Biden Aids Al-Qaeda


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden Aids Al-Qaeda

Islamic terrorists are getting money, manpower and territory from the White House.

12 Jul 2023 ~~ By Daniel Greenfield
At a press conference, Biden falsely claimed that Al Qaeda was no longer operating in Afghanistan. ā€œI said al Qaeda would not be there. I said it wouldnā€™t be there. I said weā€™d get help from the Taliban. Whatā€™s happening now? Whatā€™s going on? Read your press. I was right.ā€
In reality, Al Qaeda is operating training camps in six provinces, including Helmand, which hundreds of Marines had been killed and wounded trying to secure during Obamaā€™s surge. The 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment lost 25 marines, including the son of former Chief of Staff John Kelly, and suffered 34 amputations. 378 Marines were killed and 5,000 were wounded.
Al Qaeda also has safe houses across Afghanistan including in Kabul.
The Taliban have appointed Al Qaeda leaders to key positions including as governors of entire provinces. Nuristan, where 53 American soldiers held off hundreds of Jihadis during the assault on Combat Outpost Keating, resulting in the awarding of two Medals of Honor and nine Silver Stars for the second deadliest battle of the war, is now under Al Qaeda governance.
Bidenā€™s denial of Al Qaedaā€™s extensive presence came just after a UN Security Council report documented the fact that ā€œAl-Qaeda members have received appointments and advisory roles in the Taliban security and administrative structuresā€ and that the Islamic terror group ā€œis rebuilding operational capability.ā€
The Taliban, which had denied the report, immediately jumped on Bidenā€™s denial as an endorsement. The Talibanā€™s Foreign Affairs Ministry claimed that Bidenā€™s denial ā€œrefutes the recent report by UN Sanctions Monitoring Team alleging the presence and operation of over twenty armed groups in Afghanistan.ā€
Itā€™s obvious why the Taliban are lying about harboring Al Qaeda. But why is Biden lying?
Biden seized $3.5 billion meant for 9/11 victims and diverted it to a ā€˜trust fundā€™ for Afghanistan. Last year, the Biden administration even arranged to have banknotes printed for the Taliban and photos were displayed of pallets of millions in hundred dollar bills flown into Kabul Airport.
The State Department has responded to questions about whether its aid is funding Islamic terrorists by stonewalling the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstructionā€™s office (SIGAR) and ordering government employees to ā€œnot engage with or speak to SIGAR without prior clearance from State legal counselā€. Congress has been similarly illegally stonewalled.
Al Qaeda now has extensive infrastructure in Afghanistan again, its terrorists are leaving Gitmo and are being protected from drone strikes. A massive flow of foreign aid into Afghanistan along with global licenses for doing business with allies of the terrorist group is likely to fill its coffers.
And Biden is even supporting the Taliban cover-up that Al Qaeda isnā€™t in Afghanistan.
Even while Al Qaeda and the Taliban remain tightly integrated, Biden is claiming that the Taliban are helping America against Al Qaeda, even while claiming that Al Qaeda isnā€™t in Afghanistan. But these arenā€™t even new lies. Biden has been falsely claiming that Al Qaeda had been destroyed for years. Even as he keeps repeating these lies, Al Qaeda keeps growing.
Biden didnā€™t just turn over Afghanistan to the Taliban, he turned it over to Al Qaeda. And heā€™s turning over Al Qaeda terrorists and money to the terrorist infrastructure to help it rebuild.
This isnā€™t a policy, this is treason.

mm..., Remember when Obama declared during the run-up to 2012 that ā€œal Qaeda is dead and GM is alive?ā€ Then less than a month later ISIS/ISIL was getting headlines by taking over large areas of Syria and Iraq with the assistance of Obama.

In the end, Joe Biden has endangered our national security in many ways, but his precipitous retreat from Afghanistan ranks as the worst such case.
The damage of abandoning Afghanistan confirmed to any future allies to be wary and to our enemies to be patient ā€“ sooner or later a Democrat will be president.
We, under leftist Democrat treason, have abandoned our allies twice (Iraq in 2011; Kabul in 2021), telling any future allies not to bother, as weā€™ll eventually walk away.

Biden Aids Al-Qaeda

Islamic terrorists are getting money, manpower and territory from the White House.

12 Jul 2023 ~~ By Daniel Greenfield
At a press conference, Biden falsely claimed that Al Qaeda was no longer operating in Afghanistan. ā€œI said al Qaeda would not be there. I said it wouldnā€™t be there. I said weā€™d get help from the Taliban. Whatā€™s happening now? Whatā€™s going on? Read your press. I was right.ā€
In reality, Al Qaeda is operating training camps in six provinces, including Helmand, which hundreds of Marines had been killed and wounded trying to secure during Obamaā€™s surge. The 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment lost 25 marines, including the son of former Chief of Staff John Kelly, and suffered 34 amputations. 378 Marines were killed and 5,000 were wounded.
Al Qaeda also has safe houses across Afghanistan including in Kabul.
The Taliban have appointed Al Qaeda leaders to key positions including as governors of entire provinces. Nuristan, where 53 American soldiers held off hundreds of Jihadis during the assault on Combat Outpost Keating, resulting in the awarding of two Medals of Honor and nine Silver Stars for the second deadliest battle of the war, is now under Al Qaeda governance.
Bidenā€™s denial of Al Qaedaā€™s extensive presence came just after a UN Security Council report documented the fact that ā€œAl-Qaeda members have received appointments and advisory roles in the Taliban security and administrative structuresā€ and that the Islamic terror group ā€œis rebuilding operational capability.ā€
The Taliban, which had denied the report, immediately jumped on Bidenā€™s denial as an endorsement. The Talibanā€™s Foreign Affairs Ministry claimed that Bidenā€™s denial ā€œrefutes the recent report by UN Sanctions Monitoring Team alleging the presence and operation of over twenty armed groups in Afghanistan.ā€
Itā€™s obvious why the Taliban are lying about harboring Al Qaeda. But why is Biden lying?
Biden seized $3.5 billion meant for 9/11 victims and diverted it to a ā€˜trust fundā€™ for Afghanistan. Last year, the Biden administration even arranged to have banknotes printed for the Taliban and photos were displayed of pallets of millions in hundred dollar bills flown into Kabul Airport.
The State Department has responded to questions about whether its aid is funding Islamic terrorists by stonewalling the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstructionā€™s office (SIGAR) and ordering government employees to ā€œnot engage with or speak to SIGAR without prior clearance from State legal counselā€. Congress has been similarly illegally stonewalled.
Al Qaeda now has extensive infrastructure in Afghanistan again, its terrorists are leaving Gitmo and are being protected from drone strikes. A massive flow of foreign aid into Afghanistan along with global licenses for doing business with allies of the terrorist group is likely to fill its coffers.
And Biden is even supporting the Taliban cover-up that Al Qaeda isnā€™t in Afghanistan.
Even while Al Qaeda and the Taliban remain tightly integrated, Biden is claiming that the Taliban are helping America against Al Qaeda, even while claiming that Al Qaeda isnā€™t in Afghanistan. But these arenā€™t even new lies. Biden has been falsely claiming that Al Qaeda had been destroyed for years. Even as he keeps repeating these lies, Al Qaeda keeps growing.
Biden didnā€™t just turn over Afghanistan to the Taliban, he turned it over to Al Qaeda. And heā€™s turning over Al Qaeda terrorists and money to the terrorist infrastructure to help it rebuild.
This isnā€™t a policy, this is treason.

mm..., Remember when Obama declared during the run-up to 2012 that ā€œal Qaeda is dead and GM is alive?ā€ Then less than a month later ISIS/ISIL was getting headlines by taking over large areas of Syria and Iraq with the assistance of Obama.

In the end, Joe Biden has endangered our national security in many ways, but his precipitous retreat from Afghanistan ranks as the worst such case.
The damage of abandoning Afghanistan confirmed to any future allies to be wary and to our enemies to be patient ā€“ sooner or later a Democrat will be president.
We, under leftist Democrat treason, have abandoned our allies twice (Iraq in 2011; Kabul in 2021), telling any future allies not to bother, as weā€™ll eventually walk away.
How many al Qaeda are there? About 90?

ISIS isn't al Qaeda...and they aren't funded by Saudi Arabia.

The Benghazi annex had nothing to do with weapons.

Where did you come up with all this crap?
How many al Qaeda are there? About 90?
ISIS isn't al Qaeda...and they aren't funded by Saudi Arabia.

The Benghazi annex had nothing to do with weapons.

Where did you come up with all this crap?
Nonetheless, the CIA trained them by order of the Obama Whitehouse.
How many al Qaeda are there? About 90?

ISIS isn't al Qaeda...and they aren't funded by Saudi Arabia.

The Benghazi annex had nothing to do with weapons.

Where did you come up with all this crap?

Reality, you should try visiting from time to time.

Nonetheless, the CIA trained them by order of the Obama Whitehouse.
What? No they didn't. Obama wasn't president, stupid. The Saudis did support them against the Soviets because they hate communism, but considering the blowback they won't do that again.
What? No they didn't. Obama wasn't president, stupid. The Saudis did support them against the Soviets because they hate communism, but considering the blowback they won't do that again.
Unless I'm mistaken, Obama was president from Jan 21, 2009 to Jan 20, 2017.
Obama abandoned Iraq in 2011, Muammar Gaddafi assassinated in Oct 2011, Ambassador Cristopher Stevens killed Sept 11, 2012. ISIL entered Syrian Civil War in 2011.
Unless I'm mistaken, Obama was president from Jan 21, 2009 to Jan 20, 2017.
Obama abandoned Iraq in 2011, Muammar Gaddafi assassinated in Oct 2011, Ambassador Cristopher Stevens killed Sept 11, 2012. ISIL entered Syrian Civil War in 2011.
ISIS came out of Camp Brucca prison in Iraq in 2004.
Thousands of democrat politicians destroying the world, but it is not the thousands of democrats to blame, it is all Trump's fault
The Islamic State, aka ISIS, was founded by B. Hussein O.

This is a fact, it was brought in the 2016 Presidential debates and never refuted.
The Islamic State, aka ISIS, was founded by B. Hussein O.

This is a fact, it was brought in the 2016 Presidential debates and never refuted.
ISIS was in response to Bush installing Maliki in Iraq. Camp Brucca prison was like a finishing school for jihadis. They came out of there in 2004.
It's not a fact. Choose a source you like. You have a dozen to choose from.

Ali al-Qasim in Syria's government-owned al-Thawra claims "the US is not against Daesh, because the USA sponsored its establishment and expansion".
Ali al-Qasim in Syria's government-owned al-Thawra claims "the US is not against Daesh, because the USA sponsored its establishment and expansion".
ISIS were Iraqi Sunni who were imprisoned at Camp Brucca prison and released in 2004. They were reacting to the abuses of Bush appointed Maliki.

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