Beware Of Liberal Election Internet Tactic: Thread Titles That Are A 100% Lie

Advertisers use a very basic subliminal psychology to make you buy products. It's by putting a message in your face over and over.

Democrats have been using the internet to spin lies for two elections now.

You can see Candy Man and others use them here.

Type a completely false statement in a title and let the dissenters reply away. Truth and debate don't matter, but replies to the thread serve the goal; bump the lie over and over so undecided voters see the lie over and over. Most people don't read threads, but they see the titles every day.

You don't believe me? Just read how Candy states her FALSE thread title that Obama dropped gas prices, then admits he didn't, then repeats the lie, then admits he didn't, then repeats the lie, back and forth, while the real goal has nothing to do with honest debate. The goal is only to bump the LIE, lol.

Dotcommie has done the same in her threads.

The key is to respond to the lie, but not IN their threads. :) Resist the urge to reply to the outright lie in THEIR threads; reply in other threads. Let their FRAUDULENT threads die of lack of oxygen.

You know when you've come across this special type thread when the OP admits it over and over RIGHT IN THE THREAD. LOL


Now flame away dumb ass liberals....I look forward to you bumping MY thread title! Wahahahahahahahaa

Who would have imagined that anything happening on this forum could effect the outcome of elections.

Oh you can bet conservatives are not going to let you lying, pathetic, small brained, idiots lie UR way in an election like you did in the past two.....and have fanned out across the INTERWEBS to put you fucking liars in check.

Candyass admits herself she LIED.



Wake up
Advertisers use a very basic subliminal psychology to make you buy products. It's by putting a message in your face over and over.

Democrats have been using the internet to spin lies for two elections now.

You can see Candy Man and others use them here.

Type a completely false statement in a title and let the dissenters reply away. Truth and debate don't matter, but replies to the thread serve the goal; bump the lie over and over so undecided voters see the lie over and over. Most people don't read threads, but they see the titles every day.

You don't believe me? Just read how Candy states her FALSE thread title that Obama dropped gas prices, then admits he didn't, then repeats the lie, then admits he didn't, then repeats the lie, back and forth, while the real goal has nothing to do with honest debate. The goal is only to bump the LIE, lol.

Dotcommie has done the same in her threads.

The key is to respond to the lie, but not IN their threads. :) Resist the urge to reply to the outright lie in THEIR threads; reply in other threads. Let their FRAUDULENT threads die of lack of oxygen.

You know when you've come across this special type thread when the OP admits it over and over RIGHT IN THE THREAD. LOL


Now flame away dumb ass liberals....I look forward to you bumping MY thread title! Wahahahahahahahaa

Who would have imagined that anything happening on this forum could effect the outcome of elections.

Oh you can bet conservatives are not going to let you lying, pathetic, small brained, idiots lie UR way in an election like you did in the past two.....and have fanned out across the INTERWEBS to put you fucking liars in check.

Candyass admits herself she LIED.



Wake up

You seem to be obsessing

You do realize candy has gotten into your head don't you?
Love that you keep deflecting from the Orig post. But plz do, it pleases me to no end. :)
Where did ya run to, Candy? LOL.

You've been busted, hun. Oops
Show me where a conservative didn't believe their thread title....and said so throughout the Candyass has done? LOL.

U Can't. ooooooops
Show me where a conservative didn't believe their thread title....and said so throughout the Candyass has done? LOL.

U Can't. ooooooops

no Ms Weightlifter ... or should I say track star ?

yeah, that's it TRACK STAR !
Advertisers use a very basic subliminal psychology to make you buy products. It's by putting a message in your face over and over.

Democrats have been using the internet to spin lies for two elections now.

You can see Candy Man and others use them here.

Type a completely false statement in a title and let the dissenters reply away. Truth and debate don't matter, but replies to the thread serve the goal; bump the lie over and over so undecided voters see the lie over and over. Most people don't read threads, but they see the titles every day.

You don't believe me? Just read how Candy states her FALSE thread title that Obama dropped gas prices, then admits he didn't, then repeats the lie, then admits he didn't, then repeats the lie, back and forth, while the real goal has nothing to do with honest debate. The goal is only to bump the LIE, lol.

Dotcommie has done the same in her threads.

The key is to respond to the lie, but not IN their threads. :) Resist the urge to reply to the outright lie in THEIR threads; reply in other threads. Let their FRAUDULENT threads die of lack of oxygen.

You know when you've come across this special type thread when the OP admits it over and over RIGHT IN THE THREAD. LOL


Now flame away dumb ass liberals....I look forward to you bumping MY thread title! Wahahahahahahahaa

Subliminal advertising carries messages that flash by so fast that you don't consciously see them, but they register in your mind nonetheless, and affect your behavior...

...kind of like the ones I've been putting in posts in your threads lately, which flashed the message

Keep Starting Stupid Threads Keep Starting Stupid Threads

See how well they work?
Obama did drop the gas prices for us

You've already said elsewhere that you believe Bush raised prices (though you refused to say how), and here you say that Obama lowered prices. Please tell, from where do Presidents get this magical ability?
Obama did drop the gas prices for us

You've already said elsewhere that you believe Bush raised prices (though you refused to say how), and here you say that Obama lowered prices. Please tell, from where do Presidents get this magical ability?
In general, taking Iraqi Oil, which was estimated to have 1/3 of the world's oil supply, off the market, due to the warring in Iraq, made oil prices sky all of the excess usage of oil by our military in a full fledged war, made our demand and use go prices went up.

So, nothing ordering by a dictator pres. bush to the whole OPEC to raise prices or anything silly like that..... Prices rose due to the war in Iraq.
Obama did drop the gas prices for us

You've already said elsewhere that you believe Bush raised prices (though you refused to say how), and here you say that Obama lowered prices. Please tell, from where do Presidents get this magical ability?
In general, taking Iraqi Oil, which was estimated to have 1/3 of the world's oil supply, off the market, due to the warring in Iraq, made oil prices sky all of the excess usage of oil by our military in a full fledged war, made our demand and use go prices went up.

So, nothing ordering by a dictator pres. bush to the whole OPEC to raise prices or anything silly like that..... Prices rose due to the war in Iraq.

Yet we supposedly went into Iraq in the first place with the sole purpose of "taking" Iraq's oil, which of course we didn't do. I don't think that the war had a significant impact on oil prices either, but I know Katrina certainly had an impact on gas prices.
Advertisers use a very basic subliminal psychology to make you buy products. It's by putting a message in your face over and over.

Democrats have been using the internet to spin lies for two elections now.

You can see Candy Man and others use them here.

Type a completely false statement in a title and let the dissenters reply away. Truth and debate don't matter, but replies to the thread serve the goal; bump the lie over and over so undecided voters see the lie over and over. Most people don't read threads, but they see the titles every day.

You don't believe me? Just read how Candy states her FALSE thread title that Obama dropped gas prices, then admits he didn't, then repeats the lie, then admits he didn't, then repeats the lie, back and forth, while the real goal has nothing to do with honest debate. The goal is only to bump the LIE, lol.

Dotcommie has done the same in her threads.

The key is to respond to the lie, but not IN their threads. :) Resist the urge to reply to the outright lie in THEIR threads; reply in other threads. Let their FRAUDULENT threads die of lack of oxygen.

You know when you've come across this special type thread when the OP admits it over and over RIGHT IN THE THREAD. LOL


Now flame away dumb ass liberals....I look forward to you bumping MY thread title! Wahahahahahahahaa
You can always start a thread with a title that is the opposite of theirs....but that's akin to playing their game of lying.
Advertisers use a very basic subliminal psychology to make you buy products. It's by putting a message in your face over and over.

Democrats have been using the internet to spin lies for two elections now.

You can see Candy Man and others use them here.

Type a completely false statement in a title and let the dissenters reply away.

Here is another example of one of those liberal thread titles that are a 100% lie:


And here is another:

Show me where a conservative didn't believe their thread title....and said so throughout the Candyass has done? LOL.

U Can't. ooooooops
Looks like Candy is fucking with you

Seems to be working

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