Bible History

The first person to present the Big Bang idea was a Jesuit priest.
Yes, he was the one who was right about the expanding universe. Hubble's Law should be renamed Hubble-Lemaitre Law.

BTW, I learned that Hubble didn't exactly believe in an expanding universe, but Lemaitre did. See how real science backs up the Bible?
It’s not intrinsic. Read a history book for fucks sake. Nobody faults the mama bear for tearing apart a hiker near her Cubs. Nobody faults the male lion eating the progeny of his predecessor. That’s intrinsic. What isn’t intrinsic is our capacity for torture. Look up the Iron Maiden. Look up crucifixion. That’s all something more than intrinsic. That’s fallen nature, and that was the norm in every single culture that’s ever existed.
the spoken religion of antiquity is intrinsic to the metaphysical development of all beings on planet Earth and is required for their continued progression. as well their spiritual reward.
you're one confused puppy ...

that's why a&e chose to learn the difference, good vs evil to guide their own destiny, the intrinsic path to the Everlasting ... few follow the true path unknowingly and fewer yet learn to know the path and reach its destination. as was granted a&e and set the stage for humanity to follow. the true story.

non of which is possible through the desert religions as to why they chose the serpent to be subservient - it gives them away as their nefarious intent.
The cycle hypothesis never got much traction because it had no evidence or because Einstein futzed his analysis. It only works for a universe standing still. It was conjecture by Einstein. He made the worst scientific mistake of his life because of it unless you have more of an explanation.

Don't bring it up again. Man, you got shit on a stick for evidence :abgg2q.jpg:.

as an angle of trajectory.

matter is accelerating at a finite angle of trajectory that will return all matter as a mirror image to its original location without changing direction, all at the same time, relative to its launch -

the boomerang theory - cyclical universe, energy to matter to energy.
you're one confused puppy ...

that's why a&e chose to learn the difference, good vs evil to guide their own destiny, the intrinsic path to the Everlasting ... few follow the true path unknowingly and fewer yet learn to know the path and reach its destination. as was granted a&e and set the stage for humanity to follow. the true story.

non of which is possible through the desert religions as to why they chose the serpent to be subservient - it gives them away as their nefarious intent.

Snake Cults predominated all over the region and to the Indus Valley.. so maybe it was just a matter of dueling religions. Snakes were a symbol of wisdom, fertility and rebirth.
as an angle of trajectory.

matter is accelerating at a finite angle of trajectory that will return all matter as a mirror image to its original location without changing direction, all at the same time, relative to its launch -

the boomerang theory - cyclical universe, energy to matter to energy.
You are a babbling fool and don't know anything you are talking about.

Here proof of more lies by the atheist community. Hubble was an agnostic, but he's credited as an atheist -- Edwin Hubble - Celebrity Atheist List.

Liar, liar. Pants on fire. It's a socially acceptable way to say you and your fellow atheists' crown jewels are on fire.
Most scholars think the Hebrews emerged from the Canaanites on the Northcoast of Syria where they shared the Canaanite pantheon like Baal, EL and Ashtoreth.

Urfa and Haran are nearby.. and Urfa is identified as the birthplace of Abraham. A lot of Psalms and our Bible stories come from the Ugarit at Ras Shamra.
Oh geez, most scholars huh? Same ones that still claim the Egyptians built the Sphinx despite clear signs of water runoff in its basin from before Egypt was a desert? Those guys? Cool. And what’s your story now? Abraham is real but Moses wasn’t? A bunch of warring city states decided to unite, throw away their polytheism for a monotheistic, and impose very strict rules on themselves unlike the entirety of ancient world. I guess totally ignore the most complete record of history in that region because it’s the Bible. That makes sense. A book where all the hero’s aren’t invincible warriors like the rest of the ancient cultures, but bumbling cowards with speech impediments who often make mistakes. All the other cultures weren’t too keen about writing about their loses, but the Israelites had no problem talking about how they were conquered over and over, and how their kings had their families murdered in front of them, then their eyes gouged out so it was the last thing they saw.
you're one confused puppy ...

that's why a&e chose to learn the difference, good vs evil to guide their own destiny, the intrinsic path to the Everlasting ... few follow the true path unknowingly and fewer yet learn to know the path and reach its destination. as was granted a&e and set the stage for humanity to follow. the true story.

non of which is possible through the desert religions as to why they chose the serpent to be subservient - it gives them away as their nefarious intent.
Right... becuase humans have been so good at making morality...

Or alternatively look at the world around you. It’s full of cast systems, rape, slavery, murder, concentration camps, etc. Read about the milgram experiment. Watch the push on Netflix.
Oh geez, most scholars huh? Same ones that still claim the Egyptians built the Sphinx despite clear signs of water runoff in its basin from before Egypt was a desert? Those guys? Cool.

And what’s your story now? Abraham is real but Moses wasn’t? A bunch of warring city states decided to unite, throw away their polytheism for a monotheistic, and impose very strict rules on themselves unlike the entirety of ancient world. I guess totally ignore the most complete record of history in that region because it’s the Bible. That makes sense.

. Wht A book where all the hero’s aren’t invincible warriors like the rest of the ancient cultures, but bumbling cowards with speech impediments who often make mistakes. All the other cultures weren’t too keen about writing about their loses, but the Israelites had no problem talking about how they were conquered over and over, and how their kings had their families murdered in front of them, then their eyes gouged out so it was the last thing they saw.
Both Moses and Abraham are probably fictional. What warring city states are you talking about?

The Canaanites moved inland after the Sea People arrived and cut off the symbiotic relationships between towns people and bedu.

The Sphinx was probably an Anubis and most archaeologists and geologists still favor the traditional view that the Sphinx is about 4,500 years old. However, the relatively new theory is based on what is thought to be “precipitation-induced weathering” on the upper areas of the Sphinx. Archaeologists supporting this view contend that the last time there was sufficient precipitation in the region to cause this pattern of rainfall erosion on limestone was around 9,000 years ago, 7000 B.C.
You are a babbling fool and don't know anything you are talking about.

Here proof of more lies by the atheist community. Hubble was an agnostic, but he's credited as an atheist -- Edwin Hubble - Celebrity Atheist List.

Liar, liar. Pants on fire. It's a socially acceptable way to say you and your fellow atheists' crown jewels are on fire.
the boomerang theory - cyclical universe, energy to matter to energy.

sorry, bond - did you say the christian bible claimed the universe was a repeat performance over and over again ...


don't run away, just put your head in the ground - that'll work just fine.
I am a fan of both Devers and Israel Finkelstein.

We want the Bible to be history. Its not. It's didactic literature.
Simply prove via any objective, reproducible, observable evidence that anything mentioned in the Bible is not TRUTH. No subjective, ad hominem based parroting from others who provide nothing but opinion as to what existed prior to "recorded history". Take any fact of applied science or fact of history actual and disprove any passage mentioned in the Bible. No theories, conjectures, assumptions or biased negative assumptions such, since this or that has not been found, then the Bible must be wrong......presenting a "negative" disproves or proves anything except the person presenting the negative has no facts in evidence to present.
Simply prove via any objective, reproducible, observable evidence that anything mentioned in the Bible is not TRUTH. No subjective, ad hominem based parroting from others who provide nothing but opinion as to what existed prior to "recorded history". Take any fact of applied science or fact of history actual and disprove any passage mentioned in the Bible. No theories, conjectures, assumptions or biased negative assumptions such, since this or that has not been found, then the Bible must be wrong......presenting a "negative" disproves or proves anything except the person presenting the negative has no facts in evidence to present.

There were NO Philistines at the time of the Exodus.. and there was NO Ur of the Chaldeans in the time of Abraham.
Snake Cults predominated all over the region and to the Indus Valley.. so maybe it was just a matter of dueling religions. Snakes were a symbol of wisdom, fertility and rebirth.
someone else looking for a closet ....
non of which is possible through the desert religions as to why they chose the serpent to be subservient -

well, maybe so but not so claimed by a christian ... is a snake a serpent ... least we be confused.
Both Moses and Abraham are probably fictional. What warring city states are you talking about?

The Canaanites moved inland after the Sea People arrived and cut off the symbiotic relationships between towns people and bedu.

The Sphinx was probably an Anubis and most archaeologists and geologists still favor the traditional view that the Sphinx is about 4,500 years old. However, the relatively new theory is based on what is thought to be “precipitation-induced weathering” on the upper areas of the Sphinx. Archaeologists supporting this view contend that the last time there was sufficient precipitation in the region to cause this pattern of rainfall erosion on limestone was around 9,000 years ago, 7000 B.C.
Yeah..........PROBABLY.......that's real objective language. STILL FAVOR.......nope nothing subjective here folks. NEW conjectures or assumptions void of evidence here folks to make the conjectures FACTS of history or applied science.. SUPPORTING THE VIEW.....more objectivity? :abgg2q.jpg: CONTEND? Really? Have you presented the first line of objective evidence here? :dunno: Ever hear of "RECORDED HISTORY" a source of calibration? I am just wondering what source of calibration for truth did you use for your 9000 years ago or 7000 BC dating? The earliest dating for "recorded" calibration in support of history dates to the 4th millennium BC.

Conclusion: You are a BIGOT that offers nothing of substance in support of your obvious bigotry toward the Christianity found in Scripture. You pretend to support truth........but don't even offer prima facie evidence in support of your ad hominem parroting.
Right... becuase humans have been so good at making morality...

Or alternatively look at the world around you. It’s full of cast systems, rape, slavery, murder, concentration camps, etc. Read about the milgram experiment. Watch the push on Netflix.
of course, use the collective - humans - it's not just the christians ... sure, how many really have even heard of the true religion of antiquity much less have tried it, unknowingly. even as the default, intrinsic guide - to their livelihood.

sorry, is there a disagreement.
IMVO (in my vaunted opinion) anyone who rejects the value of ANY SCRIPTURAL Literature---whether it is the RAMAYANA or the NT OR OT or the Odyssey as being important HISTORICAL references, is a hopeless moron.
Yeah..........PROBABLY.......that's real objective language. STILL FAVOR.......nope nothing subjective here folks. NEW conjectures or assumptions void of evidence here folks to make the conjectures FACTS of history or applied science.. SUPPORTING THE VIEW.....more objectivity? :abgg2q.jpg: CONTEND? Really? Have you presented the first line of objective evidence here? :dunno: Ever hear of "RECORDED HISTORY" a source of calibration? I am just wondering what source of calibration for truth did you use for your 9000 years ago or 7000 BC dating? The earliest dating for "recorded" calibration in support of history dates to the 4th millennium BC.

Conclusion: You are a BIGOT that offers nothing of substance in support of your obvious bigotry toward the Christianity found in Scripture. You pretend to support truth........but don't even offer prima facie evidence in support of your ad hominem parroting.

Simply prove via any objective, reproducible, observable evidence that anything mentioned in the Bible is not TRUTH. No subjective, ad hominem based parroting from others who provide nothing but opinion as to what existed prior to "recorded history". Take any fact of applied science or fact of history actual and disprove any passage mentioned in the Bible. No theories, conjectures, assumptions or biased negative assumptions such, since this or that has not been found, then the Bible must be wrong......presenting a "negative" disproves or proves anything except the person presenting the negative has no facts in evidence to present.
there are forgeries and fallacies throughout the single source 4th century christian bible - on nearly every page.
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
the above quote is an unaccredited forgery - no such statement would be made without corroboration by the itinerant claimed to have voiced the phrase.

and is the opposite to 1st century liberation theology the itinerant gave their life for than living in abject servitude.
there are forgeries and fallacies throughout the single source 4th century christian bible - on nearly every page.


the above quote is an unaccredited forgery - no such statement would be made without corroboration by the itinerant claimed to have voiced the phrase.

and is the opposite to 1st century liberation theology the itinerant gave their life for than living in abject servitude.
forgery? it seems to be taken from the writing of someone using the pen-name JOHN. First find the guy who called himself "john"
why claim "forgery" ?
there are forgeries and fallacies throughout the single source 4th century christian bible - on nearly every page.


the above quote is an unaccredited forgery - no such statement would be made without corroboration by the itinerant claimed to have voiced the phrase.

and is the opposite to 1st century liberation theology the itinerant gave their life for than living in abject servitude.
Again.......subjective BS You have proven no fallacies exist yet you insist upon claiming truth when you have no source to calibrate truth. How old are you "12"? :dunno: Once again you are doing nothing but demonstrating your preconceived bigotry. Do you comprehend the difference between "subjective" and "objective"?

Subjective: Taking place only in the mind and modified to suit personal biases. Look at "every" post you present........they all contain subjective rhetorical phrases such as demonstrated. Example the last post where I offered retort.... "probably" "favor" "view".......all consisting of nothing but personal opinion. And then its suggested a theory contradicts prima facie truth when in truth a theory is nothing but an "idea" without the objective evidence required to make it a FACT.

Objective: Undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based upon observable evidence in facts.

Example: The scriptures are Observable both to you and I, and they consist of prima facie truth......"until" you can present the objective evidence that is observable, reproducible and consistent, that prima face truth remains truth as you have presented "numerous" points of argument that gives reason to doubt, as you do not present objective evidence beyond the shadow of present subjectivity, nothing else, all based and parroted from others of like mind. This makes you a bigot.

People who deal in truth do not use subjective rhetoric, especially in the format of "circular logic" where you pretend that if you keep circling back to your unsupported argument and repeat it enough Your repetition makes it logical. You are the one claiming the scriptures are based upon lies..........yet you can't prosecute your argument void of subjective rhetorical ad hominem communication.
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