Beware Of Liberal Election Internet Tactic: Thread Titles That Are A 100% Lie

Show me where a conservative didn't believe their thread title....and said so throughout the Candyass has done? LOL.

U Can't. ooooooops

Maybe you should report her to the Internet Police

They take Thread Titles very seriously
Obama did drop the gas prices for us

You've already said elsewhere that you believe Bush raised prices (though you refused to say how), and here you say that Obama lowered prices. Please tell, from where do Presidents get this magical ability?

They have a button under their desk

Bubba had it removed because Monica kept pushing it with the back of her head.

Is that why the prices kept dropping?
Obama did drop the gas prices for us

You've already said elsewhere that you believe Bush raised prices (though you refused to say how), and here you say that Obama lowered prices. Please tell, from where do Presidents get this magical ability?

They have a button under their desk

Bubba had it removed because Monica kept pushing it with the back of her head.

Is that why the prices kept dropping?

I don't know which way Bubba had it set to go when he pushed it.
Deceptive thread titles are a direct violation of Code 3 of the Interweb Honesty Act of 1996.

A first offense is punishable by whiny posts by board posters with nothing better to do with their time. Subsequent offenses can lead to banning and incarceration in the FEMA Death Camps
And unemployment is now under 6%. Statistical fact.
The Unemployment Rate is:

"Number of people who don't have jobs but are ACTIVELY looking for work"

divided by

"Number of people with jobs" plus "Number without jobs but are ACTIVELY looking".

The Unemployment rate can go down if more people get jobs, OR if jobless people give up and quit looking.

For nearly all of Obama's terms, the country has produced fewer jobs than there are able-bodied people able to take them. The only reason the Unemployment Rate has gone down, is because huge, record numbers of people have given up, and quit looking for jobs altogether.

And the Obama shills on this board want us to think that this is a GOOD thing.
Don't play the game. You know what is a legitimate topic and which is just one of the liberal turd bombs. Don't open the door. Don't comment in the thread.

Unfortunately, most conservatives don't think in terms of propaganda games. They think they're having an honest debate.

:nono: Oh give me break. Both sides are guilty as sin of doing the same exact thing. A perfect example of folks sucking in propaganda and using propaganda are all the duplicate, triplicate, quadruplicate and sextuplicate threads all based on the hot talking point of the day. Neither side abstains from doing it, both sides are guilty as charged. If that isn't propaganda games, well what is?
There are strict rules on USMB that you are not allowed to post anything that is not true

We need to crack down on anyone who uses a deceptive thread title, user name or an Avatar that is not really you
There are strict rules on USMB that you are not allowed to post anything that is not true

We need to crack down on anyone who uses a deceptive thread title, user name or an Avatar that is not really you

My avatar looks nothing like me. Batman said so.
Now if this was a Republican administration and they were told to look at u-6 and how bad it is they would be blasting it all over the place.

It is pretty much apples to apples, but people like you latch onto the U-3 number instead of understanding the later U series, like U-5, U-6.

If you understood what I was saying, you'd see clearly that the UNDERLYING story is not a good one.
There are strict rules on USMB that you are not allowed to post anything that is not true

We need to crack down on anyone who uses a deceptive thread title, user name or an Avatar that is not really you

My avatar looks nothing like me. Batman said so.
Looks just like you

Back on subject, democrats do indeed seem to be unable to handle the truth. Maybe that's why Obama's ratings are so low.
Obama did drop the gas prices for us

Was that by allowing the Keystone pipeline, continuing the OK to drill offshore that Bush put in place or issuing many more permits to drill on federal land? Sounds good to me!
So, beware of any thread started by shitflinger, Puddly Pillowbite, or rderp?

LMAO. Don't know who they are but I'll keep eye out. LOL.

Candy's thread is somewhat unique in that she admitted throughout the whole thing she was lying. I haven't even seen other dumbass libs do that LOL

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