Biden calls Fox reporter a “stupid SOB” after he asks question

Of course you claim no big deal but I have never before in my life seen a president of the USA
cursing out a reporter for asking a question about his job performance in office.
Oooooh I see, so when Trump time and time again calls journalists fake news and THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE, you are hanging your hat on the fact that he didn't technically use a curse word.

Seriously moron?

Here is another time Trump didn't techincally use a curseword as he was making fun of a disabled reporter:


He appologized for NOTHING.

And then of course a tool like you will even try to argue that the reason Trump didn't apologize for any of this ridiculous behavior was because unlike Biden he had nothing to appologize for.

Am I Right?
No you are an insulting troll. You have utterly failed to address what I wrote many posts ago about chapter 11 I’m beginning to think you don’t know shit you just like to come here and insult people.
I did address it. You are too stupid to have understood. First, with Trump, it goes beyond chapter 11. The majority of his bankruptcies were chapter 7's. He abused the bankruptcy laws, like many have in our nation. While he used bankruptcy to bail out his company it left many small businesses in a very bad situation. In those small businesses the owners suffered as much as the businesses. They are chapter S and LLC's. I am sure you know how flow through revenue works with these small businesses. In the mean time the Trump family does not suffer at all. That is bullshit. Good business people only use bankruptcy as a last resort. Trump used and abused it. If you had an ounce of understanding of the business world you would understand.
The fact you thought he was using Chapter 11 shows how you do not understand what Trump did. You do not understand the business world. Do not talk about what you do not know.
Oooooh I see, so when Trump time and time again calls journalists fake news and THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE, you are hanging your hat on the fact that he didn't technically use a curse word.

Seriously moron?

Here is another time Trump didn't techincally use a curseword as he was making fun of a disabled reporter:


He appologized for NOTHING.

And then of course a tool like you will even try to argue that the reason Trump didn't apologize for any of this ridiculous behavior was because unlike Biden he had nothing to appologize for.

Am I Right?

How pathetic it is that the only defense you can muster for your president is "...but Trump...."

You now Biden's an abject failure. Why don't you just be a man and admit it? I'd have a little respect for you if you could do that.
Has there ever been a President or even a person who throws out more insults than Donald Trump. Any person or politician who disagrees with him he insults. Did you post that to show how insecure Trump is. He is the most insecure President ever. That is why he cannot admit he lost the election. He is scared shitless of losing.

You’re going to have to provide some proof that they are bigger slime buckets than the Hunter. Hunter is a drug and prostitute addict who was fucking his dead brother‘s wife while he was still married mind you. Got a stripper pregnant then denied the kid he fathered with her.
It is a matter of who is worse. They are all bad. Is it your parents fault you turned out as bad as you have? Maybe. Hopefully your parents do not stick up for your bad behavior.

Oooooh I see, so when Trump time and time again calls journalists fake news and THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE, you are hanging your hat on the fact that he didn't technically use a curse word.

Seriously moron?

Here is another time Trump didn't techincally use a curseword as he was making fun of a disabled reporter:


He appologized for NOTHING.

And then of course a tool like you will even try to argue that the reason Trump didn't apologize for any of this ridiculous behavior was because unlike Biden he had nothing to appologize for.

Am I Right?
So called "journalists" from the State approved media ARE peddling fake news and ARE enemies
of democracy. CNN, Google, NBC, Daily Beast, etc.
That's a given. Unaffiliated journalists like Tim Pool, Matt Taibbi and Lydia Smith all agree.

I've never claimed Trump's behavior at times doesn't call for an apology so that's a big lie!

But after Joe Biden shits on the carpet I'm not about to help you cover it up by
pointing to Donald Trump.

Be man and take some responsibility for this senior citizen's temper tantrum which is a common trait
(the inability to take responsibility) among you cowards and Scranton Joe himself.
You are pathetic!
Trumpism is a threat to our democracy. It cannot be ignored no matter who is President. Trumpism needs to be neutralized like all other threats to our democracy and it will.
Like Joe Biden, lackey to the far left socialists running the democrat party?
Oh goodie, another rich guy on the message board, a two percenter in fact! Wonderful, it seems that 95% of the posters on this site are in the 1%ers.
I am a 2 percenter. I really am. In today's world a net worth of 6 million puts you in the top 2% but hardly makes you filthy rich.
I did address it. You are too stupid to have understood. First, with Trump, it goes beyond chapter 11. The majority of his bankruptcies were chapter 7's. He abused the bankruptcy laws, like many have in our nation. While he used bankruptcy to bail out his company it left many small businesses in a very bad situation. In those small businesses the owners suffered as much as the businesses. They are chapter S and LLC's. I am sure you know how flow through revenue works with these small businesses. In the mean time the Trump family does not suffer at all. That is bullshit. Good business people only use bankruptcy as a last resort. Trump used and abused it. If you had an ounce of understanding of the business world you would understand.
The fact you thought he was using Chapter 11 shows how you do not understand what Trump did. You do not understand the business world. Do not talk about what you do not know.
So egregious you posted this twice? Delete one of them.
Like Joe Biden, lackey to the far left socialists running the democrat party?
The far left could be a danger to our democracy but they do not have enough power, now. Hopefully they will not get it. Trumpism is a group of extremists, like the extreme left, but they have gained power. It must be stopped. It is being stopped and it will be stopped.
Extremism from all sides is a danger. Extremists, Trumpists, do not live in the real world.
Yes, I felt he should have as that is what he said he would do and what I supported.
But you criticize him because he didn't tell us everything he was going to do because what we're doing is classified for tactical reasons.
If he tells you dumbasses everything he is going to do, then the press will turn around and let our enemies know exactly what he was planning on doing....essentially sabotaging everything we set out to do to prevent the current state in Afghanistan.
But that's why you're a Democrat.
You spend so much time thinking you should know everything when you shouldn't.
The primary purpose of secrecy is to gain a tactical advantage over our enemies.
Unlike Biden who gives our enemies weapons and gives them a heads-up on where to attack next.
The far left could be a danger to our democracy but they do not have enough power, now. Hopefully they will not get it. Trumpism is a group of extremists, like the extreme left, but they have gained power. It must be stopped. It is being stopped and it will be stopped.
Extremism from all sides is a danger. Extremists, Trumpists, do not live in the real world.
Trump is an American first sort of leader. If all nations looked to their own good primarily instead of ceding
away authority to multi national amalgams the world would be better off.
Tump didn't "start" a war, but he created a world that is more on edge than ever. He dissed our Nato allies, walked away from agreements to protect the kurds in Syria, resulting in 100,000 killed, made it clear that he was not a NATO fan, engaged other countries with his "locked and loaded" attitude (pugnacious). His China war of words converted China from an economic adversary to an active military adversary. The result is that other countries cannot trust us to live up to our agreements.
Russia is counting on that.

Fucking leftists know no boundaries. Question for you Bobob, do you think your kind will blame Trump for everything longer than you guys have blamed Reagan for your problems? Reagan's run is over 40 years already. Tuff call right?

You're a dick.
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