Biden Administration Using The Delta Variant To Continue to Engage In Fear-Mongering - Lethality Rate 0.08%

The OP has been a deranged for years now... If meteor dropped from the sky he would try and figure out how that was the Democrats fault...

There is no objective thought left in him...

He does give a rats how many Americans die, he is already in a conspiracy theory (some of his own making) how this is the Democrats fault and they are trying to take over the world...
Biden did not spread one word of fear when it started. Trump was the president.

You post article that confirm how lethal it is but don't promote masks because you hate Biden. Are you unvaccinated nuts on some anaesthetic drug or something.
Maybe a suicide mission.
You are wrong on about everything you just said. I have had my vaccine shots, don't push not wearing a mask, and the lethality rate IS less than 1%...unless you were one of the elderly that lived in a Democrat-run state like NY when Cuomo was still governor...poor little snowflake
Bizarre projection.

Bizarre/irrelevant inquiry.

Can't play.

Aha. No idea about nothing - but to try to kill all people with the own intentional ignorance. Tell me something about only one method which helps fighting the Sars-Co-V2 virus - except your "arguments" which sound in my ears like this: "Who dies is vulnerable. Who is vulnerable is guilty. Let everyone die. Do nothing except to waste the time and energy of the fighters against this virus."

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Aha. No idea about nothing
That may describe you; you're certainly struggling to make yourself clear.
- but to try to kill all people with the own intentional ignorance.
Are you doing that?
Tell me something about only one method which helps fighting the Sars-Co-V2 virus - except your "arguments" which sound in my ears like this: "Who dies is vulnerable. Who is vulnerable is guilty. Let everyone die. Do nothing except to waste the time and energy of the fighters against this virus."

Makes no sense; can't play video.
That may describe you; you're certainly struggling to make yourself clear.

Are you doing that?

Makes no sense; can't play video.

You are in the status "defaming the person" because you don't have any real arguments. But are you able to say anything what could give me an idea about why you do what you do? What is the sense of a fight for a deadly virus against all mankind?

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You are in the status "defaming the person"
This is what you're doing - I'm just volleying your nonsense back to you.

because you don't have any real arguments.
Well, you're the one derailing...
But are you able to say anything what could give me an idea about why you do what you do?
Not the topic, and you're just projecting your negative fantasies onto me, so maybe ask yourself why you're doing this.
What is the sense of a fight for a deadly virus against all mankind?
Well, if that happens, I'm sure we'll all mostly be in it together.

As it is, we're just talking about fear-mongering and power grabs via the ongoing weaponization of a mild flu.

Can't play.
This is what you're doing - I'm just volleying your nonsense back to you.


Well, you're the one derailing...

Not the topic, and you're just projecting your negative fantasies onto me, so maybe ask yourself why you're doing this.

Well, if that happens, I'm sure we'll all mostly be in it together.

As it is, we're just talking about fear-mongering and power grabs via the ongoing weaponization of a mild flu.

Can't play.

Okay - you don't have answers - only death and destruction lies in your words. ... Sad, but I have to accept this.

By the way: What's your real nationality? You are awake while the people in the USA sleep.
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Okay - you don't have answers
Your questions/observations have nothing to do with the topic.

They're simply bizarre scapegoating and apparent projection.
- only death and destruction lies in your words.
Utterly bizarre; projection?
... Sad, but I have to accept this.
See above.
By the way: What's your real nationality?
Another off-topic query.
You are awake while the people in the USA sleep.
Do you intend this off-topic observation metaphorically or literally?
Your questions/observations have nothing to do with the topic.

They're simply bizarre scapegoating and apparent projection.

Utterly bizarre; projection?

See above.

Another off-topic query.

Do you intend this off-topic observation metaphorically or literally?

no comment
The stages of COVID denial:

1. It's a hoax!

2. Don't be a sheep.

3. My superb immune system can handle it.

4. Send thoughts and prayers.

5. Please donate to the GoFundMe which the family has set up.
When 75% of Americans can't distinguish percentages from hard numbers, can’t distinguish “dying from” versus “dying with”, and have no idea how to calculate 6% of 5-10% Then you have an ignorant society that is easily frightened and fooled into submission and compliance, all needlessly.
High school and college have shifted from math and science to international studies of burkas and that’s likely been the plan to get us converted into dumbed down edict followers
The Federal Govt van NOT impose mandates - like mask mandates - on states, governors, or any US citizen NOT a federal employee or military member, which is why the Biden administration is using FEAR to try to scare the hell out of Americans into compliance...just as they did with COVID-19 the 1st time...and you can bet they are going to ramp it up in time fr the Mid-term elections in an attempt to use the pandemic ot their politIcal advantage as they did last election.

Democrats repeated over and over 'Follow The Science', and time and again they proved they refused to do so.

The SCIENCE proves cloth masks do NOT protect / prevent people from getting COVID-19.

The SCIENCE proves prolonged mask-wear is harmful to people / kids.

The SCIENCE proves it is extremely unlikely for kids to get the virus, to carry enough of the virus to pass it on, and if they do get it is very mild. (& teachers are vaccinated.)

The Biden administration is bullying and berating into getting vaccinations, but the SCIENCE in the UK (I believe) recently showed most people infected are vaccinated people.

Another SCIENTIFIC study has proven most fully vaccinated people who get the Delta variant are asymptomatic.

The mortality rate of the Delta variant in only 0.08% - IT IS LESS DEADLY THAN THE SEASONAL FLU!

"the fatality rate of the Delta variant of COVID-19 is lower than the original variant. The latest data from the U.K. shows the case fatality rate for the Delta variant amongst the unvaccinated is 0.08%, which makes it less deadly that the normal flu."



Over the last several years I have come to understand that the left care more about words than anything else.

Encourage mask wearing, even though cases increase while wearing masks, which are only 10% effective.

Encourage vaccines, even though case counts of Delta increase even in the most highly vaccinated countries on Earth.

Talk to tough and draw red lines on Croatia, Syria, and Afghanistan, even as the countries fall apart

Call out Russia for interference in elections, even as Obama tells his administration to stand down and let them do it.

Words matter, the bottom line result doesn't

Those are some just off the top of my head.
The unvaccinated have a reason to fear.
Hell, seriously? I'd say fear is kind of part of the landscape for human beings. The truth about this coronavirus has remained the same since the beginning. It kills VERY FEW people and those people are predominately older and sicker. As the variants have evolved, the transmissibility has increased - as is normal for virus evolution - and the fatality rates are going down slowly.
The Federal Govt van NOT impose mandates - like mask mandates - on states, governors, or any US citizen NOT a federal employee or military member, which is why the Biden administration is using FEAR to try to scare the hell out of Americans into compliance...just as they did with COVID-19 the 1st time...and you can bet they are going to ramp it up in time fr the Mid-term elections in an attempt to use the pandemic ot their politIcal advantage as they did last election.

Democrats repeated over and over 'Follow The Science', and time and again they proved they refused to do so.

The SCIENCE proves cloth masks do NOT protect / prevent people from getting COVID-19.

The SCIENCE proves prolonged mask-wear is harmful to people / kids.

The SCIENCE proves it is extremely unlikely for kids to get the virus, to carry enough of the virus to pass it on, and if they do get it is very mild. (& teachers are vaccinated.)

The Biden administration is bullying and berating into getting vaccinations, but the SCIENCE in the UK (I believe) recently showed most people infected are vaccinated people.

Another SCIENTIFIC study has proven most fully vaccinated people who get the Delta variant are asymptomatic.

The mortality rate of the Delta variant in only 0.08% - IT IS LESS DEADLY THAN THE SEASONAL FLU!

"the fatality rate of the Delta variant of COVID-19 is lower than the original variant. The latest data from the U.K. shows the case fatality rate for the Delta variant amongst the unvaccinated is 0.08%, which makes it less deadly that the normal flu."



The correct data is there to find if you want. If you don't want a vaccine, that's fine by me. It's your right to die how you want. That's your freedom.
But don't go and ask for soci assist he a path care when you get sick. Go and pray both your godbothering mates.
Good luck.

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