Biden Admin Considering Awarding $450,000 Per Person To Illegals Who Were Separated At Border Under Trump

And yet Fed Judges said they can sue the US. This is why some in the Biden Admin are looking at the payouts, to avoid an even larger one if they lose the lawsuits.
So you’re saying a virtual army of indigent foreigners can break into our country illegally, threaten to sue us, and Biden’s answer is to make them millionaires - using honest Americans’ tax dollars?

This is treason: enticing illegals to come to our country, weaken it by virtue of their presence (the schools where they settle are turning to crap, and the expense of educating/feeding their kids is creating a burden), and for extra measure, effectively saying:

”You can be a millionaire! Just grab yourself a kid or two, break into America illegally, and we will force Americans to pay you enough to buy a McMansion, and have a live-in housekeeper to keep it clean.”
So you’re saying a virtual army of indigent foreigners can break into our country illegally, threaten to sue us, and Biden’s answer is to make them millionaires - using honest Americans’ tax dollars?

No, I am saying some within the Biden Admin have talked about making a settlement to avoid the case going to court. We do not know waht Biden's answer is since there is no indication he has been part of the discussion within the departments. I know this will blow your mind, but the POTUS does not sit in on every meeting held by every Executive Branch department. Some how I am betting you did not blame the last guy for every single discussion had by his Admin.

This is treason: enticing illegals to come to our country, weaken it by virtue of their presence (the schools where they settle are turning to crap, and the expense of educating/feeding their kids is creating a burden), and for extra measure, effectively saying:

”You can be a millionaire! Just grab yourself a kid or two, break into America illegally, and we will force Americans to pay you enough to buy a McMansion, and have a live-in housekeeper to keep it clean.”

Lets see if it happens before we freak the fuck out. Right now it is merely one idea that was thrown out by someone working for the DOJ/DHS/HHS.
And yet Fed Judges said they can sue the US. This is why some in the Biden Admin are looking at the payouts, to avoid an even larger one if they lose the lawsuits.

If you think that's the real reason, I have a bridge for sale.

The Communists have made illegals their top priority, and it's worse now that they control the entire country. They give them drivers licenses so they can get to their job they are illegally working, stopped the wall from being built, opened up the border to invaders from well over 100 countries, warned them about workplace raids (that Biden stopped) when ICE came to their towns, created law stopping local police officers from contacting ICE when they had an illegal in their custody. In California they give them free healthcare.

This lawsuit has no merit. When an illegal is taken into custody, children cannot accompany them just like when we send an American away to prison. They are not talking about paying off illegals to avoid costly lawsuits, they are talking about handing them money because the only reason they're here in the first place is for Democrats to buy their votes. This phony lawsuit is a piece of cake to win for real Americans.

families of dead soldiers who fight to defend our country get $100,000

Biden wants illegals who took actions that caused them to be separated from their children to be given at least $450,000, and up to 1 million. Become a millionaire for breaking the law!

wow. Talk about the wrong priorities. But, all I know is that we can count on the MSM to not critique the Biden admin on this insane idea, and refuse to focus on it..

When has the Democrat party ever been for Americans? Look at what they've done to this country in less than a year. The stupid people don't realize the party they support hates them.
If you think that's the real reason, I have a bridge for sale.

The Communists have made illegals their top priority, and it's worse now that they control the entire country. They give them drivers licenses so they can get to their job they are illegally working, stopped the wall from being built, opened up the border to invaders from well over 100 countries, warned them about workplace raids (that Biden stopped) when ICE came to their towns, created law stopping local police officers from contacting ICE when they had an illegal in their custody. In California they give them free healthcare.

This lawsuit has no merit. When an illegal is taken into custody, children cannot accompany them just like when we send an American away to prison. They are not talking about paying off illegals to avoid costly lawsuits, they are talking about handing them money because the only reason they're here in the first place is for Democrats to buy their votes. This phony lawsuit is a piece of cake to win for real Americans.

I am just posting the facts, I will leave the judgment up to you all. I would just point out there are a lot of lawsuits I think had no merit that end up giving out huge payments.
This is astonishing.

Biden administration is considering awarding $450,000 per person to families separated at the border under Trump's zero-tolerance policy​

  • Officials are considering the payments that could total close to $1 million for two people within the same family
  • The ACLU which represents the families, has identified about 5,500 children separated from parents at the border during the course of the Trump-era policy
  • Former President Trump's administration enacted the policy in April 2018 and withdrew it two months later after much controversy in June
  • The total potential payout could cost $1 billion or more
Meanwhile, Biden Admin is doing its best to fire American citizens who have paid the taxes which would fund such settlements. Walk right into America unvaccinated or infected, but you can't work at large companies or on federal contracts unless you get three Fauci shots, even if you already have natural immunity.


Wall Street Journal:

Let's go Brandon!

Just when you think Dimwingers can't get any more batshit crazy.
It is the blue collar white guy who keeps things going. And they being shit on. Keep screwing with them and they will do the Soviet worker act. Not caring anymore bringing whatever production increases down lower then we have been for the last 4 decades or so. It is not the government parasite who steals peoples wages and taxes them in all other ways who is of growth.

I always said nobody alive today will see another civil war. But I think if they pull this off, it would challenge my theory even if they gave these migrants 100 bucks each.

People are sick of this pandering to non-Americans by the left. Push people into the corner and even the most timid among us can turn violent. Jan 6th was just a small group of people. But turn 30% or more of Americans into those same type of people this country will have a serious problem like we've never seen before.

families of dead soldiers who fight to defend our country get $100,000

Biden wants illegals who took actions that caused them to be separated from their children to be given at least $450,000, and up to 1 million. Become a millionaire for breaking the law!

wow. Talk about the wrong priorities. But, all I know is that we can count on the MSM to not critique the Biden admin on this insane idea, and refuse to focus on it..
Well, Illegal Aliens are much more valuable to the Corrupt Democrat Party than our Troops.
Illegal Aliens give the Democrats more political power.
No, I am saying some within the Biden Admin have talked about making a settlement to avoid the case going to court. We do not know waht Biden's answer is since there is no indication he has been part of the discussion within the departments. I know this will blow your mind, but the POTUS does not sit in on every meeting held by every Executive Branch department. Some how I am betting you did not blame the last guy for every single discussion had by his Admin.

Lets see if it happens before we freak the fuck out. Right now it is merely one idea that was thrown out by someone working for the DOJ/DHS/HHS.
People should be vigilant.
The Democrat Party's greed, corruption, hate, racism and abuses of power are real threats to our democracy* and civil liberties.
It is fundamentally unfair to Americans
Millions of American citizens work hard and pay taxes their whole lives and they never break the law and they are never able to save that amount of money for their retirement.
These Illegal Aliens(new dem voters) would be made into instant millionaires.
These greedy dirty Left Wing lawyers who are suing would also make millions.
And they would probably make huge donations to the greedy corrupt Democrat politicians.
These Illegal Aliens should receive ZERO.
They should be fined for breaking our immigration laws and deported.
If anything like this happens, then all I can say about anybody voting Democrat in the future is they are completely stupid. Actually given the terrible shape Dementia put this country in, I can say that now.
We pay the families of our men and women in the military who lose their lives protecting us $100,000.
Then we'll turn around and pay $450,000 to an illegal who has been inconvenienced.
It is just mind boggling.
I truly pray we can rid ourselves of this evil administration.
This to settle cases for damage done during Trump Administration... Read the WSJ article on it...

They bring them to court and get crucified...

Thanks for bringing this up, this is another mess Trump caused and left for Biden to clean up...

Now the Trumpster are trying to blame Biden for the Trump mess, typical..
Wow compensation for kidnapping done by the Trump Admin.

Can’t have THAT huh?

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