Biden and the Democrats OWN the Addition of New $1.9 TRILLION in Debt In The Name of COVID-19

If there was a tax increase they would sure care. I hate taxes, but it seems the only option. Until it’s politically bad to spend stupidly, I think it will continue.

After destroyiung 50% of minority-owned small businesses, targeting and getting women fired, taking away tens of thousands of American jobs while putting them on tax-funded social(ist) programs, and after addiung TRILLION$ of dollars in new debt, the Democrats are leaving no option but having to SEIZE / TAKE more Americans' tax dollars to pay for THEIR Socialist agenda.
You have some imagination. After repubs give out tax cuts, people don’t care about debt. That’s the story. Increase taxes with spending and there will be less spending. Cut taxes and increase spending. Happens every time.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

The CBO says the dementia riddled kid sniffer could continue napping and the economy would recover. Are you stupid or something?
Yea but then you would say he didn't do enough and the recovery was too slow. Doesn't matter what you say right now. If you were in charge you'd be saying something entirely different so go pound sand. You have no say. We are in charge. And Trump showed us how to use the power of the presidency to get er done. All you can do is cry for the next 3 years and we will accuse you of having BDS.
We are in charge now? Yes, the America haters are in charge, that is clear. And we should cry, we try to keep our jobs by any means possible while you sit and hide and accept our taxes for your neverending SNAP bennies.
I'm still working. The rich have never been richer. If you're such a loser then I guess Trump didn't really make America great again for you. I however could go 2 years without a paycheck. More if I cashed shit in but that I'll never do. Hell, I could probably go 6 years if I was tight with my $.
The CBO says the dementia riddled kid sniffer could continue napping and the economy would recover. Are you stupid or something?
It'd be nice if you provided a link. Otherwise I don't believe you. I think you are just making it up or only telling half the story. That's what you guys do.
It's be nice if snowflakes got off their asses every now and then and made a little effort to educate themselves instead of threatening to stay stupid unless someone spoon-feeds them. The links are easily found in the news, easily found by using the search feature on this board, and are easily found in the threads about this subject, especiallyy the ones the last 2 - 3 days.
Then stop playing wack a mole with illegal workers. Wasting our time.

ILLEGAL Immigration is ILLEGAL. Democrats have no interest in STOPPING Illegal Immigration. Stop LYING!
Yes we do. In 1999 Clinton raided 400 illegal employers. Bush in 2002 raided 3. And Bush, McCain and Romney all said they were just here doing jobs Americans won't do.

AND, you dumb fuck, half way into Trump's presidency his resorts were still hiring illegal workers. God are you Ducking Fumb.
Yes of course. Sleepy is ultimately concerned with reducing the illegal alien problem in this country, our bad. And just why would he take on that attitude with the only voter base available to keep you goofballs in power??
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

The CBO says the dementia riddled kid sniffer could continue napping and the economy would recover. Are you stupid or something?
Yea but then you would say he didn't do enough and the recovery was too slow. Doesn't matter what you say right now. If you were in charge you'd be saying something entirely different so go pound sand. You have no say. We are in charge. And Trump showed us how to use the power of the presidency to get er done. All you can do is cry for the next 3 years and we will accuse you of having BDS.
We are in charge now? Yes, the America haters are in charge, that is clear. And we should cry, we try to keep our jobs by any means possible while you sit and hide and accept our taxes for your neverending SNAP bennies.
I'm still working. The rich have never been richer. If you're such a loser then I guess Trump didn't really make America great again for you. I however could go 2 years without a paycheck. More if I cashed shit in but that I'll never do. Hell, I could probably go 6 years if I was tight with my $.
Dem one percenters? yes I agree with that for sure, never richer. Wow, you must be one of "them"...too bad more folks don't realize you are all libbers.
To prove Democrats don't give a damn about Americans in the midst of a pandemic, Joe re-instates Beey's 'Catch-And-Release' Illegal Immigration policy, dumping diseased, bedbug, and virus-infested illegals into US communities all over the US while hoping the $1400 hand-out the CBO says isn't needed will pacify Americans to be ok with it.
He would like to go after illegal employers. You know, the ones luring illegal workers here. Are you in support of doing this? Then stop playing wack a mole with illegal workers. Wasting our time.
Trump didnt go after illegal employers so why did illegal immigration plummet?
Veggie Joe adds $2 TRILLION to the debt in less than a month.

At this pace he will add $96 TRILLION to the debt before losing in 2024.
Him and most of the idiots in DC are too old to care about the debt the rest of us are saddled with. Trumps spending was equally infuriating
Trump spent and cut taxes, making even less people care about debt.
I have no problem with tax cuts. The problem is 100% congresses inability to live within a budget.

Would you give a financial advisor a raise if he consistently went in the red?
Well thats where you are wrong. Tax cuts make people not care about debt. Debt has gone up drastically with each cut. Opens the door for spending. Has happened every time.

If they can't spend it wisely fuckem
To prove Democrats don't give a damn about Americans in the midst of a pandemic, Joe re-instates Beey's 'Catch-And-Release' Illegal Immigration policy, dumping diseased, bedbug, and virus-infested illegals into US communities all over the US while hoping the $1400 hand-out the CBO says isn't needed will pacify Americans to be ok with it.
He would like to go after illegal employers. You know, the ones luring illegal workers here. Are you in support of doing this? Then stop playing wack a mole with illegal workers. Wasting our time.
Trump didnt go after illegal employers so why did illegal immigration plummet?
Did it? I didn’t notice . What are the numbers?
Veggie Joe adds $2 TRILLION to the debt in less than a month.

At this pace he will add $96 TRILLION to the debt before losing in 2024.
Him and most of the idiots in DC are too old to care about the debt the rest of us are saddled with. Trumps spending was equally infuriating
Trump spent and cut taxes, making even less people care about debt.
I have no problem with tax cuts. The problem is 100% congresses inability to live within a budget.

Would you give a financial advisor a raise if he consistently went in the red?
Well thats where you are wrong. Tax cuts make people not care about debt. Debt has gone up drastically with each cut. Opens the door for spending. Has happened every time.

If they can't spend it wisely fuckem
So you don’t care about debt. Now if they raised your taxes you sure would. Thanks.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

The CBO says the dementia riddled kid sniffer could continue napping and the economy would recover. Are you stupid or something?
Yea but then you would say he didn't do enough and the recovery was too slow. Doesn't matter what you say right now. If you were in charge you'd be saying something entirely different so go pound sand. You have no say. We are in charge. And Trump showed us how to use the power of the presidency to get er done. All you can do is cry for the next 3 years and we will accuse you of having BDS.
We are in charge now? Yes, the America haters are in charge, that is clear. And we should cry, we try to keep our jobs by any means possible while you sit and hide and accept our taxes for your neverending SNAP bennies.
I'm still working. The rich have never been richer. If you're such a loser then I guess Trump didn't really make America great again for you. I however could go 2 years without a paycheck. More if I cashed shit in but that I'll never do. Hell, I could probably go 6 years if I was tight with my $.

Why are you holding money when there's so many needy people of color in this country? That's not income equality you racist POS.
You have some imagination. After repubs give out tax cuts, people don’t care about debt.

You know what a 'Tax Cut' is, right, snowflake? It's the government allowing Americans to keep more of THEIR OWN money.

Socialists all money is the government's money and believe every dollar a citizen has is money the government gives them / allows them to have.

The reason we have such large deficits is because Democrats take power, ram unnecessary spending, their pork-filled 'wish list' wet dreams, down the throats of Americans...just like this $1.9 Trillion the CBO says is not 'shovel ready' projects even Democrats are foirced afterwards to admit don;t even exist.
Then stop playing wack a mole with illegal workers. Wasting our time.

ILLEGAL Immigration is ILLEGAL. Democrats have no interest in STOPPING Illegal Immigration. Stop LYING!
Yes we do. In 1999 Clinton raided 400 illegal employers. Bush in 2002 raided 3. And Bush, McCain and Romney all said they were just here doing jobs Americans won't do.

AND, you dumb fuck, half way into Trump's presidency his resorts were still hiring illegal workers. God are you Ducking Fumb.
Yes of course. Sleepy is ultimately concerned with reducing the illegal alien problem in this country, our bad. And just why would he take on that attitude with the only voter base available to keep you goofballs in power??
Women and blacks won us the White House, senate and House of Reps.
Maybe if Republicans stopped calling Mexicans rapists they'd vote for you. You do know they are very conservative people right?

Hell, even Jews vote Democratic. Something like 75% of American Jews vote Democratic. Wonder why
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

The CBO says the dementia riddled kid sniffer could continue napping and the economy would recover. Are you stupid or something?
Yea but then you would say he didn't do enough and the recovery was too slow. Doesn't matter what you say right now. If you were in charge you'd be saying something entirely different so go pound sand. You have no say. We are in charge. And Trump showed us how to use the power of the presidency to get er done. All you can do is cry for the next 3 years and we will accuse you of having BDS.
We are in charge now? Yes, the America haters are in charge, that is clear. And we should cry, we try to keep our jobs by any means possible while you sit and hide and accept our taxes for your neverending SNAP bennies.
I'm still working. The rich have never been richer. If you're such a loser then I guess Trump didn't really make America great again for you. I however could go 2 years without a paycheck. More if I cashed shit in but that I'll never do. Hell, I could probably go 6 years if I was tight with my $.

Why are you holding money when there's so many needy people of color in this country? That's not income equality you racist POS.
He is one of "them"......what the libber propaganda tells their sheeple are all Republicans, but are actually Dims.
To prove Democrats don't give a damn about Americans in the midst of a pandemic, Joe re-instates Beey's 'Catch-And-Release' Illegal Immigration policy, dumping diseased, bedbug, and virus-infested illegals into US communities all over the US while hoping the $1400 hand-out the CBO says isn't needed will pacify Americans to be ok with it.
He would like to go after illegal employers. You know, the ones luring illegal workers here. Are you in support of doing this? Then stop playing wack a mole with illegal workers. Wasting our time.
Trump didnt go after illegal employers so why did illegal immigration plummet?
Did it? I didn’t notice . What are the numbers?
Sure you didnt. You got owned.
Veggie Joe adds $2 TRILLION to the debt in less than a month.

At this pace he will add $96 TRILLION to the debt before losing in 2024.
Him and most of the idiots in DC are too old to care about the debt the rest of us are saddled with. Trumps spending was equally infuriating
Trump spent and cut taxes, making even less people care about debt.
I have no problem with tax cuts. The problem is 100% congresses inability to live within a budget.

Would you give a financial advisor a raise if he consistently went in the red?
Well thats where you are wrong. Tax cuts make people not care about debt. Debt has gone up drastically with each cut. Opens the door for spending. Has happened every time.

If they can't spend it wisely fuckem
So you don’t care about debt. Now if they raised your taxes you sure would. Thanks.
Your logic is retarded. Wanting my money to be spent WISELY has nothing to do with my tolerance for debt.

You're an idiot.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

The CBO says the dementia riddled kid sniffer could continue napping and the economy would recover. Are you stupid or something?
Yea but then you would say he didn't do enough and the recovery was too slow. Doesn't matter what you say right now. If you were in charge you'd be saying something entirely different so go pound sand. You have no say. We are in charge. And Trump showed us how to use the power of the presidency to get er done. All you can do is cry for the next 3 years and we will accuse you of having BDS.
We are in charge now? Yes, the America haters are in charge, that is clear. And we should cry, we try to keep our jobs by any means possible while you sit and hide and accept our taxes for your neverending SNAP bennies.
I'm still working. The rich have never been richer. If you're such a loser then I guess Trump didn't really make America great again for you. I however could go 2 years without a paycheck. More if I cashed shit in but that I'll never do. Hell, I could probably go 6 years if I was tight with my $.

Why are you holding money when there's so many needy people of color in this country? That's not income equality you racist POS.

Because me and Warren Buffet can't do it alone. We need the government to pass tax laws that tax all rich people appropriately and hopefully then they lower taxes on poor people like you. Or strengthen things we know you poor people like you are going to need like social security and medicare.
The CBO reported before the vote that the US economy would be back to where it was before the pandemic this summer WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME. The Democrats, however, have passed a PARTISAN Relief (pork) Bill that adds ANOTHER $1.9 TRILLION in help the American people they have been abusing, whose small businesses they have been destroying, and whose Constitutional and Civil Rights they have been ytramp[ling in the name of COVID-19.

VP Harris clears way for partisan $1.9T stimulus bill, as Dems are forced to take uncomfortable votes

VP Harris clears way for partisan $1.9T stimulus bill, as Dems are forced to take uncomfortable votes

Senate adopts budget resolution for coronavirus relief after Republicans squeeze Dems in marathon vote-a-rama

The "vote-a-rama" in the Senate that started at about 2:30 p.m. Thursday concluded shortly before 6 a.m. Friday after a marathon process in which Republicans forced Democrats to take votes on tough issues for more than 15 hours.

The Senate adopted a budget resolution for coronavirus relief 51-50 with Vice President Harris casting the tie-breaking vote. It's not a final bill, but allows the Senate to proceed toward a final bill under the budget reconciliation rules, which would let Democrats pass a coronavirus stimulus plan by going around a GOP filibuster as long as their caucus remains united.

But Trump demanded $2k
Direct payments in Veggie Joe’s bill amount to $420 Billion.

what is the rest for?
Usual stuff politicians throw in.
So you agree the majority of Veggie Joe’s bill is complete bullshit.
Women and blacks won us the White House, senate and House of Reps.

If that is what you have to trell yourself to justify / defend the Socialist Democrats wiping out more than 50% of minority-owned small businesses in the US, targeting women and killing their jobs, putting tens of thousands of Americans out of work, allowing thousands of virus/disease-infected illegals into the country, and sacrificed our nation's energy indepoendence while making Russia and China stronger....then go for it, snowflake.
Then stop playing wack a mole with illegal workers. Wasting our time.

ILLEGAL Immigration is ILLEGAL. Democrats have no interest in STOPPING Illegal Immigration. Stop LYING!
Yes we do. In 1999 Clinton raided 400 illegal employers. Bush in 2002 raided 3. And Bush, McCain and Romney all said they were just here doing jobs Americans won't do.

AND, you dumb fuck, half way into Trump's presidency his resorts were still hiring illegal workers. God are you Ducking Fumb.
Yes of course. Sleepy is ultimately concerned with reducing the illegal alien problem in this country, our bad. And just why would he take on that attitude with the only voter base available to keep you goofballs in power??
Women and blacks won us the White House, senate and House of Reps.
Maybe if Republicans stopped calling Mexicans rapists they'd vote for you. You do know they are very conservative people right?

Hell, even Jews vote Democratic. Something like 75% of American Jews vote Democratic. Wonder why
Lots of brainless lemmings who cannot think for themselves listen to your monopoly on the propaganda machines...but women are starting to wise up and realize Dims don't care for them at all, blacks too. Pretty soon all you have left will be the illegal aliens, they will be the only ones dumb enough to vote for those who actually hate them and America.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi just repeated her 'We Have To Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It' Performance with this $1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit Bomb the CBO declared was NOT necessary.


On behalf of Kevin McCarthy, the next Speaker of the House, 'Thank You!' :p
What do you mean not necessary? People are hurting. You just want to slow down the recovery so you can say Biden’s recovery wasn’t good enough just like you did to obama

The CBO says the dementia riddled kid sniffer could continue napping and the economy would recover. Are you stupid or something?
Yea but then you would say he didn't do enough and the recovery was too slow. Doesn't matter what you say right now. If you were in charge you'd be saying something entirely different so go pound sand. You have no say. We are in charge. And Trump showed us how to use the power of the presidency to get er done. All you can do is cry for the next 3 years and we will accuse you of having BDS.
We are in charge now? Yes, the America haters are in charge, that is clear. And we should cry, we try to keep our jobs by any means possible while you sit and hide and accept our taxes for your neverending SNAP bennies.
I'm still working. The rich have never been richer. If you're such a loser then I guess Trump didn't really make America great again for you. I however could go 2 years without a paycheck. More if I cashed shit in but that I'll never do. Hell, I could probably go 6 years if I was tight with my $.

Why are you holding money when there's so many needy people of color in this country? That's not income equality you racist POS.

Because me and Warren Buffet can't do it alone. We need the government to pass tax laws that tax all rich people appropriately and hopefully then they lower taxes on poor people like you. Or strengthen things we know you poor people like you are going to need like social security and medicare.
Wow, spoken like a true Joe Stalin.

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