Biden aint going to be the running for POTUS in 2024 ..

Biden thinks it's okay to extort millions from the foreign aid program, and he has paved a wide path for the Drug Cartels to kill 100,000 Americans per annum with fentanyl.

Biden has no heart for any other human beings except himself. He's destroyed his son Hunter.

Mark Levin has a reasonable good insight into the little game the Deep State Democrats are playing to pave the way for Biden. How else could unelected people destroy the Constitution to make way for a Marxism expediency of getting what they want to right now. with no caring how high taxes get on all working people who are taxed to death as it is.

And another view on leftist prosecuters:

Colorado is trying to keep him off the ballot ..
Colorado is trying to keep him off the ballot ..
The Constitution says States cannot rule against national statutes without United States Congressional laws behind them. I hope they never attempt to interfere with a national election again. I'm particularly unhappy they supported liars. I heard Trump's statement of protesters to protest peacefully on January 6. There was no insurrection. There was a protest, but it didn't measure up to be any kind of such an insidious claim that the state claims is true. It isn't. It, like the bogus claim that President Trump colluded was likely from the same Hillary mob that created the Steele dossier they claimed was written by some Brit spy named Steele. We have proof Hillary is behind all the lies, because that's how she operates. Are the politicos in Colorado continuing to look to Hillary for hateful deeds based on lies? I sure hope the lovely state of Colorado movers and shakers reconsider their attempts to push the filthy lies of the Hillary party liars as the truth. It isn't anywhere close to the truth that Nancy Pelosi's planned humiliation of the President with her malpractice in the chair of authority that the House Speaker is supposed to go with the truth, not politics, not favoritism, not the lying Steele dossier that was shown false by the Mueller Report and his 19 Democrat lawyers who made the ruling that there was no proof that President Trump colluded with the Russians. Later on it was shown that Hillary Clinton's mob jobbers colluded with the Russians, and not President Trump. I'm sorry to see Colorado has accepted all those lies as their truth, when it has been proven otherwise after much searching on the part of the top cops in DC. Pelosi's evil conduct of tearing up President Trump's speech in front of the entire nation was disgraceful if not demonic. When there was evil to do, the Democrats flocked around Nancy Pelosi for her creepsister shenannigans. She disgraced the entire Constitution with the evil she performed the night of President Trump's State of the Union speech, and she did it on purpose, grinning like the Cheshire cat. Makes good people wanna hurl. :puke:
The Constitution says States cannot rule against national statutes without United States Congressional laws behind them. I hope they never attempt to interfere with a national election again. I'm particularly unhappy they supported liars. I heard Trump's statement of protesters to protest peacefully on January 6. There was no insurrection. There was a protest, but it didn't measure up to be any kind of such an insidious claim that the state claims is true. It isn't. It, like the bogus claim that President Trump colluded was likely from the same Hillary mob that created the Steele dossier they claimed was written by some Brit spy named Steele. We have proof Hillary is behind all the lies, because that's how she operates. Are the politicos in Colorado continuing to look to Hillary for hateful deeds based on lies? I sure hope the lovely state of Colorado movers and shakers reconsider their attempts to push the filthy lies of the Hillary party liars as the truth. It isn't anywhere close to the truth that Nancy Pelosi's planned humiliation of the President with her malpractice in the chair of authority that the House Speaker is supposed to go with the truth, not politics, not favoritism, not the lying Steele dossier that was shown false by the Mueller Report and his 19 Democrat lawyers who made the ruling that there was no proof that President Trump colluded with the Russians. Later on it was shown that Hillary Clinton's mob jobbers colluded with the Russians, and not President Trump. I'm sorry to see Colorado has accepted all those lies as their truth, when it has been proven otherwise after much searching on the part of the top cops in DC. Pelosi's evil conduct of tearing up President Trump's speech in front of the entire nation was disgraceful if not demonic. When there was evil to do, the Democrats flocked around Nancy Pelosi for her creepsister shenannigans. She disgraced the entire Constitution with the evil she performed the night of President Trump's State of the Union speech, and she did it on purpose, grinning like the Cheshire cat. Makes good people wanna hurl. :puke:
If I had two thmbs-----I would turn both UP. -----overall-----after all is said and done---
Trump seems to me-----the LESSER OF THE GAGGLE OF EVIL
The Constitution says States cannot rule against national statutes without United States Congressional laws behind them. I hope they never attempt to interfere with a national election again. I'm particularly unhappy they supported liars. I heard Trump's statement of protesters to protest peacefully on January 6. There was no insurrection. There was a protest, but it didn't measure up to be any kind of such an insidious claim that the state claims is true. It isn't. It, like the bogus claim that President Trump colluded was likely from the same Hillary mob that created the Steele dossier they claimed was written by some Brit spy named Steele. We have proof Hillary is behind all the lies, because that's how she operates. Are the politicos in Colorado continuing to look to Hillary for hateful deeds based on lies? I sure hope the lovely state of Colorado movers and shakers reconsider their attempts to push the filthy lies of the Hillary party liars as the truth. It isn't anywhere close to the truth that Nancy Pelosi's planned humiliation of the President with her malpractice in the chair of authority that the House Speaker is supposed to go with the truth, not politics, not favoritism, not the lying Steele dossier that was shown false by the Mueller Report and his 19 Democrat lawyers who made the ruling that there was no proof that President Trump colluded with the Russians. Later on it was shown that Hillary Clinton's mob jobbers colluded with the Russians, and not President Trump. I'm sorry to see Colorado has accepted all those lies as their truth, when it has been proven otherwise after much searching on the part of the top cops in DC. Pelosi's evil conduct of tearing up President Trump's speech in front of the entire nation was disgraceful if not demonic. When there was evil to do, the Democrats flocked around Nancy Pelosi for her creepsister shenannigans. She disgraced the entire Constitution with the evil she performed the night of President Trump's State of the Union speech, and she did it on purpose, grinning like the Cheshire cat. Makes good people wanna hurl. :puke:
No one interfered with a national election. Someone did try to interfere and overturn the results of that election, but that was the loser.
If I had two thmbs-----I would turn both UP. -----overall-----after all is said and done---
Trump seems to me-----the LESSER OF THE GAGGLE OF EVIL
He paid for his life's errors. And he has not repeated his errors. Since Americans have freedom of speech, some of his adversaries do not seem to know that calumny is not free speech.



1: a misrepresentation intended to harm another's reputation
"denounced his opponent for his defamatory insinuations and calumny"​
2 : the act of uttering false charges or misrepresentations maliciously calculated to harm another's reputation​

Miriam-Webster's Dictionary Definition of CALUMNY
Colorado is trying to keep him off the ballot ..
The omission of one state lost in lies of the lying press is not an agreeable solution, and this is a shameful political ploy that destroys all that is good in the 50 states. I'm pretty sure the Constitutional argument would be that if one state's refusal to play fair, it would destroy the truth about who wins the 2024 election if the election is close. If all the states did that, the election would be a fool's paradise. I hope Colorado decides that lies told about a man does not work for the United States.

Edit: "Trump will appeal the Colorado ruling removing him from the 2024 ballots."
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Trump isnt an automatic nominee like Biden .. there are no dems challenging Biden for the nomination .. so whether you like it or not Briben may be your nominee ..
Briben needs to come clean about his extortion of the Foreign Aid Package provided by American citizens whose overkill of getting rid of President Trump's successes in the behalf of all Americans with extra benefits for persons of color to brighten their future.

The deep staters -- I hope have learned to omit the overkill aspects of the people they force on the American people using ambitious DOJ officials to do their dirty work, which has the effected vision of jurists engaging in the same sort of overkill by believing the liars of the press couldn't be everyone. Oh yeah? I think that the press' consistent big lies tell the truth about overkill against their fellow Americans who use government appropriately and we're all scratching our heads how they could have fallen so short of God's grace. I pray that God will restore to America jurists who reject "popular" press lies, and restore a needed balance to the scales of justice in America to be based on the truth, not what the news rags claim in their moments of unprecedented calumny of one of the best men who ever has sat in the oval office while evil "gotchas" crowd newsrooms more interested in "get Trump" Soros rewards than the truth. I'm tearing up over the injustice that is the immediate situation our nation will suffer if even one more lie, one more extortion, and one more destruction of the wonderful lift Donald Trump brought to prosperity for all in this land. I'm going to an online concert of Handel's Messiah to cheer myself up instead of dwelling on what has happened to the American people's hard-earned taxes going into corrupt politicians pockets through heisting a walloping amount from the Foreign Aid Packages that was designed to help those with crying needs such as starvation, disguised slavery to monarchs/oligarches, and genocide of innocent people the antichrists bomb, rout, and kill because they said words that were displeased by bum dictators.

All are welcome to the concert!

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Briben needs to come clean about his extortion of the Foreign Aid Package provided by American citizens whose overkill of getting rid of President Trump's successes in the behalf of all Americans with extra benefits for persons of color to brighten their future.

The deep staters -- I hope have learned to omit the overkill aspects of the people they force on the American people using ambitious DOJ officials to do their dirty work, which has the effected vision of jurists engaging in the same sort of overkill by believing the liars of the press couldn't be everyone. Oh yeah? I think that the press' consistent big lies tell the truth about overkill against their fellow Americans who use government appropriately and we're all scratching our heads how they could have fallen so short of God's grace. I pray that God will restore to America jurists who reject "popular" press lies, and restore a needed balance to the scales of justice in America to be based on the truth, not what the news rags claim in their moments of unprecedented calumny of one of the best men who ever has sat in the oval office while evil "gotchas" crowd newsrooms more interested in "get Trump" Soros rewards than the truth. I'm tearing up over the injustice that is the immediate situation our nation will suffer if even one more lie, one more extortion, and one more destruction of the wonderful lift Donald Trump brought to prosperity for all in this land. I'm going to an online concert of Handel's Messiah to cheer myself up instead of dwelling on what has happened to the American people's hard-earned taxes going into corrupt politicians pockets through heisting a walloping amount from the Foreign Aid Packages that was designed to help those with crying needs such as starvation, disguised slavery to monarchs/oligarches, and genocide of innocent people the antichrists bomb, rout, and kill because they said words that were displeased by bum dictators.

All are welcome to the concert!

If I had 10 thumbs they would ALL BE UP ^^^^^^^^^
No one interfered with a national election. Someone did try to interfere and overturn the results of that election, but that was the loser.the
In reality the CIA and FBI actively used Russian propaganda and misinformation to manipulate our presidential election.
IN GENERAL (sorry for such a DESPISED USAGE) ---those FOR their own candidate are anti-
the prosecution and those AGAINST are for-----but my sense is that OLD FOLKS LIKE ME---
are really tired of the endless witch hunts. I actually remember McCarthy (well---I remember people on TV saying over and over "I PLEAD THE FIFTH") I cannot imagine
that poor Biden (not that I endorse that creep) can possibly withstand the sharp words
of that youthful, vibrant NIKKI declaration "TOO OLD" ----maybe both of them
will GIVE UP-----leaving a really awkward and even DANGEROUS void---the scramble
for viable candidates SCARES ME
So I should have taken your post for what it appeared that it was: I think you're saying that you are tired of it from both sides. But there's a problem with that; the attacks on Trump are completely dishonest and politically driven while the attacks on Biden are based on his policies.

Democrats attack Trump using lies. Oh, sure, some of he minions, like most in here, are fully indoctrinated and actually believe Trump is evil. But the ones creating the messages and the talking points know full well that their messages and talking points are lies intended to protect the deep state from exposure by Trump.

On the other hand, we know for sure that Joe Biden sold out his office, beginning in the very earliest period of his time in the Senate and he has been bought and paid for, controlled by constant blackmail, for 50 years.

So the visible effects, if you don't look behind the curtain, seems to be the same between both sides, just as your post suggests, but they are two completely different cases. One is a case of bribery, treason, and insurrection at the border, while the other is a case of deep state criminals trying to destroy the President and, if it takes it to cover up their crimes, the nation.

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