Biden Already Downplaying Importance of Winning in Iowa

It's true that Iowa is not a good indicator. I've seen it happen lots of times that the winner of Iowa is not the winner in New Hampshire.
Polls I saw this AM on talk shows had Biden in 4th place
Well, I suppose there will be no fist pump "YEEEAAAAAHHH!" moments, ala Howard Dean then.

Too bad. I was quite entertained
Polls I saw this AM on talk shows had Biden in 4th place

Yeah, and the other 3 were Warren, some guy they kidnapped from the street cuz his last name is Kennedy and some neighbors cat.
Uncle joe has several problems that will surely do him in, and only one thing going for him.

Going for him, are the Democratic Black Voters. It's a matter of loyalty to them. Uncle Joe was Obama's loyal errand boy VP for 8 years, and that's good enough for them. It is harder for these Black folks to see that there is something wrong with Uncle Joe's brain---which there is---because it has appeared to Black folks for many years that there is something wrong with all old white men's brain.)

Going against him:

1) There is IS something wrong with his brain....almost certainly age related, and almost certainly something that is going to get worse over the grueling year that awaits him. (And it is a brain that could never stand a whiff of loss of acuity, i.e. he has been a Dumb-ass for a long time.

2) He used his Government Position to enrich his Drug addict son. He and his son's defense to obvious use of the Vice-Presidency for Nepotism: We got PAID, but not BOUGHT. But, that is not for him to say---its for the VOTERS, and perhaps a Grand Jury.

3) He's not a Socialist/Budding Communist----and the primary voters in the Democratic Party are Budding Bolsheviks--mainly living rodent-like existences in the rotting cities of the North.

It may be a near run thing, but I don't think Uncle Joe will make it.

Depends on if there are enough Democratic Black Folks choosing Senile and Crooked instead of Bat-Shit Crazy and Bolshevik.

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I'm beginning to feel sorry for him....he should follow Beto....really

He should just go away...he had his time under the sun and he robbed plenty from Americans, he can not complain.....just go Joe...go

and now this.....very sad

Joe Biden speaking in an arena in Iowa gets confused where the camera is and keeps talking to a screen
I'm beginning to feel sorry for him....he should follow Beto....really

He should just go away...he had his time under the sun and he robbed plenty from Americans, he can not complain.....just go Joe...go

and now this.....very sad

Joe Biden speaking in an arena in Iowa gets confused where the camera is and keeps talking to a screen

He’s been sucking on the teat of the taxpayers all his life with nothing in return. Screw him.
He was a stooge for the left for many decades, but now he's not leftist enough because the Democrats have gone even further down the road of insanity.
The assertion of a "national" following is the boast of a loser. There is no national primary election; if there were, Bernie Sanders would have been the nominee in 2016.

It is exactly analogous to Hillary Clinton's boast of having won the "popular vote." Loser.

There is ONLY ONE reason for a Democrat to support or vote for Biden: they think he is the only one with a chance to beat The Donald. But the Leftists who run the party see through his various "changes" of position on issues they find compelling. He is toast.

He remains one of a dozen or so unpalatable wannabees in the Democrat Clown Car.

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