Biden Acting as Middleman for Child Slavery and Sex Trafficking

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
The administration has its people intercepting children at the border, then delivering them to their sponsors inside the United States, apparently with zero regard for who those sponsors are. For people claiming their primary concern is with the welfare of these kids, this is pretty sick. It is analogous to a DFACS worker placing their wards with pimps and rapists. We would not stand for that. It would be an outrage.

Here’s another thing: How many times has the federal government (I.e., the American taxpayer) paid to transport fentanyl to distributors in America? We pay to put illegals on buses and planes to get them to supposed family and friends in America. How many of these fuckers have been transporting drugs? I assume they are searched when apprehended. But let’s face it, if they are not fully vetting these people and are being swamped (both of which are absolutely true), then it would naive to think that quantities of fentanyl are not getting through border security even when carried in by illegals who immediately turn themselves in to authorities.

Biden is the world’s biggest, high volume trafficker of child slavery, child sexual exploitation, and drug mule the world has ever seen. I applaud this Whistleblower.

But make no mistake about it. If the whistleblower knew about what’s going on, then so do others. I’m other words, the Biden administration is KNOWINGLY engaged in this illegal trade.

Is altering the demographics of the electorate this important to them? Yes. Will this destroy our nation? Does Biden’s creepy handlers WANT to destroy America? It certainly appears that way.

we can always count on useful idiots to defend child abuse,,,
I would ask you to prove anything in court, but I know you guys run from that like scared little bunnies.

So you're taking the focus off the REAL child abusers.

You're an enabler of that which you claim to hate.
I would ask you to prove anything in court, but I know you guys run from that like scared little bunnies.

So you're taking the focus off the REAL child abusers.

You're an enabler of that which you claim to hate.
theres more than one way to abuse a child,,
on this forum youve defended all of them,,,

my real concern is if your one of the abusers,,
theres more than one way to abuse a child,,
on this forum youve defended all of them,,,

my real concern is if your one of the abusers,,
Yeah, you haven't seen me do that.

But you folks enable the REAL abusers every day, just for some cynical perceived political advantage.

On behalf of the victims, shame on you.
Yeah, you haven't seen me do that.

But you folks enable the REAL abusers every day, just for some cynical perceived political advantage.

On behalf of the victims, shame on you.
no,,, shame on you pervert,,,

i'm rubber youre glue and when I take a shit it lands on you
I would ask you to prove anything in court, but I know you guys run from that like scared little bunnies.

So you're taking the focus off the REAL child abusers.

You're an enabler of that which you claim to hate.

CRISIS: Thousands of Migrant Children Being Sold Into Slavery​


With U.S. Government as Middleman​

CRISIS: Thousands of Migrant Children Being Sold Into Slavery—With U.S. Government as Middleman

Understand that the process of vetting sponsors for these children radically changed in February 2021 shortly after Biden took office. The problem was one
26 Apr 2023 ~~ By Rick Moran

According to a whistleblower who worked for the Department of Health and Human Services, the United States government has become a middleman in the multi-billion-dollar human trafficking industry at the border. And criminals are using the Biden administration’s politically-motivated policies to fill the quotas of slaves who are then put to work in slaughterhouses, factories, and restaurants to pay off their debts to the smugglers who brought them across the border.
Understand that the process of vetting sponsors for these children radically changed in February 2021, shortly after Biden took office. The problem was one of optics. Unaccompanied minor children were showing up at the border in record numbers and the facilities just weren’t there to care for them. Biden’s solution was catastrophic for the children.
“They have been carelessly funneled through the custody of U.S. government agencies and contractors, and handed off to very lightly vetted sponsors (who are usually also here illegally) in our communities without regard to their safety and well-being,” Jessica Vaughn, director of Policy Studies at the Center for Immigration Studies will testify. ”There is no question that the system for processing minors who cross illegally is dysfunctional, and has been for some time, and needs to be fixed.”

Crisis Of Enslaved Migrant Kids Disqualifies Biden From 2nd Term

Biden’s first term has shown that he is uninterested in and incapable of fixing our broken immigration system.
Becerra isn’t the only administration official passing the buck. Susan Rice, who worked as Biden’s domestic policy advisor, claims that no one ever told her of any problems.
“We were never informed of any kind of systematic problem with child labor or migrant child labor,” she said.
That’s a lie, as the whistleblower and other witnesses will testify before the Judiciary Committee subcommittee today.

The reason for the poor or non-existent vetting of sponsors is pure politics. This administration is terrified about the potential political fallout from having thousands of children appear on the news being held in filthy conditions, including some in cages. That is what happened when the Trump administration was faced with a similar crisis created by Barry Obama..
But Biden cares more about his political standing than the health and safety of children. And now, tens of thousands of them are slaving away for little or no pay, and the U.S. government is feeding the child labor pipeline for the cartels.
Does the Big Guy get his 10 percent cut off the top?
This is so incredibly wrong and highly impeachable. Joe Biden, human trafficker. You can’t make this up, it’s too weird. It all adds up though when we see those pictures of the thousands of mostly young men in those caravans.

CRISIS: Thousands of Migrant Children Being Sold Into Slavery​


With U.S. Government as Middleman​

CRISIS: Thousands of Migrant Children Being Sold Into Slavery—With U.S. Government as Middleman

Understand that the process of vetting sponsors for these children radically changed in February 2021 shortly after Biden took office. The problem was one
26 Apr 2023 ~~ By Rick Moran

According to a whistleblower who worked for the Department of Health and Human Services, the United States government has become a middleman in the multi-billion-dollar human trafficking industry at the border. And criminals are using the Biden administration’s politically-motivated policies to fill the quotas of slaves who are then put to work in slaughterhouses, factories, and restaurants to pay off their debts to the smugglers who brought them across the border.
Understand that the process of vetting sponsors for these children radically changed in February 2021, shortly after Biden took office. The problem was one of optics. Unaccompanied minor children were showing up at the border in record numbers and the facilities just weren’t there to care for them. Biden’s solution was catastrophic for the children.
“They have been carelessly funneled through the custody of U.S. government agencies and contractors, and handed off to very lightly vetted sponsors (who are usually also here illegally) in our communities without regard to their safety and well-being,” Jessica Vaughn, director of Policy Studies at the Center for Immigration Studies will testify. ”There is no question that the system for processing minors who cross illegally is dysfunctional, and has been for some time, and needs to be fixed.”

Crisis Of Enslaved Migrant Kids Disqualifies Biden From 2nd Term

Biden’s first term has shown that he is uninterested in and incapable of fixing our broken immigration system.
Becerra isn’t the only administration official passing the buck. Susan Rice, who worked as Biden’s domestic policy advisor, claims that no one ever told her of any problems.
“We were never informed of any kind of systematic problem with child labor or migrant child labor,” she said.
That’s a lie, as the whistleblower and other witnesses will testify before the Judiciary Committee subcommittee today.

The reason for the poor or non-existent vetting of sponsors is pure politics. This administration is terrified about the potential political fallout from having thousands of children appear on the news being held in filthy conditions, including some in cages. That is what happened when the Trump administration was faced with a similar crisis created by Barry Obama..
But Biden cares more about his political standing than the health and safety of children. And now, tens of thousands of them are slaving away for little or no pay, and the U.S. government is feeding the child labor pipeline for the cartels.
Does the Big Guy get his 10 percent cut off the top?
This is so incredibly wrong and highly impeachable. Joe Biden, human trafficker. You can’t make this up, it’s too weird. It all adds up though when we see those pictures of the thousands of mostly young men in those caravans.
Prove it in court, in the light of day.

Until then you are an enabler.
Biden just reads stuff given to him... he is out of it... so whoever is doing this to America is unknown... and that allows them to do anything they want... no one will stop them... this nation is going under and no one seems to give a shit in DC.....

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