Bible History

I'm not going to read a whole wiki just to understand what you are claiming is erroneous. I don't know if your claim is true or not as it could have been a falsely attributed book or an actual one. King Omri isn't the most trustworthy and that's whose collection you have. Can you show me better evidence to your claim?

I mean I assume you believe King Omri and his collection.

Omri was an excellent king.

King Solomon, son of the legendary giant-killer David, has long been held up as a founder of the first Israelite kingdom.

Historical and archeological evidence, though, shows that this wasn’t the case. King Solomon has been given credit for many of the impressive building projects that actually happened during the Omride Dynasty.


One of Omri's most important political achievements was the reestablishment of good relations with Zidon, the land of the Phoenicians, whose friendship had helped to increase the wealth and power of King David and King Solomon during their reigns. Here too, Omri affirmed the political alliance by marriage. His son Ahab married Jezebel.....

Omri was an excellent king.

King Solomon, son of the legendary giant-killer David, has long been held up as a founder of the first Israelite kingdom.

Historical and archeological evidence, though, shows that this wasn’t the case. King Solomon has been given credit for many of the impressive building projects that actually happened during the Omride Dynasty.


One of Omri's most important political achievements was the reestablishment of good relations with Zidon, the land of the Phoenicians, whose friendship had helped to increase the wealth and power of King David and King Solomon during their reigns. Here too, Omri affirmed the political alliance by marriage. His son Ahab married Jezebel.....

>>Omri was an excellent king.<<

Lol, no believer can take your points seriously as history and the Bible do not say that. He was the worst king up to that point and turned out evil. He got God's wrath up by placing false idols above him like those of King Jeroboam. Politically, he was successful but don't think he was up there for long and got his history taken away. I think kings were supposed to last 12 years, but he fell short in 7. Are you of the same thinking as Omri since you praise and collect his works?
>>Omri was an excellent king.<<

Lol, no believer can take your points seriously as history and the Bible do not say that. He was the worst king up to that point and turned out evil. He got God's wrath up by placing false idols above him like those of King Jeroboam. Politically, he was successful but don't think he was up there for long and got his history taken away. I think kings were supposed to last 12 years, but he fell short in 7. Are you of the same thinking as Omri since you praise and collect his works?

The Jews didn't like him, but he was a very good king.. Read about him and his accomplishments.
The Jews didn't like him, but he was a very good king.. Read about him and his accomplishments.
Omri may have been politically successful for a short time and his family and their power flourished after he left. However, it sounds like his family's power was eventually upended by God. Omri may not have been the first king to have his people worship the golden calf, but he used the golden calf idol to his advantage, as well. No wonder God hated him.

Are you one who worships gold or money and the luxury it brings?
I was right about you and your faith. You are wrong about me. Yet, I told you the truth and important part the best as I could explain.

Also, I explained the Bible was said by God and written by the apostles and other select few. Had you read an article explaining the Bible, you would know the versions are just small differences I go by the ASV, but would trust any of the different versions. Thus, you just told huge lies or wrongness in your last post.

How am I wrong about you?

So the Bible was written by God? Which version? Different versions of the Bible are written differently. They've been translated.

What are the ERRORS in the King James Version Bible this is a website that deals with issues of translation in the New Testament.

What about contradictions?

Here are 101 contradictions in the Bible.

The most relevant, in the Trump era, is that of adultery and the punishment for it.

The Old Testament says adulterers should die.

Jesus says that those without sin should throw the first stone.

Which do you do? Leviticus is used to pound on gay people, yet says Trump should have been killed three times for his adultery. Amazing huh? Elect one, vilify the other.

That's the Bible. Cherry picked to hell.
>>Omri was an excellent king.<<

Lol, no believer can take your points seriously as history and the Bible do not say that. He was the worst king up to that point and turned out evil. He got God's wrath up by placing false idols above him like those of King Jeroboam. Politically, he was successful but don't think he was up there for long and got his history taken away. I think kings were supposed to last 12 years, but he fell short in 7. Are you of the same thinking as Omri since you praise and collect his works?

Where does it say they were supposed to rule 12 years? Omri's goal was to reunite Judah and Israel.
Where does it say they were supposed to rule 12 years? Omri's goal was to reunite Judah and Israel.
You're the Omri expert here. It's claimed he ruled 12 years, but he didn't. The important part is God hated him because of having his people worshipping the golden calf. Maybe God took away his power or he became ill. The golden calf would still be of great monetary value today so I think it would represent misplaced values imo.
You're the Omri expert here. It's claimed he ruled 12 years, but he didn't. The important part is God hated him because of having his people worshipping the golden calf. Maybe God took away his power or he became ill. The golden calf would still be of great monetary value today so I think it would represent misplaced values imo.

God didn't hate him. The Jews did. .. that's why they claimed his building projects were carried out by Solomon.
Uh oh, someone didn't get it at all.

I don't need evidence. I'm not talking about evidence.

I'm talking about lack of evidence and possibilities.

You have some evidence for a theory that says the universe has a beginning and is accelerating, but no where near enough to say it is so.

And what if the universe is like a bike inner tube? Round, the universe is expanding away from one point, but heading back to this point?

It's a possibility even within all the knowledge that we have. And there are plenty of other possibilities.

I'm not saying this possibility is true. I'm saying no one can say any possibility is true. I'm using one example that takes the evidence we have and makes it different without going against the evidence we have.

You can BELIEVE anything you want. BELIEVING is deciding something is true when you have no idea. It's the basis of religion.

Religious people have literally been brought up to BELIEVE, to accept without knowing.

But for me BELIEVING is ridiculous. But you can do it, just don't expect any sympathy from me.
Hardly........deciding something is true void of evidence is the basis of religion? That's not the basis for Christian faith, as Christian faith is not blind, its based upon the objective record of eyewitness accounts aka, a TESTAMENT.

Lets affirm this again......real slow, faith as found in the BIBLE is not blind its based upon evidence. Just as proclaimed in the holy scriptures themselves (John 20:30-31, Matthew 11:2-5)

Example: "And many other signs (evidences) truly did Jesus in the presence of His disciples, which are not written (recorded) in this book. But these are written (eye witness testaments), that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and believing that ye might have life through His name." -- John 20:30-3

"Jesus answered and said unto them; GO AND SHOW JOHN again these things which ye do hear and see." -- Matt. 11:4

Thus: Christian Faith is based upon the recorded "eyewitness" testimonies of those who walked with the Christ while on earth. Its called "PRIMA FACIE" evidence and its used everyday in the judicial system of these United States of America to sentence individuals for crimes where objective evidence is not available. Simply because the "negative" can't be produced does not stop the objective from ever existing.

Based on your logic......or rather the lack thereof. Because science is not capable of reproducing the things witnessed as science is governed by the natural laws of physics.....the super (superior) to nature (natural) is impossible, yet here we are, standing in a reality that can't be explained via the natural laws of science, and it can't be denied as to its truthfulness.....because you can't deny your own existence as evidence of creation whether natural or supernatural. You can't deny the existence of the physical universe that you are incapable of explaining via the very laws that govern it.

Faith is a "conviction" of things not personally witnessed but believed beyond the reason to doubt otherwise due to contradictory evidence that is made available. To this one has been capable of producing such contradictory evidence to make one believe otherwise beyond any reason of doubt. Because "YOU" opine something does not make it instant truth. You are held to the same standard that you are attempting to prosecute the faith of others. Disprove the scriptures. Pull out your 'super natural -0- meter' and measure the SUPER (superior) Natural (to nature) events recorded.

In order to dismiss this PRIMA FACIE evidence (Prima Facie: i.e., as it seems, appears at first sight), based upon the eyewitness records of those who actually lived and died during this time would need to produce the objective evidence to the contrary that these eyewitness accounts were nothing but a record of lies and deceit. Proceed..........

REFUTE THIS STATEMENT via application of applied science or history actual. "For we (the disciples of Christ) have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, BUT WERE EYEWINTESSES OF HIS MAJESTRY." -- 2 Peter 1:16 a very fascist manner you are going to attempt to declare that the Bible can't defend itself via presenting its actual content of record? :dunno: Even though that is where Christian Faith is actually constructed......its not blind, it is constructed one block at a time with the Christ being the Chief cornerstone, "Faith cometh by hearing and HEARING BY THE WORD OF GOD." -- Rom 10:17

Its anything but BLIND as is the faith of human seculars that believe, "Once upon a time there was a cosmic egg........that came from NOBODY KNOWS, and existed for NOBODY KNOWS how long........before it suddenly exploded outward at the speed of litght, with this unknown source of energy creating the stars, which in turn created every physical element known to man through the evolution of GASES to form biological life that eventually morphed into mankind........." Really GAS into Man......that takes faith.

Now that is an example of BLIND FAITH.

Present the first experiment using the scientific method that falsifies the CREATION MODEL found in, present first successful experiment using the scientific method that confirms the process of evolution's basic tenet.......ABIOGENESIS (life evolving from dead matter via an application of energy)......there are countless such experiments that FALSIFIES this blind faith.

Science as based upon the Pasteur model.....has proven that LIFE can only come from preexisting life within the same species. Just as presented in scripture (Genesis 1:24-25).
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You're the Omri expert here. It's claimed he ruled 12 years, but he didn't. The important part is God hated him because of having his people worshipping the golden calf. Maybe God took away his power or he became ill. The golden calf would still be of great monetary value today so I think it would represent misplaced values imo.
your misplaced values ...

that's where christianity has failed - their need for monetary value over the value provided by the Garden - that's what those people saw, made in the heavens - not the riches the priests acquired from them through their toils and suffering.

true, the religion of antiquity comes to fruition when the last of one or the other perishes, those remaining are who will be judged - they will not see a soul of the other type. believers need not apply.
Hardly........deciding something is true void of evidence is the basis of religion? That's not the basis for Christian faith, as Christian faith is not blind, its based upon the objective record of eyewitness accounts aka, a TESTAMENT.

Lets affirm this again......real slow, faith as found in the BIBLE is not blind its based upon evidence. Just as proclaimed in the holy scriptures themselves (John 20:30-31, Matthew 11:2-5)

Example: "And many other signs (evidences) truly did Jesus in the presence of His disciples, which are not written (recorded) in this book. But these are written (eye witness testaments), that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and believing that ye might have life through His name." -- John 20:30-3

"Jesus answered and said unto them; GO AND SHOW JOHN again these things which ye do hear and see." -- Matt. 11:4

Thus: Christian Faith is based upon the recorded "eyewitness" testimonies of those who walked with the Christ while on earth. Its called "PRIMA FACIE" evidence and its used everyday in the judicial system of these United States of America to sentence individuals for crimes where objective evidence is not available. Simply because the "negative" can't be produced does not stop the objective from ever existing.

Based on your logic......or rather the lack thereof. Because science is not capable of reproducing the things witnessed as science is governed by the natural laws of physics.....the super (superior) to nature (natural) is impossible, yet here we are, standing in a reality that can't be explained via the natural laws of science, and it can't be denied as to its truthfulness.....because you can't deny your own existence as evidence of creation whether natural or supernatural. You can't deny the existence of the physical universe that you are incapable of explaining via the very laws that govern it.

Faith is a "conviction" of things not personally witnessed but believed beyond the reason to doubt otherwise due to contradictory evidence that is made available. To this one has been capable of producing such contradictory evidence to make one believe otherwise beyond any reason of doubt. Because "YOU" opine something does not make it instant truth. You are held to the same standard that you are attempting to prosecute the faith of others. Disprove the scriptures. Pull out your 'super natural -0- meter' and measure the SUPER (superior) Natural (to nature) events recorded.

In order to dismiss this PRIMA FACIE evidence (Prima Facie: i.e., as it seems, appears at first sight), based upon the eyewitness records of those who actually lived and died during this time would need to produce the objective evidence to the contrary that these eyewitness accounts were nothing but a record of lies and deceit. Proceed..........

REFUTE THIS STATEMENT via application of applied science or history actual. "For we (the disciples of Christ) have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, BUT WERE EYEWINTESSES OF HIS MAJESTRY." -- 2 Peter 1:16 a very fascist manner you are going to attempt to declare that the Bible can't defend itself via presenting its actual content of record? :dunno: Even though that is where Christian Faith is actually constructed......its not blind, it is constructed one block at a time with the Christ being the Chief cornerstone, "Faith cometh by hearing and HEARING BY THE WORD OF GOD." -- Rom 10:17

Its anything but BLIND as is the faith of human seculars that believe, "Once upon a time there was a cosmic egg........that came from NOBODY KNOWS, and existed for NOBODY KNOWS how long........before it suddenly exploded outward at the speed of litght, with this unknown source of energy creating the stars, which in turn created every physical element known to man through the evolution of GASES to form biological life that eventually morphed into mankind........." Really GAS into Man......that takes faith.

Now that is an example of BLIND FAITH.

Present the first experiment using the scientific method that falsifies the CREATION MODEL found in, present first successful experiment using the scientific method that confirms the process of evolution's basic tenet.......ABIOGENESIS (life evolving from dead matter via an application of energy)......there are countless such experiments that FALSIFIES this blind faith.

Science as based upon the Pasteur model.....has proven that LIFE can only come from preexisting life within the same species. Just as presented in scripture (Genesis 1:24-25).

Well, just because a book was organized in a certain way, doesn't mean it's true. Just because a book is written in first person, doesn't mean it's true. Just because a book is supposedly written by different people, doesn't mean it's written by those people.

And there are plenty of contradictions in the Bible. Even if these were eye witness accounts, these "eye witnesses" might be taking third hand information or worse

"After his baptism, “the spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. And he was in the wilderness forty days ... (Mark 1:12-13)"

"Next day after the baptism, Jesus selected two disciples. Second day: Jesus went to Galilee - two more disciples. Third day: Jesus was at a wedding feast in Cana in Galilee (see John 1:35; 1:43; 2:1-11)"

But you're right. Deciding the Big Bang happened, deciding that life appeared out of nowhere, it's blind faith. The problem is that many scientists merely make hypotheses in order to test them. It's how science works. You say something is so, not because you believe, but because you want to test.

Then again there are plenty of scientists who will decide that the theories they have are true. It's human nature to make things simpler for ourselves. Religion is the perfect example of that.

There's "good and evil". It's that simple. The Holocaust was "evil" because 6 million Jews and millions of others were killed in a 12 year period.

But it's not "evil" to kill trillions of animals a year.

Because "good and evil" is human-centric. The Bible is human-centic too. It's convenient for humans. It allows humans to feel good about themselves.
Well, just because a book was organized in a certain way, doesn't mean it's true. Just because a book is written in first person, doesn't mean it's true. Just because a book is supposedly written by different people, doesn't mean it's written by those people.

And there are plenty of contradictions in the Bible. Even if these were eye witness accounts, these "eye witnesses" might be taking third hand information or worse

"After his baptism, “the spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. And he was in the wilderness forty days ... (Mark 1:12-13)"

"Next day after the baptism, Jesus selected two disciples. Second day: Jesus went to Galilee - two more disciples. Third day: Jesus was at a wedding feast in Cana in Galilee (see John 1:35; 1:43; 2:1-11)"

But you're right. Deciding the Big Bang happened, deciding that life appeared out of nowhere, it's blind faith. The problem is that many scientists merely make hypotheses in order to test them. It's how science works. You say something is so, not because you believe, but because you want to test.

Then again there are plenty of scientists who will decide that the theories they have are true. It's human nature to make things simpler for ourselves. Religion is the perfect example of that.

There's "good and evil". It's that simple. The Holocaust was "evil" because 6 million Jews and millions of others were killed in a 12 year period.

But it's not "evil" to kill trillions of animals a year.

Because "good and evil" is human-centric. The Bible is human-centic too. It's convenient for humans. It allows humans to feel good about themselves.
But it's not "evil" to kill trillions of animals a year.

Because "good and evil" is human-centric. The Bible is human-centic too. It's convenient for humans. It allows humans to feel good about themselves.
you are wrong, fridge - that is not subjective.

over time the spiritual component is able to make alterations to the physiological component it relies on for its life and occurs when completed in a single instance reproducible from that time forward, parent to offspring.

the same for the triumph ascribed by antiquity, over time when completed a new level is achieved from whence to be admitted to the Everlasting when that time arrives.
Well, just because a book was organized in a certain way, doesn't mean it's true. Just because a book is written in first person, doesn't mean it's true. Just because a book is supposedly written by different people, doesn't mean it's written by those people.

And there are plenty of contradictions in the Bible. Even if these were eye witness accounts, these "eye witnesses" might be taking third hand information or worse
You keep missing the important point. It's first person as God and he is the ultimate witness. Not only that, there are plenty of human witnesses including those on the against side such as Pilate's guards and

Your denial is your faith in atheism w/o any evidence. There aren't any contradictions in the Bible or else that's evidence for your side. There are false books written by unbelievers and worse, but those have been disproved. You are such a putz that you do not mention any of those.


you are wrong, fridge - that is not subjective.

over time the spiritual component is able to make alterations to the physiological component it relies on for its life and occurs when completed in a single instance reproducible from that time forward, parent to offspring.

the same for the triumph ascribed by antiquity, over time when completed a new level is achieved from whence to be admitted to the Everlasting when that time arrives.

It might not be subjective to you, because you've been told what is and what isn't evil.

But the reality is Christianity and other religions are human-centric, you can't ignore that. Why would they be human-centric when we make up such a small part of the universe?
You keep missing the important point. It's first person as God and he is the ultimate witness. Not only that, there are plenty of human witnesses including those on the against side such as Pilate's guards and

Your denial is your faith in atheism w/o any evidence. There aren't any contradictions in the Bible or else that's evidence for your side. There are false books written by unbelievers and worse, but those have been disproved. You are such a putz that you do not mention any of those.

The problem is this is the important point FOR YOU. Not for me.

The Bible, in reality, was written by humans. You can say it was written by God, but then a Muslim would say that the Quran was written by God, and other religions would say the same thing. What makes you right and them wrong? What makes other "false" and you right? Nothing. It's just you've decided to believe.

Again, believing is accepting without knowing.

Religion has always been convenient for humans. It acts as the police, it keeps people in line through fear and hope and love.

I'm not an atheist. Atheists BELIEVE something isn't there. I don't BELIEVE. I just see what's what. I see the Bible as having been written by humans. Because it was.

Now, maybe God could have helped humans to right it, perhaps a crocodile helped humans to write it, or maybe humans are notorious con artists.

For me the most likely is the latter. I'm willing to say "I don't know", but I'm also willing to look at all the evidence that points to it being convenient for humans.

The Bible doesn't condone killing of animals except humans. That in itself suggests it's human-centric, which means the chances are it was written by humans, for humans.
Omri may have been politically successful for a short time and his family and their power flourished after he left. However, it sounds like his family's power was eventually upended by God. Omri may not have been the first king to have his people worship the golden calf, but he used the golden calf idol to his advantage, as well. No wonder God hated him.

Are you one who worships gold or money and the luxury it brings?

This thread is about Bible history.

The Golden Calf - Jewish History -
May 31, 2005 · The Golden calf If 600,000men left Egypt only 3000 were punished. That is 5% of the total or out of 100 men only 5 died. Therefore the men who worshiped the calf was …
The problem is this is the important point FOR YOU. Not for me.

The Bible, in reality, was written by humans. You can say it was written by God, but then a Muslim would say that the Quran was written by God, and other religions would say the same thing. What makes you right and them wrong? What makes other "false" and you right? Nothing. It's just you've decided to believe.

Again, believing is accepting without knowing.

Religion has always been convenient for humans. It acts as the police, it keeps people in line through fear and hope and love.

I'm not an atheist. Atheists BELIEVE something isn't there. I don't BELIEVE. I just see what's what. I see the Bible as having been written by humans. Because it was.

Now, maybe God could have helped humans to right it, perhaps a crocodile helped humans to write it, or maybe humans are notorious con artists.

For me the most likely is the latter. I'm willing to say "I don't know", but I'm also willing to look at all the evidence that points to it being convenient for humans.

The Bible doesn't condone killing of animals except humans. That in itself suggests it's human-centric, which means the chances are it was written by humans, for humans.
The important point is to know what is true and how we got here or the origins of everything. The Bible explains how. With faith, God reveals himself and I know how we got here. He reveals that evolution and evolutionary thinking are lies and people who believe that, are following atheist scientists and the antiChrist. It's like what happened in the garden of Eden and humans. They believe in lies and now have faith in the lies. If atheist science was valid, then you'd have the evidence for abiogenesis and today's monkeys would be bipedal.

The atheists scientists and atheists will end up in punishment and hell forever (being without God). Satan has led them to faith in the antiChrist and beliefs. Everything that Satan says using evolution and evolutionary thinking contradicts what God has said. There can be no coincidence in that.

I agree that Christianity is important for me and not for you, but you cannot escape God's wrath and avoid your punishment. You can see how I did with my faith and belief in creation science in the afterlife. Creation science shows me the truth and how astounding God's works are. The truth is amazing.

As for the rest, it sounds like your faith in the antiChrist. How you interpret what I explained as the truth contradicts what I did my best to explain. Since you are keeping an open mind and being agnostic, you may find faith in God and the Bible but I doubt it. One has to start with faith first. It doesn't matter if one is atheist or agnostic as without faith, you won't find God. The Bible says we must have faith in God or else it is impossible to please God.

ETA: Here is evidence for what I said. One of those who have faith in the antiChrist here thinks there are plenty of other planets like Earth covered with oceans without any evidence. It's based on vast the universe is which shows the glory of God.
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This thread is about Bible history.

The Golden Calf - Jewish History -
May 31, 2005 · The Golden calf If 600,000men left Egypt only 3000 were punished. That is 5% of the total or out of 100 men only 5 died. Therefore the men who worshiped the calf was …

I clicked on the above and got "Page Not Found." Go figure.

>>May 31, 2005 · The Golden calf If 600,000men left Egypt only 3000 were punished. That is 5% of the total or out of 100 men only 5 died. Therefore the men who worshiped the calf was …<<

How were the 3000 punished and by who?

I clicked on the above and got "Page Not Found." Go figure.

>>May 31, 2005 · The Golden calf If 600,000men left Egypt only 3000 were punished. That is 5% of the total or out of 100 men only 5 died. Therefore the men who worshiped the calf was …<<

How were the 3000 punished and by who?

Exodus 32:28 The Levites did as Moses commanded, and …
The Levites did what Moses told them, and that day about 3,000 people died. International Standard Version The descendants of Levi did just as Moses told them, and …

"Moses Breaks the Tablets
…27He told them, “This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: ‘Each of you men is to fasten his sword to his side, go back and forth through the camp from gate to gate, and slay his brother, his friend, and his neighbor.’ ” 28The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people fell dead. 29Afterward, Moses said, “Today you have been ordained for service to the LORD, since each man went against his son and his brother; so the LORD has bestowed a blessing on you this day.”…"

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