Biden Admin Tells USSC Obamacare is Constitutional...I Don't Think That Is How Things Work


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Biden admin tells Supreme Court ObamaCare is constitutional, a reversal of Trump's DOJ stance in pending case
Biden admin tells Supreme Court
ObamaCare is constitutional, a
reversal of Trump's DOJ stance in

pending case

"The Biden administration is telling the Supreme Court it believes the Affordable Care Act (ACA) -- or ObamaCare -- is constitutional, a reversal of the Trump Justice Department position.

The justices heard the arguments last fall in a case first brought by some red states challenging the ACA’s constitutionality -- and a decision is pending. But with the change of position, the high court could delay a ruling and order reargument in the case."

Gee, Obama's toady, now in the WH, is telling the USSC that Obamacare is Constitutional.... Yeah, this coming from the man who does not believe Influence Peddling, Russian Money Laundering, and taking 1 BILLION from the CCP are legitimate reasons for him to be denied the WH.


The USSC heard the arguments, and a decision was / is pending. the Constitution is the Constitution. Who is in the WH now should have no impact on that fact and / or on the pending decision.

If Renquist had still been alive and the Chief Justice, Obamacare would have been kicked to the curb. No way can the Govt. tell someone they have to buy a commercial product. That's why Robert rewrote it as a tax.

The Only people who liked Obamacare were the people the rest of us were paying for. Everyone else got screwed with higher premiums.
fuck this piece of shit, communist asswipe, xiden...he should just end it ...yo, barrag o---you should shut your communism pushing mouth. barrag-o biggest piece of shit in regards to the brain dead demonRATS...go fuck your he-man barrag, not the AMERICAn people. its a shame you fucking retarded demonRATs cant have the retard elected, running AMERICA. no, you assholes have to have a racist, a whore, and a communist bought family(XIDENS), ruining AMERICA..thats 3 fucked up heads, with no care for AMERICANs. you assholes also have a lunatic twat in the picture also. you fucking retarded demonRATS are so far gone.....
I told you Biden would be 4 more years of Obama. The clown hasn't had 1 idea of his own in over a decade now.
Yet another example of the cancer of Advocacy in American society.

These lawyers can march up to the Supreme Court (figuratively speaking, of course) and make a case for a proposition which they know to be false, and rather than be scorned for their duplicity, they are held aloft for promoting the position of their client - even though it is manifestly wrong.

But this is small potatoes compared to what is happening in the Senate these days.

Advocacy is the cancer. Why do so few people see it? It is NOT OK to lie, just because it advances your case. It is immoral and unethical, and should be condemned.
Biden is doing what he's told to do, just like he's always done(and the rest of the ass clowns in the District of Criminals)- follow the money, see the agenda(s)-

Interpretation doesn't exist without word definition- unless you're a lawyer- they pay others to teach them to lie, legally, by intentional misinterpretation- which can be summed up in; depends on what is is.
But it's a curious thing with Biden. He is a "lame duck." He has a world of experience. He has no excuse for hurting Americans in the quest to appease his Leftist supporters.

I don't think he is senile or incompetent. I think he is a bad person.
fuck this piece of shit, communist asswipe, xiden...he should just end it ...yo, barrag o---you should shut your communism pushing mouth. barrag-o biggest piece of shit in regards to the brain dead demonRATS...go fuck your he-man barrag, not the AMERICAn people. its a shame you fucking retarded demonRATs cant have the retard elected, running AMERICA. no, you assholes have to have a racist, a whore, and a communist bought family(XIDENS), ruining AMERICA..thats 3 fucked up heads, with no care for AMERICANs. you assholes also have a lunatic twat in the picture also. you fucking retarded demonRATS are so far gone.....

You need a Xanax dude.

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