Biden already created the best economy EVER

Our President is doing an outstanding job

Highest Stock Market in History
Most COVID Vaccines ever
Largest Stimulus check ever

Why is the largest stimulus ever winning? The vaccines were due to DJT. Even Biden said as much. Stock market is due to the stimulus that just added more debt to our balance sheet. Not sure what you’re celebrating.

Highest Stock Market in HISTORY

Are you tired yet of Biden doing so much WINNING?
Highest debt in history.
Democratic pork? How so?
COVID-19 stimulus bill: Joe Biden's plan explained in 6 graphics › in-depth › news › 2021/03/10 › co...

4 days ago — The $1.9 trillion COVID stimulus bill, known as President Joe Biden's American Rescue Plan, that the House approved Wednesday has been ...
Where is the "mostly Democratic pork"?

* 130 billion to open public schools and colleges. Why does it take 130 billion dollars for somebody to unlock the door and let kids and adults back in the classroom? They do it every fall!

* 350 billion to bailout failed Democrat cities and states who have been putting themselves in the hole long before Covid. Piglosi's city getting 650 million of that, to help cover their projected debt of 650 million by 2022.

* 500 million to the arts, humanities, and libraries. How is that Covid related? All long supporting Democrat party entities.

* 160 billion for new vaccines and distribution. We are already vaccinating over 2 million Americans a day, have three vaccines, and are doing just fine. Any new vaccine starting to get developed today will not be available at least seven months, which we will be long over this by then.

* 30 billion to give to renters. Wait a minute! If they are already giving people an additional 300 tax free dollars a week on top of unemployment, why can't renters pay their rent with that?

* 35 billion to go to Commie Care to expand that failed program.

* 86 billion to rescue pension plans that were going downhill for years before Covid, and has nothing to do with Covid. A political payoff to union members.

* Bailout minority farmers that will not only wipe out their debt 100%, but will provide them with 120% so they make a killing besides. Why minority farmers only? Gee, how do minorities generally vote? :eusa_shhh:

* 10 million dollars to preserve Native American language. Why does it take 10 million dollars to do that? Are they going to write these languages down in book of golden pages?

There is just too many things to list, but it's all over the internet.
130 billion to open public schools and colleges. Why does it take 130 billion dollars for somebody to unlock the door and let kids and adults back in the classroom? They do it every fall!

Because you just don’t ring a school bell and reopen schools.
You have to arrange for social distancing, stagger classes, arrange for more individual instruction
Schools in my state did all that. Never shut down completely, didn’t need extra tax dollars.

Next bullshit lie?
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

Gas up 25% and rising, which hurts the poor more than anyone. Good job commies.

130 billion to open public schools and colleges. Why does it take 130 billion dollars for somebody to unlock the door and let kids and adults back in the classroom? They do it every fall!

Because you just don’t ring a school bell and reopen schools.
You have to arrange for social distancing, stagger classes, arrange for more individual instruction
Schools in my state did all that. Never shut down completely, didn’t need extra tax dollars.

Next bullshit lie?
Red States don’t care if the infection spreads or people die
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Until it wasn't. The blob is one hell of a disorganized excuse for a president.
Dumping the covid response into states' laps with pharmacies to do the vaccinations.

That's how it's supposed to happen. The federal government is not going to send hundreds of thousands of people all over the country to give Fn shots. It's something locals can do themselves, and have quite successfully.
No Ray, the government organizes the distribution. Who gives the shots is a function of the states and the federal government. This is a joint effort.
And what did you see when the blob got in front of a camera? I know I know!
A photo op by a grifter, yes? No substance, just bull shit grifting.

At least he knew where he was. Once we got past the 500,000 covid death mark, he was trying to speak about it. He forgot we hit 500,000, and then stumbled around to find the card he wrote the number down on.
Sure we did. He was on the photo op stage where he could pontificate and grift away. Know where he was? He should have done some governing instead of posing.
Democratic pork? How so?
COVID-19 stimulus bill: Joe Biden's plan explained in 6 graphics › in-depth › news › 2021/03/10 › co...

4 days ago — The $1.9 trillion COVID stimulus bill, known as President Joe Biden's American Rescue Plan, that the House approved Wednesday has been ...
Where is the "mostly Democratic pork"?

* 130 billion to open public schools and colleges. Why does it take 130 billion dollars for somebody to unlock the door and let kids and adults back in the classroom? They do it every fall!

* 350 billion to bailout failed Democrat cities and states who have been putting themselves in the hole long before Covid. Piglosi's city getting 650 million of that, to help cover their projected debt of 650 million by 2022.

* 500 million to the arts, humanities, and libraries. How is that Covid related? All long supporting Democrat party entities.

* 160 billion for new vaccines and distribution. We are already vaccinating over 2 million Americans a day, have three vaccines, and are doing just fine. Any new vaccine starting to get developed today will not be available at least seven months, which we will be long over this by then.

* 30 billion to give to renters. Wait a minute! If they are already giving people an additional 300 tax free dollars a week on top of unemployment, why can't renters pay their rent with that?

* 35 billion to go to Commie Care to expand that failed program.

* 86 billion to rescue pension plans that were going downhill for years before Covid, and has nothing to do with Covid. A political payoff to union members.

* Bailout minority farmers that will not only wipe out their debt 100%, but will provide them with 120% so they make a killing besides. Why minority farmers only? Gee, how do minorities generally vote? :eusa_shhh:

* 10 million dollars to preserve Native American language. Why does it take 10 million dollars to do that? Are they going to write these languages down in book of golden pages?

There is just too many things to list, but it's all over the internet.
Fact of Politics...If Representatives don't deliver to their constituents, they will lose the next election.
There are instances where Representatives can show their constituents the way
and then they do get reelected. Their constituents grow up, sometimes.
It is more than just ringing a bell.
I know Conservatives just want to declare COVID over and pretend it away.
Responsible people know better.
Schools need to safely reopen. That takes money

You just lied again ... The schools are already open here and have been.

They didn't need any more money than they had before.
There hasn't been an increased risk of COVID related incidences since they opened.
They have proper protocols in place, and multiple means by which students and parents can choose to attend class.
The teachers are working diligently to ensure they provide safety.
The teachers are proactive in both virtual and in classroom instruction ... And the children/parents are loving some of the newer opportunities.

Perhaps what you meant to say is that the schools where you reside are shitty, poorly managed and not prepared to provide students with a healthy learning environment just because you suck ... And money won't fix that.

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Democratic pork? How so?
COVID-19 stimulus bill: Joe Biden's plan explained in 6 graphics › in-depth › news › 2021/03/10 › co...

4 days ago — The $1.9 trillion COVID stimulus bill, known as President Joe Biden's American Rescue Plan, that the House approved Wednesday has been ...
Where is the "mostly Democratic pork"?

* 130 billion to open public schools and colleges. Why does it take 130 billion dollars for somebody to unlock the door and let kids and adults back in the classroom? They do it every fall!

* 350 billion to bailout failed Democrat cities and states who have been putting themselves in the hole long before Covid. Piglosi's city getting 650 million of that, to help cover their projected debt of 650 million by 2022.

* 500 million to the arts, humanities, and libraries. How is that Covid related? All long supporting Democrat party entities.

* 160 billion for new vaccines and distribution. We are already vaccinating over 2 million Americans a day, have three vaccines, and are doing just fine. Any new vaccine starting to get developed today will not be available at least seven months, which we will be long over this by then.

* 30 billion to give to renters. Wait a minute! If they are already giving people an additional 300 tax free dollars a week on top of unemployment, why can't renters pay their rent with that?

* 35 billion to go to Commie Care to expand that failed program.

* 86 billion to rescue pension plans that were going downhill for years before Covid, and has nothing to do with Covid. A political payoff to union members.

* Bailout minority farmers that will not only wipe out their debt 100%, but will provide them with 120% so they make a killing besides. Why minority farmers only? Gee, how do minorities generally vote? :eusa_shhh:

* 10 million dollars to preserve Native American language. Why does it take 10 million dollars to do that? Are they going to write these languages down in book of golden pages?

There is just too many things to list, but it's all over the internet.
Fact of Politics...If Representatives don't deliver to their constituents, they will lose the next election.
There are instances where Representatives can show their constituents the way
and then they do get reelected. Their constituents grow up, sometimes.
99% of the time, Ds will spend money, which is not always a bad thing.
99% of the time, Rs will not spend money, which is not always a bad thing.
It is more than just ringing a bell.
I know Conservatives just want to declare COVID over and pretend it away.
Responsible people know better.
Schools need to safely reopen. That takes money

You just lied again ... The schools are already open here and have been.

They didn't need any more money than they had before.
There hasn't been an increased risk of COVID related incidences since they opened.
They have proper protocols in place, and multiple means by which students and parents can choose to attend class.
The teachers are working diligently to ensure they provide safety.
The teachers are proactive in both virtual and in classroom instruction ... And the children/parents are loving some of the newer opportunities.

Perhaps what you meant to say is that the schools where you reside are shitty, poorly managed and not prepared to provide students with a healthy learning environment just because you suck ... And money won't fix that.


It is more than just ringing a bell.
I know Conservatives just want to declare COVID over and pretend it away.
Responsible people know better.
Schools need to safely reopen. That takes money

You just lied again ... The schools are already open here and have been.

They didn't need any more money than they had before.
There hasn't been an increased risk of COVID related incidences since they opened.
They have proper protocols in place, and multiple means by which students and parents can choose to attend class.
The teachers are working diligently to ensure they provide safety.
The teachers are proactive in both virtual and in classroom instruction ... And the children/parents are loving some of the newer opportunities.

Perhaps what you meant to say is that the schools where you reside are shitty, poorly managed and not prepared to provide students with a healthy learning environment just because you suck ... And money won't fix that.


Guess their estimate was a bit off.
I am not talking about what the government tells you it thinks the cost will be ...
But about the places that have done it, and already paid the bill, you ignorant twat ... :thup:

Last edited:
It is more than just ringing a bell.
I know Conservatives just want to declare COVID over and pretend it away.
Responsible people know better.
Schools need to safely reopen. That takes money

You just lied again ... The schools are already open here and have been.

They didn't need any more money than they had before.
There hasn't been an increased risk of COVID related incidences since they opened.
They have proper protocols in place, and multiple means by which students and parents can choose to attend class.
The teachers are working diligently to ensure they provide safety.
The teachers are proactive in both virtual and in classroom instruction ... And the children/parents are loving some of the newer opportunities.

Perhaps what you meant to say is that the schools where you reside are shitty, poorly managed and not prepared to provide students with a healthy learning environment just because you suck ... And money won't fix that.


Guess their estimate was a bit off.
I am not talking about what the government thinks the cost will be ... But about the places that have done it, and already paid the bill, you ignorant twat ... :thup:


Schools will save money on Dr Seuss books
Sure we did. He was on the photo op stage where he could pontificate and grift away. Know where he was? He should have done some governing instead of posing.

He did plenty of governing; more than any past President to be honest.
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

Outstanding. What specifically did he do that another person would not have done in his shoes. Thanks.

Say it was Michael Bloomberg say or Lizzy Warren.
How about I compare him to the prior inhabitant instead of people you randomly chose? Trump did almost nothing to help. He just called the virus a hoax, minimized its danger, complained about tactics employed to curb spread, attacked his own cdc recommendations and overtly ignored its crowd guidance. He was a disorganized mess.
biden has been consistent. Clear.

has provided a unified voice of government. He passed covid relief. He has militarized distribution to help.

Markets react to rational behavior. But hey. If you want to give more time to Joe to make things even better, I am all for it. Maybe you need 7 more years to be sure?
Dodge....excellent. The prior inhabitant protected our border, made us energy independent and was business friendly. This dude has increased gas prices, created a crisis at the border and lied to us about his accomplishments with vaccines. You live in a fantasy world. But elections have consequences so now I have to listen to your bullshit. Such is life.
You whiffed on all your declarations except the business part. Our border was not protected as thousands of people lined up on the other side of our border, and that issue was not resolved. Energy independent? No, we still depended on oil, and to salvage our environment and alleviate the negative effect on the human body, we needed some alternative source of energy to support the oil alternative.
The "dude" you refer to did not increase gas prices. Do some research and you will become more enlightened.
President Biden has accomplished much with the vaccine as he and his team have organized the distribution, rather than dump it into the lap of the individual states.
You are not listening to my "bullshit"---you are not listening to the facts because your uninformed mind is already confused with false information that you have embellished.
Price of gas has gone up exponentially and yes those at the border flocked in as Biden brought back catch and release. Vaccines are distributed by governors. Biden has literally done zero of good since taking office. President Lamp Post.
Our President is doing an outstanding job

Highest Stock Market in History
Most COVID Vaccines ever
Largest Stimulus check ever

Why is the largest stimulus ever winning? The vaccines were due to DJT. Even Biden said as much. Stock market is due to the stimulus that just added more debt to our balance sheet. Not sure what you’re celebrating.

Highest Stock Market in HISTORY

Are you tired yet of Biden doing so much WINNING?
Stock market goes up and down....debt isn’t going down and he is looking to add $2trn more. Let’s see what happens.
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

Outstanding. What specifically did he do that another person would not have done in his shoes. Thanks.

Say it was Michael Bloomberg say or Lizzy Warren.
How about I compare him to the prior inhabitant instead of people you randomly chose? Trump did almost nothing to help. He just called the virus a hoax, minimized its danger, complained about tactics employed to curb spread, attacked his own cdc recommendations and overtly ignored its crowd guidance. He was a disorganized mess.
biden has been consistent. Clear.

has provided a unified voice of government. He passed covid relief. He has militarized distribution to help.

Markets react to rational behavior. But hey. If you want to give more time to Joe to make things even better, I am all for it. Maybe you need 7 more years to be sure?
Dodge....excellent. The prior inhabitant protected our border, made us energy independent and was business friendly. This dude has increased gas prices, created a crisis at the border and lied to us about his accomplishments with vaccines. You live in a fantasy world. But elections have consequences so now I have to listen to your bullshit. Such is life.
You whiffed on all your declarations except the business part. Our border was not protected as thousands of people lined up on the other side of our border, and that issue was not resolved. Energy independent? No, we still depended on oil, and to salvage our environment and alleviate the negative effect on the human body, we needed some alternative source of energy to support the oil alternative.
The "dude" you refer to did not increase gas prices. Do some research and you will become more enlightened.
President Biden has accomplished much with the vaccine as he and his team have organized the distribution, rather than dump it into the lap of the individual states.
You are not listening to my "bullshit"---you are not listening to the facts because your uninformed mind is already confused with false information that you have embellished.
Price of gas has gone up exponentially and yes those at the border flocked in as Biden brought back catch and release. Vaccines are distributed by governors. Biden has literally done zero of good since taking office. President Lamp Post.
President Biden has empathy for those less fortunate than us, as did Reagan.
These children were just over the border on the other side and needed help.
The "fuck you" attitude of Trump permeates his flock, thanks to him, and it is unfortunate.
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

Outstanding. What specifically did he do that another person would not have done in his shoes. Thanks.

Say it was Michael Bloomberg say or Lizzy Warren.
How about I compare him to the prior inhabitant instead of people you randomly chose? Trump did almost nothing to help. He just called the virus a hoax, minimized its danger, complained about tactics employed to curb spread, attacked his own cdc recommendations and overtly ignored its crowd guidance. He was a disorganized mess.
biden has been consistent. Clear.

has provided a unified voice of government. He passed covid relief. He has militarized distribution to help.

Markets react to rational behavior. But hey. If you want to give more time to Joe to make things even better, I am all for it. Maybe you need 7 more years to be sure?
Dodge....excellent. The prior inhabitant protected our border, made us energy independent and was business friendly. This dude has increased gas prices, created a crisis at the border and lied to us about his accomplishments with vaccines. You live in a fantasy world. But elections have consequences so now I have to listen to your bullshit. Such is life.
You whiffed on all your declarations except the business part. Our border was not protected as thousands of people lined up on the other side of our border, and that issue was not resolved. Energy independent? No, we still depended on oil, and to salvage our environment and alleviate the negative effect on the human body, we needed some alternative source of energy to support the oil alternative.
The "dude" you refer to did not increase gas prices. Do some research and you will become more enlightened.
President Biden has accomplished much with the vaccine as he and his team have organized the distribution, rather than dump it into the lap of the individual states.
You are not listening to my "bullshit"---you are not listening to the facts because your uninformed mind is already confused with false information that you have embellished.
Price of gas has gone up exponentially and yes those at the border flocked in as Biden brought back catch and release. Vaccines are distributed by governors. Biden has literally done zero of good since taking office. President Lamp Post.
President Biden has empathy for those less fortunate than us, as did Reagan.
These children were just over the border on the other side and needed help.
The "fuck you" attitude of Trump permeates his flock, thanks to him, and it is unfortunate.
How about empathy for US citizens and taxpayers at the border? Want to come here? Do so legally.
130 billion to open public schools and colleges. Why does it take 130 billion dollars for somebody to unlock the door and let kids and adults back in the classroom? They do it every fall!

Because you just don’t ring a school bell and reopen schools.
You have to arrange for social distancing, stagger classes, arrange for more individual instruction
Schools in my state did all that. Never shut down completely, didn’t need extra tax dollars.

Next bullshit lie?
Red States don’t care if the infection spreads or people die
Its our bodies. We control them.

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