Bible History

I think this model is related to "motion relativity". If we assume the stationary ether, then "relativity" in the sense of Galileo and Einstein disappears.
Assuming what you're seeing actually exists.

Does this writing that you're reading actually exist?
This is just silly sophistry, you do not have a definite concept of existence and you manipulate this uncertainty. Is there an acid trip world? Color blind world? Yes, this is the same world that they see differently.
This is just silly sophistry, you do not have a definite concept of existence and you manipulate this uncertainty. Is there an acid trip world? Color blind world? Yes, this is the same world that they see differently.
Well, you wanted it to be like that. So here we are.

We exist within a universe that we believe is real. Within that world there are rules, we call that science. We study science.

Within that study of science we KNOW 100% that the Earth revolves around the Sun. I'm not going to go and show some mathematical formula for this. If you want to try and prove it's not so, go ahead. But I'm not going to answer your "silly sophistry".
In a sense, the observed world is an illusion, since it is not perceived by everyone in the same way, this suggests that there is a world of Plato's ideas, which was opposed by most of the scholastics. Materialism and Christianity reduce the world to a concrete sensible world, and denies universals. Modern science follows this vicious path.
In a sense, the observed world is an illusion, since it is not perceived by everyone in the same way, this suggests that there is a world of Plato's ideas, which was opposed by most of the scholastics. Materialism and Christianity reduce the world to a concrete sensible world, and denies universals. Modern science follows this vicious path.

So, have you shown any evidence that the Earth doesn't revolve around the Sun yet?
This heliocentric model arose in essence from the opposition to the epicycles model, but the epicycles model also explained everything, this is just a model versus a model and there is no rigorous proof. It's like faith.
In addition, heliocentrism mistakenly assumed that the sun is the center.
This heliocentric model arose in essence from the opposition to the epicycles model, but the epicycles model also explained everything, this is just a model versus a model and there is no rigorous proof. It's like faith.
In addition, heliocentrism mistakenly assumed that the sun is the center.

So, how is it we can predict solar and lunar eclipses to the second? That's observable.

That's not faith. That's knowledge.
How is it contrary to observation?
If a heliocentric model hadn't been hammered by propaganda, into my school, I would have thought that the sun revolves around the earth. This is what everyone observes directly with their own eyes.
If a heliocentric model hadn't been hammered by propaganda, into my school, I would have thought that the sun revolves around the earth. This is what everyone observes directly with their own eyes.

No, it isn't.

If someone tells you "tomorrow at 5pm there will be a Solar eclipse" and it happens. In fact, it happens every time, on time, throughout your whole life, how on Earth do you think they get it so accurately?
So, how is it we can predict solar and lunar eclipses to the second? That's observable.

That's not faith. That's knowledge.
all of this was predicted just as well on the basis of old models.
In addition, modern physics has sunk to a banal lie. They introduce the concept of fiction and in their calculations use forces that do not exist in their model. For example, centrifugal force is considered fiction for them, but they need it for calculations. This is just a scam.
all of this was predicted just as well on the basis of old models.
In addition, modern physics has sunk to a banal lie. They introduce the concept of fiction and in their calculations use forces that do not exist in their model. For example, centrifugal force is considered fiction for them, but they need it for calculations. This is just a scam.

You're telling me that a person predicts the Solar Eclipse on the basis that the Earth revolves around the Sun, but the Sun revolves around the Earth and just happens to get it right?

Not only that, they also manage to get planet alignments right.

Literally you have lots of objects going around the Earth, which means you'd be able to see them most of the time.

Let's take Jupiter. If the Earth were the center of the Solar System, then Jupiter would be a certain distance from Earth all the time. It would vary, but it would be consistent.

If Jupiter AND Earth revolve around the Sun, then Jupiter and Earth would vary in distance MASSIVELY, which is the case and which is observable. Also, Jupiter would disappear for much longer periods of time, which is does.

It's all observable unless you have your head stuck down someone's chimney.
a person predicts
They only declare it.
In reality, they cannot even predict the weather for a day, their rockets fall, and they cannot even design the door to the shed normally, they are constantly making mistakes.
They do not have a consistent model, each time they face revelations, they hastily create a separate section that explains a special case. You will never catch their hand, because they allow themselves absolutely any sophistry, and this ugliness grows exponentially.
When Einstein stumbled on acceleration, they simply created a separate section of the special theory.
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They only declare it.
They do not have a consistent model, each time they face revelations, they hastily create a separate section that explains a special case. You will never catch their hand, because they allow themselves absolutely any sophistry, and this ugliness grows exponentially.
When Einstein weaved his mug into acceleration, they simply created a separate section of the special theory.

Again. They can predict when things are going to happen. AND THEY HAPPEN.

They predict planet alignments. They happen. They predict solar and lunar events. They predict comets going AROUND THE SUN.

Even the science says the largest mass in the Solar System is going to have the most influence. It does. The Sun is massively bigger than anything else.

The Sun has 333,000 times the mass of the Earth. It's 1,000 times bigger than the mass of Jupiter. Why would the Sun revolve around a planet that isn't the biggest or the smallest planet? Makes no sense.

You have nothing, you're giving me nothing and yet you're still arguing the unarguable.
Modern science is no different from church scholasticism. They use not a scientific but a speculative method of knowledge. They build speculative mathematic model, pull reality to it by the ears. What cannot be attracted is thrown into another section.
For example, all physics, which brought and is bearing real results, was built in the 19th century on the basis of the ether theory, all that they discovered in the 20th century on their mathematics is just headlines in cheap newspapers.
And they still use the models of the 19th century, they just changed the terms.
Maxwell's equations were created based on the ether model, etc.

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