Biden Blames Guns

Before AR15's the bad guys used bombs in mass killings dummy. ^^^ clueless alert!
Let them go back to it. The good stuff and good detonators are harder to get and take more skill to make it work right.
The stuttering fuck had to read something a 22-year old intern cobbled together in 5 minutes and then ran it thru a "dumb it down to a 4th grade level" app. The stammering shit clown had NOTHING from the heart. Only mumbling marxist talking points and shitting on the memories of murdered children.

Let's not forget this fucking spectacle.
There he goes again. Using the tragedy of dead kids for political grandstanding. What an asshole!!
He could have killed and wounded many times that number if he'd just waiting till school got out and the kids were lined up to get on busses and hanging out on the lawn by ramming his truck through them.
Shooter was a Rookie Tranny and Latin-x with too much Mestizo to be a White Hispanic
There are only two classes for Hispanics, White and African.

If you have a Hispanic last name you have Spanish Ancestry 99% of the time.
He could have killed and wounded many times that number if he'd just waiting till school got out and the kids were lined up to get on busses and hanging out on the lawn by ramming his truck through them.
Yep, murders will murder, there were no 'good guns' to stop him.
There are only two classes for Hispanics, White and African.

If you have a Hispanic last name you have Spanish Ancestry 99% of the time.
There are Hispanics that look like a Korean Man had a love child with a short swarthy Mexican woman , when other Hispanics see them they say “ Indio”
Yep, murders will murder, there were no 'good guns' to stop him.
Except for the ones that saw him get out of his truck with his rifles.
I live in a state, where to go into my granddaughter's school during school hours require somebody looking at a monitor to answer you ringing a bell to get in, same as the National Guard Headquarter, I once served at. What is the matter with Texas, they do not take minimal precautions on their schools?
So the Hispanics that look like Sitting bull are White ? ( who woulda thunk it )
There are only two categories for Hispanic/Latino on the census. Why is that so difficult to wrap your head around?

Stop being hung up on appearances, you sound like a democrat.
I was unaware that Mestizo were white
You are showing your own ignorance.




  1. A person of mixed racial ancestry, especially of mixed European and Native American ancestry.


There are only two categories for Hispanic/Latino on the census. Why is that so difficult to wrap your head around?

Stop being hung up on appearances, you sound like a democrat.
The members of that school board have a lot to answer for because in Texas we can legally arm and train staff to be the first responders in such an incident.
Public schools should have a government mandate to provide 1-point entries and armed security in all schools. Public, charter or private.
Um I’ve only traveled in Mexico like 46 Times and grew up in Southern California ( now 62 Years old ) and know the Variations on the theme

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