Biden and the Democrats OWN the Addition of New $1.9 TRILLION in Debt In The Name of COVID-19

To prove Democrats don't give a damn about Americans in the midst of a pandemic, Joe re-instates Beey's 'Catch-And-Release' Illegal Immigration policy, dumping diseased, bedbug, and virus-infested illegals into US communities all over the US while hoping the $1400 hand-out the CBO says isn't needed will pacify Americans to be ok with it.
He would like to go after illegal employers. You know, the ones luring illegal workers here. Are you in support of doing this? Then stop playing wack a mole with illegal workers. Wasting our time.
Trump didnt go after illegal employers so why did illegal immigration plummet?
One reason could be that Trump's tough talk made some illegals stay home or go home. I'm sure that played a part.

Also legal immigration dropped under Trump.

But funny wages didn't go up like we hoped it would when illegals supposedly disappeared.

You do know that there are still over 10 million illegals here right? And you don't know how many are here or that it dropped. They are illegal so not on the books. No one is keeping track. Remember you didn't believe the unemployment numbers on Obama's watch? Well why would we believe the illegal numbers on Trump's watch?
To prove Democrats don't give a damn about Americans in the midst of a pandemic, Joe re-instates Beey's 'Catch-And-Release' Illegal Immigration policy, dumping diseased, bedbug, and virus-infested illegals into US communities all over the US while hoping the $1400 hand-out the CBO says isn't needed will pacify Americans to be ok with it.
He would like to go after illegal employers. You know, the ones luring illegal workers here. Are you in support of doing this? Then stop playing wack a mole with illegal workers. Wasting our time.
Trump didnt go after illegal employers so why did illegal immigration plummet?
One reason could be that Trump's tough talk made some illegals stay home or go home. I'm sure that played a part.

Also legal immigration dropped under Trump.

But funny wages didn't go up like we hoped it would when illegals supposedly disappeared.

You do know that there are still over 10 million illegals here right? And you don't know how many are here or that it dropped. They are illegal so not on the books. No one is keeping track. Remember you didn't believe the unemployment numbers on Obama's watch? Well why would we believe the illegal numbers on Trump's watch?
Why would we accept any number of illegals at all in our country?
To prove Democrats don't give a damn about Americans in the midst of a pandemic, Joe re-instates Beey's 'Catch-And-Release' Illegal Immigration policy, dumping diseased, bedbug, and virus-infested illegals into US communities all over the US while hoping the $1400 hand-out the CBO says isn't needed will pacify Americans to be ok with it.
He would like to go after illegal employers. You know, the ones luring illegal workers here. Are you in support of doing this? Then stop playing wack a mole with illegal workers. Wasting our time.
Trump didnt go after illegal employers so why did illegal immigration plummet?
Did it? I didn’t notice . What are the numbers?

By the end of the 2019 fiscal year, agents had processed more than 474,000 migrants traveling as a family along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Their arrival in such large numbers, coupled with a system designed largely to hold single adult men, overwhelmed border agents and immigration officers. That resulted in serious overcrowding, prolonged detention, and deteriorating conditions at border processing and holding facilities, especially in Yuma, Arizona; and El Paso and the Rio Grande Valley in Texas; the three main routes used by migrants.

To cope with the drastic surge in arrivals, Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement began releasing thousands of families apprehended at the border.

In 2017, there were 10.5 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S., including 4.9 million Mexicans.

The decrease in the Mexican born was the major factor driving down the overall population of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S., which in 2017 was 1.7 million below its peak of 12.2 million in 2007.

The number of Mexican unauthorized immigrants declined because more left the U.S. than arrived. Mexicans remain a much larger percentage of all unauthorized immigrants than those from any other birth country. But their 47% share of U.S. unauthorized immigrants in 2017 amounted to less than a majority for the first time since the beginning of a long era of growth in illegal immigration a half century ago. That rise began after passage of a major overhaul of immigration policy in 1965, which imposed the first limits on immigration from Western Hemisphere countries, including Mexico, and coincided with the end of the Bracero program that had allowed temporary farm workers from Mexico to work legally in the U.S.

The number of Mexican unauthorized immigrants has fallen by 2 million since its peak of 6.9 million in 2007 and was lower in 2017 than in any year since 2001. Similarly, the number of apprehensions of Mexicans at the U.S. border also has fallen over the decade, a trend that began even earlier. In fact, apprehensions of non-Mexicans outnumbered those of Mexicans for the past three fiscal years, according to federal statistics.

As the number of Mexicans decreased, unauthorized immigrants from other parts of the world increased. There were 5.5 million non-Mexican unauthorized immigrants in 2017, compared with 5.3 million in 2007. The non-Mexican number also ticked up from 2016 to 2017, offsetting the decline of Mexicans. As a result, the overall population of unauthorized immigrants statistically did not change in 2017 from the year before; the total in both years was the lowest since 2004.

The decline in unauthorized immigrants from Mexico and rise from other parts of the world is one sign of a change in how recent arrivals to this population enter the country. A growing share of U.S. unauthorized immigrants do not cross the border illegally, but probably arrive with legal visas and overstay their required departure date. These “likely overstays” have made up a large majority of unauthorized immigrant arrivals since 2010, according to Pew Research Center analysis.

The Center’s estimate of unauthorized immigrants includes 1.5 million or more people who have temporary permission to stay in the U.S. but could be subject to deportation by changes in government policy. In 2017, they included about 320,000 people from 10 nations with Temporary Protected Status, about 700,000 beneficiaries of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and a rising number of people who have applied for asylum and are awaiting a ruling.

Unauthorized immigrants are a quarter of the U.S. foreign-born populationAs the number of unauthorized immigrants shrank by 14% from 2007 to 2017, the U.S. lawful immigrant population continued to grow. During this period, the population of lawful U.S. immigrants – citizens and noncitizens, on permanent and temporary visas – rose by almost a quarter, to 35.2 million.

Unauthorized immigrants were 23% of the 45.6 million foreign-born residents in the U.S. in 2017.

Despite the decline over the decade, the number of unauthorized immigrants in 2017 was triple the 3.5 million in 1990.

Rising numbers from Asia and Central America

To prove Democrats don't give a damn about Americans in the midst of a pandemic, Joe re-instates Beey's 'Catch-And-Release' Illegal Immigration policy, dumping diseased, bedbug, and virus-infested illegals into US communities all over the US while hoping the $1400 hand-out the CBO says isn't needed will pacify Americans to be ok with it.
He would like to go after illegal employers. You know, the ones luring illegal workers here. Are you in support of doing this? Then stop playing wack a mole with illegal workers. Wasting our time.
Trump didnt go after illegal employers so why did illegal immigration plummet?
One reason could be that Trump's tough talk made some illegals stay home or go home. I'm sure that played a part.

Also legal immigration dropped under Trump.

But funny wages didn't go up like we hoped it would when illegals supposedly disappeared.

You do know that there are still over 10 million illegals here right? And you don't know how many are here or that it dropped. They are illegal so not on the books. No one is keeping track. Remember you didn't believe the unemployment numbers on Obama's watch? Well why would we believe the illegal numbers on Trump's watch?
Why would we accept any number of illegals at all in our country?
I agree. But my point is you aren't going to solve the problem if you don't go after illegal employers.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

They could have passed the Chinese virus relief bill for American and left all the pork out. They just added 1.9 Trillion to the debt. CBO says that pork wasn't necessary. We tax payers will pay for it all.
You never mind when Republicans add pork.

And if that pork was coming home to your state you wouldn't send it back.
To prove Democrats don't give a damn about Americans in the midst of a pandemic, Joe re-instates Beey's 'Catch-And-Release' Illegal Immigration policy, dumping diseased, bedbug, and virus-infested illegals into US communities all over the US while hoping the $1400 hand-out the CBO says isn't needed will pacify Americans to be ok with it.
He would like to go after illegal employers. You know, the ones luring illegal workers here. Are you in support of doing this? Then stop playing wack a mole with illegal workers. Wasting our time.
Trump didnt go after illegal employers so why did illegal immigration plummet?
One reason could be that Trump's tough talk made some illegals stay home or go home. I'm sure that played a part.

Also legal immigration dropped under Trump.

But funny wages didn't go up like we hoped it would when illegals supposedly disappeared.

You do know that there are still over 10 million illegals here right? And you don't know how many are here or that it dropped. They are illegal so not on the books. No one is keeping track. Remember you didn't believe the unemployment numbers on Obama's watch? Well why would we believe the illegal numbers on Trump's watch?
Why would we accept any number of illegals at all in our country?
I agree. But my point is you aren't going to solve the problem if you don't go after illegal employers.
Illegals and anyone who hires them, both are against the law. I don't think Sleepy is very interested in removing either.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

They could have passed the Chinese virus relief bill for American and left all the pork out. They just added 1.9 Trillion to the debt. CBO says that pork wasn't necessary. We tax payers will pay for it all.
You never mind when Republicans add pork.

And if that pork was coming home to your state you wouldn't send it back.
US pork is better than foreign.....
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

They could have passed the Chinese virus relief bill for American and left all the pork out. They just added 1.9 Trillion to the debt. CBO says that pork wasn't necessary. We tax payers will pay for it all.
That pork is going to help the recovery.

Hold on one second. I thought the economy would go to shit if Biden won? Now you're telling me that on Monday February 1st the CBO says the economy is improving faster than was originally expected?

Way to go Joe Biden! I can't wait till unemployment goes .01% lower than Trump's number so Biden can then brag that no one has ever done better than him. And how he got us out of the 2nd Republican Great Recession in 8 years.
You never mind when Republicans add pork.

You remember Barry's NON-Stimulating Stimulus Bill that gave us huge pork waste like 'Shrimp-On-A-Treadmill', Non-Existent 'Shovel-Ready Jobs',and the disastrous 'Cash-For-Clunkers' that devastated the Used-Car market (for people who can;t afford new cars)? Yeah, the GOP did not add 1 dime of psending to that Trillion+ nightmare.

Here we have Democrats forcing a $1.9 Trillion dollar pork-infested Democrat Nightmare 2.0 thatthe CBO says ius NOT NEEDED for the economy they predict will frecover by the end of summer WITHOUT THE GOVT SPENDING A DIME.
To prove Democrats don't give a damn about Americans in the midst of a pandemic, Joe re-instates Beey's 'Catch-And-Release' Illegal Immigration policy, dumping diseased, bedbug, and virus-infested illegals into US communities all over the US while hoping the $1400 hand-out the CBO says isn't needed will pacify Americans to be ok with it.
He would like to go after illegal employers. You know, the ones luring illegal workers here. Are you in support of doing this? Then stop playing wack a mole with illegal workers. Wasting our time.
Trump didnt go after illegal employers so why did illegal immigration plummet?
One reason could be that Trump's tough talk made some illegals stay home or go home. I'm sure that played a part.

Also legal immigration dropped under Trump.

But funny wages didn't go up like we hoped it would when illegals supposedly disappeared.

You do know that there are still over 10 million illegals here right? And you don't know how many are here or that it dropped. They are illegal so not on the books. No one is keeping track. Remember you didn't believe the unemployment numbers on Obama's watch? Well why would we believe the illegal numbers on Trump's watch?
Why would we accept any number of illegals at all in our country?
I agree. But my point is you aren't going to solve the problem if you don't go after illegal employers.
Illegals and anyone who hires them, both are against the law. I don't think Sleepy is very interested in removing either.
Yea I never believed Trump was sincere about removing illegal workers either. That's because all he was doing was playing wack a mole with them.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

They could have passed the Chinese virus relief bill for American and left all the pork out. They just added 1.9 Trillion to the debt. CBO says that pork wasn't necessary. We tax payers will pay for it all.
That pork is going to help the recovery.

Hold on one second. I thought the economy would go to shit if Biden won? Now you're telling me that on Monday February 1st the CBO says the economy is improving faster than was originally expected?

Way to go Joe Biden! I can't wait till unemployment goes .01% lower than Trump's number so Biden can then brag that no one has ever done better than him. And how he got us out of the 2nd Republican Great Recession in 8 years.
It's improving faster for illegals than previously thought....they are getting $1400 checks! Yay Sleepy!
To prove Democrats don't give a damn about Americans in the midst of a pandemic, Joe re-instates Beey's 'Catch-And-Release' Illegal Immigration policy, dumping diseased, bedbug, and virus-infested illegals into US communities all over the US while hoping the $1400 hand-out the CBO says isn't needed will pacify Americans to be ok with it.
He would like to go after illegal employers. You know, the ones luring illegal workers here. Are you in support of doing this? Then stop playing wack a mole with illegal workers. Wasting our time.
Trump didnt go after illegal employers so why did illegal immigration plummet?
One reason could be that Trump's tough talk made some illegals stay home or go home. I'm sure that played a part.

Also legal immigration dropped under Trump.

But funny wages didn't go up like we hoped it would when illegals supposedly disappeared.

You do know that there are still over 10 million illegals here right? And you don't know how many are here or that it dropped. They are illegal so not on the books. No one is keeping track. Remember you didn't believe the unemployment numbers on Obama's watch? Well why would we believe the illegal numbers on Trump's watch?
Why would we accept any number of illegals at all in our country?
I agree. But my point is you aren't going to solve the problem if you don't go after illegal employers.
Illegals and anyone who hires them, both are against the law. I don't think Sleepy is very interested in removing either.
Yea I never believed Trump was sincere about removing illegal workers either. That's because all he was doing was playing wack a mole with them.
Well he was building a wall to keep them out instead of helping sneak them in.....
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

They could have passed the Chinese virus relief bill for American and left all the pork out. They just added 1.9 Trillion to the debt. CBO says that pork wasn't necessary. We tax payers will pay for it all.
You never mind when Republicans add pork.

And if that pork was coming home to your state you wouldn't send it back.

Oh yes I did. We don't need to pay for pork from either party.
You never mind when Republicans add pork.

You remember Barry's NON-Stimulating Stimulus Bill that gave us huge pork waste like 'Shrimp-On-A-Treadmill', Non-Existent 'Shovel-Ready Jobs',and the disastrous 'Cash-For-Clunkers' that devastated the Used-Car market (for people who can;t afford new cars)? Yeah, the GOP did not add 1 dime of psending to that Trillion+ nightmare.

Here we have Democrats forcing a $1.9 Trillion dollar pork-infested Democrat Nightmare 2.0 thatthe CBO says ius NOT NEEDED for the economy they predict will frecover by the end of summer WITHOUT THE GOVT SPENDING A DIME.

Last year Trump's stimulus had a bunch of pork in it too.

Billions in foreign aid, pet projects stuffed into COVID relief bill
By Steven Nelson
December 22, 2020

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) celebrated passage of the bill.

“The Senate just passed another major bipartisan, COVID-19 relief package,” he said. “The American people can rest assured that more help is on the way, immediately.”
To prove Democrats don't give a damn about Americans in the midst of a pandemic, Joe re-instates Beey's 'Catch-And-Release' Illegal Immigration policy, dumping diseased, bedbug, and virus-infested illegals into US communities all over the US while hoping the $1400 hand-out the CBO says isn't needed will pacify Americans to be ok with it.
He would like to go after illegal employers. You know, the ones luring illegal workers here. Are you in support of doing this? Then stop playing wack a mole with illegal workers. Wasting our time.
Trump didnt go after illegal employers so why did illegal immigration plummet?
One reason could be that Trump's tough talk made some illegals stay home or go home. I'm sure that played a part.

Also legal immigration dropped under Trump.

But funny wages didn't go up like we hoped it would when illegals supposedly disappeared.

You do know that there are still over 10 million illegals here right? And you don't know how many are here or that it dropped. They are illegal so not on the books. No one is keeping track. Remember you didn't believe the unemployment numbers on Obama's watch? Well why would we believe the illegal numbers on Trump's watch?
Why would we accept any number of illegals at all in our country?
I agree. But my point is you aren't going to solve the problem if you don't go after illegal employers.
Illegals and anyone who hires them, both are against the law. I don't think Sleepy is very interested in removing either.
Yea I never believed Trump was sincere about removing illegal workers either. That's because all he was doing was playing wack a mole with them.
Well he was building a wall to keep them out instead of helping sneak them in.....
Waste of money. The wall was the stupidest idea and it was his most popular idea among his stupid supporters.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

They could have passed the Chinese virus relief bill for American and left all the pork out. They just added 1.9 Trillion to the debt. CBO says that pork wasn't necessary. We tax payers will pay for it all.
That pork is going to help the recovery.

Hold on one second. I thought the economy would go to shit if Biden won? Now you're telling me that on Monday February 1st the CBO says the economy is improving faster than was originally expected?

Way to go Joe Biden! I can't wait till unemployment goes .01% lower than Trump's number so Biden can then brag that no one has ever done better than him. And how he got us out of the 2nd Republican Great Recession in 8 years.
It's improving faster for illegals than previously thought....they are getting $1400 checks! Yay Sleepy!

Are you kidding?? They are paying illegals our hard earned money?? What moron came up with that idiocy??
That pork is going to help the recovery.

Yeah, Biden said that just now. He said the alternative is the 'GOP' Plan thatwould result in the recovery not happening until 2025.....something he pulled out of his ass because the CBO already declared the economy would recover on its own by the end of THIS summer WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME...if the Democrats just get the F* out of the way, stop the economy/small business/job-destroying lockdowns, stop targeting womenand getting them fired, and takiung tens of thousands of jobs from Amerivcans in thge middle of a pandemic!

Yeah, Barry said the same thing about his Pork-asaurous that included the Non-existent Shovel-ready Projects, 'Shrimp-on-a-Treadmill', and 'Cash Fotr clunkers'. That was another partisan Debt-bomb forced down the throats of the American people by a hyper-partisan Democrat Party that congtrolled Congress and the WH.
To prove Democrats don't give a damn about Americans in the midst of a pandemic, Joe re-instates Beey's 'Catch-And-Release' Illegal Immigration policy, dumping diseased, bedbug, and virus-infested illegals into US communities all over the US while hoping the $1400 hand-out the CBO says isn't needed will pacify Americans to be ok with it.
He would like to go after illegal employers. You know, the ones luring illegal workers here. Are you in support of doing this? Then stop playing wack a mole with illegal workers. Wasting our time.
Trump didnt go after illegal employers so why did illegal immigration plummet?
One reason could be that Trump's tough talk made some illegals stay home or go home. I'm sure that played a part.

Also legal immigration dropped under Trump.

But funny wages didn't go up like we hoped it would when illegals supposedly disappeared.

You do know that there are still over 10 million illegals here right? And you don't know how many are here or that it dropped. They are illegal so not on the books. No one is keeping track. Remember you didn't believe the unemployment numbers on Obama's watch? Well why would we believe the illegal numbers on Trump's watch?
Why would we accept any number of illegals at all in our country?
I agree. But my point is you aren't going to solve the problem if you don't go after illegal employers.
Illegals and anyone who hires them, both are against the law. I don't think Sleepy is very interested in removing either.
Yea I never believed Trump was sincere about removing illegal workers either. That's because all he was doing was playing wack a mole with them.
Well he was building a wall to keep them out instead of helping sneak them in.....
Waste of money. The wall was the stupidest idea and it was his most popular idea among his stupid supporters.

The wall was a great idea. We spend billions on illegals in this country and that wall would keep them out. Once they can't get in we could have booted the 22 million who are here right the hell out. We would save billions.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

If you read the op the CBO is saying the economy will be back on track this summer without the stimulus money.
Waste of money. The wall was the stupidest idea and it was his most popular idea among his stupid supporters.

Yeah, Open borders during a pandemic and disastrous economy is a much better idea. Hundreds of thousands of disease/virus-infected illegals coming across the border to compete with Biden-forced out-of-work Americans for existing jobs.


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