Biden Announcing Executive Orders On Firearms Now

Meanwhile, late this afternoon, another mass shooting, in Bryan Texas. 1 dead, 4 wounded. Guy opened fire at work. Just another good guy with a gun, until he wasn't a good guy anymore.

Sounds like work place violence.
Too bad none of the people he attacked shot him to death immediately, huh?

Yes more guns! Let's have even MORE workplace shoot outs!

View attachment 477824
So, you got nothing intelligent to say and you're just going to snivel like a pissed off teenage girl then?

Got it.

(Need a tampon?)

No. I find your used tampons revolting to contemplate.

Oh how brilliant. Another NRA brainwashed Moran with a retarded meme that implies the only possible gun control is a total confiscation of guns and that somehow that is what anyone who imposed the least possible restriction wants.
Meanwhile, late this afternoon, another mass shooting, in Bryan Texas. 1 dead, 4 wounded. Guy opened fire at work. Just another good guy with a gun, until he wasn't a good guy anymore.

This one will be found to have used his AR-15 at a range, shooting at human silouette targets. The NRA are fully aware of their members who are the higher risks of going off.

From the children's cold dead hands, they'll pry the pencils and books they were learning to read from.

Total confiscation of guns? Where are you getting that from? Confiscation of guns from the good guys with guns maybe in some cases suggested.

Oh how brilliant. Another NRA brainwashed Moran with a retarded meme that implies the only possible gun control is a total confiscation of guns and that somehow that is what anyone who imposed the least possible restriction wants.
Meanwhile, late this afternoon, another mass shooting, in Bryan Texas. 1 dead, 4 wounded. Guy opened fire at work. Just another good guy with a gun, until he wasn't a good guy anymore.

Sounds like work place violence.
Too bad none of the people he attacked shot him to death immediately, huh?

Yes more guns! Let's have even MORE workplace shoot outs!

View attachment 477824
So, you got nothing intelligent to say and you're just going to snivel like a pissed off teenage girl then?

Got it.

(Need a tampon?)

No. I find your used tampons revolting to contemplate.
Funny, that's how I feel about people like you..... your lack of character, your disgusting behavior, your sorry excuse for values and morals, your total disregard for freedom and civil liberties, I am disgusted by all of it.

Congratulations, I am a profane, hedonistic, violent, Heathen Outlaw who at one point in my life, actually enjoyed killing people, and you are so fucking shitty you even revolt me.

Your mama must be soooo proud.:rolleyes:

Oh how brilliant. Another NRA brainwashed Moran with a retarded meme that implies the only possible gun control is a total confiscation of guns and that somehow that is what anyone who imposed the least possible restriction wants.

Oh, the irony. I'm sorry to break it to you, but "Gun control" does not work, criminals will still have guns, so you're only making it harder for LAW-ABIDING people to defend themselves. In the US, it has the reverse effect, it shifts the balance of power to criminals and the government, rather than the people. That's why cities with the most gun control are usually cities with the highest crime, and vice versa. Is that what you want?

Oh how brilliant. Another NRA brainwashed Moran with a retarded meme that implies the only possible gun control is a total confiscation of guns and that somehow that is what anyone who imposed the least possible restriction wants.

Oh, the irony. I'm sorry to break it to you, but "Gun control" does not work, criminals will still have guns, so you're only making it harder for LAW-ABIDING people to defend themselves. In the US, it has the reverse effect, it shifts the balance of power to criminals and the government, rather than the people. That's why cities with the most gun control are usually cities with the highest crime, and vice versa. Is that what you want?

Funny...a lot of countries with good common sense regulations on guns seem to have far fewer problems with gun violence, mass shootings, and in intentional homicide. Hmmm....maybe they're on to something.
Funny, that's how I feel about people like you..... your lack of character, your disgusting behavior, your sorry excuse for values and morals, your total disregard for freedom and civil liberties, I am disgusted by all of it.

That's what busybody authoritarians do, bring out the disgust from the rest of us.
Not one thing the dipshit did today will stop one crime but a whole lot of Democrat supporters are going to get rich off that $5 billion.

Oh how brilliant. Another NRA brainwashed Moran with a retarded meme that implies the only possible gun control is a total confiscation of guns and that somehow that is what anyone who imposed the least possible restriction wants.

Oh, the irony. I'm sorry to break it to you, but "Gun control" does not work, criminals will still have guns, so you're only making it harder for LAW-ABIDING people to defend themselves. In the US, it has the reverse effect, it shifts the balance of power to criminals and the government, rather than the people. That's why cities with the most gun control are usually cities with the highest crime, and vice versa. Is that what you want?

Funny...a lot of countries with good common sense regulations on guns seem to have far fewer problems with gun violence, mass shootings, and in intentional homicide. Hmmm....maybe they're on to something.

You completely ignored my point that IN THE US gun control doesn't work and usually has the reverse effect. Criminals already have guns, and they'll still get guns even if we add more laws to the already existing thousands of laws on the books.

Do you believe that criminals obey the law? Yes or no?
Meanwhile, late this afternoon, another mass shooting, in Bryan Texas. 1 dead, 4 wounded. Guy opened fire at work. Just another good guy with a gun, until he wasn't a good guy anymore.

Sounds like work place violence.
Too bad none of the people he attacked shot him to death immediately, huh?

Yes more guns! Let's have even MORE workplace shoot outs!

View attachment 477824
So, you got nothing intelligent to say and you're just going to snivel like a pissed off teenage girl then?

Got it.

(Need a tampon?)

No. I find your used tampons revolting to contemplate.
Funny, that's how I feel about people like you..... your lack of character, your disgusting behavior, your sorry excuse for values and morals, your total disregard for freedom and civil liberties, I am disgusted by all of it.

Congratulations, I am a profane, hedonistic, violent, Heathen Outlaw who at one point in my life, actually enjoyed killing people, and you are so fucking shitty you even revolt me.

Your mama must be soooo proud.:rolleyes:

Wipe the spittle off your keyboard.

You're entire world view, as seems to be expressed here is - kill or be killed. No wonder you worship guns. Your concern for civil liberties comes up hypocritical when you make statements about letting the weak die.

A gun is a tool, not a sacrement.

The Goddess would be sooo proud of you.
Meanwhile, late this afternoon, another mass shooting, in Bryan Texas. 1 dead, 4 wounded. Guy opened fire at work. Just another good guy with a gun, until he wasn't a good guy anymore.

Sounds like work place violence.
Too bad none of the people he attacked shot him to death immediately, huh?

Yes more guns! Let's have even MORE workplace shoot outs!

View attachment 477824
I normally (pre-COVID) work on one of the huge gun free zones, that being an Army post. A few years ago, a man approached a younger man in the parking lot of one of the largest buildings in the US, where the Army houses it personnel center. The man's much younger wife worked there. He was an Army veteran. The younger man had been sleeping with his wife, so he shot the younger man dead, right in the parking lot, as the younger man got off from work, and then the older veteran quietly surrendered to the MPs. The only law he broke before the shooting was bringing the gun on post.
The Goddess would be sooo proud of you

One of the most common questions people ask about religious words is whether to capitalize the word “god.” The name or title of any specific deity is capitalized just like any other name, so when “God” is used to refer to “the one God” (in other words, in any monotheistic religion), it is capitalized.Apr
Funny, that's how I feel about people like you..... your lack of character, your disgusting behavior, your sorry excuse for values and morals, your total disregard for freedom and civil liberties, I am disgusted by all of it.

That's what busybody authoritarians do, bring out the disgust from the rest of us.

Authoritarians who prevent transgender teens from getting hormone therapy? Authoritarians who interfere in private decisions between a woman and her doctor?
Authoritarians who insist two adults of the same sex can't marry?

Busy body authoritarians involved in our most intimate decisions but god forbid someone suggest that maybe we should consider some gun control, you know maybe background checks, limiting certain kinds of guns - that's AUTHORITARIAN.

Make your minds.
The Goddess would be sooo proud of you

One of the most common questions people ask about religious words is whether to capitalize the word “god.” The name or title of any specific deity is capitalized just like any other name, so when “God” is used to refer to “the one God” (in other words, in any monotheistic religion), it is capitalized.Apr

The Goddess would be sooo proud of you

One of the most common questions people ask about religious words is whether to capitalize the word “god.” The name or title of any specific deity is capitalized just like any other name, so when “God” is used to refer to “the one God” (in other words, in any monotheistic religion), it is capitalized.Apr

I thought you were fairly intelligent even if brainwashed.

Even pastedthe grammar rules for capitalizing a diety. you insist on showing your ignorance and stubbornness. Imaginary gods are not capitalized.

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