Biden administration ‘strongly opposes’ honorable discharge for service members who refuse COVID-19 vaccine


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
How's that freedom thing working out so far on Biden's watch?

But remember, it was the Trump admin. that was the "Gestapo".

Neat thing about leftists today is first they make the accusations, and then they respond by building what they falsely accused their opponents of. That takes a special kind of special, and leftists are special.

When were members of the armed forces free to refuse a shot without adverse consequences? I'm thinking never. Those who proposed this amendment or support it need to explain why it is so necessary now. Members of the services have always given up certain rights to govern their own bodies. Now we live in an era in which government is asserting a right to govern the bodies even of private citizens, so what gives?
How's that freedom thing working out so far on Biden's watch?

But remember, it was the Trump admin. that was the "Gestapo".

Neat thing about leftists today is first they make the accusations, and then they respond by building what they falsely accused their opponents of. That takes a special kind of special, and leftists are special.

So Biden / Democrats want to DEMONIZE / VILIFY Americans who exercise their Constitutional Right of free choice and who oppose Un-Constitutional Mandates?!

Welcome To the new Marxist States of Amerika.
If soldiers can refuse a shot, they can refuse to get shot.
What an ignorant statement. The US military is a volunteer force of Americans who want to serve, protect, and defend the US Constitution, this nation, and Americans. Those military members who refuse to take the vaccine are not only exercising their Constitutional rights but are refusing to surrender to an Un-Constitutional mandate imposed by a Commander and Chief who is violating that constitution they have sworn to protect and defend.
I love when I get answers to questions on issues like this.

Here it is, "this is the problem when you hire unconscionable mercenary companies; their greed has no bounds".

Mercenaries are worse than many of the giant big pharma and chema companies who have no decency when they are willing to push off such a destructive thing like this vaccine on our military to satiate their own greed and lust for power. This attempt to debilitate our military destroy thousands upon thousands of our finest young men and women and run it all privately. It is akin to out sourcing prisons but much worse. I'd definitely call this an act of treason and sedition. I have no doubt that all you guru's in the feds and at NASA can find out exactly who is behind it all and can charge them wholly for their acts against this nation.
They want to disregard a direct order from the Commander In Chief then fuck off & take your medicine instead of being a snowlake & crying about it.

They should either get the shot or hit the road. Case closed.

Seems that thats what the soldiers want.
They'll quit but they shouldnt be dishonorably discharged or be charged with anything.
I know I wouldnt let my gov force me to take a vaccine with proven problems.
Those who refuse the vaccine should not be given honorable discharges. There is no time in the history of the U.S. armed forces when inoculations were optional. Service members many times live or work in close quarters and travel across the world, and military authorities need to do all that they can to make sure that diseases not run wild among them. The legislators who proposed this amendment need to explain why they are protecting service members who refuse the Covid vaccine. It seems like they want this disease to be spread among our troops. Moreover, we are living in an era when government, such as in Texas, is asserting some right to own the bodies of private citizens.

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