Biden Calls for “Assault” Weapons and High Capacity Magazine Ban


Diamond Member
May 10, 2015
Yep, he is at it again. What an idiot.

From his SOTU address:

“After another school shooting in Iowa he said we should just “get over it.”

I say we must stop it.

I’m proud we beat the NRA when I signed the most significant gun safety law in nearly 30 years!

Now we must beat the NRA again!

I’m demanding a ban on

assault weapons
and high-capacity magazines!

Pass universal background checks!

None of this violates the Second Amendment or vilifies responsible gun owners.
Yep, he is at it again. What an idiot.

From his SOTU address:

“After another school shooting in Iowa he said we should just “get over it.”

I say we must stop it.

I’m proud we beat the NRA when I signed the most significant gun safety law in nearly 30 years!

Now we must beat the NRA again!

I’m demanding a ban on

assault weapons

and high-capacity magazines!

Pass universal background checks!

None of this violates the Second Amendment or vilifies responsible gun owners.
Look..........his gun grab bills do violate the 2nd Amendment.....common man.
Yep, he is at it again. What an idiot.

From his SOTU address:

“After another school shooting in Iowa he said we should just “get over it.”

I say we must stop it.

I’m proud we beat the NRA when I signed the most significant gun safety law in nearly 30 years!

Now we must beat the NRA again!

I’m demanding a ban on

assault weapons

and high-capacity magazines!

Pass universal background checks!

None of this violates the Second Amendment or vilifies responsible gun owners.
I actually thought he had a very good point and fully support his point of view. We definitely need a ban on assault weapons, it is silly for people to even have the right to own them. You don't need an assault weapon to own for self defense, it's ridiculous.
Yep, he is at it again. What an idiot.

From his SOTU address:

“After another school shooting in Iowa he said we should just “get over it.”

I say we must stop it.

I’m proud we beat the NRA when I signed the most significant gun safety law in nearly 30 years!

Now we must beat the NRA again!

I’m demanding a ban on

assault weapons

and high-capacity magazines!

Pass universal background checks!

None of this violates the Second Amendment or vilifies responsible gun owners.
^Shrug^. Worked the first time around in the 90's.
And still, no one would be coming for my guns. Imagine that. :)
I actually thought he had a very good point and fully support his point of view. We definitely need a ban on assault weapons, it is silly for people to even have the right to own them. You don't need an assault weapon to own for self defense, it's ridiculous.
When 12 machete welding imported thugs from Venezuela try kicking down your door you're going to wish you had something that shoots more than 5 bullets.
No one is coming to take my guns....or yours. :)
Fearmongering is what the right wing does best.

You have to be a special kind of stupid not to understand that taking your guns is their ultimate goal. But then again, Biden voters actually believe that he wants to secure the border, despite all the evidence to the contrary. I will never understand the blind obedience and gullibility of the average Democratic voter.
When 12 machete welding imported thugs from Venezuela try kicking down your door you're going to wish you had something that shoots more than 5 bullets.

There is no way that would ever happen because illegal immigrants would never dare bring illegal guns across our border. That would be breaking the law. ;)
I actually thought he had a very good point and fully support his point of view. We definitely need a ban on assault weapons, it is silly for people to even have the right to own them. You don't need an assault weapon to own for self defense, it's ridiculous.
I actually thought he had a very good point and fully support his point of view. We definitely need a ban on assault weapons, it is silly for people to even have the right to own them. You don't need an assault weapon to own for self defense, it's ridiculous.
We definitely need a ban on assault weapons,

They are responsible for fewer deaths than handguns.
Yep, he is at it again. What an idiot.

From his SOTU address:

“After another school shooting in Iowa he said we should just “get over it.”

I say we must stop it.

I’m proud we beat the NRA when I signed the most significant gun safety law in nearly 30 years!

Now we must beat the NRA again!

I’m demanding a ban on

assault weapons

and high-capacity magazines!

Pass universal background checks!

None of this violates the Second Amendment or vilifies responsible gun owners.
I think it's funny that the state of New York is using the national guard to protect subway areas because they say that repeat offenders are causing violence. It never even occurs to them to keep repeat offenders locked up as a solution. Their mentality is to let dangerous people run around loose and then try to keep guns and ammunition out of their hands.
There will be no ban on AR15s or standard capacity magazines.

Hell, Biden said a 9mm would blow a ling right out of the body and to fire two shotgun blasts if you even think someone is breaking in to your house.

The Guy is an idiot.

Instead of banning guns maybe we should ban criminals, dopeheads and crazy people since they are the ones using guns to hurt innocent people. If we banned them we wouldn't need any gun control.

More gun control doesn't make America safer or better because all the people who go out and hurt others are still here.

But this isn't about protecting anyone. This is about weakening Americans as a whole. If they really wanted to protect Americans they would protect us from the minority that cause the majority of problems.

They are responsible for fewer deaths than handguns.
Because he's a follower.

The Democrat party is for it, so he's for it.

That's the joy of being a don't have to think for yourself...just say what everyone else is saying and you never have to worry about being "wrong".
I actually thought he had a very good point and fully support his point of view. We definitely need a ban on assault weapons, it is silly for people to even have the right to own them. You don't need an assault weapon to own for self defense, it's ridiculous.
And this is where ignorance of the 2A, its framing and purpose, is shown. The primary purpose of the 2A is for Americans to be able to protect themselves from Gov't tyranny, domestic and foreign. This right was not only in the Constitution, but was also restated within State Constitutions. Personal protection is a secondary right. The primary right is for the citizenry, when Tyranny has presented itself, to take a stand with Arms, and right the course of the federal gov't and, if needed, reboot the gov't that has become tyrannical.

To take away the right of the citizens to hold accountable a gov't that is no longer serving the people and the constitution, is laying down your faith and putting trust in gov't. The founding fathers never intended for the people to trust and give full faith in gov't to work for the people.
LOL.....The NRA is about as terminal as FJB is at this point. :laughing0301:

That's fine though, let the leftist vermin poke at the ineffective NRA while the SAF, GOA, and grass root state pro-2A .orgs makes good things happen for gun owners.
The Crazy Democrat Cult fears people who can defend themselves.
Here are some other types of people who fear armed victims:
Mass shooters
Car Jackers
There is no way that would ever happen because illegal immigrants would never dare bring illegal guns across our border. That would be breaking the law. ;)
Actually, fun fact, it seems there is a lot of gun smuggling going on right here in this country...but the guns...are flowing south to Mexico from gun friendly states.
Interesting. :)
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