Biden calls Fox reporter a “stupid SOB” after he asks question

I fully support the 2nd amendment. I believe we need a balanced budget. I support keeping the electoral college, the Supreme Court at 9. I am pro-life. What makes me "further left"?
Ok, maybe not…
Ok get real time:

Trump: Routinely calls most journalists fake news and the enemy of the people. Never appologizes for anything.

Biden: Journalist asks a stupid question he came up with on the fly, gets called stupid by Biden. Then gets a call from the President with apology.

If you can't tell a huge difference you aren't right in the head.
Excellent comment although I doubt many of the far-left here knows who is Saul Alinsky.

I agree. Most of the far left wouldn’t know who is he. They are uneducated and ill-informed, and that is why they are on the left.
Yes, it is true i watch the election and it was a hold-up Trump was a lot in advance and some of the people born in 1880 came during the night and vote for Xiden.
Yup. It was definitely a Plan B that was orchestrated in advance. How else do you explain five swing states, in which Trump was in the lead, simultaneously call “haaaaaaaalt!!!” in the middle of the night, and with lame excuses or outright lies (“our counters are tired….. ”a water pipe burst”), and then truckloads of ballots are brought in, 99% for Biden, and voila!….the count is restarted the next morning, and Biden is in the lead.
I am in the top 2% percentile of US citizens based on net worth.
That does not make me a great person. I am a good person because of who I am not what I have.
No I am actually a great person.
What is the top 2% percentile? And does that explain why you are for leftist policies that drive up inflation on hard-working Americans, and supportive of illegal aliens invading local public schools and lowering the caliber of education? Because you are rich enough to buy your way out of the consequences of liberal destruction.

I live in the DC area and am surrounded by affluent do-goodies like you. They are all for damaging leftist policies while they can stay safely ensconced in their “bubble” - and some have even admitted it to me!
Ok get real time:

Trump: Routinely calls most journalists fake news and the enemy of the people. Never appologizes for anything.

Biden: Journalist asks a stupid question he came up with on the fly, gets called stupid by Biden. Then gets a call from the President with apology.

If you can't tell a huge difference you aren't right in the head.
The real difference is that the press licks the ample amount of shit that Biden deposits out of his ass. Many will never follow that thing in a bad time.
Ok get real time:

Trump: Routinely calls most journalists fake news and the enemy of the people. Never appologizes for anything.
Most journalists? Really?
You've done a survey? Tell everyone about it.

How can you expect to be taken seriously when you load up your posts with such garbage?
Biden: Journalist asks a stupid question he came up with on the fly, gets called stupid by Biden.
Inflation is a serious issue. What is stupid about asking Quid Pro Joe about it?
Jake Tapper, no friend of Fox News, defended Doocy, to his credit. CNN's Tapper defends Doocy after outburst from Biden

Then gets a call from the President with apology.

If you can't tell a huge difference you aren't right in the head.
I'm sure the people that control what Joe Biden does insisted on it knowing how bad it makes
the cranky old president look.
Inflation peaked under Carter in April of 1980 at 14.8%. When Reagan took office in January 1981 inflation was at 11.8%. By the end of December 1981 inflation was at 8.9%, 5.9% less than when he took office. Biden's numbers are the opposite. He started at 1.4% and is up to 7%, up 5.6%. This is all according to your graph. When Reagan left office in January 1989 inflation was at 4.7.

Not sure where you are coming up with Reagan having a large jump in inflation, can you explain?
Looks like ElmerMudd made up crap and ran away when called on it. Interesting.

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