Biden asks court not to release Dominion voting Systems report

Anyone who want a win by their party to ever be taken seriously, should be out front in insisting thorough, open and unbiased investigation into any allegation of cheating by their supporters. They should also be loudly and constantly urging their supporters not to take the cheating route.

If they only care about winning and don't care how, they should act just like the Democrats are acting now.
Yup. Simple tabulation machines should NOT have an algorithm embedded within. THAT IS PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF VOTE FRAUD.
What sticks in my mind is a video of an ex (go figure) election machine employee-either a ES&S employee or ex-Dominion employee, who worked on election machines demonstrated how a machine’s voting column can be easily altered to obtain false results.
Yup. Simple tabulation machines should NOT have an algorithm embedded within. THAT IS PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF VOTE FRAUD.
Spot on westwall. A little more to inform readers (including me) unfamiliar with what an algorithm does with respect to false tabulating:

“Instead of counting individual votes, the RCV algorithm allows “the user to assign a weighted numerical value to candidates and change the overall result,” leading to the winner of an election being decided on “a basis of points, not votes,” according to Section J Error Rates in the audit published by Ramsland Jr.’s firm, Allied Security Operations Group (ASOG).”
No one wants to hear someone's manufactured "facts"...well, maybe you lemmings do. :)
Trump lost. Get over it.
We're trying, but Biden is so bad that we can't help but reminisce about the good old Trump days. I damned sure didn't have to pay $100.00 dollars to fill my pick up truck up under Trump. Then groceries are off the chain price wise, and on and on our worst fears are realized once we see that all predictions were spot on if Bidum became the president. It hurts to be right.
We're trying, but Biden is so bad that we can't help but reminisce about the good old Trump days. I damned sure didn't have to pay $100.00 dollars to fill my pick up truck up under Trump. Then groceries are off the chain price wise, and on and on our worst fears are realized once we see that all predictions were spot on if Bidum became the president. It hurts to be right.

$100 bucks?

Nobody with a brain wants trump back, so fucking run him again in 2024!!! Question is will he be able to run as a felon?
There's nothing to see. The report is conjecture. Therefore, nothing to present. No reason to waste time on it. Time to move on...right?..and not be a little bitch about it more than a year after. :)
Your savior is going to be shortly buried under a mountain of legal issues so high, he'll be a non-factor both in November and in 2024.
The left hopes the conservatives will just move on and let it be, but that's way to late for that. Way to much water under the bridge, and the bridge has been undermined by it all.
$100 bucks?

Nobody with a brain wants trump back, so fucking run him again in 2024!!! Question is will he be able to run as a felon?
Better convict Hillary or Trump ain't going anywhere. You leftist have set the precedent on what constitutes crime and what doesn't, so enjoy your new avenue's created that allows politician's or official's high in government to escape justice. 2024 will be Trump no doubt, so don't whine about it because you all done it.
We're trying, but Biden is so bad that we can't help but reminisce about the good old Trump days. I damned sure didn't have to pay $100.00 dollars to fill my pick up truck up under Trump. Then groceries are off the chain price wise, and on and on our worst fears are realized once we see that all predictions were spot on if Bidum became the president. It hurts to be right.
Many Americans have now realized that Biden’s handlers (he is not competent) are even worse than most of his opposition ever suspected. It has a lot to do with having the power of the message of LSM, the media cheerleaders who are mostly left serving pieces of work, blatantly biased. Domestic media sources, last I checked, 93 plus percent ( it was higher but playing it safe without confirming) owned by New York Dems who spin the rhetoric game whenever possible.

I believe, even though repetitive false truth sayers will continue to beat their warped drums, truth and justice will win out. It won’t happen until we get an honest….well, I can’t use the word Joe here that’s for sure, an honest person to become the next president. Unless the liberals (outplayed currently by their kinfolk radicals) pull out some magically unknown rabbit out of their hat, it sure isn’t going to come from their side of the field.
Better convict Hillary or Trump ain't going anywhere. You leftist have set the precedent on what constitutes crime and what doesn't, so enjoy your new avenue's created that allows politician's or official's high in government to escape justice. 2024 will be Trump no doubt, so don't whine about it because you all done it.
We know what a crime is. Lying on loan applications would be one of them.

So, what crime has Hillary committed?
He is obviously terrified of the truth otherwise he would WELCOME this. The trump haters evade that fact everytime myself and many others everytime we mention that,they evade that fact.:abgg2q.jpg:

Odd. The media always says the claims are false. Every mention of the steal in every leftwing media story, the media has been instructed to use the adjective "false" or "unproven". So now when some evidence might come out, the left blocks it.
And nobody in the leftwing media questions it. Of course they don't.
We're trying, but Biden is so bad that we can't help but reminisce about the good old Trump days. I damned sure didn't have to pay $100.00 dollars to fill my pick up truck up under Trump. Then groceries are off the chain price wise, and on and on our worst fears are realized once we see that all predictions were spot on if Bidum became the president. It hurts to be right.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12:Exactly,well spoken,could not have said it better myself.:thup:
He is obviously terrified of the truth otherwise he would WELCOME this. The trump haters evade that fact everytime myself and many others everytime we mention that,they evade that fact.:abgg2q.jpg:

Fox were taken to court and lost because they implied they were rigged. They were not and worked as designed. Repubmicans focused in a machine because they couldn't make a human appear incompetent.
So, why would Biden want to stop the release of them? Because you are reading some conspiracy theory shit into it again.
Why can't you accept you are wrong and beaten?
Nothing will change a fact, not even blockhead repubmicans filled with hate. Grow up
Odd. The media always says the claims are false. Every mention of the steal in every leftwing media story, the media has been instructed to use the adjective "false" or "unproven". So now when some evidence might come out, the left blocks it.
And nobody in the leftwing media questions it. Of course they don't.
It’s still “false” and a “lie”.

And you’re still ignorant.
We know what a crime is. Lying on loan applications would be one of them.

So, what crime has Hillary committed?
Kidding me right ?? Good grief... None according to you leftist, and that's why you'll never get anywhere attacking Trump, because you all wouldn't know a criminal offense committed by your own demogod's if it bit you in your ace's (constantly turning a blind eye). A little Hillary Kool aid maybe ?? Drink and be Merry Lefty, but know that you all have set the bar as low as it will go.

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