Bible History

The cycle hypothesis never got much traction because it had no evidence or because Einstein futzed his analysis. It only works for a universe standing still. It was conjecture by Einstein. He made the worst scientific mistake of his life because of it unless you have more of an explanation.

Don't bring it up again. Man, you got shit on a stick for evidence :abgg2q.jpg:.


Uh oh, someone didn't get it at all.

I don't need evidence. I'm not talking about evidence.

I'm talking about lack of evidence and possibilities.

You have some evidence for a theory that says the universe has a beginning and is accelerating, but no where near enough to say it is so.

And what if the universe is like a bike inner tube? Round, the universe is expanding away from one point, but heading back to this point?

It's a possibility even within all the knowledge that we have. And there are plenty of other possibilities.

I'm not saying this possibility is true. I'm saying no one can say any possibility is true. I'm using one example that takes the evidence we have and makes it different without going against the evidence we have.

You can BELIEVE anything you want. BELIEVING is deciding something is true when you have no idea. It's the basis of religion.

Religious people have literally been brought up to BELIEVE, to accept without knowing.

But for me BELIEVING is ridiculous. But you can do it, just don't expect any sympathy from me.
forgery? it seems to be taken from the writing of someone using the pen-name JOHN. First find the guy who called himself "john"
why claim "forgery" ?
the above quote is an unaccredited forgery - no such statement would be made without corroboration by the itinerant claimed to have voiced the phrase.
the 4th century authors of the "christian" bible motive was for - the religion of the roman empire - not the liberation theology of the 1st century irregardless what affinity they may have had for the crucified itinerant. they found more than convenient for their purposes. and by those that crucified them - that were never brought to justice.

who's john - “Truly I tell you,” - “this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.” - one of them.

where are the etchings carved by the itinerant for any of the photo realistic renderings of conversations they claim for their single publication. more vivid than those of modern day coverage for inside conversations of even the most powerful public figures. than some backwoods middle east sand dune.

- where is their claim of being a messiah etched in stone by their own hand for the events as depicted.
Both Moses and Abraham are probably fictional. What warring city states are you talking about?

The Canaanites moved inland after the Sea People arrived and cut off the symbiotic relationships between towns people and bedu.

The Sphinx was probably an Anubis and most archaeologists and geologists still favor the traditional view that the Sphinx is about 4,500 years old. However, the relatively new theory is based on what is thought to be “precipitation-induced weathering” on the upper areas of the Sphinx. Archaeologists supporting this view contend that the last time there was sufficient precipitation in the region to cause this pattern of rainfall erosion on limestone was around 9,000 years ago, 7000 B.C.
The old Sphinx theory is not a new theory. It’s been out a while now, and it is the only actual scientific theory. The prevailing Egyptian built theory comes from scholars who are not scientist, they’re linguists, and they have no fucking clue what they’re talking about. The only thing keeping that retarded nonsensical theory alive is their ego, and the fact that they sadly write the textbooks. It’s the same dumb fucks you keep quoting that keep wanting to say “well our records show this” despite the mountains of actual scientific evidence slapping them in the face. They’ll listen to braggadocios Pharaohs all day, but ignore the Bible because it’s the Bible, despite the fact more and more supporting evidence for it keeps getting dug up. Same idiots who want to claim that Atlantis is just an allegory, even though Plato is giving very descriptive depictions of it as well as a very specific date that also happens to be around the time of the great melt....when a lot of coastal land disappeared permanently. And they have to continue to claim that or else get exposed as talking out of their asses for 50 plus years.
The old Sphinx theory is not a new theory. It’s been out a while now, and it is the only actual scientific theory. The prevailing Egyptian built theory comes from scholars who are not scientist, they’re linguists, and they have no fucking clue what they’re talking about. The only thing keeping that retarded nonsensical theory alive is their ego, and the fact that they sadly write the textbooks. It’s the same dumb fucks you keep quoting that keep wanting to say “well our records show this” despite the mountains of actual scientific evidence slapping them in the face. They’ll listen to braggadocios Pharaohs all day, but ignore the Bible because it’s the Bible, despite the fact more and more supporting evidence for it keeps getting dug up. Same idiots who want to claim that Atlantis is just an allegory, even though Plato is giving very descriptive depictions of it as well as a very specific date that also happens to be around the time of the great melt....when a lot of coastal land disappeared permanently. And they have to continue to claim that or else get exposed as talking out of their asses for 50 plus years.

The Hebrews had no narrative until they went into exile in Babylon... although the Northcoast Canaanites had the Gilgamesh myth for a thousand years before Abraham.
The Hebrews had no narrative until they went into exile in Babylon... although the Northcoast Canaanites had the Gilgamesh myth for a thousand years before Abraham.
So, the Israelites completely fabricated their entire history? There’s hundreds of ancient great flood myths, including in Native American culture, that sound a lot like Noah. Care to explain to me how that made its way all the way to North America? You got the Aztec tapi myth. The Ojibwe myth. The Delaware Indians myth.
As far as historical legitimacy, and what is used by experts and scholars as proof... the Bible checks all the boxes and then some. By normal standards, it is very historically legit.. it just happens to be a religious book, so those who attack it will use different standards and demand modern level evidence of thousands of year old texts. It's a tactic and argument made by a seventh grader usually.
So, the Israelites completely fabricated their entire history? There’s hundreds of ancient great flood myths, including in Native American culture, that sound a lot like Noah. Care to explain to me how that made its way all the way to North America? You got the Aztec tapi myth. The Ojibwe myth. The Delaware Indians myth.

Of course there are hundreds of flood myths. There have always been local floods, but there is no worldwide flood footprint.

The flood that gave birth to the Noah story is about a 4 day flood of the Euphrates River Basin in 2900 BC. That's backed up by the geology and the king's list. The area is very flat as basins generally are so there were no mountains covered in 20 feet of water. Their whole world was flooded.

A king of Sumer sold beer, grain and livestock down river. The flood was caused by spring snowmelt from the Zagross Mountains combined with spring rains.. His barges broke loose and the king ended up in Bahrain.

The Euphrates river flooded from time to time creating the delta south of Basra, but this one in particular must have been a doozy. The flood footprint is 150 miles wide and 350 miles to the south towards the Persian Gulf.
As far as historical legitimacy, and what is used by experts and scholars as proof... the Bible checks all the boxes and then some. By normal standards, it is very historically legit.. it just happens to be a religious book, so those who attack it will use different standards and demand modern level evidence of thousands of year old texts. It's a tactic and argument made by a seventh grader usually.
the historical accuracy of the desert bibles is an attempt to legitimize the otherwise subjective and unverified interpretations ascribed to unknown individuals and their underlying motivations for what they claim as relevant for their narrative - particularly the christian bible that contains not one direct accounting by its main character.

and the events of the 1st century liberation theology not ascribed by the religion of the roman empire, christian bible, victimizes the religious itinerant every much so as their untimely death used to insure servitude over the true cause of individual liberation the itinerant gave their life for.
Uh oh, someone didn't get it at all.

I don't need evidence. I'm not talking about evidence.

I'm talking about lack of evidence and possibilities.

You have some evidence for a theory that says the universe has a beginning and is accelerating, but no where near enough to say it is so.

And what if the universe is like a bike inner tube? Round, the universe is expanding away from one point, but heading back to this point?

It's a possibility even within all the knowledge that we have. And there are plenty of other possibilities.

I'm not saying this possibility is true. I'm saying no one can say any possibility is true. I'm using one example that takes the evidence we have and makes it different without going against the evidence we have.

You can BELIEVE anything you want. BELIEVING is deciding something is true when you have no idea. It's the basis of religion.

Religious people have literally been brought up to BELIEVE, to accept without knowing.

But for me BELIEVING is ridiculous. But you can do it, just don't expect any sympathy from me.
This is R&E, not S&T.

The Bible is the BEST evidence and it states clearly that God created the universe, Earth and everything in it. It even states how it was done and that it took six days and science backs it up.

All you have are worthless personal opinions that have been disproven by science. The universe has been shown to be flat and scroll shaped.

The rest just describes YOUR beliefs and conjecture. Science does not back you up and you have no evidence whatsoever. If personal opinion is your religion, i.e. faith based beliefs, then knock yourself out but no one or an insignificant few will follow.
Of course there are hundreds of flood myths. There have always been local floods, but there is no worldwide flood footprint.

The flood that gave birth to the Noah story is about a 4 day flood of the Euphrates River Basin in 2900 BC. That's backed up by the geology and the king's list. The area is very flat as basins generally are so there were no mountains covered in 20 feet of water. Their whole world was flooded.

A king of Sumer sold beer, grain and livestock down river. The flood was caused by spring snowmelt from the Zagross Mountains combined with spring rains.. His barges broke loose and the king ended up in Bahrain.

The Euphrates river flooded from time to time creating the delta south of Basra, but this one in particular must have been a doozy. The flood footprint is 150 miles wide and 350 miles to the south towards the Persian Gulf.
I’m not talking about any flood myth. I’m talking a great flood myth, guy gets a warning from god, told to build a vessel, told to put all animals and seeds in that vessel, a great flood comes and kills everything, then the guy releases some type of bird or birds to check for dry land. That story is everywhere. China. Africa. Europe. North America. South America.

Plus, you’re wrong about Egypt having no record of Israelites. There is a Stele from around 1200 BC, that says something to the effect of “Israel has been lain waste” along with other countries from that time. There’s also a name of a people that were enslaved by Egypt, that the Egyptians called (I believe) Susha, or more specifically the Susha of Yaeweh. And another reference to them in a papyrus of the Susha fleeing Egypt right around the believed time of Moses. Either 13th century or 15the century BC, I forget.
I’m not talking about any flood myth. I’m talking a great flood myth, guy gets a warning from god, told to build a vessel, told to put all animals and seeds in that vessel, a great flood comes and kills everything, then the guy releases some type of bird or birds to check for dry land. That story is everywhere. China. Africa. Europe. North America. South America.

Plus, you’re wrong about Egypt having no record of Israelites. There is a Stele from around 1200 BC, that says something to the effect of “Israel has been lain waste” along with other countries from that time. There’s also a name of a people that were enslaved by Egypt, that the Egyptians called (I believe) Susha, or more specifically the Susha of Yaeweh. And another reference to them in a papyrus of the Susha fleeing Egypt right around the believed time of Moses. Either 13th century or 15the century BC, I forget.
... a great flood comes and kills everything,
that is the desert version - can you really believe such an event with that outcome should be made as a religion - a nursery rime for children.

no other beings than sapiens, consumed in evil - were killed.

only as a last resort to give humanity a second chance - and look what they do in abject dishonesty to the prescribed reaffirmation for humanities chosen destiny - same as their bibles. sakinago.


that is the desert version - can you really believe such an event with that outcome should be made as a religion - a nursery rime for children.

no other beings than sapiens, consumed in evil - were killed.

only as a last resort to give humanity a second chance - and look what they do in abject dishonesty to the prescribed reaffirmation for humanities chosen destiny - same as their bibles. sakinago.
What? I don’t even understand what you’re saying? I can’t even argue against you because I have no fucking clue what your point is. Are you using a translation app? I’d say no because you spelt rhyme wrong
Both Moses and Abraham are probably fictional. What warring city states are you talking about?

The Canaanites moved inland after the Sea People arrived and cut off the symbiotic relationships between towns people and bedu.

The Sphinx was probably an Anubis and most archaeologists and geologists still favor the traditional view that the Sphinx is about 4,500 years old. However, the relatively new theory is based on what is thought to be “precipitation-induced weathering” on the upper areas of the Sphinx. Archaeologists supporting this view contend that the last time there was sufficient precipitation in the region to cause this pattern of rainfall erosion on limestone was around 9,000 years ago, 7000 B.C.

Why bother with Bible, you don't believe any of it.
What? I don’t even understand what you’re saying? I can’t even argue against you because I have no fucking clue what your point is. Are you using a translation app? I’d say no because you spelt rhyme wrong

He is certainly all over the place.
the historical accuracy of the desert bibles is an attempt to legitimize the otherwise subjective and unverified interpretations ascribed to unknown individuals and their underlying motivations for what they claim as relevant for their narrative - particularly the christian bible that contains not one direct accounting by its main character.

and the events of the 1st century liberation theology not ascribed by the religion of the roman empire, christian bible, victimizes the religious itinerant every much so as their untimely death used to insure servitude over the true cause of individual liberation the itinerant gave their life for.
Well then I assume you reject most historical documents out there then from ancient times.. right?
What? I don’t even understand what you’re saying? I can’t even argue against you because I have no fucking clue what your point is. Are you using a translation app? I’d say no because you spelt rhyme wrong
seems clear to me christian - you believe the heavens killed every living being on planet Earth for the crimes of a single group save a handful of their members - and uses the lesson as a nursery rhhyem for children ... good luck, making sense seems for you a natural attribute and clear as a whistle.
Well then I assume you reject most historical documents out there then from ancient times.. right?
not in the least -

the recorded historical documents are of great value in clarifying the uninterrupted history of christianity ...

from the 4th century to the present day. as well the other desert religions contributions being the same.
This is R&E, not S&T.

The Bible is the BEST evidence and it states clearly that God created the universe, Earth and everything in it. It even states how it was done and that it took six days and science backs it up.

All you have are worthless personal opinions that have been disproven by science. The universe has been shown to be flat and scroll shaped.

The rest just describes YOUR beliefs and conjecture. Science does not back you up and you have no evidence whatsoever. If personal opinion is your religion, i.e. faith based beliefs, then knock yourself out but no one or an insignificant few will follow.

If the Bible is the best evidence, then there's no evidence.

The Bible was written by humans. Today we don't know about the beginning of the universe, 2,000 years ago they knew so much less. In fact 2,000 years ago

How has the universe been proven to be "flat and scroll shaped"?

You keep talking about my belief, when I keep telling you that it's not my belief. It's possibilities. If there are a trillion possibilities, then 999,999,999,999 of them are not going to be reality.

I think you should read what I write, rather than decide you know what I'm saying without reading it.
If the Bible is the best evidence, then there's no evidence.

The Bible was written by humans. Today we don't know about the beginning of the universe, 2,000 years ago they knew so much less. In fact 2,000 years ago

How has the universe been proven to be "flat and scroll shaped"?
I gave you how science backed up the Bible. However, to believe in God one has to have faith first. Then God will reveal his GLORIOUS AND BEAUTIFUL SELF AND WORKS to you and continue to do so.

It's why you cannot accept my evidence. It's the same with believing in no God. It takes faith to believe it as there is no evidence. The most scientific position would be agnosticism as God or no God can be empirically proven or demonstrated. Are there any scientists who take that position? I guess a few do.

The Bible is God's word which he dictated to humans. You and the atheists with their scientists do not know about the beginning of the universe. Besides, if they did, then it wouldn't be true such as singularity just popped into existence.

The universe is flat and scroll shaped. It is shaped like a saddle or as described in the Bible a tent like shape. Has that been proven? I don't know. Many scientists think it's been proven to be flat shaped (parallel lines won't cross like that if the shape was spherical) even though 3D.

You keep talking about my belief, when I keep telling you that it's not my belief. It's possibilities. If there are a trillion possibilities, then 999,999,999,999 of them are not going to be reality.

I think you should read what I write, rather than decide you know what I'm saying without reading it.
Okay, I accept your possibilities and most are improbable or impossible, but you don't say or describe what you think the remaining possibilities are.
I gave you how science backed up the Bible. However, to believe in God one has to have faith first. Then God will reveal his GLORIOUS AND BEAUTIFUL SELF AND WORKS to you and continue to do so.

It's why you cannot accept my evidence. It's the same with believing in no God. It takes faith to believe it as there is no evidence. The most scientific position would be agnosticism as God or no God can be empirically proven or demonstrated. Are there any scientists who take that position? I guess a few do.

The Bible is God's word which he dictated to humans. You and the atheists with their scientists do not know about the beginning of the universe. Besides, if they did, then it wouldn't be true such as singularity just popped into existence.

The universe is flat and scroll shaped. It is shaped like a saddle or as described in the Bible a tent like shape. Has that been proven? I don't know. Many scientists think it's been proven to be flat shaped (parallel lines won't cross like that if the shape was spherical) even though 3D.

Okay, I accept your possibilities and most are improbable or impossible, but you don't say or describe what you think the remaining possibilities are.

You hardly gave me science. You merely stated that something was so, when it isn't so.

Yes, all this God stuff is all about "believing", accepting without knowing.

You decide God exists and that's that.

You're telling me what the universe is like, and you have no clue what the universe is like. We humans can't see what shape the universe is, we can't even see it all. We don't even know how large it is.

If the universe is "flat", then how come there are galaxies in all directions? Is that flat?

There are trillions upon trillions of possibilities, you want me to list them all?

The reality is that the truth of the universe might be a possibility no one has even considered. I don't need to present all the possibilities.

What I'm saying is that YOU DON'T KNOW, and I don't know, what the universe is like, how it functions etc.

You claim to know, and I know you're just making it up. I don't claim to know, I'll wait until there's enough evidence (and I'll be long dead by then).

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