gas prices for us
Ours went up by a penny in two days. From $3.88 regular to $3.89. Since tourist season is considered over, gas prices usually drop, which ours has by about only 10 cents a gallon. :(
Advertisers use a very basic subliminal psychology to make you buy products. It's by putting a message in your face over and over.

Democrats have been using the internet to spin lies for two elections now.

You can see Candy Man and others use them here.

Type a completely false statement in a title and let the dissenters reply away. Truth and debate don't matter, but replies to the thread serve the goal; bump the lie over and over so undecided voters see the lie over and over. Most people don't read threads, but they see the titles every day.

You don't believe me? Just read how Candy states her FALSE thread title that Obama dropped gas prices, then admits he didn't, then repeats the lie, then admits he didn't, then repeats the lie, back and forth, while the real goal has nothing to do with honest debate. The goal is only to bump the LIE, lol.

Dotcommie has done the same in her threads.

The key is to respond to the lie, but not IN their threads. :) Resist the urge to reply to the outright lie in THEIR threads; reply in other threads. Let their FRAUDULENT threads die of lack of oxygen.

You know when you've come across this special type thread when the OP admits it over and over RIGHT IN THE THREAD. LOL


Now flame away dumb ass liberals....I look forward to you bumping MY thread title! Wahahahahahahahaa

This is why I point out these Misleading titles from the left wing sites as much as I can

We are all grateful to you Stephanie

Keep up the good work

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
There are strict rules on USMB that you are not allowed to post anything that is not true

We need to crack down on anyone who uses a deceptive thread title, user name or an Avatar that is not really you

My avatar looks nothing like me. Batman said so.
Looks just like you

Back on subject, democrats do indeed seem to be unable to handle the truth. Maybe that's why Obama's ratings are so low.

Obama has the highest ratings of any branch of government. The public is rightfully outraged at all government with most of their wrath directed at Congress

The president is always more popular than Congress, and when his numbers go south, so do the numbers of his party. What you need to look at are the numbers of individual Congressmen with their constituents. This election wasn't supposed to be about Obama, but he says all his policies are on the ballot, so I would expect his party to be hurt by his poor polling. Of course, they are trying to stay as far away from him as possible.

Government as a looked at poorly by the public
They deserve it

Obama is feeling the wrath of the people against our federal government. But while Obamas approval is 42%, Congress has an approval of around 12%

Seems the public is much more outraged at Congress than Obama
They've typically run relatively parallel in the past, even though U-6 is higher, but that has changed under Obama. They are no longer relatively parallel.
A bit odd to say the U-6 is higher since it could never be anything but higher.

In other words, you have to look BENEATH the superficial U-3 number which economists have never used. .
You're being misleading. Labor economists never use ONLY the U-3, but it is the baseline number used for the direction of the labor market. Other factors are then looked at.
Don't play the game. You know what is a legitimate topic and which is just one of the liberal turd bombs. Don't open the door. Don't comment in the thread.

Unfortunately, most conservatives don't think in terms of propaganda games. They think they're having an honest debate.


yep .... its PSYCHOCHICK ALRIGHT ...

That's the best you can do, numb nuts? LOL
They've typically run relatively parallel in the past, even though U-6 is higher, but that has changed under Obama. They are no longer relatively parallel.
A bit odd to say the U-6 is higher since it could never be anything but higher.

In other words, you have to look BENEATH the superficial U-3 number which economists have never used. .
You're being misleading. Labor economists never use ONLY the U-3, but it is the baseline number used for the direction of the labor market. Other factors are then looked at.

Wow that went completely over your head, LOL
They've typically run relatively parallel in the past, even though U-6 is higher, but that has changed under Obama. They are no longer relatively parallel.
A bit odd to say the U-6 is higher since it could never be anything but higher.

In other words, you have to look BENEATH the superficial U-3 number which economists have never used. .
You're being misleading. Labor economists never use ONLY the U-3, but it is the baseline number used for the direction of the labor market. Other factors are then looked at.

Wow that went completely over your head, LOL
Actually, it was far below me. I did this for a living.
Explain to me how we can have record numbers of none working Americans and yet have a 5.9 unemployment rate?

Number of Americans in workforce hits 36-year low. Unemployment Rate at 5.9 percent

There are idiot Libs who don't want to see. :)

Nobody likes to admit they were duped. Even when faced with undeniable evidence and they still cling to the messiahs word.

Nobody is duped....we just happen to know how to read and analyze statistical's YOU that is trying to twist things here....

Unemployment is measured the same way it has measured unemployment for the past few decades....the Workforce participation rate has been measured the same way for the past few decades as well, NOTHING has changed to DUPE us....

Yes, the workforce participation rate has gone down, and LESS people are looking for work....and this is a concern that they have DECIDED ON THEIR OWN, not to continue to look for a job, and to do something else....

These people could have easily said, yes, I am looking for a job, and then they would have been counted as "unemployed".....but they CHOSE not to say such, they CHOSE to not look for a job....

Why is this happening? Who knows for certain other than their hair dressers? But it would be great to find out and figure it out....

I am certain it is made up of a variety of people with a variety of reasons.... I left the work force for my own reasons, after being unemployed, and others have chosen to do the same......

It could be the wife, who has children under the age of 5, who lost a good paying job, where she could afford paying for day care for her children...that has decided now, if she cant get a job with the same level of salary, it is NOT WORTH FINANCIALLY for her to go back to work....and pay these daycare costs.

Could be someone who is older, and nearing retirement, that does not want to start a new job or new career that late in life....

I wonder, do they separate the participation rate by gender? Is it MORE females deciding to drop out vs males? Is it those approaching retirement verses middle aged? Is it the very young right out of college, deciding just not to enter the workforce due to the sparsity of jobs available in their careers? Or the young with no college education at all?

It's GOOD that the participation rate is separated from the U/E rate and not included in gives us the opportunity to evaluate it on its own.
Explain to me how we can have record numbers of none working Americans and yet have a 5.9 unemployment rate?

Number of Americans in workforce hits 36-year low. Unemployment Rate at 5.9 percent

There are idiot Libs who don't want to see. :)

Nobody likes to admit they were duped. Even when faced with undeniable evidence and they still cling to the messiahs word.

Nobody is duped....we just happen to know how to read and analyze statistical's YOU that is trying to twist things here....

Unemployment is measured the same way it has measured unemployment for the past few decades....the Workforce participation rate has been measured the same way for the past few decades as well, NOTHING has changed to DUPE us....

Yes, the workforce participation rate has gone down, and LESS people are looking for work....and this is a concern that they have DECIDED ON THEIR OWN, not to continue to look for a job, and to do something else....

These people could have easily said, yes, I am looking for a job, and then they would have been counted as "unemployed".....but they CHOSE not to say such, they CHOSE to not look for a job....

Why is this happening? Who knows for certain other than their hair dressers? But it would be great to find out and figure it out....

I am certain it is made up of a variety of people with a variety of reasons.... I left the work force for my own reasons, after being unemployed, and others have chosen to do the same......

It could be the wife, who has children under the age of 5, who lost a good paying job, where she could afford paying for day care for her children...that has decided now, if she cant get a job with the same level of salary, it is NOT WORTH FINANCIALLY for her to go back to work....and pay these daycare costs.

Could be someone who is older, and nearing retirement, that does not want to start a new job or new career that late in life....

I wonder, do they separate the participation rate by gender? Is it MORE females deciding to drop out vs males? Is it those approaching retirement verses middle aged? Is it the very young right out of college, deciding just not to enter the workforce due to the sparsity of jobs available in their careers? Or the young with no college education at all?

It's GOOD that the participation rate is separated from the U/E rate and not included in gives us the opportunity to evaluate it on its own.

Explain to me how we can have record numbers of none working Americans and yet have a 5.9 unemployment rate?

Number of Americans in workforce hits 36-year low. Unemployment Rate at 5.9 percent

There are idiot Libs who don't want to see. :)

Nobody likes to admit they were duped. Even when faced with undeniable evidence and they still cling to the messiahs word.

Nobody is duped....we just happen to know how to read and analyze statistical's YOU that is trying to twist things here....

Unemployment is measured the same way it has measured unemployment for the past few decades....the Workforce participation rate has been measured the same way for the past few decades as well, NOTHING has changed to DUPE us....

Yes, the workforce participation rate has gone down, and LESS people are looking for work....and this is a concern that they have DECIDED ON THEIR OWN, not to continue to look for a job, and to do something else....

These people could have easily said, yes, I am looking for a job, and then they would have been counted as "unemployed".....but they CHOSE not to say such, they CHOSE to not look for a job....

Why is this happening? Who knows for certain other than their hair dressers? But it would be great to find out and figure it out....

I am certain it is made up of a variety of people with a variety of reasons.... I left the work force for my own reasons, after being unemployed, and others have chosen to do the same......

It could be the wife, who has children under the age of 5, who lost a good paying job, where she could afford paying for day care for her children...that has decided now, if she cant get a job with the same level of salary, it is NOT WORTH FINANCIALLY for her to go back to work....and pay these daycare costs.

Could be someone who is older, and nearing retirement, that does not want to start a new job or new career that late in life....

I wonder, do they separate the participation rate by gender? Is it MORE females deciding to drop out vs males? Is it those approaching retirement verses middle aged? Is it the very young right out of college, deciding just not to enter the workforce due to the sparsity of jobs available in their careers? Or the young with no college education at all?

It's GOOD that the participation rate is separated from the U/E rate and not included in gives us the opportunity to evaluate it on its own.

Great! Than I dont want to hear anymore whining about the lack of good jobs or having to work two part time jobs.

Your favorite network has a different opinion as well...
More of the jobless are giving up on finding work - Jan. 10 2014

Not sure why you would want to post a long drawn out bunch of bullshit when you could just do a simple google search then admit you're wrong.
And unemployment is now under 6%. Statistical fact.

When you color in your unicorn coloring-book,what is your favorite color?
Statistics are funny things. Every time someone's unemployment coverage expires, they are no longer unemployed, according to the government. Every part timer that finds he needs a second job is counted twice or maybe even 3 times.

So yes. If you add up the numbers the way obama does, we have under 6% unemployment. BUT if you count each person only once and those who's coverage has lapsed, it's more like 12%. Some estimate even higher.

Do some reading here: Shadow Government Statistics - Home Page

So, this means we also had like 13% unemployment under Reagan, right? For this is the very same BLS that did the statistics back then....

Really, weak sauce, very, very weak.
Actually, no The way unemployment is calculated was changed in 1994. As I remember, bill clinton was President then.

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