Biden Appoints NSBA President Who Called Parents 'Domestic Terrorists' To Federal Board Overseeing Student Progress


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Two Days After Asking Biden to Target Parents as ‘Domestic Terrorists’, Biden Appoints National School Boards Association President Viola Garcia to a Federal Board Overseeing Student Progress

Biden rewards Liberal Teacher's Union President who requested FBI assistance to intimidate and silence parents opposing CRT, worked with WH to draft a letter calling parents 'Domestic Terrorists', by appointing her to a Federal Board Overseeing Student Progress.

Viola Garcia was appointed to the National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) earlier this month by Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona. The NAGB has oversight over the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), which “is the largest continuing and nationally representative assessment of what our nation’s students know and can do in subjects such as mathematics, reading, science, and writing.”

According to emails obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, the NSBA was in talks with Biden administration officials in the weeks leading up to sending their letter.

This morning we reported that the states of Missouri and Ohio terminated their relationships with the NSBA because of Garcia’s letter.

Of course she would be appointed. Viola Garcia is touting the political line of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies.... Her letter was just part of the theier common ideology.
Wow. Biden is rewarding the leftist for continuing to push forward the anti-white racist agenda and punish any parents who object.
He seems to make a point of appointing people who are completely whacked out of their mind.
View attachment 556604

Two Days After Asking Biden to Target Parents as ‘Domestic Terrorists’, Biden Appoints National School Boards Association President Viola Garcia to a Federal Board Overseeing Student Progress

Biden rewards Liberal Teacher's Union President who requested FBI assistance to intimidate and silence parents opposing CRT, worked with WH to draft a letter calling parents 'Domestic Terrorists', by appointing her to a Federal Board Overseeing Student Progress.

Viola Garcia was appointed to the National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) earlier this month by Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona. The NAGB has oversight over the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), which “is the largest continuing and nationally representative assessment of what our nation’s students know and can do in subjects such as mathematics, reading, science, and writing.”

This morning we reported that the states of Missouri and Ohio terminated their relationships with the NSBA because of Garcia’s letter.

The Democrat Party is a crazy cult and one of the symptoms is their relentless hate and fear mongering of mainstream Americans
Appointing idiots like this is Joe's way of telling the American people that he will do whatever he wants, and if the people don't like it they can GFT. Biden has become a tyrant.

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