Biden and the Democrats OWN the Addition of New $1.9 TRILLION in Debt In The Name of COVID-19

You have some imagination. After repubs give out tax cuts, people don’t care about debt.

You know what a 'Tax Cut' is, right, snowflake? It's the government allowing Americans to keep more of THEIR OWN money.

Socialists all money is the government's money and believe every dollar a citizen has is money the government gives them / allows them to have.

The reason we have such large deficits is because Democrats take power, ram unnecessary spending, their pork-filled 'wish list' wet dreams, down the throats of Americans...just like this $1.9 Trillion the CBO says is not 'shovel ready' projects even Democrats are foirced afterwards to admit don;t even exist.
Every time repubs cut taxes, debt drastically increases. That’s a fact. People don’t care about debt when taxes are cut.
Every time Republican cut taxes, revenues go up. So what do you think causes the debt to rise?

Take as long as you need....
Veggie Joe adds $2 TRILLION to the debt in less than a month.

At this pace he will add $96 TRILLION to the debt before losing in 2024.
Him and most of the idiots in DC are too old to care about the debt the rest of us are saddled with. Trumps spending was equally infuriating
Trump spent and cut taxes, making even less people care about debt.
I have no problem with tax cuts. The problem is 100% congresses inability to live within a budget.

Would you give a financial advisor a raise if he consistently went in the red?
Well thats where you are wrong. Tax cuts make people not care about debt. Debt has gone up drastically with each cut. Opens the door for spending. Has happened every time.

If they can't spend it wisely fuckem
So you don’t care about debt. Now if they raised your taxes you sure would. Thanks.
Your logic is retarded. Wanting my money to be spent WISELY has nothing to do with my tolerance for debt.

You're an idiot.
You are good with tax cuts when we are deeply in debt. Trump drastically increased deficits every year. You don’t care about debt.
You have some imagination. After repubs give out tax cuts, people don’t care about debt.

You know what a 'Tax Cut' is, right, snowflake? It's the government allowing Americans to keep more of THEIR OWN money.

Socialists all money is the government's money and believe every dollar a citizen has is money the government gives them / allows them to have.

The reason we have such large deficits is because Democrats take power, ram unnecessary spending, their pork-filled 'wish list' wet dreams, down the throats of Americans...just like this $1.9 Trillion the CBO says is not 'shovel ready' projects even Democrats are foirced afterwards to admit don;t even exist.
Every time repubs cut taxes, debt drastically increases. That’s a fact. People don’t care about debt when taxes are cut.
Every time Dimwingers RAISE TAXES, the debt goes up.
You have some imagination. After repubs give out tax cuts, people don’t care about debt.

You know what a 'Tax Cut' is, right, snowflake? It's the government allowing Americans to keep more of THEIR OWN money.

Socialists all money is the government's money and believe every dollar a citizen has is money the government gives them / allows them to have.

The reason we have such large deficits is because Democrats take power, ram unnecessary spending, their pork-filled 'wish list' wet dreams, down the throats of Americans...just like this $1.9 Trillion the CBO says is not 'shovel ready' projects even Democrats are foirced afterwards to admit don;t even exist.
Every time repubs cut taxes, debt drastically increases. That’s a fact. People don’t care about debt when taxes are cut.
Every time Republican. It taxes, revenues go up. So what do you think causes the debt to rise?

Take as long as you need....
It’s not about revenue. And well trump hurt revenue growth. Tax cuts make spending increases politically ok. And every time repubs cut taxes, debt increases drastically. It’s a fact.
You have some imagination. After repubs give out tax cuts, people don’t care about debt.

You know what a 'Tax Cut' is, right, snowflake? It's the government allowing Americans to keep more of THEIR OWN money.

Socialists all money is the government's money and believe every dollar a citizen has is money the government gives them / allows them to have.

The reason we have such large deficits is because Democrats take power, ram unnecessary spending, their pork-filled 'wish list' wet dreams, down the throats of Americans...just like this $1.9 Trillion the CBO says is not 'shovel ready' projects even Democrats are foirced afterwards to admit don;t even exist.
Every time repubs cut taxes, debt drastically increases. That’s a fact. People don’t care about debt when taxes are cut.
Every time Dimwingers RAISE TAXES, the debt goes up.
When did taxes go up? What direction did deficits go?
You have some imagination. After repubs give out tax cuts, people don’t care about debt.

You know what a 'Tax Cut' is, right, snowflake? It's the government allowing Americans to keep more of THEIR OWN money.

Socialists all money is the government's money and believe every dollar a citizen has is money the government gives them / allows them to have.

The reason we have such large deficits is because Democrats take power, ram unnecessary spending, their pork-filled 'wish list' wet dreams, down the throats of Americans...just like this $1.9 Trillion the CBO says is not 'shovel ready' projects even Democrats are foirced afterwards to admit don;t even exist.
Every time repubs cut taxes, debt drastically increases. That’s a fact. People don’t care about debt when taxes are cut.
Every time Republican. It taxes, revenues go up. So what do you think causes the debt to rise?

Take as long as you need....
It’s not about revenue. And well trump hurt revenue growth. Tax cuts make spending increases politically ok. And every time repubs cut taxes, debt increases drastically. It’s a fact.
If it’s not about revenue WTF are you crying about taxes? That’s how revenue is raised, Stupid.:cuckoo:
You have some imagination. After repubs give out tax cuts, people don’t care about debt.

You know what a 'Tax Cut' is, right, snowflake? It's the government allowing Americans to keep more of THEIR OWN money.

Socialists all money is the government's money and believe every dollar a citizen has is money the government gives them / allows them to have.

The reason we have such large deficits is because Democrats take power, ram unnecessary spending, their pork-filled 'wish list' wet dreams, down the throats of Americans...just like this $1.9 Trillion the CBO says is not 'shovel ready' projects even Democrats are foirced afterwards to admit don;t even exist.
Every time repubs cut taxes, debt drastically increases. That’s a fact. People don’t care about debt when taxes are cut.
Every time Republican. It taxes, revenues go up. So what do you think causes the debt to rise?

Take as long as you need....
It’s not about revenue. And well trump hurt revenue growth. Tax cuts make spending increases politically ok. And every time repubs cut taxes, debt increases drastically. It’s a fact.
If it’s not about revenue WTF are you crying about taxes? That’s how revenue is raised, Stupid.:cuckoo:
You are very slow and stupid. Tax cuts opens the door for spending. Has happened every time .
You have some imagination. After repubs give out tax cuts, people don’t care about debt.

You know what a 'Tax Cut' is, right, snowflake? It's the government allowing Americans to keep more of THEIR OWN money.

Socialists all money is the government's money and believe every dollar a citizen has is money the government gives them / allows them to have.

The reason we have such large deficits is because Democrats take power, ram unnecessary spending, their pork-filled 'wish list' wet dreams, down the throats of Americans...just like this $1.9 Trillion the CBO says is not 'shovel ready' projects even Democrats are foirced afterwards to admit don;t even exist.
Every time repubs cut taxes, debt drastically increases. That’s a fact. People don’t care about debt when taxes are cut.
Every time Dimwingers RAISE TAXES, the debt goes up.
When did taxes go up? What direction did deficits go?
There have been dozens of tax increases over the years, stupid.

Show me which year debt went down.
To prove Democrats don't give a damn about Americans in the midst of a pandemic, Joe re-instates Beey's 'Catch-And-Release' Illegal Immigration policy, dumping diseased, bedbug, and virus-infested illegals into US communities all over the US while hoping the $1400 hand-out the CBO says isn't needed will pacify Americans to be ok with it.
He would like to go after illegal employers. You know, the ones luring illegal workers here. Are you in support of doing this? Then stop playing wack a mole with illegal workers. Wasting our time.
Trump didnt go after illegal employers so why did illegal immigration plummet?
One reason could be that Trump's tough talk made some illegals stay home or go home. I'm sure that played a part.

Also legal immigration dropped under Trump.

But funny wages didn't go up like we hoped it would when illegals supposedly disappeared.

You do know that there are still over 10 million illegals here right? And you don't know how many are here or that it dropped. They are illegal so not on the books. No one is keeping track. Remember you didn't believe the unemployment numbers on Obama's watch? Well why would we believe the illegal numbers on Trump's watch?
Why would we accept any number of illegals at all in our country?
I agree. But my point is you aren't going to solve the problem if you don't go after illegal employers.
Illegals and anyone who hires them, both are against the law. I don't think Sleepy is very interested in removing either.
Yea I never believed Trump was sincere about removing illegal workers either. That's because all he was doing was playing wack a mole with them.
Well he was building a wall to keep them out instead of helping sneak them in.....
Waste of money. The wall was the stupidest idea and it was his most popular idea among his stupid supporters.
Really? See that is why real Americans know you commies hate the US....right there.
Real Americans?
You have some imagination. After repubs give out tax cuts, people don’t care about debt.

You know what a 'Tax Cut' is, right, snowflake? It's the government allowing Americans to keep more of THEIR OWN money.

Socialists all money is the government's money and believe every dollar a citizen has is money the government gives them / allows them to have.

The reason we have such large deficits is because Democrats take power, ram unnecessary spending, their pork-filled 'wish list' wet dreams, down the throats of Americans...just like this $1.9 Trillion the CBO says is not 'shovel ready' projects even Democrats are foirced afterwards to admit don;t even exist.
Every time repubs cut taxes, debt drastically increases. That’s a fact. People don’t care about debt when taxes are cut.
Every time Dimwingers RAISE TAXES, the debt goes up.
When did taxes go up? What direction did deficits go?
There have been dozens of tax increases over the years, stupid.

Show me which year debt went down.
You dodged the question. I’ll wait for you to answer.
You have some imagination. After repubs give out tax cuts, people don’t care about debt.

You know what a 'Tax Cut' is, right, snowflake? It's the government allowing Americans to keep more of THEIR OWN money.

Socialists all money is the government's money and believe every dollar a citizen has is money the government gives them / allows them to have.

The reason we have such large deficits is because Democrats take power, ram unnecessary spending, their pork-filled 'wish list' wet dreams, down the throats of Americans...just like this $1.9 Trillion the CBO says is not 'shovel ready' projects even Democrats are foirced afterwards to admit don;t even exist.
Every time repubs cut taxes, debt drastically increases. That’s a fact. People don’t care about debt when taxes are cut.
Every time Republican. It taxes, revenues go up. So what do you think causes the debt to rise?

Take as long as you need....
It’s not about revenue. And well trump hurt revenue growth. Tax cuts make spending increases politically ok. And every time repubs cut taxes, debt increases drastically. It’s a fact.
If it’s not about revenue WTF are you crying about taxes? That’s how revenue is raised, Stupid.:cuckoo:
You are very slow and stupid. Tax cuts opens the door for spending. Has happened every time .
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

If you read the op the CBO is saying the economy will be back on track this summer without the stimulus money.
Hey, we didn't need the Trump tax breaks either but we got them. And those tax breaks for the rich and corporations are permanent. The stimulus is just a one time thing and only poor people get it.

I only got $43.30 the last time. The one before that I got $950 instead of $1200. And I thought it was ridiculous they sent me money when I didn't need it. Also my dad who is retired got Trump money. Why? Nothing changed for him. He was not economically impacted. Still he got some money. Apparently trump was trying to buy his vote. It didn't work my dad voted for Biden. LOL

What do the tax breaks four years ago before a pandemic have to do with today?
How was the veto proof bills passed by a majority of Democrats and Republicans back in April or May, Trump's money? He could have vetoed them and they still would have passed.
You comparing tax breaks to today is the same as a little kid saying well, Johnny got ice cream, why can't I have gum? Dumb logic.
Didn’t trump put his name on those stimulus checks? Now that was dumb. And it didn’t work cause he lost
You have some imagination. After repubs give out tax cuts, people don’t care about debt.

You know what a 'Tax Cut' is, right, snowflake? It's the government allowing Americans to keep more of THEIR OWN money.

Socialists all money is the government's money and believe every dollar a citizen has is money the government gives them / allows them to have.

The reason we have such large deficits is because Democrats take power, ram unnecessary spending, their pork-filled 'wish list' wet dreams, down the throats of Americans...just like this $1.9 Trillion the CBO says is not 'shovel ready' projects even Democrats are foirced afterwards to admit don;t even exist.
Every time repubs cut taxes, debt drastically increases. That’s a fact. People don’t care about debt when taxes are cut.
Every time Dimwingers RAISE TAXES, the debt goes up.
When did taxes go up? What direction did deficits go?
There have been dozens of tax increases over the years, stupid.

Show me which year debt went down.
I see your problem. You don’t know the difference between debt and deficit
You have some imagination. After repubs give out tax cuts, people don’t care about debt.

You know what a 'Tax Cut' is, right, snowflake? It's the government allowing Americans to keep more of THEIR OWN money.

Socialists all money is the government's money and believe every dollar a citizen has is money the government gives them / allows them to have.

The reason we have such large deficits is because Democrats take power, ram unnecessary spending, their pork-filled 'wish list' wet dreams, down the throats of Americans...just like this $1.9 Trillion the CBO says is not 'shovel ready' projects even Democrats are foirced afterwards to admit don;t even exist.
Every time repubs cut taxes, debt drastically increases. That’s a fact. People don’t care about debt when taxes are cut.
Every time Dimwingers RAISE TAXES, the debt goes up.
When did taxes go up? What direction did deficits go?
There have been dozens of tax increases over the years, stupid.

Show me which year debt went down.
You dodged the question. I’ll wait for you to answer.
Debt has gone up every year, Stupid.

There is your answer.
To prove Democrats don't give a damn about Americans in the midst of a pandemic, Joe re-instates Beey's 'Catch-And-Release' Illegal Immigration policy, dumping diseased, bedbug, and virus-infested illegals into US communities all over the US while hoping the $1400 hand-out the CBO says isn't needed will pacify Americans to be ok with it.
He would like to go after illegal employers. You know, the ones luring illegal workers here. Are you in support of doing this? Then stop playing wack a mole with illegal workers. Wasting our time.
Trump didnt go after illegal employers so why did illegal immigration plummet?
One reason could be that Trump's tough talk made some illegals stay home or go home. I'm sure that played a part.

Also legal immigration dropped under Trump.

But funny wages didn't go up like we hoped it would when illegals supposedly disappeared.

You do know that there are still over 10 million illegals here right? And you don't know how many are here or that it dropped. They are illegal so not on the books. No one is keeping track. Remember you didn't believe the unemployment numbers on Obama's watch? Well why would we believe the illegal numbers on Trump's watch?
Why would we accept any number of illegals at all in our country?
I agree. But my point is you aren't going to solve the problem if you don't go after illegal employers.
Illegals and anyone who hires them, both are against the law. I don't think Sleepy is very interested in removing either.
Yea I never believed Trump was sincere about removing illegal workers either. That's because all he was doing was playing wack a mole with them.
Well he was building a wall to keep them out instead of helping sneak them in.....
Waste of money. The wall was the stupidest idea and it was his most popular idea among his stupid supporters.
Really? See that is why real Americans know you commies hate the US....right there.
Real Americans?
Right....ones who love the country, respect the laws, don't disrespect the flag......etc.
You have some imagination. After repubs give out tax cuts, people don’t care about debt.

You know what a 'Tax Cut' is, right, snowflake? It's the government allowing Americans to keep more of THEIR OWN money.

Socialists all money is the government's money and believe every dollar a citizen has is money the government gives them / allows them to have.

The reason we have such large deficits is because Democrats take power, ram unnecessary spending, their pork-filled 'wish list' wet dreams, down the throats of Americans...just like this $1.9 Trillion the CBO says is not 'shovel ready' projects even Democrats are foirced afterwards to admit don;t even exist.
Every time repubs cut taxes, debt drastically increases. That’s a fact. People don’t care about debt when taxes are cut.
Every time Dimwingers RAISE TAXES, the debt goes up.
When did taxes go up? What direction did deficits go?
There have been dozens of tax increases over the years, stupid.

Show me which year debt went down.
I see your problem. You don’t know the difference between debt and deficit
Sure I do. The nitwit changed his story.

Go back and read his original claim, Dumbfuck.
You have some imagination. After repubs give out tax cuts, people don’t care about debt.

You know what a 'Tax Cut' is, right, snowflake? It's the government allowing Americans to keep more of THEIR OWN money.

Socialists all money is the government's money and believe every dollar a citizen has is money the government gives them / allows them to have.

The reason we have such large deficits is because Democrats take power, ram unnecessary spending, their pork-filled 'wish list' wet dreams, down the throats of Americans...just like this $1.9 Trillion the CBO says is not 'shovel ready' projects even Democrats are foirced afterwards to admit don;t even exist.
Every time repubs cut taxes, debt drastically increases. That’s a fact. People don’t care about debt when taxes are cut.
Every time Dimwingers RAISE TAXES, the debt goes up.
When did taxes go up? What direction did deficits go?
There have been dozens of tax increases over the years, stupid.

Show me which year debt went down.
You dodged the question. I’ll wait for you to answer.
Debt has gone up every year, Stupid.

There is your answer.
I said deficits. I’ll wait for your answer.
You have some imagination. After repubs give out tax cuts, people don’t care about debt.

You know what a 'Tax Cut' is, right, snowflake? It's the government allowing Americans to keep more of THEIR OWN money.

Socialists all money is the government's money and believe every dollar a citizen has is money the government gives them / allows them to have.

The reason we have such large deficits is because Democrats take power, ram unnecessary spending, their pork-filled 'wish list' wet dreams, down the throats of Americans...just like this $1.9 Trillion the CBO says is not 'shovel ready' projects even Democrats are foirced afterwards to admit don;t even exist.
Every time repubs cut taxes, debt drastically increases. That’s a fact. People don’t care about debt when taxes are cut.
Every time Dimwingers RAISE TAXES, the debt goes up.
When did taxes go up? What direction did deficits go?
There have been dozens of tax increases over the years, stupid.

Show me which year debt went down.
You dodged the question. I’ll wait for you to answer.
Debt has gone up every year, Stupid.

There is your answer.
I said deficits. I’ll wait for your answer.
You said DEBT.

Your are a lying sack of shit, as well as an economically illiterate nitwit.

You have some imagination. After repubs give out tax cuts, people don’t care about debt.

You know what a 'Tax Cut' is, right, snowflake? It's the government allowing Americans to keep more of THEIR OWN money.

Socialists all money is the government's money and believe every dollar a citizen has is money the government gives them / allows them to have.

The reason we have such large deficits is because Democrats take power, ram unnecessary spending, their pork-filled 'wish list' wet dreams, down the throats of Americans...just like this $1.9 Trillion the CBO says is not 'shovel ready' projects even Democrats are foirced afterwards to admit don;t even exist.
Every time repubs cut taxes, debt drastically increases. That’s a fact. People don’t care about debt when taxes are cut.
Might as well make it 29 trillion spending Bill ??
Your kids and grandchildren will be crippled with this debt
Oh no. Republicans are becoming fiscal hawks again worrying about grandkids.

If you’re worried about your grandkids go green
Yeah, I love how AOC explained how we are going to destroy our fossil fuel industry, outlaw its use, then go with the solar and wind power that currently accounts for about 25% of our current energy usage AND use technology that doesn't currently exist....meaning we will have to get by on 30% energy until that non-existent technology is discovered.


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