Beware Of Liberal Election Internet Tactic: Thread Titles That Are A 100% Lie

Now if this was a Republican administration and they were told to look at u-6 and how bad it is they would be blasting it all over the place.

It is pretty much apples to apples, but people like you latch onto the U-3 number instead of understanding the later U series, like U-5, U-6.

If you understood what I was saying, you'd see clearly that the UNDERLYING story is not a good one.

Yep, exactly.
LOL, candy's been glued to her thread around the clock for 2 days now, LMAO. It's like being held prisoner....she won't post in any other thread.

Fun to watch.... love documenting your psychosis, candy man. :)
There are strict rules on USMB that you are not allowed to post anything that is not true

We need to crack down on anyone who uses a deceptive thread title, user name or an Avatar that is not really you
You mean like an obvious left-wing fanatic using a name like "rightwinger"?

Sounds like a good idea to me.

What kind of "cracking down" did you have in mind for such perpetrators?

(***Full disclosure: I'm not actually an acorn, I'm a human. Mea culpa!)
And unemployment is now under 6%. Statistical fact.

When you color in your unicorn coloring-book,what is your favorite color?
Statistics are funny things. Every time someone's unemployment coverage expires, they are no longer unemployed, according to the government. Every part timer that finds he needs a second job is counted twice or maybe even 3 times.

So yes. If you add up the numbers the way obama does, we have under 6% unemployment. BUT if you count each person only once and those who's coverage has lapsed, it's more like 12%. Some estimate even higher.

Do some reading here: Shadow Government Statistics - Home Page
And unemployment is now under 6%. Statistical fact.

When you color in your unicorn coloring-book,what is your favorite color?
Statistics are funny things. Every time someone's unemployment coverage expires, they are no longer unemployed, according to the government. Every part timer that finds he needs a second job is counted twice or maybe even 3 times.

So yes. If you add up the numbers the way obama does, we have under 6% unemployment. BUT if you count each person only once and those who's coverage has lapsed, it's more like 12%. Some estimate even higher.

Do some reading here: Shadow Government Statistics - Home Page

So, this means we also had like 13% unemployment under Reagan, right? For this is the very same BLS that did the statistics back then....

Really, weak sauce, very, very weak.
Everyone knows that the "unemployment rate" has only been going down because more and more people keep dropping out of the workforce, and are thus not even counted.

It's hilarious that when Bush had 4% unemployment with a really high workforce participation rate the liberals ranted and raved about how bad things were.

But since a Dem is in office they pound their chests about the economy even though the workforce participation rate is lower than ever in the last ten years.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

You people are so transparent. All you have is your Agenda you must push, and the only way you can is by distorting and misleading. If you people had good ideas and policies that led to concrete results, you wouldn't have to constantly lie in order to get people to buy your Agenda.

The amount of lying the left has to do these days doesn't bother me in the least bit anymore. It's SO pathetic and transparent it's almost like free advertisement for conservatives. We don't have to make shit up about our opposition, all we have to do is sit back and let them spew their B.S.
There are strict rules on USMB that you are not allowed to post anything that is not true

We need to crack down on anyone who uses a deceptive thread title, user name or an Avatar that is not really you

My avatar looks nothing like me. Batman said so.
Looks just like you

Back on subject, democrats do indeed seem to be unable to handle the truth. Maybe that's why Obama's ratings are so low.

Obama has the highest ratings of any branch of government. The public is rightfully outraged at all government with most of their wrath directed at Congress
Advertisers use a very basic subliminal psychology to make you buy products. It's by putting a message in your face over and over.

Democrats have been using the internet to spin lies for two elections now.

You can see Candy Man and others use them here.

Type a completely false statement in a title and let the dissenters reply away. Truth and debate don't matter, but replies to the thread serve the goal; bump the lie over and over so undecided voters see the lie over and over. Most people don't read threads, but they see the titles every day.

You don't believe me? Just read how Candy states her FALSE thread title that Obama dropped gas prices, then admits he didn't, then repeats the lie, then admits he didn't, then repeats the lie, back and forth, while the real goal has nothing to do with honest debate. The goal is only to bump the LIE, lol.

Dotcommie has done the same in her threads.

The key is to respond to the lie, but not IN their threads. :) Resist the urge to reply to the outright lie in THEIR threads; reply in other threads. Let their FRAUDULENT threads die of lack of oxygen.

You know when you've come across this special type thread when the OP admits it over and over RIGHT IN THE THREAD. LOL


Now flame away dumb ass liberals....I look forward to you bumping MY thread title! Wahahahahahahahaa
yep right wing nut job doesn't fit you at all ... more like right wing psycho is more like it ...
And another one of those repeated lies.
You cant make this shit up.....

View attachment 32625

And yet another repeat lie.
Good God you people are dense.
What's dense about it?

If the precise measures for Unemployment are used each and every year, in 2004 or right now, regardless if you agree with the way they measure it as long as the standard is the same, then the charts are showing an apples to apples comparison.....which is the only sane way and legit way to compare what is it that you say, is a lie Here We Go?

Jesus you people....
How many times have the numbers been posted of those who gave up looking for work? I posted four or five links just yesterday on this very topic,one even from the HuffingPaint post.
We know they aren't counted among the unemployed so that skews those numbers in a huge way.
The numbers are fake. If you're not smart enough to figure that out you're hopeless.
You still haven't shown how the numbers are fake or how the numbers are calculated differently now than they were in the past.
When the Numbers are good and the repub-lie-cans are running the country then PSYCHOHICK is fine with them ... but when she has seen their numbers go up because of the repub-lie-cans extremely poor leadership, she has to justify it by ragging about dems the Numbers ... its her psychotic nature
There are strict rules on USMB that you are not allowed to post anything that is not true

We need to crack down on anyone who uses a deceptive thread title, user name or an Avatar that is not really you
You mean like an obvious left-wing fanatic using a name like "rightwinger"?

Sounds like a good idea to me.

What kind of "cracking down" did you have in mind for such perpetrators?

(***Full disclosure: I'm not actually an acorn, I'm a human. Mea culpa!)

What kind of "cracking down" did you have in mind for such perpetrators?

I'm thinking of reporting people to the Internet Police
There are strict rules on USMB that you are not allowed to post anything that is not true

We need to crack down on anyone who uses a deceptive thread title, user name or an Avatar that is not really you
You mean like an obvious left-wing fanatic using a name like "rightwinger"?

Sounds like a good idea to me.

What kind of "cracking down" did you have in mind for such perpetrators?

(***Full disclosure: I'm not actually an acorn, I'm a human. Mea culpa!)

What kind of "cracking down" did you have in mind for such perpetrators?

I'm thinking of reporting people to the Internet Police
like all internet police they slap your hand then head on to the next one
I remember back in the day AOL, when you got 4 complaints, they'd canceled your subscription ... then I like others found out all you have to do is come up with a new screen name under the free email and you were back in business... the problem AOL had back then is they canceled all of their paying customers right out of business .... where the Huffington post bought them out the first thing they did was stop all the political post sites ... those were the good ole days
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There are strict rules on USMB that you are not allowed to post anything that is not true

We need to crack down on anyone who uses a deceptive thread title, user name or an Avatar that is not really you
You mean like an obvious left-wing fanatic using a name like "rightwinger"?

Sounds like a good idea to me.

What kind of "cracking down" did you have in mind for such perpetrators?

(***Full disclosure: I'm not actually an acorn, I'm a human. Mea culpa!)

What kind of "cracking down" did you have in mind for such perpetrators?

I'm thinking of reporting people to the Internet Police
like all internet police they slap your hand then head on to the next one

You wish

The Internet Police are like Nazi Storm Troopers. You will disappear in the middle of the night and nobody will ever hear from you again
In other words the Labor Participation Rate...which shows up in U-6, not at its worst since 1978.

Worst in 30 years because of Obama.
you have it almost right .... its because of the repub-lie-cans not obama ...under every democrat where we prospered more under the dems then repub-lie-cans ....where we had balanced the budget and had money to pay down on the national debt ... you start spouting numbers that really hasn't any value to us at all

dems start public service type jobs like building roads, water, and sewer lines ... the taxes alone that are generated by these government jobs now create cash flow for the government and creates cash flow for private sector jobs .... which helps to balance the budget and pay down on the national debt .... when your party does nothing to try and create these jobs, where we hear them say well, we have to pay for them right now or we won't pass these jobs bill .... that's insane or political suicide ... here you are trying to tell us that repub-lie-cans will do it better... really ???? show us once when a repub-lie-can has ever done it better

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