Biden Blames Guns

You cannot prove he would have gunned down these kids right after he turned 18 with a different weapon.

There’s an entire different set of realities if the age limit has been set at 21. You say there is only one reality In order to preserve a manufactured right for a loner at age 18 to easily purchase the weapon of his choice that he plans to use to murder as many school kids as he has ammo.

I don't know and neither do you. What I do know about psychos is not allowing them to legally buy a firearm doesn't make them normal. They will always be psychos and always want to kill. For all we know, if he did have to wait until the age of 21, he might have gotten another illegal gun when he was 17 and committed these crimes since he couldn't wait that long.

You don’t. The well regulated militia referred to in the second amendment as written Is formed within each community and regulated by the community the same as building a church together. So there. You are not arguing with me, you are arguing with yourself.

How am I arguing with myself. Let's go through the dynamics here.

I'm living back in that time and the state calls for a militia. The government disarmed me because it was thought that only a militia had these constitutional protections. How am I to join a militia when I have no firearms?
The government disarmed me because it was thought that only a militia had these constitutional protections.
You are not disarmed because the SA does not read that only members of Militia mcan have these constitutional protected right to bear arms It says “the people”. as in people” plural
Had a right to bear Armstrong as in a community of “people, not an individual had a right to bear arms well Regulated within that community of people for The common good and for the preservation of the state.

That is not what we have now. We have unknown private individuals having the right to buy whatever type of firearm they want to use it for whatever they want, they are not tied to the community of people as a whole in which they live. There are a few normal acting dark souls buying guns with evil intent, but it only takes a few under the current gun lobby interpretation of the second amendment dangerous to make the Current process dangerous. Really dangerous for 10 year olds in classrooms right now turn on armed Black people in supermarkets. We need each community to regulate who should be able to purchase a gun. And pry into his intentions. As the SA Is actually in writing

This is a community militia having nothing to do with the state or government and people possess their own arms. Today would be a gun mentoring community involved with any new member who wants to have possession of a firearm.
I'm not talking about today, I'm talking when the Constitution was written.
I am talking about when the constitution was written in 1790 as well. I am reading the second amendment exactly as it is written. I am not leaving anything out or adding anything to it. I am just reading it.
If government made a law that nobody could own a gun, how would the state be able to organize a militia when nobody had guns?
Government did not make an alarm in 1790 and nobody could only go. In 1799 would be the last thing on the great minds of the new government.

The second amendment does not say that the state or any of the states organize the militia.

You are not arguing with me. I have no idea who you arguing with.
The one I've been making all along: A 21 year old age limit wouldn't have stopped this psycho from killing other people.
I have not written that he could not kill other people. I said he would not have killed the people that were killed mostly because his 18th birthday on March 16 would not have been the driving factor of when it occurred. But no one else knows what would’ve been any other incident and not following him with an illegal gun.
You are not disarmed because the SA does not read that only members of Militia mcan have these constitutional protected right to bear arms It says “the people”. as in people” plural
Had a right to bear Armstrong as in a community of “people, not an individual had a right to bear arms well Regulated within that community of people for The common good and for the preservation of the state.
Your argument was dismissed 2 decades ago.
Thus, your opinion is irrelevat.
I'm living back in that time and the state calls for a militia.
I’m living back at that time. I own a Kentucky long rifle for hunting. It hangs above my fireplace. I shot three British officers with it during the war. My community has already formed it’s own militia. If there’s a reason to fight against a threat we all know each other and I’ve done some training on what to do, who leads who communicates and how my rifle has to be used. The second amendment is a confirmation of what the role of the firearm was to play in the future of the new and growing nation. It did not say that I could have any weapon of war that I want for my own personal use.

So communities may organize a well regulated militia, purchase standard rifles and store them in an armory with the gun powder and such. Much like a volunteer fire department keeps the wagon with the water tanks in the central fire house. My long rifle would stay at home perhaps but I am a member of a well regulated militia. And I know everybody in our community who carries a gun.
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'm sorry you don't like the fact your opinion means nothing, but there's nothing I can do about it.
You can pontificate all you want about the 2nd Amendment -- you're still wrong
OK General General. 10:4 But I did learn how to read I think it was in the second grade When guns come didn’t hold their rights to play with an AR 15 higher than my life. So there’s that General General.
Except the one where your argument was dismissed 2 decades ago, rending your opinion irrelevant.
Provide the link to where my argument was dismissed two decades ago. The court ruling had nothing to do with my argument that I am making today.

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