Bible History

The important point is to know what is true and how we got here or the origins of everything. The Bible explains how. With faith, God reveals himself and I know how we got here. He reveals that evolution and evolutionary thinking are lies and people who believe that, are following atheist scientists and the antiChrist. It's like what happened in the garden of Eden and humans. They believe in lies and now have faith in the lies. If atheist science was valid, then you'd have the evidence for abiogenesis and today's monkeys would be bipedal.

The atheists scientists and atheists will end up in punishment and hell forever (being without God). Satan has led them to faith in the antiChrist and beliefs. Everything that Satan says using evolution and evolutionary thinking contradicts what God has said. There can be no coincidence in that.

I agree that Christianity is important for me and not for you, but you cannot escape God's wrath and avoid your punishment. You can see how I did with my faith and belief in creation science in the afterlife. Creation science shows me the truth and how astounding God's works are. The truth is amazing.

As for the rest, it sounds like your faith in the antiChrist. How you interpret what I explained as the truth contradicts what I did my best to explain. Since you are keeping an open mind and being agnostic, you may find faith in God and the Bible but I doubt it. One has to start with faith first. It doesn't matter if one is atheist or agnostic as without faith, you won't find God. The Bible says we must have faith in God or else it is impossible to please God.

ETA: Here is evidence for what I said. One of those who have faith in the antiChrist here thinks there are plenty of other planets like Earth covered with oceans without any evidence. It's based on vast the universe is which shows the glory of God.

Well, you can believe whatever you want.

The church used to say that the Sun revolved around the Earth, that the Earth was the center of the universe. They persecuted people for saying otherwise.

And they KNEW they were right, just as you say you KNOW you're right.

Funny huh?
What "BS"..............the Bible simply presents a history, it contains the good, the bad and the ugly, its not about making someone "FEEL" good, talk to your liberal friends about FEELINGS ......the Bible is the only historical accounting where the entire truth is delivered, its not presented from a single point of view in order to mold GOOD FEELINGS to any nation of origin or particular group of peoples, it reveals many acts by man and God, it records the skeletons in the closets as well as the good that some men can do.........

Its a record written down by almost 40 different authors, all from different walks of life, all within different social positions, the Bible was written by sheep herders, physicians, royalty, tax collectors, fishermen...etc., and not one section of that entire canon of books though written by about 40 different authors contradicts one another's accounts in presenting the WHOLE TRUTH in a history of the Judeo/Christian faith. Recorded through divine inspiration that those who read might believe that eyewitness accounting.

No means its true based upon eyewitness accounting and its stands as truth until you can produce something other than subjective BS ad hominem OPINION to refute those testimonies presented in that record called the Holy Scriptures.

What? Circular Logic/Reasoning, aka, a logical fallacy..........where you end at the same point you began without producing any new evidence other than rhetoric.....proves your point? :abgg2q.jpg: Stating the same thing over and over makes it

Again.......produce your evidence, objective in nature that is observable via everyone, reproducible via everyone, and consistent.......using Applied Science (real science that is applied to the laws of physics in order to point out facts) or History Actual, the actual record by other eyewitnesses that contradicts the accounts in scripture.

Thus far -0- + -0- still = -0- evidence you have produced.

So you want me to present evidence, but your "evidence" is some book written 2000 years ago or more, and contains so many inconsistencies it's ridiculous.

No, the manner of your post suggests it's a waste of time. Bye.
Why address me about it? Why don't you talk to gnostic surada? Gnostics love to revel in discussing Mary. Also, both of you are into abominations albeit yours is physical while his is spiritual, but it seems you want to get into some spiritual abominations today, too.
Also, both of you are into abominations albeit yours is physical while his is spiritual, but it seems you want to get into some spiritual abominations today, too.
surada is feminine ... they claim.
physical evolution is integral for the understanding of the metaphysical, from whence we came - what's physical about the prescribed religion of antiquity, the means for spiritual admission to the Everlasting.

is there other than on planet Earth where physiology and its spiritual content - seem inseparable, till death do they part - hopefully for some.

and how do you reconcile - your apostles - denied the religious itinerant. and then started the church ... jim and tammy faye - the bakker's - knew just where to look to do the same.
Well, you can believe whatever you want.

The church used to say that the Sun revolved around the Earth, that the Earth was the center of the universe. They persecuted people for saying otherwise.

And they KNEW they were right, just as you say you KNOW you're right.

Funny huh?
The Bible doesn't say that. It was Claudius Ptolemaeus, better known as Ptolemy, who promoted geocentrism. I think he was Greek-Roman and not Christian. This was the scientific theory of the day like evolution and everyone believed it. Anyway, the church did think it was Biblical and promoted it, but the Bible doesn't say that.

It sounds like you think it started with the church, but you are wrong. The church just followed the science of the day, observation and promoted something they thought God would do. It's like some churches and Pope Francis believing in evolution and supporting it today.

It's ironic that you're the one pointing it out as church driven when it was science driven. I'll LMAO over that.
Ptolemy was of greek extraction-----born in the Hellenistic influenced
city of Egypt----Alexandria
The Bible doesn't say that. It was Claudius Ptolemaeus, better known as Ptolemy, who promoted geocentrism. I think he was Greek-Roman and not Christian. This was the scientific theory of the day like evolution and everyone believed it. Anyway, the church did think it was Biblical and promoted it, but the Bible doesn't say that.

It sounds like you think it started with the church, but you are wrong. The church just followed the science of the day, observation and promoted something they thought God would do. It's like some churches and Pope Francis believing in evolution and supporting it today.

It's ironic that you're the one pointing it out as church driven when it was science driven. I'll LMAO over that.

The Bible doesn't say a lot of things that people claim it does say. Interpretation is a MASSIVE part of what makes Christians.

Imagine a Christian looking at Leviticus and saying "Gay people are bad", enough that they want to make them second class citizens, not being able to go into shops run by Christians, not being able to marry the person they want to....

And then they turn around and vote for a guy who, according to Leviticus, should be stoned to death. THREE TIMES (at least).

It's cherry picking at its finest.

The Bible doesn't mention the Big Bang. Unless you decide to interpret it that way. It doesn't mention what existed before the Big Bang. It doesn't mention galaxies.

Psalm 8:3-4

"When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars,", just the moon and the stars? Surely if this was GOD'S WORD, God would have spoken about all the things he created. Instead it speaks of what was KNOWN AT THE TIME. Funny that.

Revelation 8:12

"The fourth angel blew his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck, and a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of their light might be darkened, and a third of the day might be kept from shining, and likewise a third of the night."

Actually the church didn't follow the science of the day. It made the science fit. They KNEW the Earth went around the Sun way before Galileo "discovered" it.

"The idea is ancient. Around 230 b.c., the Greek philosopher Aristarchus suggested that this was the case."

You can "LMOWFHFKS" all you like. If you took the time to understand what I'm saying BEFORE trying to make it high school.... you might react differently.
The Bible doesn't say a lot of things that people claim it does say. Interpretation is a MASSIVE part of what makes Christians.

Imagine a Christian looking at Leviticus and saying "Gay people are bad", enough that they want to make them second class citizens, not being able to go into shops run by Christians, not being able to marry the person they want to....

And then they turn around and vote for a guy who, according to Leviticus, should be stoned to death. THREE TIMES (at least).

It's cherry picking at its finest.

The Bible doesn't mention the Big Bang. Unless you decide to interpret it that way. It doesn't mention what existed before the Big Bang. It doesn't mention galaxies.

Psalm 8:3-4

"When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars,", just the moon and the stars? Surely if this was GOD'S WORD, God would have spoken about all the things he created. Instead it speaks of what was KNOWN AT THE TIME. Funny that.

Revelation 8:12

"The fourth angel blew his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck, and a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of their light might be darkened, and a third of the day might be kept from shining, and likewise a third of the night."

Actually the church didn't follow the science of the day. It made the science fit. They KNEW the Earth went around the Sun way before Galileo "discovered" it.

"The idea is ancient. Around 230 b.c., the Greek philosopher Aristarchus suggested that this was the case."

You can "LMOWFHFKS" all you like. If you took the time to understand what I'm saying BEFORE trying to make it high school.... you might react differently.
I would say it's you who's cherry picking. You realized you were wrong about geocentrism and moved on to something else. I am YEC and go by that.
the religion of antiquity is for humanity - not the individual, no one (maybe) may be admitted to the Everlasting than everyone being on board. at least no one left behind.
specify what do you mean by ancient religion? There were 2 opposite branches, the western chthonism and the eastern worship of the heavenly gods.
From the point of view of understanding the philosophy of good and evil, the biblical mythology of
Book of Genesis is important. The main sin there is declared the knowledge of good and evil, which raised a person to the level of the gods. This message itself is not "good", and this is repeated later. The apostles say that the polytheists knew nature but rejected the creator. Thus, it is recognized that the polytheists were an extremely advanced humanity.
Abrahamic religions plunged the world into obscurantism. Christians hated the sciences of heaven and burned great scientists and ancient books of astronomers at the stake.
I would say it's you who's cherry picking. You realized you were wrong about geocentrism and moved on to something else. I am YEC and go by that.

No, I haven't realized I'm wrong.

If you're equating me replying to what I read you writing as me ignoring something because I admit I'm wrong, then this conversation is going to be very difficult.

I literally spoke about people in 200 BC knowing the Earth went around the Sun. It's right there in my reply to you.

Should I come up with some nonsense psychological analysis of you because you ignored that I wrote this?

No, all I'm going to say is if this conversation carries on like this, I'm out. I'm here to use my brain. I don't care whether you agree with me or not. I don't care if you believe in your religion. You've chosen to engage me in this topic, and I will talk about this topic from my perspective. But I'm not playing childish games.
It is also interesting that the universe observed through telescopes corresponds most of all to the ancient model of the celestial spheres. Distant stars are almost motionless, and they really represent the outer sphere.
By the way, it is noteworthy that this has not yet been proven. Or is it proven?

Well, in the sense that we as humans exist, yes, the Earth has been proven to revolve around the sun. We can literally see it happening. We know the points of each planet and Sun where they revolve around and what revolves around what.

Literally in order to send spaceships around the Solar System, mathematicians have to know this 100%, and they are able to send things with almost 100% accuracy. We can also predict solar and lunar eclipses to the second because we KNOW that the Earth goes around the Sun.
We can also predict
It is not an argument. Newtonian physics was completely refuted in19th century, in fact, this is an anti-scientific hypothesis. But it is still limited used in calculations.
I want to see concrete proof of heliocentrics
It is not an argument. Newtonian physics was completely refuted in19th century, in fact, this is an anti-scientific hypothesis. But it is still limited used in calculations.
I want to see concrete proof of heliocentrics

Good for you.
If a person sees that the sun revolves around the earth, then why should he believe someone who claims otherwise?

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