Biden calls Fox reporter a “stupid SOB” after he asks question

But you criticize him because he didn't tell us everything he was going to do because what we're doing is classified for tactical reasons.
If he tells you dumbasses everything he is going to do, then the press will turn around and let our enemies know exactly what he was planning on doing....essentially sabotaging everything we set out to do to prevent the current state in Afghanistan.
But that's why you're a Democrat.
You spend so much time thinking you should know everything when you shouldn't.
The primary purpose of secrecy is to gain a tactical advantage over our enemies.
Unlike Biden who gives our enemies weapons and gives them a heads-up on where to attack next.

Right, and he walked away from negotiating with China also because of some national security concerns. Lol
Sarcastically and with no small amount of pent up rage, he answered.
That Quid Pro Joe apologized just demonstrates he went way too far.
And the people that manage him realize it whether Scranton Joe does or not.

Of course you claim no big deal but I have never before in my life seen a president of the USA
cursing out a reporter for asking a question about his job performance in office.
This is the equivalent of George Patton slapping a soldier with traumatic stress disorder.
It's that big a blunder.
Doocy did his job. Biden ripped him for it.

Old Joe is hyper sensitive, thin skinned and realizes obviously the mess he has made of his time in the spotlight, whether that time is warranted or not. And of course this just reinforces Joe is incapable
of accepting responsibility for the mess he has made.

He isn't temperamentally fit to manage a road side Taco Bell. Let alone the United States
of America.

Only the democrat kleptocrats would be smart and organized enough to steal a
presidential election and yet stupid enough to put Scranton Joe Biden in the White House!
Suck on that!
It could either be just a reveal of his nasty personality OR a symptom of early dementia. Or even both.
Right, and he walked away from negotiating with China also because of some national security concerns. Lol
Who told you that?
Trump is always open to negotiations.....but he's not willing to sell America out for a buck like Biden did.
So called "journalists" from the State approved media ARE peddling fake news and ARE enemies
of democracy. CNN, Google, NBC, Daily Beast, etc.
That's a given. Unaffiliated journalists like Tim Pool, Matt Taibbi and Lydia Smith all agree.

I've never claimed Trump's behavior at times doesn't call for an apology so that's a big lie!

But after Joe Biden shits on the carpet I'm not about to help you cover it up by
pointing to Donald Trump.

RIGHT HERE you are justifying Trump calling journalists the enemy of the people, which is way way worse than anything Biden has said.

Biden made sarcastic remark, called the guy stupid and personally appologized to him. The guy himself took it in stride. Yet here you are, twisting your panties in a bunch about supposedly never having witnessed something about Biden's behavior. :icon_rolleyes: Give me a fucking break.
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What does your whataboutism that have to do with Biden’s nasty personality and his profanity? You all kept saying you didn’t want a crass president like Trump and were voting for someone you said was civil, and would bring unity. To that, I have one word: Ha!
It's the complete and total hypocrisy of you rubes which is so egregious, dipshit.

We have had many foul-mouthed presidents. Trump was among the worst. Up there with LBJ. To hear you fuckwits whining about Biden making an insult is the epitome of hypocrisy.

Why didn't you challenge Trump's mental capacity whenever he did the same? Fuck you.

And Biden apologized directly to the person he insulted. Trump never had the balls to man up and do the same.

It's the complete and total hypocrisy of you rubes which is so egregious, dipshit.

We have had many foul-mouthed presidents. Trump was among the worst. Up there with LBJ. To hear you fuckwits whining about Biden making an insult is the epitome of hypocrisy.

Why didn't you challenge Trump's mental capacity whenever he did the same? Fuck you.

And Biden apologized directly to the person he insulted. Trump never had the balls to man up and do the same.

Wow. Somebody needs a mirror, bad!

It was YOU hypocrites that made a federal case out of every “mean” tweet, exclaiming you didn’t want a crass man as president and that Biden was a gentleman. You voted for him because he was not Trump.

And now that Biden is showing himself to be an even more crass man - when did Trump ever call a reporter a stupid son of a Bitch?! - all of a sudden you’re making excuses for it and saying, well….Trump said all sorts of nasty things.

THAT is the point. You were enraged when Trump was abrasive, and insisted that it was unacceptable in a president. Now you have one just as bad, if not worse, but with horrible, destructive policies to boot.

You deranged leftists are hypocrites, and anti-Americans, intent on silencing and censoring and intimidating anyone who stands in your way of destroying this country.
What does your whataboutism that have to do with Biden’s nasty personality and his profanity? You all kept saying you didn’t want a crass president like Trump and were voting for someone you said was civil, and would bring unity. To that, I have one word: Ha!
Well....obviously they lied.
They knew Biden was a the media turned Trump into a bigger prick...hopefully.
I dont doubt that trump grabbed a few pussies in the sexually wide open lib culture of new york

and I suspect 99% of the women loved it and some probably grabbed a few pussies themselves
How old are you? High school, college?
Fucking leftists know no boundaries. Question for you Bobob, do you think your kind will blame Trump for everything longer than you guys have blamed Reagan for your problems? Reagan's run is over 40 years already. Tuff call right?

You're a dick.
And you are a nitwit. Many of 'we guys' voted for Reagan and Republicans who followed. Tump is a grifter and deserves the negative attention that he receives from Reagan Republicans and Dems alike. Fucking tump magots can't see the forest for the trees. You and your ilk are anti-American and should be ashamed for supporting someone who wants to convert our democracy into a Putin-like autocracy, and acts like an asshole in every way.

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