Biden already created the best economy EVER

Sure....And I am sure a 1.9 trillion stimulus bill won't higher our taxes either. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Not if you earn under 400,000 a year. Mark Levin, Hannity, Ingraham, Carlson and most of Fox news anchors are mad at it, they wont get anything, but new taxes.
Not only do I get nothing from this "relief" bill I get to pay for it.

Fuck you and your celebration
Watch your investments go up. A rising tide lifts all boats.
Every financial outlet has already said investors love a handout.
It's the big players who know when the crash is coming.
Democratic pork? How so?
COVID-19 stimulus bill: Joe Biden's plan explained in 6 graphics › in-depth › news › 2021/03/10 › co...

4 days ago — The $1.9 trillion COVID stimulus bill, known as President Joe Biden's American Rescue Plan, that the House approved Wednesday has been ...
Where is the "mostly Democratic pork"?

* 130 billion to open public schools and colleges. Why does it take 130 billion dollars for somebody to unlock the door and let kids and adults back in the classroom? They do it every fall!

* 350 billion to bailout failed Democrat cities and states who have been putting themselves in the hole long before Covid. Piglosi's city getting 650 million of that, to help cover their projected debt of 650 million by 2022.

* 500 million to the arts, humanities, and libraries. How is that Covid related? All long supporting Democrat party entities.

* 160 billion for new vaccines and distribution. We are already vaccinating over 2 million Americans a day, have three vaccines, and are doing just fine. Any new vaccine starting to get developed today will not be available at least seven months, which we will be long over this by then.

* 30 billion to give to renters. Wait a minute! If they are already giving people an additional 300 tax free dollars a week on top of unemployment, why can't renters pay their rent with that?

* 35 billion to go to Commie Care to expand that failed program.

* 86 billion to rescue pension plans that were going downhill for years before Covid, and has nothing to do with Covid. A political payoff to union members.

* Bailout minority farmers that will not only wipe out their debt 100%, but will provide them with 120% so they make a killing besides. Why minority farmers only? Gee, how do minorities generally vote? :eusa_shhh:

* 10 million dollars to preserve Native American language. Why does it take 10 million dollars to do that? Are they going to write these languages down in book of golden pages?

There is just too many things to list, but it's all over the internet.
Democratic pork? How so?
COVID-19 stimulus bill: Joe Biden's plan explained in 6 graphics › in-depth › news › 2021/03/10 › co...

4 days ago — The $1.9 trillion COVID stimulus bill, known as President Joe Biden's American Rescue Plan, that the House approved Wednesday has been ...
Where is the "mostly Democratic pork"?

* 130 billion to open public schools and colleges. Why does it take 130 billion dollars for somebody to unlock the door and let kids and adults back in the classroom? They do it every fall!

* 350 billion to bailout failed Democrat cities and states who have been putting themselves in the hole long before Covid. Piglosi's city getting 650 million of that, to help cover their projected debt of 650 million by 2022.

* 500 million to the arts, humanities, and libraries. How is that Covid related? All long supporting Democrat party entities.

* 160 billion for new vaccines and distribution. We are already vaccinating over 2 million Americans a day, have three vaccines, and are doing just fine. Any new vaccine starting to get developed today will not be available at least seven months, which we will be long over this by then.

* 30 billion to give to renters. Wait a minute! If they are already giving people an additional 300 tax free dollars a week on top of unemployment, why can't renters pay their rent with that?

* 35 billion to go to Commie Care to expand that failed program.

* 86 billion to rescue pension plans that were going downhill for years before Covid, and has nothing to do with Covid. A political payoff to union members.

* Bailout minority farmers that will not only wipe out their debt 100%, but will provide them with 120% so they make a killing besides. Why minority farmers only? Gee, how do minorities generally vote? :eusa_shhh:

* 10 million dollars to preserve Native American language. Why does it take 10 million dollars to do that? Are they going to write these languages down in book of golden pages?

There is just too many things to list, but it's all over the internet.
Fact of Politics...If Representatives don't deliver to their constituents, they will lose the next election.
130 billion to open public schools and colleges. Why does it take 130 billion dollars for somebody to unlock the door and let kids and adults back in the classroom? They do it every fall!

Because you just don’t ring a school bell and reopen schools.
You have to arrange for social distancing, stagger classes, arrange for more individual instruction
350 billion to bailout failed Democrat cities and states who have been putting themselves in the hole long before Covid. Piglosi's city getting 650 million of that, to help cover their projected debt of 650 million by 2022.

Let’s look at it this way
You send money to cities because that is where the people are.
I know it is a hard concept for Republicans who want to send money where there is no COVID infections
350 billion to bailout failed Democrat cities and states who have been putting themselves in the hole long before Covid. Piglosi's city getting 650 million of that, to help cover their projected debt of 650 million by 2022.

Let’s look at it this way
You send money to cities because that is where the people are.
I know it is a hard concept for Republicans who want to send money where there is no COVID infections
They could wear a mask.
And what did you see when the blob got in front of a camera? I know I know!
A photo op by a grifter, yes? No substance, just bull shit grifting.

At least he knew where he was. Once we got past the 500,000 covid death mark, he was trying to speak about it. He forgot we hit 500,000, and then stumbled around to find the card he wrote the number down on.
Because you just don’t ring a school bell and reopen schools.
You have to arrange for social distancing, stagger classes, arrange for more individual instruction

Schools have been open here since last August/September.
They accommodated social distancing, staggered classes and lunch, and provided every student with both virtual and in classroom instruction.

They didn't do it with money from the Pandemic Fraud Package and they didn't go into debt doing it either.
Our state has a Balanced Budget Amendment in our Constitution.

So, you just lied ... :thup:

Until it wasn't. The blob is one hell of a disorganized excuse for a president.
Dumping the covid response into states' laps with pharmacies to do the vaccinations.

That's how it's supposed to happen. The federal government is not going to send hundreds of thousands of people all over the country to give Fn shots. It's something locals can do themselves, and have quite successfully.
Let’s look at it this way
You send money to cities because that is where the people are.
I know it is a hard concept for Republicans who want to send money where there is no COVID infections

You don't send it to cities and states that have been putting themselves in the hole for years. That has nothing to do with Covid.
Because you just don’t ring a school bell and reopen schools.
You have to arrange for social distancing, stagger classes, arrange for more individual instruction

It takes 130 billion dollars to do that; move desks around?

Don't be stupid. You and I both know this is nothing more than a political payoff for all their indoctrination of kids and all the money they get from the teachers union. How is it Florida and South Dakota opened up their schools and not cost the taxpayer a dime?
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

Biden already created the best economy EVER the Kenyan finally handed off HIS economy?
Let a prog beg when needed and stop saving them. Let them stew in their own makings.
Because you just don’t ring a school bell and reopen schools.
You have to arrange for social distancing, stagger classes, arrange for more individual instruction

It takes 130 billion dollars to do that; move desks around?

Don't be stupid. You and I both know this is nothing more than a political payoff for all their indoctrination of kids and all the money they get from the teachers union. How is it Florida and South Dakota opened up their schools and not cost the taxpayer a dime?

It is more than just ringing a bell.
I know Conservatives just want to declare COVID over and pretend it away.
Responsible people know better.
Schools need to safely reopen. That takes money
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

Which bill did he sign that impacted the economy citygator

What a pathetic troll thread. :itsok:
: crickets; from citygator
Some of us work at important jobs that require attention to keep the economy moving. You righties hate jobs which is why you ruin the economy every term you take over.
So, I take it you still can't show any legislation signed by Veggie Joe that has improved the economy at all.

Got it.
I did in another post. Did you miss it?

The only bill you listed is the one he signed yesterday.
Oh. So the only thing you asked is the only thing I answered. Ok.
your answer was moronic.

Explain how a bill turns an economy into the best in history overnight . be specific.
What are you saying? That the president in office is or is not responsible for the best economy ever? Does it depend on who you support? Sure seems like every move he’s made sends confidence into the markets from his election to the stimulus bill.

All I know is this dung heap of a site was applauding Trumps economy from Nov of his election. I’m just crediting Biden after he was in office. A much higher bar than you righty trolls.
You claimed Biden signed bills that gave us the best economy ever.

I exposed that lie by asking you to list these mythical bills.
You whiffed on all your declarations except the business part. Our border was not protected as thousands of people lined up on the other side of our border, and that issue was not resolved. Energy independent? No, we still depended on oil, and to salvage our environment and alleviate the negative effect on the human body, we needed some alternative source of energy to support the oil alternative.
The "dude" you refer to did not increase gas prices. Do some research and you will become more enlightened.
President Biden has accomplished much with the vaccine as he and his team have organized the distribution, rather than dump it into the lap of the individual states.
You are not listening to my "bullshit"---you are not listening to the facts because your uninformed mind is already confused with false information that you have embellished.

Dementia didn't do shit for the vaccines. The commies put us another 160 billion in the hole to convince uninformed people like you that he did to steal the great accomplishments of President Trump. We had 3 vaccines before Dementia even took office, and were vaccinating over a million people a day. When J&J came out with theirs and as centers got more organized, we increased that number to over 2 million a day. He had absolutely nothing to do with it.
President Biden organized the distribution of the vaccine, where the blob failed miserably and did not have any vaccines in stock since he checked out after the election.
How did 18 million get vaccinated before he left office if there was no plan, Stupid
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