Biden Blames Guns

(a) The Amendment’s prefatory clause announces a purpose, but does not limit or expand the scope of the second part, the operative clause. The operative clause’s text and history demonstrate that it connotes an individual right to keep and bear arms. Pp. 2–22.​

If the prefatory clause does not limit or expand the scope of the second part as they say then the decision is not based on the actual written language of the SA in the operative clause to get the right to an individual. They get to the individual right by citing history and three states that refer to the “individual” right with no association to the public good or restraint on public safety possibly because public safety was not a concern at the time because most colonists that kept firearms on hand and were farmers and the sons probably began shooting about the age of the nineteen slain classmates in Uvalde because we had a ruling that interprets the SA based on history leading up to 1790 when there was no household firearms that can fire thirty lethal rounds in a matter of seconds. And a disgruntled kid with no Family farming experience can work a week at McDonalds and buy an assault rifle basically handing over the cash abd then commit mass murder with it.

That is a fraudulent interpretation of the SA because they contradict their own meaning of the Amendment’s prefatory clause, when they say it announces a purpose, but does not limit or expand the scope of the second part. …. Then they turn around and expand the operative clause from “people” associated with a local militia to protect the common good to an individual with no association or responsibility to the public’s safety or defense

It’s disgusting to me

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If the prefatory clause does not limit or expand the scope of the second part as get say,....
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.

None of your arguments matter, as they were all dismissed 2 decades ago.
OK General General. 10:4 But I did learn how to read I think it was in the second grade When guns come didn’t hold their rights to play with an AR 15 higher than my life. So there’s that General General.

Except for the fact nobody is playing with your life. 99% of all AR owners are law abiding responsible people.
Except for the fact nobody is playing with your life. 99% of all AR owners are law abiding responsible people’s

Every time anybody buys a gun and nobody gives a shit why is Republicans playing with my life.

99% of law abiding gun owners are currently losing half a million guns a year to theft, ignorance or selling them on the black market when they need some cash to feed their beer bellies is a lot of guns getting into the hands of criminals Republicans playing with my life
"The Congress shall have the power to provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

"To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress

"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States
Every time anybody buys a gun and nobody gives a shit why is Republicans playing with my life.

99% of law abiding gun owners are currently losing half a million guns a year to theft, ignorance or selling them on the black market when they need some cash to feed their beer bellies is a lot of guns getting into the hands of criminals Republicans playing with my life

The only guns sold on the black market are stolen, not people selling their own weapons legally purchased outside of straw buyers. And what do you mean nobody gives a shit why? Like what are we supposed to do, ask a future killer why he's buying a gun and their response will be to invade a school and kill a bunch of kids? Is that how you think they will answer?
M14 Shooter

Yes it does - but that is not how it reads as written in the Constitution. You have never you can try to challenge when I’m writing the past few days.

Multiple courts say otherwise. They know far more about our founders, the language, the debates of firearms, the punctuation than you can dream of.
You make less sense with each post. Extremists will get the tools they desire whether they are legal or not.

Your behavior is exactly the behavior of a professional propangandist with an extremist background. In the moment you are in the phase "throw with dirt". So bye bye.
wgen hewpopres uit a hwl csclsc The United States is much, much, much larger than Germany,

Germany has 3% of the size of the USA. In case you had the same population density then 8 billion people would live in the USA. So you should be compared with us a nation with much less violence.

in fact, our country is almost as large as all of Europe. The ideas that work in your very small countries to not always translate to countries as large and diverse as the US.

Japan 0.6 weapons per 100 inhabitants. Germany 32 weapons per 100 inhabitants. USA 120 weapons per 100 inhabitants. We have in Germany the highest number of weapons per inhabitant in whole Europe.

But your titanic problems with weapons have nothing to do with the size of a country. Who sells war weapons to an 18 years old adolescent during a brain reconstruction phase has not to be astonished when 19 children will be murdered faster than anyone is able to react! Your weapon laws - if such laws exist at all in your country - are extremly stupid!!!
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Your behavior is exactly the behavior of a professional propangandist with an extremist background. In the moment you are in the phase "throw with dirt". So bye bye.
It's not my fault you constantly type gibberish.

"Extremism in defense of Liberty is no vice".

I'm not an extremist, I am however an expert on the subject.
Germany has 3% of the size of the USA. In case you had the same population density then 8 billion people would live in the USA. So you should be compared with us a nation with much less violence.

Japan 0.6 weapons per 100 inhabitants. Germany 32 weapons per 100 inhabitants. USA 120 weapons per 100 inhabitants. We have in Germany the highest number of weapons per inhabitant in whole Europe.

But your titanic problems with weapons have nothing to do with the size of a country. Who sells war weapons to an 18 years old adolescent during a brain reconstruction phase has not to be astonished when 19 children will be murdered faster than anyone is able to react! Your weapon laws - if such laws exist at all in your country - are extremly stupid!!!
No honest comparison of the US with any other nation outside of perhaps Russia can be made since they are the only nation on earth that approximates the conditions in the US culturally, demographically, and geographically.

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