Biden Announcing Executive Orders On Firearms Now

It is a travesty
The real lunacy is the pro-gun lobby fighting every single offing attempt at imposing even the most common since and innocuous attempts at reform.

The only "solutions" they propose are:
1. More guns, no limits
2. Harsher penalties on gun crimes
3. BUT -more leniency in allowing shooters to claim self defense

When we as a country lead the world in incarcerated Americans, it's clear that harsh penalties aren't an effective measure alone...and we in the top echelon for gun related fatalities...then the current system is not working. The definition of lunacy is to keep on proposing more of the same.

But hey - if anyone dares oppose the gun lobby and proposes we adopt some reasonable restrictions, they are accused of being anti-gun, of "gonna confiscate all muh guns!" etc. There is plenty of room between the extremes of what we have now and what the pro gun lobby claims will happen. But we are not allowed to go there.

Ironically, the many same people people opposing any sort of regulation are the ones who have no problem interfering in decisions between a woman and her doctor, or in medical decisions between parents, children and doctors.

No, the only thing stupider than democrats imposing illegal gun registration is the morons who think just one more law piled on top of the 20,000 OTHER gun laws will somehow, magically stop crime. Paris France has all the gun laws, and MORE, that you want. 130+ dead in a single night. How did those gun laws work for those victims?

Oh, right. They DIDN'T. Why????

Because criminals don't follow laws you idiot!

It has nothing to do with safety.....

It's about making you helpless as they grab absolute power over you and can do ANYTHING they want to you and your family.

C'mon MAN !!!
The Goddess would be sooo proud of you

One of the most common questions people ask about religious words is whether to capitalize the word “god.” The name or title of any specific deity is capitalized just like any other name, so when “God” is used to refer to “the one God” (in other words, in any monotheistic religion), it is capitalized.Apr

I thought you were fairly intelligent even if brainwashed.

Even pastedthe grammar rules for capitalizing a diety. you insist on showing your ignorance and stubbornness. Imaginary gods are not capitalized.

You are certainly entitled to your personal religious views, it is, after all, a Constitutional right.
The real lunacy is the pro-gun lobby fighting every single offing attempt at imposing even the most common since and innocuous attempts at reform.

The only "solutions" they propose are:
1. More guns, no limits
2. Harsher penalties on gun crimes
3. BUT -more leniency in allowing shooters to claim self defense

When we as a country lead the world in incarcerated Americans, it's clear that harsh penalties aren't an effective measure alone...and we in the top echelon for gun related fatalities...then the current system is not working. The definition of lunacy is to keep on proposing more of the same.

But hey - if anyone dares oppose the gun lobby and proposes we adopt some reasonable restrictions, they are accused of being anti-gun, of "gonna confiscate all muh guns!" etc. There is plenty of room between the extremes of what we have now and what the pro gun lobby claims will happen. But we are not allowed to go there.

Ironically, the many same people people opposing any sort of regulation are the ones who have no problem interfering in decisions between a woman and her doctor, or in medical decisions between parents, children and doctors.

No, the only thing stupider than democrats imposing illegal gun registration is the morons who think just one more law piled on top of the 20,000 OTHER gun laws will somehow, magically stop crime. Paris France has all the gun laws, and MORE, that you want. 130+ dead in a single night. How did those gun laws work for those victims?

Oh, right. They DIDN'T. Why????

Because criminals don't follow laws you idiot!

What a perfect justification for having NO LAWS.

Why have laws?

Criminals don't follow them.

Authoritarians who prevent transgender teens from getting hormone therapy? Authoritarians who interfere in private decisions between a woman and her doctor?
Authoritarians who insist two adults of the same sex can't marry
1. Teens arent sufficiently developed to choose to mutilate their bodies

2. You are talking about killing your child. The baby has the right to life every bit as much as a perverted old woman

3. Homosexuals CAN marry. Rock Hudson married. Lots of homosexual men marry.
Do you know the definition of "marriage"???

Oh how brilliant. Another NRA brainwashed Moran with a retarded meme that implies the only possible gun control is a total confiscation of guns and that somehow that is what anyone who imposed the least possible restriction wants.

Oh, the irony. I'm sorry to break it to you, but "Gun control" does not work, criminals will still have guns, so you're only making it harder for LAW-ABIDING people to defend themselves. In the US, it has the reverse effect, it shifts the balance of power to criminals and the government, rather than the people. That's why cities with the most gun control are usually cities with the highest crime, and vice versa. Is that what you want?

Funny...a lot of countries with good common sense regulations on guns seem to have far fewer problems with gun violence, mass shootings, and in intentional homicide. Hmmm....maybe they're on to something.

You completely ignored my point that IN THE US gun control doesn't work and usually has the reverse effect. Criminals already have guns, and they'll still get guns even if we add more laws to the already existing thousands of laws on the books.

Do you believe that criminals obey the law? Yes or no?

I didn't ignore your point, I don't agree with it. You define gun control as an attempt to remove all guns from the people. That is not going to happen, nor is it what most people are wanting.

By definition criminals do not obey the law.

Are you suggesting we should have NO laws?
Authoritarians who prevent transgender teens from getting hormone therapy? Authoritarians who interfere in private decisions between a woman and her doctor?
Authoritarians who insist two adults of the same sex can't marry
1. Teens arent sufficiently developed to choose to mutilate their bodies

2. You are talking about killing your child. The baby has the right to life every bit as much as a perverted old woman

3. Homosexuals CAN marry. Rock Hudson married. Lots of homosexual men marry.
Do you know the definition of "marriage"???

Like I said.

It's just that when it's YOUR authoritarianism, it's ok.

Your point number 3 does not address my point number 3.
Well let me know when Biden figures out criminals don’t care about laws, executive orders or anything that tell them no...
The ghost gun one seems stupid. They should just make the fucking things illegal. The Red Flag Law EO doesn't mandate anything and has nothing to do with criminals. President Biden is not making a lot of changes here, he is just leading by example and urging Congress to do something real.

Of course, rightwing demagogues are still going to propagate the slippery slope fallacies.

Oh how brilliant. Another NRA brainwashed Moran with a retarded meme that implies the only possible gun control is a total confiscation of guns and that somehow that is what anyone who imposed the least possible restriction wants.

Oh, the irony. I'm sorry to break it to you, but "Gun control" does not work, criminals will still have guns, so you're only making it harder for LAW-ABIDING people to defend themselves. In the US, it has the reverse effect, it shifts the balance of power to criminals and the government, rather than the people. That's why cities with the most gun control are usually cities with the highest crime, and vice versa. Is that what you want?

Funny...a lot of countries with good common sense regulations on guns seem to have far fewer problems with gun violence, mass shootings, and in intentional homicide. Hmmm....maybe they're on to something.

Yes, people dominated by their government.
The Goddess would be sooo proud of you

One of the most common questions people ask about religious words is whether to capitalize the word “god.” The name or title of any specific deity is capitalized just like any other name, so when “God” is used to refer to “the one God” (in other words, in any monotheistic religion), it is capitalized.Apr

I thought you were fairly intelligent even if brainwashed.

Even pastedthe grammar rules for capitalizing a diety. you insist on showing your ignorance and stubbornness. Imaginary gods are not capitalized.

Speaking of usually capitalizes the first word of a sentence. Just a suggestion, maybe your imaginary god can help you out there. :)

Funny thing. Did you know your god is a rehabilitated desert war god? True story. No wonder you love guns with a religious fervor.

Oh how brilliant. Another NRA brainwashed Moran with a retarded meme that implies the only possible gun control is a total confiscation of guns and that somehow that is what anyone who imposed the least possible restriction wants.

Oh, the irony. I'm sorry to break it to you, but "Gun control" does not work, criminals will still have guns, so you're only making it harder for LAW-ABIDING people to defend themselves. In the US, it has the reverse effect, it shifts the balance of power to criminals and the government, rather than the people. That's why cities with the most gun control are usually cities with the highest crime, and vice versa. Is that what you want?

Funny...a lot of countries with good common sense regulations on guns seem to have far fewer problems with gun violence, mass shootings, and in intentional homicide. Hmmm....maybe they're on to something.

You completely ignored my point that IN THE US gun control doesn't work and usually has the reverse effect. Criminals already have guns, and they'll still get guns even if we add more laws to the already existing thousands of laws on the books.

Do you believe that criminals obey the law? Yes or no?

I didn't ignore your point, I don't agree with it. You define gun control as an attempt to remove all guns from the people. That is not going to happen, nor is it what most people are wanting.

By definition criminals do not obey the law.

Are you suggesting we should have NO laws?

No, that is not how I define gun control, don't put words in my mouth. Read what I wrote, I was clearly talking about "more gun laws on the books", not confiscation. Gun control can lead to gun bans or confiscation, but obviously they are not the same thing and I never claimed they were. So you are either being purposely dishonest, or you have poor reading comprehension.
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Oh how brilliant. Another NRA brainwashed Moran with a retarded meme that implies the only possible gun control is a total confiscation of guns and that somehow that is what anyone who imposed the least possible restriction wants.

Oh, the irony. I'm sorry to break it to you, but "Gun control" does not work, criminals will still have guns, so you're only making it harder for LAW-ABIDING people to defend themselves. In the US, it has the reverse effect, it shifts the balance of power to criminals and the government, rather than the people. That's why cities with the most gun control are usually cities with the highest crime, and vice versa. Is that what you want?

Funny...a lot of countries with good common sense regulations on guns seem to have far fewer problems with gun violence, mass shootings, and in intentional homicide. Hmmm....maybe they're on to something.

Yes, people dominated by their government.

That's an interesting point, because I think it illustrates a big difference between left and right. The government is the expression of the people's will vs. the government is the enemy of the people.

When you look at any number of countries with reasonable gun control - such as Norway or Sweden or Canada, they are by and large, good places to live with a high degree of personal freedom, not overly violent, solid rights for women, not an over abundance of are they "dominated" by their government or is their government an expression of what the people want?
Meanwhile, late this afternoon, another mass shooting, in Bryan Texas. 1 dead, 4 wounded. Guy opened fire at work. Just another good guy with a gun, until he wasn't a good guy anymore.

Sounds like work place violence.
Too bad none of the people he attacked shot him to death immediately, huh?

Yes more guns! Let's have even MORE workplace shoot outs!

View attachment 477824
So, you got nothing intelligent to say and you're just going to snivel like a pissed off teenage girl then?

Got it.

(Need a tampon?)

No. I find your used tampons revolting to contemplate.
Funny, that's how I feel about people like you..... your lack of character, your disgusting behavior, your sorry excuse for values and morals, your total disregard for freedom and civil liberties, I am disgusted by all of it.

Congratulations, I am a profane, hedonistic, violent, Heathen Outlaw who at one point in my life, actually enjoyed killing people, and you are so fucking shitty you even revolt me.

Your mama must be soooo proud.:rolleyes:

Wipe the spittle off your keyboard.

You're entire world view, as seems to be expressed here is - kill or be killed. No wonder you worship guns. Your concern for civil liberties comes up hypocritical when you make statements about letting the weak die.

A gun is a tool, not a sacrement.

The Goddess would be sooo proud of you.
Freya loves me. And I know that because I have met her.

I am Einherjar.
In less than a minute, the Idiot in Chief said "bureau of aquahol" and called it the "AFT" two times.

Why is this fucking moron even in office?

Because idiots didn't like Trump's they voted for biden, the guy who actually is incompetent, corrupt, and mentally challenged....all of the things they said about Trump, but is only true about biden...

Nobody voted for this Cretin in Chief! he and his puppet masters stole this election from Americans!

I don't know what's going to happen, we saw how this election got stolen and the country is becoming a shithole in these few weeks with Xi Biden/Cameltoe at the helm...........................and no one is doing anything....least of all the Military, they don't give a shit, Heavens knows how this nightmare is going to end.
The Goddess would be sooo proud of you

One of the most common questions people ask about religious words is whether to capitalize the word “god.” The name or title of any specific deity is capitalized just like any other name, so when “God” is used to refer to “the one God” (in other words, in any monotheistic religion), it is capitalized.Apr

I thought you were fairly intelligent even if brainwashed.

Even pastedthe grammar rules for capitalizing a diety. you insist on showing your ignorance and stubbornness. Imaginary gods are not capitalized.
Excuse me, "imaginary"?
Nobody voted for this Cretin in Chief! he and his puppet masters stole this election from Americans!

Nobody at all voted for the cretin? Wow, I guess a few of misguided lefties I know were lying then. :dunno:
The Goddess would be sooo proud of you

One of the most common questions people ask about religious words is whether to capitalize the word “god.” The name or title of any specific deity is capitalized just like any other name, so when “God” is used to refer to “the one God” (in other words, in any monotheistic religion), it is capitalized.Apr

I thought you were fairly intelligent even if brainwashed.

Even pastedthe grammar rules for capitalizing a diety. you insist on showing your ignorance and stubbornness. Imaginary gods are not capitalized.
Excuse me, "imaginary"?
There are no "goddesses"

On second thought, I do know one
Meanwhile, late this afternoon, another mass shooting, in Bryan Texas. 1 dead, 4 wounded. Guy opened fire at work. Just another good guy with a gun, until he wasn't a good guy anymore.

Sounds like work place violence.
Too bad none of the people he attacked shot him to death immediately, huh?

Yes more guns! Let's have even MORE workplace shoot outs!

View attachment 477824
So, you got nothing intelligent to say and you're just going to snivel like a pissed off teenage girl then?

Got it.

(Need a tampon?)

No. I find your used tampons revolting to contemplate.
Funny, that's how I feel about people like you..... your lack of character, your disgusting behavior, your sorry excuse for values and morals, your total disregard for freedom and civil liberties, I am disgusted by all of it.

Congratulations, I am a profane, hedonistic, violent, Heathen Outlaw who at one point in my life, actually enjoyed killing people, and you are so fucking shitty you even revolt me.

Your mama must be soooo proud.:rolleyes:
You're a goddess
The Goddess would be sooo proud of you

One of the most common questions people ask about religious words is whether to capitalize the word “god.” The name or title of any specific deity is capitalized just like any other name, so when “God” is used to refer to “the one God” (in other words, in any monotheistic religion), it is capitalized.Apr

I thought you were fairly intelligent even if brainwashed.

Even pastedthe grammar rules for capitalizing a diety. you insist on showing your ignorance and stubbornness. Imaginary gods are not capitalized.
I give her credit for a lot. She's one of the few libturd broads you can talk to and carry on a conversation with most of the time.

Te other libturd women are menopausal freak shows

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