Bible History

You hardly gave me science. You merely stated that something was so, when it isn't so.

Yes, all this God stuff is all about "believing", accepting without knowing.

You decide God exists and that's that.

You're telling me what the universe is like, and you have no clue what the universe is like. We humans can't see what shape the universe is, we can't even see it all. We don't even know how large it is.

If the universe is "flat", then how come there are galaxies in all directions? Is that flat?

There are trillions upon trillions of possibilities, you want me to list them all?

The reality is that the truth of the universe might be a possibility no one has even considered. I don't need to present all the possibilities.

What I'm saying is that YOU DON'T KNOW, and I don't know, what the universe is like, how it functions etc.

You claim to know, and I know you're just making it up. I don't claim to know, I'll wait until there's enough evidence (and I'll be long dead by then).

I told you the IMPORTANT part and that was you have to have FAITH first and then God will reveal himself to you. You bet this God stuff is about FAITH first, but it isn't accepting without knowing. God will reveal himself and then you'll believe deeper. Anyway, you're not going to have faith first, so it doesn't matter. I hope you do, but you sound more like an atheist even if you're agnostic.

Of course, I have an idea of what the universe is like because it states so in the Bible. Once you have faith, then the Bible will tell you more about the universe as part of God's revelation and you'll know. (It's still up to the person to prove it using science.) I can't explain it better than that to an unbeliever.

The universe is flat in shape. It's 3D, but the general shape is flat. The Bible tells us that it's like its stretched out like a curtain and shaped like a tent. Only the saddle shape provided by science fits that. You can look up the science for the three shapes (two are flat, one is spherical), but you're right. I don't think anyone has proven what shape it is.

Nothing's wrong with saying I DON'T KNOW, but I know from the Bible. That's due to faith and knowing how God revealed the answer to me from the Bible. He reveals it to anyone else who has faith and reads the Bible. That's the best I can explain to you.
I told you the IMPORTANT part and that was you have to have FAITH first and then God will reveal himself to you. You bet this God stuff is about FAITH first, but it isn't accepting without knowing. God will reveal himself and then you'll believe deeper. Anyway, you're not going to have faith first, so it doesn't matter. I hope you do, but you sound more like an atheist even if you're agnostic.

Of course, I have an idea of what the universe is like because it states so in the Bible. Once you have faith, then the Bible will tell you more about the universe as part of God's revelation and you'll know. (It's still up to the person to prove it using science.) I can't explain it better than that to an unbeliever.

The universe is flat in shape. It's 3D, but the general shape is flat. The Bible tells us that it's like its stretched out like a curtain and shaped like a tent. Only the saddle shape provided by science fits that. You can look up the science for the three shapes (two are flat, one is spherical), but you're right. I don't think anyone has proven what shape it is.

Nothing's wrong with saying I DON'T KNOW, but I know from the Bible. That's due to faith and knowing how God revealed the answer to me from the Bible. He reveals it to anyone else who has faith and reads the Bible. That's the best I can explain to you.

That you believe the Bible totally is your problem, but it's also massively contradictory. But that's neither here nor there.

What is a problem with the Bible for me is that it was written by humans. It also has many different versions which have been changed by PEOPLE.

You trust that?

Religion has been used as a police force for thousands and thousands of years, and the Bible and Christianity are no exceptions. The Bible is so convenient for humans, it's kind of weird.

Humans make up something like 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of the universe. Almost certainly less. Why would a God who rules over the whole universe, be Human-centric?
That you believe the Bible totally is your problem, but it's also massively contradictory. But that's neither here nor there.

What is a problem with the Bible for me is that it was written by humans. It also has many different versions which have been changed by PEOPLE.

You trust that?

Religion has been used as a police force for thousands and thousands of years, and the Bible and Christianity are no exceptions. The Bible is so convenient for humans, it's kind of weird.

Humans make up something like 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of the universe. Almost certainly less. Why would a God who rules over the whole universe, be Human-centric?
I was right about you and your faith. You are wrong about me. Yet, I told you the truth and important part the best as I could explain.

Also, I explained the Bible was said by God and written by the apostles and other select few. Had you read an article explaining the Bible, you would know the versions are just small differences I go by the ASV, but would trust any of the different versions. Thus, you just told huge lies or wrongness in your last post.
I was right about you and your faith. You are wrong about me. Yet, I told you the truth and important part the best as I could explain.

Also, I explained the Bible was said by God and written by the apostles and other select few. Had you read an article explaining the Bible, you would know the versions are just small differences I go by the ASV, but would trust any of the different versions. Thus, you just told huge lies or wrongness in your last post.
Also, I explained the Bible was said by God and written by the apostles and other select few.
these fellows -
“Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.”
do you wonder why the crucifiers have never been brought to justice - maybe that's what they are waiting for and is accounted for by the religion of antiquity.

you are a stick in the mud, bond - using disinformation to persecute the truth.
I was right about you and your faith. You are wrong about me. Yet, I told you the truth and important part the best as I could explain.

Also, I explained the Bible was said by God and written by the apostles and other select few. Had you read an article explaining the Bible, you would know the versions are just small differences I go by the ASV, but would trust any of the different versions. Thus, you just told huge lies or wrongness in your last post.

The Gospels' authors are named after Matthew, Mark, Luke and John out of tradition..

Look at the dates of the gospels and Job, Enoch and Daniel.

There have been many, many authors and all the books have been redacted and amended.


these fellows -


do you wonder why the crucifiers have never been brought to justice - maybe that's what they are waiting for and is accounted for by the religion of antiquity.

you are a stick in the mud, bond - using disinformation to persecute the truth.
I'm not the one stuck in the mud or poop like you. You don't even understand what antiquity means. It goes to prove you have no reference to a 4.5 billion year old Earth which your religion scientists claim.
I'm not the one stuck in the mud or poop like you. You don't even understand what antiquity means. It goes to prove you have no reference to a 4.5 billion year old Earth which your religion scientists claim.

According to the Bible the Tower of Babel was some 130 years AFTER the Ark landed.
The Gospels' authors are named after Matthew, Mark, Luke and John out of tradition..

Look at the dates of the gospels and Job, Enoch and Daniel.

There have been many, many authors and all the books have been redacted and amended.
The Bible was not redacted or altered as you believe.

OT: Written from approximately 1400 BC to 400 BC
NT: Written from approximately AD 40 to AD 90

The originals are gone or were lost considering the length of time. Anywhere between 1900 and 3400 years have passed since a book of the Bible was written. However, we have the various versions or copies including copies of copies today and there aren't much changes between them. It's just minor words there and here. The reader has a choice of which version they want to read.

Otherwise, the detractors would have wide differences if your claims of it being redacted and amended were true.
According to the Bible the Tower of Babel was some 130 years AFTER the Ark landed.
So? It's in Genesis 11:1-9. Go on with your explanation.

ETA: It's getting difficult to trust you or believe you are on the side of the believers as your snipe comments against the Bible are easily refuted.
The Bible was not redacted or altered as you believe.

OT: Written from approximately 1400 BC to 400 BC
NT: Written from approximately AD 40 to AD 90

The originals are gone or were lost considering the length of time. Anywhere between 1900 and 3400 years have passed since a book of the Bible was written. However, we have the various versions or copies including copies of copies today and there aren't much changes between them. It's just minor words there and here. The reader has a choice of which version they want to read.

Otherwise, the detractors would have wide differences if your claims of it being redacted and amended were true.

Nope. Enoch and Daniel were written after 200 BC. Where do you think the doublets in Genesis come from? Judah and Israel had different stories which were cobbled together during the reign of King Omri.
So? It's in Genesis 11:1-9. Go on with your explanation.

ETA: It's getting difficult to trust you as your snipe comments against the Bible are easily refuted.

In What Time Period Was The Tower Of Babel Built In ...
Aug 24, 2017 · The Tower of Babel incident occurred around 4,200 years ago—about 100 years after the Flood but before Abraham was born, This was before ancient Egypt, Greece, and other early civilizations. These places couldn’t have begun until after people left Babel to establish these other civilizations. Noah’s grandson Javan founded Greece.
Nope. Enoch and Daniel were written after 200 BC. Where do you think the doublets in Genesis come from? Judah and Israel had different stories which were cobbled together during the reign of King Omri.
Which Enoch are you talking about?
In What Time Period Was The Tower Of Babel Built In ...
Aug 24, 2017 · The Tower of Babel incident occurred around 4,200 years ago—about 100 years after the Flood but before Abraham was born, This was before ancient Egypt, Greece, and other early civilizations. These places couldn’t have begun until after people left Babel to establish these other civilizations. Noah’s grandson Javan founded Greece.
What did God command the people to do after the great flood? To spread wide and far and go to the four corners of the Earth. Instead, they built the tower and stayed in one place. Do you know the rest of the story and how the people were punished?
What did God command the people to do after the great flood? To spread wide and far and go to the four corners of the Earth. Instead, they built the tower and stayed in one place. Do you know the rest of the story and how the people were punished?

Some of Noah's sons settled around the Black Sea and other's went to Arabia. Have you actually read the Bible?
Nope. Enoch and Daniel were written after 200 BC. Where do you think the doublets in Genesis come from? Judah and Israel had different stories which were cobbled together during the reign of King Omri.
Which Enoch are you talking about?
>>Nope. Enoch and Daniel were written after 200 BC. Where do you think the doublets in Genesis come from? Judah and Israel had different stories which were cobbled together during the reign of King Omri.<<

I don't know, but think the books or stories you are referring to were falsely or erroneously attributed to the Enoch you mean. It could be due to evil King Omri.

ETA: There were three books supposedly falsely attributed to Enoch.
>>Nope. Enoch and Daniel were written after 200 BC. Where do you think the doublets in Genesis come from? Judah and Israel had different stories which were cobbled together during the reign of King Omri.<<

I don't know, but think the books or stories you are referring to were falsely or erroneously attributed to the Enoch you mean. It could be due to evil King Omri.

ETA: There were three books supposedly falsely attributed to Enoch.

The Book of Enoch was 600 years after King Omri.

Omri - Wikipedia
I'm not the one stuck in the mud or poop like you. You don't even understand what antiquity means. It goes to prove you have no reference to a 4.5 billion year old Earth which your religion scientists claim.
I'm not the one stuck in the mud
do you wonder why the crucifiers have never been brought to justice - maybe that's what they are waiting for and is accounted for by the religion of antiquity.
how antique is eternal, the eternal religion of antiquity.

did you count on your stubby fingers how many "apostles and other select few" made themselves known to the crucifiers ... or waited 400 years latter to write their book for them.
- using disinformation to persecute the truth.
funny how you seldom respond to relevant issues - why has christianity been responsible throughout the ages for the persecution and victimization of the innocent - as though it is their calling to enjoy harming others.


how antique is eternal, the eternal religion of antiquity.

did you count on your stubby fingers how many "apostles and other select few" made themselves known to the crucifiers ... or waited 400 years latter to write their book for them.


funny how you seldom respond to relevant issues - why has christianity been responsible throughout the ages for the persecution and victimization of the innocent - as though it is their calling to enjoy harming others.
God said the believers will not see what happens to the non-believers. Instead, the non-believers will see the believers get rewarded in the afterlife. In his infinite wisdom, God provides what is necessary and disregards that which I and the believers may want to or thought about seeing in the afterlife. You would be in the higher tier for me, but you won't have to worry about your enemies seeing you suffer.
The Book of Enoch was 600 years after King Omri.

Omri - Wikipedia
I'm not going to read a whole wiki just to understand what you are claiming is erroneous. I don't know if your claim is true or not as it could have been a falsely attributed book or an actual one. King Omri isn't the most trustworthy and that's whose collection you have. Can you show me better evidence to your claim?

I mean I assume you believe King Omri and his collection.

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