Biden Administration continues with Destruction of History

Slavery was legal in the United States for 80 years before the Civil War, during the Civil War and for almost a year after the Civil War so if that is your criteria then who were the tyrannical assholes?

The tyrannical assholes were the Union scum that raised an Army to kill Americans.

However, the history of the Union being the bad guys is not what this thread is all about.

It is about the woke shit that are trying to erase history in order to kiss the ass of the Negro and White Guilt filth.

No wonder military recruitment is so low seeing how the Potatohead administration is trying to destroy everything.
Slavery was the reason the South seceded. It was not the main reason why Lincoln wanted to preserve the Union.

I think the history of those Units should be preserved.
Slavery was the reason the South seceded. It was not the main reason why Lincoln wanted to preserve the Union.

I think the history of those Units should be preserved.

Slavery was a state right at that time. Losing states rights was a big concern for the Confederates as it still is today with Conservatives.
The Northern Army finally gave up and went home after failing to subdue Louisiana in 1877, marking the end of reconstruction efforts, and a return to the old ways of doing things....and a beginning of the return to the old ways across the entire old south.
So in your reality the South won the war cause the Union gave up in 1877 and went home?
Slavery was a state right at that time. Losing states rights was a big concern for the Confederates as it still is today with Conservatives.
They were worried that they were not going to be able to expand slavery into the new territories.
Hahaha…silly Tard.
Our founding fathers encouraged The People to rise up and take up arms against a tyrannical government…that’s exactly what the confederate badasses did.
Imagine how fascist and authoritarian this almost dead president would be if it not for the memories of the civil war.
ALL good real core Americans should fly the confederate flag high and proud.
blacks hate seeing this stuff on government property Etcetera understandably.
It is laughable to see this: "Who honors traitors and seditionists???", because, and this is a knee-slapper, WE DO.

George Washington
Benjamin Franklin
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
Alexander Hamilton

All were "traitors and seditionists" to the English crown. Why are they now celebrated and not forgotten in infamy? One reason only, they won. Had they lost, they would have been hanged and quickly tossed into the dustbin of history in disgrace. Had the south won, they also would have been celebrated and we would have two nations, not one. Probably wouldn't have been the world leader we are now. How shallow is your analysis.
we'll just continue doing the intelligent things when confronted with racism and bigotry....
So in your reality the South won the war cause the Union gave up in 1877 and went home?
No. Louisiana's insurrectionist won their war against the occupiers in 1877 and the State Government was funded and manned that year by former slave owners. It took time for all of the Southern States, but by the turn of the Century the old power structure was mostly back in place and the era of Jim Crow took hold and the statues to the Old South began being erected.
That isn't germane to the post. This is about certain units that trace their history to state militia regiments from the south that participated in civil war battles not being able to recognize they were part of those battles.
Yeah...that was an insurrection too...or do you think it wasn't since Jefferson Davis wasn't charged with insurrection? lol

At any rate this army doesn't celebrate insurrections against this army.
Yeah...that was an insurrection too...or do you think it wasn't since Jefferson Davis wasn't charged with insurrection? lol

At any rate this army doesn't celebrate insurrections against this army.

And they lost, and they were brought back into the country, and those regiments were never eliminated.

The people who fought them chose to forgive them, we don't have the right to change that.

The fight wasn't to conquer them, it was to bring them back into the fold. Those people on the confederate side were Americans, were Americans when they were fighting, and then were Americans again when they surrendered.

Why should those regiments have to give up battle honors?
we'll just continue doing the intelligent things when confronted with racism and bigotry....
What is that, yell about Murdoch and change the channel, then tell everyone that everything they know is wrong because YOUR sources say something different?
And the Founding Fathers won, which is why you do not see them honored in England.

Had your beloved Confederacy won, then you would maybe have a point.

But, you do not as is your norm.
“You didn’t say what my ears want to hear so therefore I will pretend you didn’t make a point.“

Look, winning or losing has nothing to do with the premise of of post. The confederates felt they were being deprived of rights and so they took up arms like all badasses would….you Father Government loving statists wouldn’t understand.
“You didn’t say what my ears want to hear so therefore I will pretend you didn’t make a point.“

Look, winning or losing has nothing to do with the premise of of post. The confederates felt they were being deprived of rights and so they took up arms like all badasses would….you Father Government loving statists wouldn’t understand.
The Confederates were traitors to their country. They lost their rebellion. If they were badasses they were not very bad ass. They should have been hung, not have great Americans who actually were loyal to their country name military bases after them and built statues.
Except the leaders of the Confederacy were more tyrannical. It doesn't get more tyrannical that feeling empowered to enslave and entire race in perpetuity, you know, for all time.....
Those were the times…you’d be a fool to try to understand that or apply those times to todays societal workings….Imaging how ignorant one would have to be to condemn those cavemen for killing off their own in the name of survival.
Slavery was the reason the South seceded. It was not the main reason why Lincoln wanted to preserve the Union.

I think the history of those Units should be preserved.

You Moon Bats don't know any more about History than you know about Economics, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.

The South seceded because the north was using the Democracy to steal from the cash rich South.

The great debates about slavery in congress had nothing to do with slavery. It was about making the new states in the West be either Democrat or Republican. If they came in as a slave state then then would be Democrat. If non slave then Republican resulting in more Representative and Senate members to get their hands on the Treasury.

Lincoln pushed the war to be to preserve the Union, not to free the goddamn slaves.

Slavery existed as being legal in the US all during the war like it been for 80 years prior. It was up to the states to decide for themselves. That was the Federal law.

If slavery was such an issue to the Union scum then why were several occupied areas given exemptions to the filthy ass Emancipation Proclamation?

You are confused about History. I suggest you go read up on it. You can start with the book "The South was Right" by Kennedy and Kennedy. Maybe you will learn something and then you won't come across as being so damn ignorant, which is typical of you uneducated Moon Bats.


This thread is not really about the Civil War. That has been discussed many times in other threads.

It is about the Potatohead Administration destroying American History along with the history of the military, just like they are destroying everything else.
The Confederates were traitors to their country. They lost their rebellion. If they were badasses they were not very bad ass. They should have been hung, not have great Americans who actually were loyal to their country name military bases after them and built statues.
Spoken like a true Father Government bowing statist.
”Good Americans stay loyal to a government depriving them of rights.”
Look, winning or losing has nothing to do with the premise of of post. The confederates felt they were being deprived of rights and so they took up arms like all badasses would….you Father Government loving statists wouldn’t understand.

Winning has everything to do with it.

Winners are celebrated, losers are forgotten
The Confederates were traitors to their country. They lost their rebellion. If they were badasses they were not very bad ass. They should have been hung, not have great Americans who actually were loyal to their country name military bases after them and built statues.
Your opinion is meaningless. The authorities at the time pardoned them and made them full citizens again, and that's what they remain.

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