Biden administration engaged in pseudo-science


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Biden's transvestic assistant secretary of health successfully fought to eliminate minimum age recommendations for sex change surgeries.​

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health is the organization responsible for the "gender medicine" guidelines regarded as authoritative by various American health institutions and groups, including the American Medical Association, the Endocrine Society, and the American Academy of Pediatrics.
While Britain's landmark Cass Review and other studies have demonstrated WPATH's recommendations to be largely indefensible, a report published in March by Environmental Progress revealed that the organization may not be wholly interested in sound defenses. After all, some of its members appear to be freewheeling radicals happily engaged in horrifying pseudo-science.
According to Mia Hughes' 242-page report, WPATH members "demonstrate a lack of consideration for long-term patient outcomes despite being aware of the debilitating and potentially fatal side effects of cross-sex hormones and other treatments."
Internal documents and videos detailed in the report revealed that WPATH members have knowingly given irreversible medical treatments to mentally compromised victims incapable of providing consent; acknowledged minors cannot comprehend the long-term consequences of so-called gender affirmation; glossed over the regrets of victims of sex changes; and manufactured fake body parts in elective surgeries that do not "exist in nature."

Despite Europe walking away from transgender surgery for minors because of the scientific data that warns against it, much like Europe did walking away from giving Covid vaccines to young males due to data that showed an unacceptable risk of endocarditis that killed people, the Biden administration refuses to do the same, much like Fauci refused to ban Covid shots for young males like Europe did.

This is because science in the US is different from science anywhere else in the world. For you see, science in the US is a political weapon used by the Left and to hell with the data. They cling to a scientific viewpoint with all their might, no matter the mounting evidence that may pile up showing they were wrong. In this respect, science in America is closer to a religion than fact. After all, if they show they can be wrong once, who is to say they could be wrong about something else. We simply can't have that, now can we? Democrats are never wrong about anything, as we all know.

This reminds me of Joe Stalin in the former USSR who embraced the pseudo-science of Lysenko who came up with new scientific theories in agriculture, stating that the agriculture of the West had been corrupted and were wrong. The problem was, however, his theories are what was wrong. But Stalin loved the anti-West rhetoric and demanded his theories be implemented into practice anyway.

Despite being an abject failure for decades and decades, with hundreds of millions of deaths from starvation from following the Left-wing pseudo-science of Lysenko, the former USSR refused to change their agriculture practice until 40 years later.

Simply put, control and propaganda are more important to Left wing dictators than life itself.

Science, don't ya love science?
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Science, don't ya love science?

No, it's medicine ... more art than anything ... dressed to look like science, even though it isn't ... don't you pay health insurance premiums? ... folks are buying in so there might be something to it ...
Obama is running the country right now... we now know his wife is a dude... and this is why we have this BS being pushed on us and the cabinet is full of tranny's.....
Obama is running the country right now... we now know his wife is a dude... and this is why we have this BS being pushed on us and the cabinet is full of tranny's.....
It's all about population control. The more abortions and trans people etc. the less the population. Limiting the population growth is part of the gospel of the Climate Change cult saving the world.

China also engaged in this with their one child policy.

It's a Lefty thingy.
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