Biden already created the best economy EVER

When you said unemployment on Trump's watch was 43%.

I know it's hard for you to keep up with your multitude of daily lies, but that one was a whopper.
Yeah, it actually was 69%, how dare she lie to make Dementia Don look better.
I posted the monthly BLS numbers for Trump's entire term.

List for us when unemployment was 69%.
Dementia Don said those numbers are FAKE, are you calling the pathological liar a LIAR?

Don’t forget in the meantime we have a real unemployment rate that’s probably 21%. It’s not 6. It’s not 5.2 and 5.5. Our real unemployment rate–in fact, I saw a chart the other day, our real unemployment–because you have ninety million people that aren’t working. Ninety-three million to be exact.
If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%.
- Donald J Trump, Time interview, Aug. 18, 2015
I'm calling YOU a liar.

Please try to keep up, Simpleton.
You are calling me a liar for QUOTING Dementia Don.
Brilliant! NOT!
You didn't quote anyone in that post. You claimed unemployment was 69%.

Dayum! You can't even keep up with your own osts
I quoted Dementia Don and then used HIS calculation in HIS quote to calculate HIS "REAL" UE rate using HIS formula which came out to 69%.
When you said unemployment on Trump's watch was 43%.

I know it's hard for you to keep up with your multitude of daily lies, but that one was a whopper.
Yeah, it actually was 69%, how dare she lie to make Dementia Don look better.
I posted the monthly BLS numbers for Trump's entire term.

List for us when unemployment was 69%.
Dementia Don said those numbers are FAKE, are you calling the pathological liar a LIAR?

Don’t forget in the meantime we have a real unemployment rate that’s probably 21%. It’s not 6. It’s not 5.2 and 5.5. Our real unemployment rate–in fact, I saw a chart the other day, our real unemployment–because you have ninety million people that aren’t working. Ninety-three million to be exact.
If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%.
- Donald J Trump, Time interview, Aug. 18, 2015
I'm calling YOU a liar.

Please try to keep up, Simpleton.
You are calling me a liar for QUOTING Dementia Don.
Brilliant! NOT!
You didn't quote anyone in that post. You claimed unemployment was 69%.

Dayum! You can't even keep up with your own osts
I quoted Dementia Don and then used HIS calculation in HIS quote to calculate HIS "REAL" UE rate using HIS formula which came out to 69%.
biden is working hard ten minutes a day between naps to make america safe for communism
When you said unemployment on Trump's watch was 43%.

I know it's hard for you to keep up with your multitude of daily lies, but that one was a whopper.
Yeah, it actually was 69%, how dare she lie to make Dementia Don look better.
I posted the monthly BLS numbers for Trump's entire term.

List for us when unemployment was 69%.
Dementia Don said those numbers are FAKE, are you calling the pathological liar a LIAR?

Don’t forget in the meantime we have a real unemployment rate that’s probably 21%. It’s not 6. It’s not 5.2 and 5.5. Our real unemployment rate–in fact, I saw a chart the other day, our real unemployment–because you have ninety million people that aren’t working. Ninety-three million to be exact.
If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%.
- Donald J Trump, Time interview, Aug. 18, 2015
I'm calling YOU a liar.

Please try to keep up, Simpleton.
You are calling me a liar for QUOTING Dementia Don.
Brilliant! NOT!
Your quote was the lie. You lied, and are now trying to say it was Trump in 2015.
Pathological liar Dementia Don made those same claims repeatedly throughout the campaign.
He counts those not in the labor force as unemployed along with the actual unemployed, so I use his OWN formula for HIS UE rate.

TRUMP: In terms of income inequality, we're going to create a lot of jobs. You know, right now we have a false [unemployment rate] 5.4%, 5.3%, 5.6%, every month it is different. It is such a phony number. Because when people look and look and look and then they give up looking for a job, they're taken off the rolls so the number isn't reflective.
I've seen numbers like 24%. I actually saw a number of 42% unemployment.
42%. And it could be.
Because when you're looking for a job and you go around and you look and you look and you fight and you want to work and you want to take care of your family, and then you can't get the job and you know what I'm talking about, because you are shaking your head.
And you can't get the job.
Essentially for statistical purposes, you are considered employed.

So then I read every time it comes out, I hear, "5.3% unemployment." That is the biggest joke there is in this country.
That number is so false.
You know, people ask, how come Trump is doing so well? And Carson and others. How come they're doing -- you know why they're doing well?
Because people are tired of political speak. They're tired of that. And the worst example of it -- one of the worst examples of it is the phony unemployment rate.
The unemployment rate is probably 20%.
But I will tell you, you have some great economists that will tell you it's 30%, 32%. And the highest I've heard so far is 42%.
-Trump Tower Presser, September 28, 2015
When you said unemployment on Trump's watch was 43%.

I know it's hard for you to keep up with your multitude of daily lies, but that one was a whopper.
Yeah, it actually was 69%, how dare she lie to make Dementia Don look better.
I posted the monthly BLS numbers for Trump's entire term.

List for us when unemployment was 69%.
Dementia Don said those numbers are FAKE, are you calling the pathological liar a LIAR?

Don’t forget in the meantime we have a real unemployment rate that’s probably 21%. It’s not 6. It’s not 5.2 and 5.5. Our real unemployment rate–in fact, I saw a chart the other day, our real unemployment–because you have ninety million people that aren’t working. Ninety-three million to be exact.
If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%.
- Donald J Trump, Time interview, Aug. 18, 2015
I'm calling YOU a liar.

Please try to keep up, Simpleton.
You are calling me a liar for QUOTING Dementia Don.
Brilliant! NOT!
You didn't quote anyone in that post. You claimed unemployment was 69%.

Dayum! You can't even keep up with your own osts
I quoted Dementia Don and then used HIS calculation in HIS quote to calculate HIS "REAL" UE rate using HIS formula which came out to 69%.
biden is working hard ten minutes a day between naps to make america safe for communism
And that is 20 minutes a day more than Tramp works between golf and raping teenagers.
I call it a change, YOU said NO change. You lied.

So you're going to use that technicality to say my claim is false? .1% is no real change. You do know the title of this topic, don't you? Biden created the best economy we ever seen? And you leftist think that .1% is the best economy we've ever seen too. My Lord. If I ever needed money desperately and tried to sell somebody a bridge, I'd make sure it was a leftist, because you people believe anything.
Sure....And I am sure a 1.9 trillion stimulus bill won't higher our taxes either. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Not if you earn under 400,000 a year. Mark Levin, Hannity, Ingraham, Carlson and most of Fox news anchors are mad at it, they wont get anything, but new taxes.
The increase in gasoline prices is a tax on everyone. Watch what happens to the cost of every consumer good that you use. These cost increases will affect the middle and lower income people of this nation more than those making $400K. You are seriously naive if you believe that Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg et al are going to be paying their share.
A total leftist lie. The US comes in 8th in deaths,
You should know better than to lie to me by now, I always have the stats to expose Wing-nut lies.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop

View attachment 467893

You were right, I was wrong. We slipped into 13th since I last looked.
Thanks to Biden.
But our mortality rate is up from 1.6% to 1.8% under Pinochijoe.
The death rate was 3% under Tramp.
Nope....deaths divided by total cases looneytunes. 1.6%
Nope that MORONIC calculation assumes not one person currently infected will die, :cuckoo:
Hmmmm what's moronic about either being dead or alive? Did you wackos create another state of total confusion or something? Its deaths to total cases and changes constantly, especially when a dunderhead starts making it go up again. Right moron?
Wrong as usual :asshole: Its CLOSED CASES that determines the REAL death rate. Your STUPID calculation makes the MORONIC assumption that not one open case will die! :cuckoo:

Cases which had an outcome:
96,965,054 (97%) Recovered / Discharged
2,665,246 (3%) Deaths
Oooh using cuss words again....try taking that Midol.

"Deaths to total cases" was the totally useless metric Donald Trump was using to hide the terrible toll that allowing the virus to run wild was taking on the American public. It was SOOO much better to say that less than 1% of total cases were dying, when the number of sick was never coming down. But now that Trump is gone, the total cases are starting to come down, and as that happens, both death rates will catch up to one another.


That metric has held far from constant.

Consequently, your extrapolation is total horsehockey.

My extrapolation is based on the statistics and death rates across the nation over a matter of several months. On election day, you fools were saying there was no way that another 200,000 people would die before Biden's Inauguration, and yet that's exactly what happened. And there will only 3 million active cases on election day.

Today there are 7.3 million active cases in the USA, so suggesting that more than 150,000 are likely to die is hardly horsehockey.
The increase in gasoline prices is a tax on everyone. Watch what happens to the cost of every consumer good that you use. These cost increases will affect the middle and lower income people of this nation more than those making $400K. You are seriously naive if you believe that Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg et al are going to be paying their share.

Exactly. Bloomberg came out with a report of Dementia's planned tax increases on our job creators when we need them the most. While I don't lay full faith in anonymous sources, it is Bloomberg so it's pretty leftist influenced.

When and if that happens, those losses will be passed down to us because the big guy never loses.

Yeah after falling 31.4% the quarter before, for a net of only 2% and giving Dementia Don a 1.1% GDP for the year 2020, well below Obama's average.

It is unfair to expect Trump to meet the standards of Obama
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Explain how W caused a recession ... one month after he took office. Dumb ass
He learned from his daddy.

Explain how W caused a recession ... one month after he took office. Dumb ass
I don't need to explain anything, history recorded the First BUSH Recession began March 2001.

No, since you don't care about integrity and you're zero content, it's just a gotcha game to you. You're completely useless.

You're a "Cynic."


You don't know what the word means. Or on your native language, baa, baa, baa, baa
Yes, the first Bush recession, the one that started six months before he took office, even before he was elected. That's the one.
The First BUSH Recession started MARCH 2001. Only in TrumpTard land is March 2001 six months before BUSH took office in Jan 2001.

You really don't read discussions, do you? I already explained this to Fawn. You needed it explained to you to?

But like Faun, let's go with your number.

Explain how W caused a recession ... one month after he took office. Dumb ass
A quote by Trump isn't BLS data, you fucking moron.

You really couldn't get any dumber if you tried. :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Of course it's not. That's why a clearly stated while the BLS reported the unemployment rate was 5.2%, Trump claimed that figure is a joke and that the real unemployment rate could be as high as 42%.

You never learn, do ya, dumbfuck?

You didn't say anything about Trump in your original post claiming 43% unemployment, Liar.

It's always fun to shove your own lies up your ass, liar.

Here ya go:

Deficits don’t matter ....Reagan proved that

Biden has the greatest economy in history. After only two months

The stock market is not the economy. Unemployment didn't change between Jan and Feb, and we won't get the March report until early April.
The unemployment didn't change? WTF are you talking about? The real unemployment rate was about 43% under Trump. Now the BLS reports it's 6.2%.
Over 50 percent of Americans were not employed under Trump

Jan 20174.74.24.314.
Feb 20174.
Mar 20174.
Apr 20174.
May 20174.
June 20174.
July 20174.34.03.912.
Aug 20174.44.13.913.
Sept 20174.23.93.913.
Oct 20174.13.83.714.
Nov 20174.23.83.716.
Dec 20174.13.83.814.
Jan 20184.03.73.614.
Feb 20184.13.63.814.
Mar 20184.03.63.713.
Apr 20184.03.83.613.
May 20183.83.63.412.
June 20184.03.73.711.
July 20183.83.43.512.
Aug 20183.83.53.512.
Sept 20183.73.53.312.
Oct 20183.83.53.412.
Nov 20183.83.43.512.
Dec 20183.93.63.513.
Jan 20194.03.63.613.
Feb 20193.83.43.413.
Mar 20193.83.63.412.
Apr 20193.
May 20193.73.43.312.
June 20193.63.33.311.
July 20193.63.43.312.
Aug 20193.73.43.312.
Sept 20193.
Oct 20193.
Nov 20193.63.23.312.
Dec 20193.63.13.313.
Jan 20203.
Feb 20203.
Mar 20204.
Apr 202014.813.115.532.114.116.714.518.9
May 202013.311.613.929.612.316.714.917.6
June 202011.110.211.322.610.115.313.914.5
July 202010.29.410.419.19.214.411.912.7
Aug 20208.48.08.316.47.412.810.610.5
Sept 20207.87.37.716.
Oct 20206.96.76.514.
Nov 20206.
Dec 20206.76.46.316.
Jan 20216.
View attachment 468410


You believe those fake employment numbers? Don’t you realize Trump lied about EVERYTHING?

Over 50 percent of Americans were not employed in the Trump Economy
View attachment 468411
Trump is showing the wrong finger.

Over 50 percent of Americans were not working and Trump laughed about it

Who to believe on unemployment numbers..................BLS or a single digit IQ innerweb troll...............

View attachment 468412
Trump employment figures?
You know they are FAKE

You do the math

156 million in the workforce out of 330 million Americans
That is LESS than 50 percent actually working

Seems you are too stupid to figure out how the unemployment number is calculated, Troll.

"our real unemployment–because you have ninety million people that aren’t working. Ninety-three million to be exact. If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%." ~ Donald "too stupid to figure out how the unemployment number is calculated" Trump

You think the unemployment rate was 43% under Trump, so how stupid does that make you?

View attachment 468430
Again, I'm using his methodology. That makes him stupid (you said so yourself) whereas I'm just highlighting his stupidity and enjoying watching you play along, unwittingly, albeit. :badgrin:
Anybody who voted for Trump believes his employment methodology
I believe people who are actually employed.
Then again, I don’t live in a trailer park in Montecello.
150 million are actually employed
Out of 330 million Americans
How many are children or still in school?
How many are spouses who don’t need to work?
How many are retired?
How many have no skill set?

Gee, when you fools were whining about declining labour participation rates, you said those people were overcounted and didn't matter. In fact, you said we were just trying to cover up how bad the unemployment really was, at that time. As a Baby Boomer who was preparing for retirement, along with all of my friends, it was easy to see why labour participation rates were dropping, but you blamed Obama and his failing economy.

We're at the tail end of the Baby Boomer retirements, and at the beginning of the great Die Off, so your labour participation rate should be starting to rise. More failure on the party of Dementia Don.

I said what now, slut?
Øbama had the worst post-WW II economic recovery

The Great Obama nearly TRIPLED the Stock Market
Best Economy Ever

The stock indexes were fueled by all the money the fed pushed out there and the near-zero interest rates (no interest on money to speak of so into stocks it went).

The fact is that Øbama had the worst post-WW II recovery*.

Hell, the DOW had huge rallies under FDR while the economy never did recover until defense orders in 1940.

And under NO scenario did Øbama have the "best economy ever". That is either pandering or sheer stupidity.

* The short-lived Wuhan virus-fueled economic downturn in the first half of 2020 was met with a 33.4% 3rd quarter and 4% 4th quarter recovery in the second half of 2020. The first quarter of 2021, thanks to Trump, should be quite good. Trump, fastest and best post-WW II economic recovery.

Of course, the actions taken by Biden will slow the economy down by 2022 if not sooner as energy prices are already skyrocketing.
Last edited:
A total leftist lie. The US comes in 8th in deaths,
You should know better than to lie to me by now, I always have the stats to expose Wing-nut lies.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop

View attachment 467893

You were right, I was wrong. We slipped into 13th since I last looked.
Thanks to Biden.
But our mortality rate is up from 1.6% to 1.8% under Pinochijoe.
The death rate was 3% under Tramp.
Nope....deaths divided by total cases looneytunes. 1.6%
Nope that MORONIC calculation assumes not one person currently infected will die, :cuckoo:
Hmmmm what's moronic about either being dead or alive? Did you wackos create another state of total confusion or something? Its deaths to total cases and changes constantly, especially when a dunderhead starts making it go up again. Right moron?
Wrong as usual :asshole: Its CLOSED CASES that determines the REAL death rate. Your STUPID calculation makes the MORONIC assumption that not one open case will die! :cuckoo:

Cases which had an outcome:
96,965,054 (97%) Recovered / Discharged
2,665,246 (3%) Deaths
Oooh using cuss words again....try taking that Midol.

"Deaths to total cases" was the totally useless metric Donald Trump was using to hide the terrible toll that allowing the virus to run wild was taking on the American public. It was SOOO much better to say that less than 1% of total cases were dying, when the number of sick was never coming down. But now that Trump is gone, the total cases are starting to come down, and as that happens, both death rates will catch up to one another.


That metric has held far from constant.

Consequently, your extrapolation is total horsehockey.

My extrapolation is based on the statistics and death rates across the nation over a matter of several months. On election day, you fools were saying there was no way that another 200,000 people would die before Biden's Inauguration, and yet that's exactly what happened. And there will only 3 million active cases on election day.

Today there are 7.3 million active cases in the USA, so suggesting that more than 150,000 are likely to die is hardly horsehockey.

It is when the statistics you use are not meaningful to the claim you are making.

Can't help you there, madam horsehocky.
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