Biden and the Democrats OWN the Addition of New $1.9 TRILLION in Debt In The Name of COVID-19

Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

They could have passed the Chinese virus relief bill for American and left all the pork out. They just added 1.9 Trillion to the debt. CBO says that pork wasn't necessary. We tax payers will pay for it all.
That pork is going to help the recovery.

Hold on one second. I thought the economy would go to shit if Biden won? Now you're telling me that on Monday February 1st the CBO says the economy is improving faster than was originally expected?

Way to go Joe Biden! I can't wait till unemployment goes .01% lower than Trump's number so Biden can then brag that no one has ever done better than him. And how he got us out of the 2nd Republican Great Recession in 8 years.
It's improving faster for illegals than previously thought....they are getting $1400 checks! Yay Sleepy!

Are you kidding?? They are paying illegals our hard earned money?? What moron came up with that idiocy??

Stop listening to lies Putin puts out on the internet

VERIFY: No, the stimulus checks won't be going to undocumented immigrants
The Verify team looked into online rumors, claiming that undocumented immigrants are receiving $1,800, while citizens are getting $600. This is false.

No. Undocumented immigrants are not eligible for stimulus checks because they do not have social security numbers.

So it's impossible to take anything you say seriously when you are a known big fat ugly mean racist liar.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

If you read the op the CBO is saying the economy will be back on track this summer without the stimulus money.
Sealy doesn't get paid to read, only to spread lies and propaganda.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

They could have passed the Chinese virus relief bill for American and left all the pork out. They just added 1.9 Trillion to the debt. CBO says that pork wasn't necessary. We tax payers will pay for it all.
That pork is going to help the recovery.

Hold on one second. I thought the economy would go to shit if Biden won? Now you're telling me that on Monday February 1st the CBO says the economy is improving faster than was originally expected?

Way to go Joe Biden! I can't wait till unemployment goes .01% lower than Trump's number so Biden can then brag that no one has ever done better than him. And how he got us out of the 2nd Republican Great Recession in 8 years.
It's improving faster for illegals than previously thought....they are getting $1400 checks! Yay Sleepy!

Are you kidding?? They are paying illegals our hard earned money?? What moron came up with that idiocy??

Stop listening to lies Putin puts out on the internet

VERIFY: No, the stimulus checks won't be going to undocumented immigrants
The Verify team looked into online rumors, claiming that undocumented immigrants are receiving $1,800, while citizens are getting $600. This is false.

No. Undocumented immigrants are not eligible for stimulus checks because they do not have social security numbers.

So it's impossible to take anything you say seriously when you are a known big fat ugly mean racist liar.

Thanks Glad to see it. We sure don't need to pay illegals one damned dime.

Oh and I don't read what Putin puts out. You may. But I don't
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

If you read the op the CBO is saying the economy will be back on track this summer without the stimulus money.
Hey, we didn't need the Trump tax breaks either but we got them. And those tax breaks for the rich and corporations are permanent. The stimulus is just a one time thing and only poor people get it.

I only got $43.30 the last time. The one before that I got $950 instead of $1200. And I thought it was ridiculous they sent me money when I didn't need it. Also my dad who is retired got Trump money. Why? Nothing changed for him. He was not economically impacted. Still he got some money. Apparently trump was trying to buy his vote. It didn't work my dad voted for Biden. LOL
Waste of money. The wall was the stupidest idea and it was his most popular idea among his stupid supporters.

Yeah, Open borders during a pandemic and disastrous economy is a much better idea. Hundreds of thousands of disease/virus-infected illegals coming across the border to compete with Biden-forced out-of-work Americans for existing jobs.

We should keep watching the border. Just don't ask for a 3 trillion dollar wall like the Great Wall of China because they will just go under, over or around it if we aren't watching it 24 7.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

They could have passed the Chinese virus relief bill for American and left all the pork out. They just added 1.9 Trillion to the debt. CBO says that pork wasn't necessary. We tax payers will pay for it all.
That pork is going to help the recovery.

Hold on one second. I thought the economy would go to shit if Biden won? Now you're telling me that on Monday February 1st the CBO says the economy is improving faster than was originally expected?

Way to go Joe Biden! I can't wait till unemployment goes .01% lower than Trump's number so Biden can then brag that no one has ever done better than him. And how he got us out of the 2nd Republican Great Recession in 8 years.
It's improving faster for illegals than previously thought....they are getting $1400 checks! Yay Sleepy!

Are you kidding?? They are paying illegals our hard earned money?? What moron came up with that idiocy??

Stop listening to lies Putin puts out on the internet

VERIFY: No, the stimulus checks won't be going to undocumented immigrants
The Verify team looked into online rumors, claiming that undocumented immigrants are receiving $1,800, while citizens are getting $600. This is false.

No. Undocumented immigrants are not eligible for stimulus checks because they do not have social security numbers.

So it's impossible to take anything you say seriously when you are a known big fat ugly mean racist liar.

Thanks Glad to see it. We sure don't need to pay illegals one damned dime.

Oh and I don't read what Putin puts out. You may. But I don't
You just repeated a lie clearly you heard from someone. Who told you that lie you repeated then if not Putin? Rush, Fox, Newsmax?
To prove Democrats don't give a damn about Americans in the midst of a pandemic, Joe re-instates Beey's 'Catch-And-Release' Illegal Immigration policy, dumping diseased, bedbug, and virus-infested illegals into US communities all over the US while hoping the $1400 hand-out the CBO says isn't needed will pacify Americans to be ok with it.
He would like to go after illegal employers. You know, the ones luring illegal workers here. Are you in support of doing this? Then stop playing wack a mole with illegal workers. Wasting our time.
Trump didnt go after illegal employers so why did illegal immigration plummet?
One reason could be that Trump's tough talk made some illegals stay home or go home. I'm sure that played a part.

Also legal immigration dropped under Trump.

But funny wages didn't go up like we hoped it would when illegals supposedly disappeared.

You do know that there are still over 10 million illegals here right? And you don't know how many are here or that it dropped. They are illegal so not on the books. No one is keeping track. Remember you didn't believe the unemployment numbers on Obama's watch? Well why would we believe the illegal numbers on Trump's watch?
Why would we accept any number of illegals at all in our country?
I agree. But my point is you aren't going to solve the problem if you don't go after illegal employers.
Illegals and anyone who hires them, both are against the law. I don't think Sleepy is very interested in removing either.
Yea I never believed Trump was sincere about removing illegal workers either. That's because all he was doing was playing wack a mole with them.
Well he was building a wall to keep them out instead of helping sneak them in.....
Waste of money. The wall was the stupidest idea and it was his most popular idea among his stupid supporters.
Really? See that is why real Americans know you commies hate the US....right there.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

They could have passed the Chinese virus relief bill for American and left all the pork out. They just added 1.9 Trillion to the debt. CBO says that pork wasn't necessary. We tax payers will pay for it all.
That pork is going to help the recovery.

Hold on one second. I thought the economy would go to shit if Biden won? Now you're telling me that on Monday February 1st the CBO says the economy is improving faster than was originally expected?

Way to go Joe Biden! I can't wait till unemployment goes .01% lower than Trump's number so Biden can then brag that no one has ever done better than him. And how he got us out of the 2nd Republican Great Recession in 8 years.
It's improving faster for illegals than previously thought....they are getting $1400 checks! Yay Sleepy!

Are you kidding?? They are paying illegals our hard earned money?? What moron came up with that idiocy??

Stop listening to lies Putin puts out on the internet

VERIFY: No, the stimulus checks won't be going to undocumented immigrants
The Verify team looked into online rumors, claiming that undocumented immigrants are receiving $1,800, while citizens are getting $600. This is false.

No. Undocumented immigrants are not eligible for stimulus checks because they do not have social security numbers.

So it's impossible to take anything you say seriously when you are a known big fat ugly mean racist liar.

Thanks Glad to see it. We sure don't need to pay illegals one damned dime.

Oh and I don't read what Putin puts out. You may. But I don't
You just repeated a lie clearly you heard from someone. Who told you that lie you repeated then if not Putin? Rush, Fox, Newsmax?

LOL Its on this thread. Thanks for setting me straight.

Oh and I don't listen to Rush or Newsmax. Fox once in a while. I really don't watch the news at all. Most of it is fake anyway.
Goodness, are there more gender studies in Pakistan that need funding ALREADY?

I would have no problem with a program whose aim was to provide assistance to those who were actually hurt -- you know, like restaurant owners and their employees or hair salons and the like -- but the money is just going out willy nilly.

Good grief, we have millions and millions of public employees being handed money despite the fact that they already have it good, have not suffered whatsoever, and all they are going to do with their nice little bonus is go to Amazon and buy some shit made in China. Do you think they will suddenly go out and support a small business like a restaurant, instead? How could they, when the fucking government has them shut down?

Good grief, does EVERYTHING have to serve Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and our other technocrat overlords these days?
They are shorting Americans money... so most of this is for pork and special interests under the guise of “ help”...
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

If you read the op the CBO is saying the economy will be back on track this summer without the stimulus money.
Hey, we didn't need the Trump tax breaks either but we got them. And those tax breaks for the rich and corporations are permanent. The stimulus is just a one time thing and only poor people get it.

I only got $43.30 the last time. The one before that I got $950 instead of $1200. And I thought it was ridiculous they sent me money when I didn't need it. Also my dad who is retired got Trump money. Why? Nothing changed for him. He was not economically impacted. Still he got some money. Apparently trump was trying to buy his vote. It didn't work my dad voted for Biden. LOL

What do the tax breaks four years ago before a pandemic have to do with today?
How was the veto proof bills passed by a majority of Democrats and Republicans back in April or May, Trump's money? He could have vetoed them and they still would have passed.
You comparing tax breaks to today is the same as a little kid saying well, Johnny got ice cream, why can't I have gum? Dumb logic.
Goodness, are there more gender studies in Pakistan that need funding ALREADY?

I would have no problem with a program whose aim was to provide assistance to those who were actually hurt -- you know, like restaurant owners and their employees or hair salons and the like -- but the money is just going out willy nilly.

Good grief, we have millions and millions of public employees being handed money despite the fact that they already have it good, have not suffered whatsoever, and all they are going to do with their nice little bonus is go to Amazon and buy some shit made in China. Do you think they will suddenly go out and support a small business like a restaurant, instead? How could they, when the fucking government has them shut down?

Good grief, does EVERYTHING have to serve Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and our other technocrat overlords these days?
They are shorting Americans money... so most of this is for pork and special interests under the guise of “ help”...

Yup. Another waste of our hard earned money. 1.9 trillion added to the debt. Biden is doing an outstanding job.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

They could have passed the Chinese virus relief bill for American and left all the pork out. They just added 1.9 Trillion to the debt. CBO says that pork wasn't necessary. We tax payers will pay for it all.
That pork is going to help the recovery.

Hold on one second. I thought the economy would go to shit if Biden won? Now you're telling me that on Monday February 1st the CBO says the economy is improving faster than was originally expected?

Way to go Joe Biden! I can't wait till unemployment goes .01% lower than Trump's number so Biden can then brag that no one has ever done better than him. And how he got us out of the 2nd Republican Great Recession in 8 years.
It's improving faster for illegals than previously thought....they are getting $1400 checks! Yay Sleepy!

Are you kidding?? They are paying illegals our hard earned money?? What moron came up with that idiocy??

Stop listening to lies Putin puts out on the internet

VERIFY: No, the stimulus checks won't be going to undocumented immigrants
The Verify team looked into online rumors, claiming that undocumented immigrants are receiving $1,800, while citizens are getting $600. This is false.

No. Undocumented immigrants are not eligible for stimulus checks because they do not have social security numbers.

So it's impossible to take anything you say seriously when you are a known big fat ugly mean racist liar.

Thanks Glad to see it. We sure don't need to pay illegals one damned dime.

Oh and I don't read what Putin puts out. You may. But I don't
You just repeated a lie clearly you heard from someone. Who told you that lie you repeated then if not Putin? Rush, Fox, Newsmax?

LOL Its on this thread. Thanks for setting me straight.

Oh and I don't listen to Rush or Newsmax. Fox once in a while. I really don't watch the news at all. Most of it is fake anyway.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

They could have passed the Chinese virus relief bill for American and left all the pork out. They just added 1.9 Trillion to the debt. CBO says that pork wasn't necessary. We tax payers will pay for it all.
That pork is going to help the recovery.

Hold on one second. I thought the economy would go to shit if Biden won? Now you're telling me that on Monday February 1st the CBO says the economy is improving faster than was originally expected?

Way to go Joe Biden! I can't wait till unemployment goes .01% lower than Trump's number so Biden can then brag that no one has ever done better than him. And how he got us out of the 2nd Republican Great Recession in 8 years.
It's improving faster for illegals than previously thought....they are getting $1400 checks! Yay Sleepy!

Are you kidding?? They are paying illegals our hard earned money?? What moron came up with that idiocy??

Stop listening to lies Putin puts out on the internet

VERIFY: No, the stimulus checks won't be going to undocumented immigrants
The Verify team looked into online rumors, claiming that undocumented immigrants are receiving $1,800, while citizens are getting $600. This is false.

No. Undocumented immigrants are not eligible for stimulus checks because they do not have social security numbers.

So it's impossible to take anything you say seriously when you are a known big fat ugly mean racist liar.

Thanks Glad to see it. We sure don't need to pay illegals one damned dime.

Oh and I don't read what Putin puts out. You may. But I don't
You just repeated a lie clearly you heard from someone. Who told you that lie you repeated then if not Putin? Rush, Fox, Newsmax?

LOL Its on this thread. Thanks for setting me straight.

Oh and I don't listen to Rush or Newsmax. Fox once in a while. I really don't watch the news at all. Most of it is fake anyway.
Whew.....we voted it down from those libbers who wanted them to pay it out
Hey, we didn't need the Trump tax breaks either but we got them.

Strongest economy ever

Lowest US Unemployment Rate in DECADES

Lowest Black, Asian, Latino, Women's Unemployment rates in US history

More Jobs

Higher Pay

Raises and more job opportunities


More Americans working than any other time in US history

Brought manufacturing jobs back to the US, something Barry said could NEVER be done

This is a small sampling of the records set and success achieved by the former President.

In his 1st 10 days in office, Biden put the Democrat Party's Socialist Ideology and agenda ahead of the needs of this country and American people by waging their war on the il industry and imposing Open Borders, putting tens of thousands of Americans out of work in the middle of a bad economy and pandemic.

Americans did not need to be FIRED right now, they need to be liberated from Democrat lock-downs so they can go back to woek, so they can have a livlihood, provide for their families, GO BACK TO WORK.

America has / had to be TORPEDOED, war needed to be waged on Americans to impose their Socialist Ideology, and Biden and the Democrats chose to do that in this horrible economy THEY created in the middle of a pandemic. Holy Shit!
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

They could have passed the Chinese virus relief bill for American and left all the pork out. They just added 1.9 Trillion to the debt. CBO says that pork wasn't necessary. We tax payers will pay for it all.
That pork is going to help the recovery.

Hold on one second. I thought the economy would go to shit if Biden won? Now you're telling me that on Monday February 1st the CBO says the economy is improving faster than was originally expected?

Way to go Joe Biden! I can't wait till unemployment goes .01% lower than Trump's number so Biden can then brag that no one has ever done better than him. And how he got us out of the 2nd Republican Great Recession in 8 years.
It's improving faster for illegals than previously thought....they are getting $1400 checks! Yay Sleepy!

Are you kidding?? They are paying illegals our hard earned money?? What moron came up with that idiocy??

Stop listening to lies Putin puts out on the internet

VERIFY: No, the stimulus checks won't be going to undocumented immigrants
The Verify team looked into online rumors, claiming that undocumented immigrants are receiving $1,800, while citizens are getting $600. This is false.

No. Undocumented immigrants are not eligible for stimulus checks because they do not have social security numbers.

So it's impossible to take anything you say seriously when you are a known big fat ugly mean racist liar.

Thanks Glad to see it. We sure don't need to pay illegals one damned dime.

Oh and I don't read what Putin puts out. You may. But I don't
You just repeated a lie clearly you heard from someone. Who told you that lie you repeated then if not Putin? Rush, Fox, Newsmax?
Well thankfully it was voted down in the Senate.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

They could have passed the Chinese virus relief bill for American and left all the pork out. They just added 1.9 Trillion to the debt. CBO says that pork wasn't necessary. We tax payers will pay for it all.
That pork is going to help the recovery.

Hold on one second. I thought the economy would go to shit if Biden won? Now you're telling me that on Monday February 1st the CBO says the economy is improving faster than was originally expected?

Way to go Joe Biden! I can't wait till unemployment goes .01% lower than Trump's number so Biden can then brag that no one has ever done better than him. And how he got us out of the 2nd Republican Great Recession in 8 years.
It's improving faster for illegals than previously thought....they are getting $1400 checks! Yay Sleepy!

Are you kidding?? They are paying illegals our hard earned money?? What moron came up with that idiocy??

Stop listening to lies Putin puts out on the internet

VERIFY: No, the stimulus checks won't be going to undocumented immigrants
The Verify team looked into online rumors, claiming that undocumented immigrants are receiving $1,800, while citizens are getting $600. This is false.

No. Undocumented immigrants are not eligible for stimulus checks because they do not have social security numbers.

So it's impossible to take anything you say seriously when you are a known big fat ugly mean racist liar.

Thanks Glad to see it. We sure don't need to pay illegals one damned dime.

Oh and I don't read what Putin puts out. You may. But I don't
You just repeated a lie clearly you heard from someone. Who told you that lie you repeated then if not Putin? Rush, Fox, Newsmax?

LOL Its on this thread. Thanks for setting me straight.

Oh and I don't listen to Rush or Newsmax. Fox once in a while. I really don't watch the news at all. Most of it is fake anyway.
The Senate had to vote on it yesterday...thankfully the illegals will not get a check despite libber pressure to give them one
You have some imagination. After repubs give out tax cuts, people don’t care about debt.

You know what a 'Tax Cut' is, right, snowflake? It's the government allowing Americans to keep more of THEIR OWN money.

Socialists all money is the government's money and believe every dollar a citizen has is money the government gives them / allows them to have.

The reason we have such large deficits is because Democrats take power, ram unnecessary spending, their pork-filled 'wish list' wet dreams, down the throats of Americans...just like this $1.9 Trillion the CBO says is not 'shovel ready' projects even Democrats are foirced afterwards to admit don;t even exist.
Every time repubs cut taxes, debt drastically increases. That’s a fact. People don’t care about debt when taxes are cut.
To prove Democrats don't give a damn about Americans in the midst of a pandemic, Joe re-instates Beey's 'Catch-And-Release' Illegal Immigration policy, dumping diseased, bedbug, and virus-infested illegals into US communities all over the US while hoping the $1400 hand-out the CBO says isn't needed will pacify Americans to be ok with it.
He would like to go after illegal employers. You know, the ones luring illegal workers here. Are you in support of doing this? Then stop playing wack a mole with illegal workers. Wasting our time.
Trump didnt go after illegal employers so why did illegal immigration plummet?
Did it? I didn’t notice . What are the numbers?
Sure you didnt. You got owned.
Huh? Prove it did.

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