Bible History

Besides DNA, we know that the Bible says the universe had a beginning. Atheist scientists did not agree and believed in an eternal universe until the CMB was discoveredit and we knew the universe had a beginning, possibly with a big bang or expansion.

The ape-humans to humans hypothesis was debunked with the advancements in genetics. Modern science has shown we are descended from one man and one woman. Bible states we are of one blood.

The Bible states that animals were created by God "after their kind." We only have animals that reproduce within their own kind. It isn't true that animals evolve into some other kind of animal, i.e. monkeys do not become ape-humans nor kangaroos. Look at the definition of science above :biggrin:

We know nothing about whether there was a beginning to the universe or not.

Perhaps there was a Big Bang. That doesn't mean it's the beginning of the universe at all. It could simply be part of a cycle, the universe could go around and around and every 50 billion years or so there's another bang.

There are theories, but knowledge is very limited. I mean, we can't even see past a certain point in the universe, we don't know whether we're seeing the same things twice or not.

Modern science hasn't shown we're descended from one man and one woman at all. In fact modern science says we're descended from different types of humans. We have Neanderthal in us, we have recently discovered two new species of humanoid creatures, and we probably contain parts of their DNA too, along with parts of the other humanoids we know of.


You see this map, you have Homo Heidelbergensis, which split off into other things, plus Homo erectus and these ended up coming back into Homo sapiens at a later date. And there is still a lot of unknown about this, because most evidence has been lost.
Besides DNA, we know that the Bible says the universe had a beginning. Atheist scientists did not agree and believed in an eternal universe until the CMB was discoveredit and we knew the universe had a beginning, possibly with a big bang or expansion.

The ape-humans to humans hypothesis was debunked with the advancements in genetics. Modern science has shown we are descended from one man and one woman. Bible states we are of one blood.

The Bible states that animals were created by God "after their kind." We only have animals that reproduce within their own kind. It isn't true that animals evolve into some other kind of animal, i.e. monkeys do not become ape-humans nor kangaroos. Look at the definition of science above :biggrin:
I hope that you understand that you have said nothing
We know nothing about whether there was a beginning to the universe or not.
We didn't know until the cosmic microwave background was discovered. It proved that there was a beginning to our universe and that's how the big bang hypothesis came to be.

Perhaps there was a Big Bang. That doesn't mean it's the beginning of the universe at all. It could simply be part of a cycle, the universe could go around and around and every 50 billion years or so there's another bang.
There is no evidence for a cycle. Then we wouldn't see one universe, but multiple universes with multiple CMBs.

There are theories, but knowledge is very limited. I mean, we can't even see past a certain point in the universe, we don't know whether we're seeing the same things twice or not.
It's only what we can observe so we can only theorize. The Bible tells us that our universe is bounded, but atheist scientists think it is boundless. Neither side is observable, but who has been right so far?

Modern science hasn't shown we're descended from one man and one woman at all. In fact modern science says we're descended from different types of humans. We have Neanderthal in us, we have recently discovered two new species of humanoid creatures, and we probably contain parts of their DNA too, along with parts of the other humanoids we know of.
I disagree. Atheist science wants you to believe we aren't the same and descended from different types of some human-another species creature. I can show it with our fossils. but the atheists scientists have lies like Lucy and the diagram you present. I recognize two completely different sciences exist today. The catch is neither origins are observable.
Atheist science wants you to believe we aren't the same and descended from different types of some human-another species creature. I can show it with our fossils. but the atheists scientists have lies like Lucy and the diagram you present. I recognize two completely different sciences exist today. The catch is neither origins are observable.

Ernest Haeckel admitted his drawings were faked to look a lot more 'human' than the fossils actually indicate, but many still think they know, because of the faked drawings have tainted their narratives.
Coming from the one trick pony, that’s the second most hilarious thing I’ve read all day. If that’s not the pot calling the kettle black I don’t know what is! But not surprising, people with an antichrist spirit have a way of constantly flipping the truth upside down.

He's still holding out for that pony he demanded God give him when he was a kid.
Besides DNA, we know that the Bible says the universe had a beginning. Atheist scientists did not agree and believed in an eternal universe until the CMB was discoveredit and we knew the universe had a beginning, possibly with a big bang or expansion.

The ape-humans to humans hypothesis was debunked with the advancements in genetics. Modern science has shown we are descended from one man and one woman. Bible states we are of one blood.

The Bible states that animals were created by God "after their kind." We only have animals that reproduce within their own kind. It isn't true that animals evolve into some other kind of animal, i.e. monkeys do not become ape-humans nor kangaroos. Look at the definition of science above :biggrin:
The Bible states that animals were created by God "after their kind."
prove time and space have ever not existed. our universe is the material phase of the cyclical conversion from energy to matter back to energy.

all life on planet Earth is derived from the progression to the first physiological life form to the present time and will be reproduced wherever in the universe conditions are favorable for its development.
prove time and space have ever not existed. our universe is the material phase of the cyclical conversion from energy to matter back to energy.
I already discussed it with the finding of the CMB. It was discovered in 1964. You should update your science knowledge :abgg2q.jpg:.

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I already discussed it with the finding of the CMB. It was discovered in 1964. You should update your science knowledge :abgg2q.jpg:.

better yet, you should get outside more and find a different book to read than the 4th century work of forgeries and fallacies the christian bible ...

though it seems most likely to late for you to be saved - good luck.
We didn't know until the cosmic microwave background was discovered. It proved that there was a beginning to our universe and that's how the big bang hypothesis came to be.

There is no evidence for a cycle. Then we wouldn't see one universe, but multiple universes with multiple CMBs.

It's only what we can observe so we can only theorize. The Bible tells us that our universe is bounded, but atheist scientists think it is boundless. Neither side is observable, but who has been right so far?

I disagree. Atheist science wants you to believe we aren't the same and descended from different types of some human-another species creature. I can show it with our fossils. but the atheists scientists have lies like Lucy and the diagram you present. I recognize two completely different sciences exist today. The catch is neither origins are observable.

Didn't prove anything. It's a theory, people claim it's true, they use educated guesses. What it doesn't say is whether the Big Bang is the beginning or just part of an ongoing process.

No, there's no evidence of a cycle. Doesn't mean it's not so. I'm not saying it is so. I'm saying it's a possibility. There are trillions upon trillions of possibilities. but anyone who comes and says "this is what happened", when they don't know, is making things up.

So, believers of religion say one thing, believers of atheism say another, and in the middle are people saying "why the fuck don't we wait until we find out before saying something is so?"
At its widest point Sinai is only 135 miles across. The story is cock full of anachronisms. There were no Philistines and no camels until the 10th century BC.

Nov 12, 2018 · Some Biblical texts, such as Genesis 12 and 24, claim that Abraham owned camels. Yet archaeological research shows that camels were not domesticated in the land of Canaan until the 10th century B.C.E.—about a thousand years after the time of Abraham. This seems to suggest that camels in these Biblical stories are anachronistic.
Ok this is a dumb argument. The amount of things to go right for fossilized bones to be recovered is pretty rare. This is like saying, because I’m looking at this ten by ten plot of carefully curated grass, dandelions don’t exist. Well, gobleki tepe wasn’t supposed to exist, and there it is fucking up all our previous ESTIMATIONS by thousands of years. Whoops. Are you still gonna stick with nomad hunter and gatherers built that? Good luck.
the religion of antiquity is for humanity - not the individual, no one (maybe) may be admitted to the Everlasting than everyone being on board. at least no one left behind.

your version, born a hopeless sinner is in contradiction of the prescribed religion of antiquity and the mission a&e chose for their own destiny for accomplishing their goal set for them same as the prescribed religion for remission to the Everlasting.
View attachment 534462
the above is your religion, bond a purely christian organization - since the 4th century.

how can you be so blind is the real issue. it's hard to believe you are a persecutor and victimizer of the innocent however that appears the case.
So are you going to deny that it was Christians driving the abolitionist movement? The entirety of humanity’s default before natural law was that “yeah, slavery makes sense”. And that’s exactly what they practiced. Up until the whole “created in gods image” came about. Because the truth is we are not created equal. No one on here is born with the innate gifts of Lebron or Einstein. So where did the whole “every man created equal” come from? It sure as hell didn’t come from human nature which was slavery as the standard operations procedure.
noah -

all religions are mythical


the spoken religion of antiquity is intrinsic to the metaphysical development of all beings on planet Earth and is required for their continued progression. as well their spiritual reward.

no love loss for the indifferent or confederates that stand in the way. surada.
It’s not intrinsic. Read a history book for fucks sake. Nobody faults the mama bear for tearing apart a hiker near her Cubs. Nobody faults the male lion eating the progeny of his predecessor. That’s intrinsic. What isn’t intrinsic is our capacity for torture. Look up the Iron Maiden. Look up crucifixion. That’s all something more than intrinsic. That’s fallen nature, and that was the norm in every single culture that’s ever existed.
Ok this is a dumb argument. The amount of things to go right for fossilized bones to be recovered is pretty rare. This is like saying, because I’m looking at this ten by ten plot of carefully curated grass, dandelions don’t exist. Well, gobleki tepe wasn’t supposed to exist, and there it is fucking up all our previous ESTIMATIONS by thousands of years. Whoops. Are you still gonna stick with nomad hunter and gatherers built that? Good luck.

Gobleki Tepe is thousands of years older than Stonehenge.

There's no evidence in Sinai for three million Israelites and their livestock, but they can identify Canaanite cities that paid tribute to Pharaoh.

In Jordan they have found 14,000 year old stone granaries... and evidence of the Natufians. In France there are cave painting that are 40,000 years old... also in Spain.
Didn't prove anything. It's a theory, people claim it's true, they use educated guesses. What it doesn't say is whether the Big Bang is the beginning or just part of an ongoing process.

No, there's no evidence of a cycle. Doesn't mean it's not so. I'm not saying it is so. I'm saying it's a possibility. There are trillions upon trillions of possibilities. but anyone who comes and says "this is what happened", when they don't know, is making things up.

So, believers of religion say one thing, believers of atheism say another, and in the middle are people saying "why the fuck don't we wait until we find out before saying something is so?"
The cycle hypothesis never got much traction because it had no evidence or because Einstein futzed his analysis. It only works for a universe standing still. It was conjecture by Einstein. He made the worst scientific mistake of his life because of it unless you have more of an explanation.

Don't bring it up again. Man, you got shit on a stick for evidence :abgg2q.jpg:.

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The cycle hypothesis never got much traction because it had no evidence or because Einstein futzed his analysis. It only works for a universe standing still. It was conjecture by Einstein. He made the worst scientific mistake of his life because of it unless you have more of an explanation.

Don't bring it up again. Man, you got shit on a stick for evidence :abgg2q.jpg:.


The first person to present the Big Bang idea was a Jesuit priest.
Gobleki Tepe is thousands of years older than Stonehenge.

There's no evidence in Sinai for three million Israelites and their livestock, but they can identify Canaanite cities that paid tribute to Pharaoh.

In Jordan they have found 14,000 year old stone granaries... and evidence of the Natufians. In France there are cave painting that are 40,000 years old... also in Spain.
The point is Gobleki Tepe was not supposed to exist. Humanity was supposed to be primitive hunter gatherers incapable of the kind of masonry on a city wide scale. That type of achievement requires a fairly advanced agricultural society to A. Stay in one place for a long period of time, B. Have enough food that others in society can learn other crafts, like masonry, outside of hunting and gathering and not have to worry about where their next meal is coming from. And every year it seems like the estimation for the founding of gobleki tepe gets older and older. It’s already many of thousands of years older than when our archeologists/anthropologist previously believed was the birth of agricultural society. Whoops. That happened because finding really really old archeological sites is really really hard, and requires a lot of luck. Shit gets reclaimed by nature very fast, just look at the Olympic complex built in Rio for the 2016 olympics. It’s especially hard when the host countries don’t allow a lot of archeological digs, most notably when it comes to anything regarding ancient Israel.

So you’re telling me that the lack of evidence of Israelites in region of the world WHERE YOURE NOT ALLOWED TO LOOK FOR SAID EVIDENCE, is somehow proof they were never there??? Or becuase the Pharaoh at the time who was supposed to be a god, didn’t brag about a very un-godlike act like loosing the vast majority of his slave labor, that’s your proof?
The point is Gobleki Tepe was not supposed to exist. Humanity was supposed to be primitive hunter gatherers incapable of the kind of masonry on a city wide scale. That type of achievement requires a fairly advanced agricultural society to A. Stay in one place for a long period of time, B. Have enough food that others in society can learn other crafts, like masonry, outside of hunting and gathering and not have to worry about where their next meal is coming from. And every year it seems like the estimation for the founding of gobleki tepe gets older and older. It’s already many of thousands of years older than when our archeologists/anthropologist previously believed was the birth of agricultural society. Whoops. That happened because finding really really old archeological sites is really really hard, and requires a lot of luck. Shit gets reclaimed by nature very fast, just look at the Olympic complex built in Rio for the 2016 olympics. It’s especially hard when the host countries don’t allow a lot of archeological digs, most notably when it comes to anything regarding ancient Israel.

So you’re telling me that the lack of evidence of Israelites in region of the world WHERE YOURE NOT ALLOWED TO LOOK FOR SAID EVIDENCE, is somehow proof they were never there??? Or becuase the Pharaoh at the time who was supposed to be a god, didn’t brag about a very un-godlike act like loosing the vast majority of his slave labor, that’s your proof?

The population of Egypt was only about 4-5 million so if 3 million Hebrews left, they would notice.

There is no trace of 3 million Israelites and their herds, but they have plenty of evidence for Canaanite cities that were involved in mining, metallurgy and pottery making. They also have evidence for Egyptian garrisons in Sinai that protected the Canaanites and collected tribute for Pharaoh..

Plus, there is no pasture or water for millions of Israelite livestock.
The population of Egypt was only about 4-5 million so if 3 million Hebrews left, they would notice.

There is no trace of 3 million Israelites and their herds, but they have plenty of evidence for Canaanite cities that were involved in mining, metallurgy and pottery making. They also have evidence for Egyptian garrisons in Sinai that protected the Canaanites and collected tribute for Pharaoh..

Plus, there is no pasture or water for millions of Israelite livestock.
Right, and globleki Tepe wasn’t supposed to exist up until 20 years ago becuase humanity was supposedly just hunter gatherers at the time. And no one in that region knew how to raise cattle ever...And the Israelites just came out of nowhere and popped into existence. One day it was Canaan, the next it was Israel. Is that what you’re going with?
Right, and globleki Tepe wasn’t supposed to exist up until 20 years ago becuase humanity was supposedly just hunter gatherers at the time. And no one in that region knew how to raise cattle ever...And the Israelites just came out of nowhere and popped into existence. One day it was Canaan, the next it was Israel. Is that what you’re going with?

Most scholars think the Hebrews emerged from the Canaanites on the Northcoast of Syria where they shared the Canaanite pantheon like Baal, EL and Ashtoreth.

Urfa and Haran are nearby.. and Urfa is identified as the birthplace of Abraham. A lot of Psalms and our Bible stories come from the Ugarit at Ras Shamra.

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