Biden Announcing Executive Orders On Firearms Now

Oh brother. It never fails. Eventually someone has to pull the fallacious Hitler card. Reason No. (lost count here) for why we can have a rational discussion on guns.

Hitler is not alone in this.

some other "cards" here too. ;)

View attachment 477874
This is a lie.


Oh how brilliant. Another NRA brainwashed Moran with a retarded meme that implies the only possible gun control is a total confiscation of guns and that somehow that is what anyone who imposed the least possible restriction wants.

Oh, the irony. I'm sorry to break it to you, but "Gun control" does not work, criminals will still have guns, so you're only making it harder for LAW-ABIDING people to defend themselves. In the US, it has the reverse effect, it shifts the balance of power to criminals and the government, rather than the people. That's why cities with the most gun control are usually cities with the highest crime, and vice versa. Is that what you want?

Funny...a lot of countries with good common sense regulations on guns seem to have far fewer problems with gun violence, mass shootings, and in intentional homicide. Hmmm....maybe they're on to something.

Yes, people dominated by their government.

That's an interesting point, because I think it illustrates a big difference between left and right. The government is the expression of the people's will vs. the government is the enemy of the people.

When you look at any number of countries with reasonable gun control - such as Norway or Sweden or Canada, they are by and large, good places to live with a high degree of personal freedom, not overly violent, solid rights for women, not an over abundance of are they "dominated" by their government or is their government an expression of what the people want?

Go live there, and find out.
What is next

SS style "papers" on a flu fraud

OOPS, they're already proposing that....

A Reichstag fire to start a US war with Iran...

Oh how brilliant. Another NRA brainwashed Moran with a retarded meme that implies the only possible gun control is a total confiscation of guns and that somehow that is what anyone who imposed the least possible restriction wants.

Oh, the irony. I'm sorry to break it to you, but "Gun control" does not work, criminals will still have guns, so you're only making it harder for LAW-ABIDING people to defend themselves. In the US, it has the reverse effect, it shifts the balance of power to criminals and the government, rather than the people. That's why cities with the most gun control are usually cities with the highest crime, and vice versa. Is that what you want?

Funny...a lot of countries with good common sense regulations on guns seem to have far fewer problems with gun violence, mass shootings, and in intentional homicide. Hmmm....maybe they're on to something.

Yes, people dominated by their government.

That's an interesting point, because I think it illustrates a big difference between left and right. The government is the expression of the people's will vs. the government is the enemy of the people.

When you look at any number of countries with reasonable gun control - such as Norway or Sweden or Canada, they are by and large, good places to live with a high degree of personal freedom, not overly violent, solid rights for women, not an over abundance of are they "dominated" by their government or is their government an expression of what the people want?

Go live there, and find out.

Why? I'm not the one making claims about being dominated by government. Nice dodge.

Oh how brilliant. Another NRA brainwashed Moran with a retarded meme that implies the only possible gun control is a total confiscation of guns and that somehow that is what anyone who imposed the least possible restriction wants.

Oh, the irony. I'm sorry to break it to you, but "Gun control" does not work, criminals will still have guns, so you're only making it harder for LAW-ABIDING people to defend themselves. In the US, it has the reverse effect, it shifts the balance of power to criminals and the government, rather than the people. That's why cities with the most gun control are usually cities with the highest crime, and vice versa. Is that what you want?

Funny...a lot of countries with good common sense regulations on guns seem to have far fewer problems with gun violence, mass shootings, and in intentional homicide. Hmmm....maybe they're on to something.

You completely ignored my point that IN THE US gun control doesn't work and usually has the reverse effect. Criminals already have guns, and they'll still get guns even if we add more laws to the already existing thousands of laws on the books.

Do you believe that criminals obey the law? Yes or no?

I didn't ignore your point, I don't agree with it. You define gun control as an attempt to remove all guns from the people. That is not going to happen, nor is it what most people are wanting.

By definition criminals do not obey the law.

Are you suggesting we should have NO laws?

Laws prevent nothing. Laws serve only to present opportunities to apply punishment for breaking them.

When a society does not take advantage of those opportunities, you get what we now have.

Oh how brilliant. Another NRA brainwashed Moran with a retarded meme that implies the only possible gun control is a total confiscation of guns and that somehow that is what anyone who imposed the least possible restriction wants.

Oh, the irony. I'm sorry to break it to you, but "Gun control" does not work, criminals will still have guns, so you're only making it harder for LAW-ABIDING people to defend themselves. In the US, it has the reverse effect, it shifts the balance of power to criminals and the government, rather than the people. That's why cities with the most gun control are usually cities with the highest crime, and vice versa. Is that what you want?

Funny...a lot of countries with good common sense regulations on guns seem to have far fewer problems with gun violence, mass shootings, and in intentional homicide. Hmmm....maybe they're on to something.

Yes, people dominated by their government.

That's an interesting point, because I think it illustrates a big difference between left and right. The government is the expression of the people's will vs. the government is the enemy of the people.

When you look at any number of countries with reasonable gun control - such as Norway or Sweden or Canada, they are by and large, good places to live with a high degree of personal freedom, not overly violent, solid rights for women, not an over abundance of are they "dominated" by their government or is their government an expression of what the people want?

Go live there, and find out.

Why? I'm not the one making claims about being dominated by government. Nice dodge.

No dodge. They are, and you may soon be by your own actions.

Oh how brilliant. Another NRA brainwashed Moran with a retarded meme that implies the only possible gun control is a total confiscation of guns and that somehow that is what anyone who imposed the least possible restriction wants.

Oh, the irony. I'm sorry to break it to you, but "Gun control" does not work, criminals will still have guns, so you're only making it harder for LAW-ABIDING people to defend themselves. In the US, it has the reverse effect, it shifts the balance of power to criminals and the government, rather than the people. That's why cities with the most gun control are usually cities with the highest crime, and vice versa. Is that what you want?

Funny...a lot of countries with good common sense regulations on guns seem to have far fewer problems with gun violence, mass shootings, and in intentional homicide. Hmmm....maybe they're on to something.

You completely ignored my point that IN THE US gun control doesn't work and usually has the reverse effect. Criminals already have guns, and they'll still get guns even if we add more laws to the already existing thousands of laws on the books.

Do you believe that criminals obey the law? Yes or no?

I didn't ignore your point, I don't agree with it. You define gun control as an attempt to remove all guns from the people. That is not going to happen, nor is it what most people are wanting.

By definition criminals do not obey the law.

Are you suggesting we should have NO laws?

Laws prevent nothing. Laws serve only to present opportunities to apply punishment for breaking them.

When a society does not take advantage of those opportunities, you get what we now have.

I would disagree. The threat of punishment - whether it's humiliation or forfeit - inhibits most people from committing a crime. Also, for many, it is a moral issue. Some people in some instances make a calculated risk that they won't get caught or the cost of a parking ticket is worth the convenience of parking there and do it. Other people don't care about whether something is legal or not or are desperate.

Oh how brilliant. Another NRA brainwashed Moran with a retarded meme that implies the only possible gun control is a total confiscation of guns and that somehow that is what anyone who imposed the least possible restriction wants.

Oh, the irony. I'm sorry to break it to you, but "Gun control" does not work, criminals will still have guns, so you're only making it harder for LAW-ABIDING people to defend themselves. In the US, it has the reverse effect, it shifts the balance of power to criminals and the government, rather than the people. That's why cities with the most gun control are usually cities with the highest crime, and vice versa. Is that what you want?

Funny...a lot of countries with good common sense regulations on guns seem to have far fewer problems with gun violence, mass shootings, and in intentional homicide. Hmmm....maybe they're on to something.

Yes, people dominated by their government.

That's an interesting point, because I think it illustrates a big difference between left and right. The government is the expression of the people's will vs. the government is the enemy of the people.

When you look at any number of countries with reasonable gun control - such as Norway or Sweden or Canada, they are by and large, good places to live with a high degree of personal freedom, not overly violent, solid rights for women, not an over abundance of are they "dominated" by their government or is their government an expression of what the people want?

Go live there, and find out.

Why? I'm not the one making claims about being dominated by government. Nice dodge.

No dodge. They are, and you may soon be by your own actions.

Yet you can't say how they are "dominated" by the government and can only make vague threats?
Red Flag laws are one of the worst violations of a person's rights to have ever been proposed.
Our flag is red, white, and blue. Our right to bear arms is unalienable and shall not be infringed. Fucking hookers been raped enough times they don't understand themselves when no means no.
Not ONE conservative ever lifted a finger against // The Patriot Act // Obama Care // Warrantless Searches // Civil Forfeiture // No Knock Raids
So when are all these Commissioned and Non-Commissioned military officers going to stay off PRIVATE property and respect our gun rights? There's a Second Amendment, but they don't stop at violating that, do they. There's a Third and a Fourth going the way of all flesh, too.
gun violence is an epidemic in America.

let me say that again: gun violence is an epidemic in America. IT'S AN INTERNATIONAL EMBARASSMENT!
It's a fucking international embarrassment when a man can't stand up on own two feet and hold his own firearms in his own hands with the full legal protection and authority of his country.
No. I find your used tampons revolting to contemplate.
Damn hookers were dumping that sort of trash in my neighborhood and on my property. I saw something on the ground and I wondered what the other neighbor's male pit bull was drooling over.
one of the huge gun free zones, that being an Army post
No army can win a war or even fight its way out of a paper bag with that mentality of stifling government bureaucracy and paperpushing by commissioned and non-commissioned officers and private classes of various rank.
Authoritarians who prevent transgender teens from getting hormone therapy? Authoritarians who interfere in private decisions between a woman and her doctor?
Nobody's getting legitimate hormone therapy for anything. The teens who aren't allergic to peanuts are doing anabolic steroids in their local high school locker room, and the the moms-in-tennis-shoes are having regular abortions at the local abortion-clinic-cum-mental-hospital.
Red Flag laws are one of the worst violations of a person's rights to have ever been proposed.
Our flag is red, white, and blue. Our right to bear arms is unalienable and shall not be infringed. Fucking hookers been raped enough times they don't understand themselves when no means no.
Not ONE conservative ever lifted a finger against // The Patriot Act // Obama Care // Warrantless Searches // Civil Forfeiture // No Knock Raids
So when are all these Commissioned and Non-Commissioned military officers going to stay off PRIVATE property and respect our gun rights? There's a Second Amendment, but they don't stop at violating that, do they. There's a Third and a Fourth going the way of all flesh, too.
gun violence is an epidemic in America.

let me say that again: gun violence is an epidemic in America. IT'S AN INTERNATIONAL EMBARASSMENT!
It's a fucking international embarrassment when a man can't stand up on own two feet and hold his own firearms in his own hands with the full legal protection and authority of his country.
No. I find your used tampons revolting to contemplate.
Damn hookers were dumping that sort of trash in my neighborhood and on my property. I saw something on the ground and I wondered what the other neighbor's male pit bull was drooling over.
one of the huge gun free zones, that being an Army post
No army can win a war or even fight its way out of a paper bag with that mentality of stifling government bureaucracy and paperpushing by commissioned and non-commissioned officers and private classes of various rank.
Authoritarians who prevent transgender teens from getting hormone therapy? Authoritarians who interfere in private decisions between a woman and her doctor?
Nobody's getting legitimate hormone therapy for anything. The teens who aren't allergic to peanuts are doing anabolic steroids in their local high school locker room, and the the moms-in-tennis-shoes are having regular abortions at the local abortion-clinic-cum-mental-hospital.

This is a weird post...just saying. Not sure what you are talking about.
This quote shows what a fucking idiot he is. He doesn't even know that the Constitution says that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Yet it is infringed every day. Funny that. Even Scalia said constitutional rights are not absolute.

Oh how brilliant. Another NRA brainwashed Moran with a retarded meme that implies the only possible gun control is a total confiscation of guns and that somehow that is what anyone who imposed the least possible restriction wants.

Oh, the irony. I'm sorry to break it to you, but "Gun control" does not work, criminals will still have guns, so you're only making it harder for LAW-ABIDING people to defend themselves. In the US, it has the reverse effect, it shifts the balance of power to criminals and the government, rather than the people. That's why cities with the most gun control are usually cities with the highest crime, and vice versa. Is that what you want?

Funny...a lot of countries with good common sense regulations on guns seem to have far fewer problems with gun violence, mass shootings, and in intentional homicide. Hmmm....maybe they're on to something.

Yes, people dominated by their government.

That's an interesting point, because I think it illustrates a big difference between left and right. The government is the expression of the people's will vs. the government is the enemy of the people.

When you look at any number of countries with reasonable gun control - such as Norway or Sweden or Canada, they are by and large, good places to live with a high degree of personal freedom, not overly violent, solid rights for women, not an over abundance of are they "dominated" by their government or is their government an expression of what the people want?

Go live there, and find out.

Why? I'm not the one making claims about being dominated by government. Nice dodge.

No dodge. They are, and you may soon be by your own actions.

Yet you can't say how they are "dominated" by the government and can only make vague threats?

Jeez ...

I've made no threats.
Yet it is infringed every day. Funny that. Even Scalia said constitutional rights are not absolute.
People are lying in court. Because prison is absolute. The death penalty is absolute. But for some funny odd reason gun rights aren't? Who do these Communist Party associate justices think they're fooling wjth all that bullshit in a court of law?
You completely ignored my point that IN THE US gun control doesn't work and usually has the reverse effect. Criminals already have guns, and they'll still get guns even if we add more laws to the already existing thousands of laws on the books.

Do you believe that criminals obey the law? Yes or no?
Gun control in the US won't work state by state, it needs to be a national policy to be effective. It's pointless controlling firearms in one state when the state next door is awash with them.
People are lying in court. Because prison is absolute. The death penalty is absolute. But for some funny odd reason gun rights aren't? Who do these Communist Party associate justices think they're fooling wjth all that bullshit in a court of law?
You're confusing me as much as you're confusing Coyote. Drunk? I mean, was Scalia a communist associate justice?

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